# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

#  python-holidays
#  ---------------
#  A fast, efficient Python library for generating country, province and state
#  specific sets of holidays on the fly. It aims to make determining whether a
#  specific date is a holiday as fast and flexible as possible.
#  Author:  ryanss <ryanssdev@icloud.com> (c) 2014-2017
#           dr-prodigy <maurizio.montel@gmail.com> (c) 2017-2020
#  Website: https://github.com/dr-prodigy/python-holidays
#  License: MIT (see LICENSE file)

from datetime import date

from dateutil.easter import easter
from dateutil.relativedelta import relativedelta as rd

from holidays.constants import JAN, OCT, \
    NOV, DEC
from holidays.holiday_base import HolidayBase

class Portugal(HolidayBase):
    # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_holidays_in_Portugal

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):
        self.country = 'PT'
        HolidayBase.__init__(self, **kwargs)

    def _populate(self, year):
        self[date(year, JAN, 1)] = "Ano Novo"

        e = easter(year)

        # carnival is no longer a holiday, but some companies let workers off.
        # @todo recollect the years in which it was a public holiday
        # self[e - rd(days=47)] = "Carnaval"
        self[e - rd(days=2)] = "Sexta-feira Santa"
        self[e] = "Páscoa"

        # Revoked holidays in 2013–2015
        if year < 2013 or year > 2015:
            self[e + rd(days=60)] = "Corpo de Deus"
            self[date(year, OCT, 5)] = "Implantação da República"
            self[date(year, NOV, 1)] = "Dia de Todos os Santos"
            self[date(year, DEC, 1)] = "Restauração da Independência"

        self[date(year, 4, 25)] = "Dia da Liberdade"
        self[date(year, 5, 1)] = "Dia do Trabalhador"
        self[date(year, 6, 10)] = "Dia de Portugal"
        self[date(year, 8, 15)] = "Assunção de Nossa Senhora"
        self[date(year, DEC, 8)] = "Imaculada Conceição"
        self[date(year, DEC, 25)] = "Dia de Natal"

class PT(Portugal):

class PRT(Portugal):

class PortugalExt(Portugal):
    Adds extended days that most people have as a bonus from their companies:
    - Carnival
    - the day before and after xmas
    - the day before the new year
    - Lisbon's city holiday

    def _populate(self, year):
        super(PortugalExt, self)._populate(year)

        