Python dateutil.easter.easter() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of dateutil.easter.easter(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module dateutil.easter , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def apply(self, other):
        current_easter = easter(other.year)
        current_easter = datetime(current_easter.year,
        current_easter = conversion.localize_pydatetime(current_easter,

        n = self.n
        if n >= 0 and other < current_easter:
            n -= 1
        elif n < 0 and other > current_easter:
            n += 1
        # TODO: Why does this handle the 0 case the opposite of others?

        # NOTE: easter returns a so we have to convert to type of
        # other
        new = easter(other.year + n)
        new = datetime(new.year, new.month,, other.hour,
                       other.minute, other.second, other.microsecond)
        return new 
Example #2
Source File:    From python-holidays with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        # public holidays
        self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = "Neujahr"
        self[date(year, JAN, 6)] = "Heilige Drei Könige"
        self[easter(year) + rd(weekday=MO)] = "Ostermontag"
        self[date(year, MAY, 1)] = "Staatsfeiertag"
        self[easter(year) + rd(days=39)] = "Christi Himmelfahrt"
        self[easter(year) + rd(days=50)] = "Pfingstmontag"
        self[easter(year) + rd(days=60)] = "Fronleichnam"
        self[date(year, AUG, 15)] = "Mariä Himmelfahrt"
        if 1919 <= year <= 1934:
            self[date(year, NOV, 12)] = "Nationalfeiertag"
        if year >= 1967:
            self[date(year, OCT, 26)] = "Nationalfeiertag"
        self[date(year, NOV, 1)] = "Allerheiligen"
        self[date(year, DEC, 8)] = "Mariä Empfängnis"
        self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "Christtag"
        self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = "Stefanitag" 
Example #3
Source File:    From python-holidays with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        e = easter(year)

        self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = "Uudenvuodenpäivä"
        self[date(year, JAN, 6)] = "Loppiainen"
        self[e - rd(days=2)] = "Pitkäperjantai"
        self[e] = "Pääsiäispäivä"
        self[e + rd(days=1)] = "2. pääsiäispäivä"
        self[date(year, MAY, 1)] = "Vappu"
        self[e + rd(days=39)] = "Helatorstai"
        self[e + rd(days=49)] = "Helluntaipäivä"
        self[date(year, JUN, 20) + rd(weekday=SA)] = "Juhannuspäivä"
        self[date(year, OCT, 31) + rd(weekday=SA)] = "Pyhäinpäivä"
        self[date(year, DEC, 6)] = "Itsenäisyyspäivä"
        self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "Joulupäivä"
        self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = "Tapaninpäivä"

        # Juhannusaatto (Midsummer Eve) and Jouluaatto (Christmas Eve) are not
        # official holidays, but are de facto.
        self[date(year, JUN, 19) + rd(weekday=FR)] = "Juhannusaatto"
        self[date(year, DEC, 24)] = "Jouluaatto" 
Example #4
Source File:    From python-holidays with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        # Public holidays
        self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = "Nýársdagur"
        self[easter(year) - rd(days=3)] = "Skírdagur"
        self[easter(year) + rd(weekday=FR(-1))] = "Föstudagurinn langi"
        self[easter(year)] = "Páskadagur"
        self[easter(year) + rd(days=1)] = "Annar í páskum"
        self[date(year, APR, 19) + rd(weekday=TH(+1))] = \
            "Sumardagurinn fyrsti"
        self[date(year, MAY, 1)] = "Verkalýðsdagurinn"
        self[easter(year) + rd(days=39)] = "Uppstigningardagur"
        self[easter(year) + rd(days=49)] = "Hvítasunnudagur"
        self[easter(year) + rd(days=50)] = "Annar í hvítasunnu"
        self[date(year, JUN, 17)] = "Þjóðhátíðardagurinn"
        # First Monday of August
        self[date(year, AUG, 1) + rd(weekday=MO(+1))] = \
            "Frídagur verslunarmanna"
        self[date(year, DEC, 24)] = "Aðfangadagur"
        self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "Jóladagur"
        self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = "Annar í jólum"
        self[date(year, DEC, 31)] = "Gamlársdagur" 
Example #5
Source File:    From python-holidays with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = 'Nowy Rok'
        if year >= 2011:
            self[date(year, JAN, 6)] = 'Święto Trzech Króli'

        e = easter(year)
        self[e] = 'Niedziela Wielkanocna'
        self[e + rd(days=1)] = 'Poniedziałek Wielkanocny'

        if year >= 1950:
            self[date(year, MAY, 1)] = 'Święto Państwowe'
        if year >= 1919:
            self[date(year, MAY, 3)] = 'Święto Narodowe Trzeciego Maja'

        self[e + rd(days=49)] = 'Zielone Świątki'
        self[e + rd(days=60)] = 'Dzień Bożego Ciała'

        self[date(year, AUG, 15)] = 'Wniebowzięcie Najświętszej Marii Panny'

        self[date(year, NOV, 1)] = 'Uroczystość Wszystkich świętych'
        if (1937 <= year <= 1945) or year >= 1989:
            self[date(year, NOV, 11)] = 'Narodowe Święto Niepodległości'

        self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = 'Boże Narodzenie (pierwszy dzień)'
        self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = 'Boże Narodzenie (drugi dzień)' 
Example #6
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def apply(self, other):
        currentEaster = easter(other.year)
        currentEaster = datetime(
            currentEaster.year, currentEaster.month,
        currentEaster = tslib._localize_pydatetime(currentEaster, other.tzinfo)

        # NOTE: easter returns a so we have to convert to type of
        # other
        if self.n >= 0:
            if other >= currentEaster:
                new = easter(other.year + self.n)
                new = easter(other.year + self.n - 1)
            if other > currentEaster:
                new = easter(other.year + self.n + 1)
                new = easter(other.year + self.n)

        new = datetime(new.year, new.month,, other.hour,
                       other.minute, other.second, other.microsecond)
        return new 
Example #7
Source File:    From elasticintel with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def apply(self, other):
        currentEaster = easter(other.year)
        currentEaster = datetime(
            currentEaster.year, currentEaster.month,
        currentEaster = tslib._localize_pydatetime(currentEaster, other.tzinfo)

        # NOTE: easter returns a so we have to convert to type of
        # other
        if self.n >= 0:
            if other >= currentEaster:
                new = easter(other.year + self.n)
                new = easter(other.year + self.n - 1)
            if other > currentEaster:
                new = easter(other.year + self.n + 1)
                new = easter(other.year + self.n)

        new = datetime(new.year, new.month,, other.hour,
                       other.minute, other.second, other.microsecond)
        return new 
Example #8
Source File:    From coffeegrindsize with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def apply(self, other):
        current_easter = easter(other.year)
        current_easter = datetime(current_easter.year,
        current_easter = conversion.localize_pydatetime(current_easter,

        n = self.n
        if n >= 0 and other < current_easter:
            n -= 1
        elif n < 0 and other > current_easter:
            n += 1
        # TODO: Why does this handle the 0 case the opposite of others?

        # NOTE: easter returns a so we have to convert to type of
        # other
        new = easter(other.year + n)
        new = datetime(new.year, new.month,, other.hour,
                       other.minute, other.second, other.microsecond)
        return new 
Example #9
Source File:    From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def apply(self, other):
        current_easter = easter(other.year)
        current_easter = datetime(current_easter.year,
        current_easter = conversion.localize_pydatetime(current_easter,

        n = self.n
        if n >= 0 and other < current_easter:
            n -= 1
        elif n < 0 and other > current_easter:
            n += 1
        # TODO: Why does this handle the 0 case the opposite of others?

        # NOTE: easter returns a so we have to convert to type of
        # other
        new = easter(other.year + n)
        new = datetime(new.year, new.month,, other.hour,
                       other.minute, other.second, other.microsecond)
        return new 
Example #10
Source File:    From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def apply(self, other):
        current_easter = easter(other.year)
        current_easter = datetime(current_easter.year,
        current_easter = tslib._localize_pydatetime(current_easter,

        n = self.n
        if n >= 0 and other < current_easter:
            n -= 1
        elif n < 0 and other > current_easter:
            n += 1
        # TODO: Why does this handle the 0 case the opposite of others?

        # NOTE: easter returns a so we have to convert to type of
        # other
        new = easter(other.year + n)
        new = datetime(new.year, new.month,, other.hour,
                       other.minute, other.second, other.microsecond)
        return new 
Example #11
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def apply(self, other):
        current_easter = easter(other.year)
        current_easter = datetime(current_easter.year,
        current_easter = tslib._localize_pydatetime(current_easter,

        n = self.n
        if n >= 0 and other < current_easter:
            n -= 1
        elif n < 0 and other > current_easter:
            n += 1
        # TODO: Why does this handle the 0 case the opposite of others?

        # NOTE: easter returns a so we have to convert to type of
        # other
        new = easter(other.year + n)
        new = datetime(new.year, new.month,, other.hour,
                       other.minute, other.second, other.microsecond)
        return new 
Example #12
Source File:    From elasticintel with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def onOffset(self, dt):
        if self.normalize and not _is_normalized(dt):
            return False
        return date(dt.year, dt.month, == easter(dt.year)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ticks 
Example #13
Source File:    From coffeegrindsize with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def onOffset(self, dt):
        if self.normalize and not _is_normalized(dt):
            return False
        return date(dt.year, dt.month, == easter(dt.year)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ticks 
Example #14
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def onOffset(self, dt):
        if self.normalize and not _is_normalized(dt):
            return False
        return date(dt.year, dt.month, == easter(dt.year)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ticks 
Example #15
Source File:    From python-holidays with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        # New Year's Day
        name = "Нова година"
        self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = name
        self[date(year, JAN, 2)] = name
        if self.observed and date(year, JAN, 1).weekday() in WEEKEND:
            self[date(year, JAN, 3)] = name + " (Observed)"
        # Orthodox Christmas
        name = "Божић"
        self[date(year, JAN, 7)] = name
        # Statehood day
        name = "Дан државности Србије"
        self[date(year, FEB, 15)] = name
        self[date(year, FEB, 16)] = name
        if self.observed and date(year, FEB, 15).weekday() in WEEKEND:
            self[date(year, FEB, 17)] = name + " (Observed)"
        # International Workers' Day
        name = "Празник рада"
        self[date(year, MAY, 1)] = name
        self[date(year, MAY, 2)] = name
        if self.observed and date(year, MAY, 1).weekday() in WEEKEND:
            self[date(year, MAY, 3)] = name + " (Observed)"
        # Armistice day
        name = "Дан примирја у Првом светском рату"
        self[date(year, NOV, 11)] = name
        if self.observed and date(year, NOV, 11).weekday() == SUN:
            self[date(year, NOV, 12)] = name + " (Observed)"
        # Easter
        self[easter(year, method=EASTER_ORTHODOX) - rd(days=2)] = \
            "Велики петак"
        self[easter(year, method=EASTER_ORTHODOX) - rd(days=1)] = \
            "Велика субота"
        self[easter(year, method=EASTER_ORTHODOX)] = "Васкрс"
        self[easter(year, method=EASTER_ORTHODOX) + rd(days=1)] = \
            "Други дан Васкрса" 
Example #16
Source File:    From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def onOffset(self, dt):
        if self.normalize and not _is_normalized(dt):
            return False
        return date(dt.year, dt.month, == easter(dt.year)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ticks 
Example #17
Source File:    From recruit with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def onOffset(self, dt):
        if self.normalize and not _is_normalized(dt):
            return False
        return date(dt.year, dt.month, == easter(dt.year)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ticks 
Example #18
Source File:    From python-holidays with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        # New Years
        self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = "Año Nuevo [New Year's Day]"
        # Maundy Thursday
        self[easter(year) + rd(weekday=TH(-1))] =\
            "Jueves Santo [Maundy Thursday]"
        # Good Friday
        self[easter(year) + rd(weekday=FR(-1))] = "Viernes Santo [Good Friday]"
        # Labor Day
        self[date(year, MAY, 1)] = "Día del Trabajo [Labour Day]"
        # Revolution Day
        if 2020 >= year >= 1979:
            self[date(year, JUL, 19)] = "Día de la Revolución [Revolution Day]"
        # Battle of San Jacinto Day
        self[date(year, SEP, 14)] =\
            "Batalla de San Jacinto [Battle of San Jacinto]"
        # Independence Day
        self[date(year, SEP, 15)] =\
            "Día de la Independencia [Independence Day]"
        # Virgin's Day
        self[date(year, DEC, 8)] = "Concepción de María [Virgin's Day]"
        # Christmas
        self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "Navidad [Christmas]"

        # Provinces festive day
        if self.prov:
            if self.prov == 'MN':
                # Santo Domingo Day Down
                self[date(year, AUG, 1)] = "Bajada de Santo Domingo"
                # Santo Domingo Day Up
                self[date(year, AUG, 10)] = "Subida de Santo Domingo" 
Example #19
Source File:    From python-holidays with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        e = easter(year)

        # New Year's Day
        self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = "uusaasta"

        # Independence Day, anniversary of the Republic of Estonia
        self[date(year, FEB, 24)] = "iseseisvuspäev"

        # Good Friday
        self[e - rd(days=2)] = "suur reede"

        # Easter Sunday
        self[e] = "ülestõusmispühade 1. püha"

        # Spring Day
        self[date(year, MAY, 1)] = "kevadpüha"

        # Pentecost
        self[e + rd(days=49)] = "nelipühade 1. püha"

        # Victory Day
        self[date(year, JUN, 23)] = "võidupüha"

        # Midsummer Day
        self[date(year, JUN, 24)] = "jaanipäev"

        # Day of Restoration of Independence
        self[date(year, AUG, 20)] = "taasiseseisvumispäev"

        # Christmas Eve
        self[date(year, DEC, 24)] = "jõululaupäev"

        # Christmas Day
        self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "esimene jõulupüha"

        # Boxing Day
        self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = "teine jõulupüha" 
Example #20
Source File:    From python-holidays with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = "Deň vzniku Slovenskej republiky"
        self[date(year, JAN, 6)] = "Zjavenie Pána (Traja králi a" \
                                   " vianočnýsviatok pravoslávnych" \
                                   " kresťanov)"

        e = easter(year)
        self[e - rd(days=2)] = "Veľký piatok"
        self[e + rd(days=1)] = "Veľkonočný pondelok"

        self[date(year, MAY, 1)] = "Sviatok práce"

        if year >= 1997:
            self[date(year, MAY, 8)] = "Deň víťazstva nad fašizmom"

        self[date(year, JUL, 5)] = "Sviatok svätého Cyrila a svätého Metoda"

        self[date(year, AUG, 29)] = "Výročie Slovenského národného" \
                                    " povstania"

        self[date(year, SEP, 1)] = "Deň Ústavy Slovenskej republiky"

        self[date(year, SEP, 15)] = "Sedembolestná Panna Mária"
        if year == 2018:
            self[date(year, OCT, 30)] = "100. výročie prijatia" \
                " Deklarácie slovenského národa"
        self[date(year, NOV, 1)] = "Sviatok Všetkých svätých"

        if year >= 2001:
            self[date(year, NOV, 17)] = "Deň boja za slobodu a demokraciu"

        self[date(year, DEC, 24)] = "Štedrý deň"

        self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "Prvý sviatok vianočný"

        self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = "Druhý sviatok vianočný" 
Example #21
Source File:    From python-holidays with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        # Public holidays
        self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = "Neijoerschdag"
        self[easter(year) + rd(weekday=MO)] = "Ouschterméindeg"
        self[date(year, MAY, 1)] = "Dag vun der Aarbecht"
        if year >= 2019:
            # Europe Day: not in legislation yet, but introduced starting 2019
            self[date(year, MAY, 9)] = "Europadag"
        self[easter(year) + rd(days=39)] = "Christi Himmelfaart"
        self[easter(year) + rd(days=50)] = "Péngschtméindeg"
        self[date(year, JUN, 23)] = "Nationalfeierdag"
        self[date(year, AUG, 15)] = "Léiffrawëschdag"
        self[date(year, NOV, 1)] = "Allerhellgen"
        self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "Chrëschtdag"
        self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = "Stiefesdag" 
Example #22
Source File:    From python-holidays with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        # Public holidays
        self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = "Nytårsdag"
        self[easter(year) + rd(weekday=SU(-2))] = "Palmesøndag"
        self[easter(year) + rd(weekday=TH(-1))] = "Skærtorsdag"
        self[easter(year) + rd(weekday=FR(-1))] = "Langfredag"
        self[easter(year)] = "Påskedag"
        self[easter(year) + rd(weekday=MO)] = "Anden påskedag"
        self[easter(year) + rd(weekday=FR(+4))] = "Store bededag"
        self[easter(year) + rd(days=39)] = "Kristi himmelfartsdag"
        self[easter(year) + rd(days=49)] = "Pinsedag"
        self[easter(year) + rd(days=50)] = "Anden pinsedag"
        self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "Juledag"
        self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = "Anden juledag" 
Example #23
Source File:    From prophet with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        # New Year's Day
        name = "New Year's Day"
        self[date(year, 1, 1)] = name

        # Orthodox Christmas day
        name = "Orthodox Christmas Day"
        self[date(year, 1, 7)] = name

        # International Women's Day
        name = "International Women's Day"
        self[date(year, 3, 8)] = name

        # Commemoration Day
        name = "Commemoration Day"
        self[easter(year, EASTER_ORTHODOX) + timedelta(days=9)] = name

        # Spring and Labour Day
        name = "Spring and Labour Day"
        self[date(year, 5, 1)] = name

        # Victory Day
        name = "Victory Day"
        self[date(year, 5, 9)] = name

        # Independence Day
        name = "Independence Day"
        self[date(year, 7, 3)] = name

        # October Revolution Day
        name = "October Revolution Day"
        self[date(year, 11, 7)] = name

        # Dec. 25 Christmas Day
        name = "Christmas Day"
        self[date(year, 12, 25)] = name 
Example #24
Source File:    From python-holidays with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        # New years
        self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = "Nieuwjaarsdag"

        easter_date = easter(year)

        # Easter
        self[easter_date] = "Pasen"

        # Second easter day
        self[easter_date + rd(days=1)] = "Paasmaandag"

        # Ascension day
        self[easter_date + rd(days=39)] = "O.L.H. Hemelvaart"

        # Pentecost
        self[easter_date + rd(days=49)] = "Pinksteren"

        # Pentecost monday
        self[easter_date + rd(days=50)] = "Pinkstermaandag"

        # International Workers' Day
        self[date(year, MAY, 1)] = "Dag van de Arbeid"

        # Belgian National Day
        self[date(year, JUL, 21)] = "Nationale feestdag"

        # Assumption of Mary
        self[date(year, AUG, 15)] = "O.L.V. Hemelvaart"

        # All Saints' Day
        self[date(year, NOV, 1)] = "Allerheiligen"

        # Armistice Day
        self[date(year, NOV, 11)] = "Wapenstilstand"

        # First christmas
        self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "Kerstmis" 
Example #25
Source File:    From vnpy_crypto with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def onOffset(self, dt):
        if self.normalize and not _is_normalized(dt):
            return False
        return date(dt.year, dt.month, == easter(dt.year)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ticks 
Example #26
Source File:    From python-holidays with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = "New Year's Day"
        e = easter(year)
        self[e - rd(days=2)] = "Good Friday"
        self[e + rd(days=1)] = "Easter Monday"
        self[date(year, MAY, 1)] = "1 May (Labour Day)"
        self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "Christmas Day"
        self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = "26 December" 
Example #27
Source File:    From predictive-maintenance-using-machine-learning with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def onOffset(self, dt):
        if self.normalize and not _is_normalized(dt):
            return False
        return date(dt.year, dt.month, == easter(dt.year)

# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Ticks 
Example #28
Source File:    From trading_calendars with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def orthodox_easter(start_date='1980', end_date='2021'):
    ASEX observes Orthodox Easter, and has many holidays
    that are relative to Orthodox Easter.  This function gives a
    DatetimeIndex of Orthodox Easter dates from start_date to end_date
    return pd.to_datetime([
        easter(year, method=EASTER_ORTHODOX)
        for year in range(int(start_date), int(end_date))
Example #29
Source File:    From python-holidays with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = "Den obnovy samostatného českého" \
                                   " státu" \
            if year >= 2000 else \
            "Nový rok"

        e = easter(year)
        if year <= 1951 or year >= 2016:
            self[e - rd(days=2)] = "Velký pátek"
        self[e + rd(days=1)] = "Velikonoční pondělí"

        if year >= 1951:
            self[date(year, MAY, 1)] = "Svátek práce"
        if year >= 1992:
            self[date(year, MAY, 8)] = "Den vítězství"
        elif year >= 1947:
            self[date(year, MAY, 9)] = "Den vítězství nad hitlerovským" \
                                       " fašismem"
        if year >= 1951:
            self[date(year, JUL, 5)] = "Den slovanských věrozvěstů " \
                "Cyrila a Metoděje"
            self[date(year, JUL, 6)] = "Den upálení mistra Jana Husa"
        if year >= 2000:
            self[date(year, SEP, 28)] = "Den české státnosti"
        if year >= 1951:
            self[date(year, OCT, 28)] = "Den vzniku samostatného " \
                "československého státu"
        if year >= 1990:
            self[date(year, NOV, 17)] = "Den boje za svobodu a demokracii"

        if year >= 1990:
            self[date(year, DEC, 24)] = "Štědrý den"
        if year >= 1951:
            self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "1. svátek vánoční"
            self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = "2. svátek vánoční" 
Example #30
Source File:    From python-holidays with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _populate(self, year):
        super(PortugalExt, self)._populate(year)

        e = easter(year)
        self[e - rd(days=47)] = "Carnaval"
        self[date(year, DEC, 24)] = "Véspera de Natal"
        self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = "26 de Dezembro"
        self[date(year, DEC, 31)] = "Véspera de Ano Novo"
        self[date(year, 6, 13)] = "Dia de Santo António"

        # TODO add bridging days
        # - get Holidays that occur on Tuesday  and add Monday (-1 day)
        # - get Holidays that occur on Thursday and add Friday (+1 day)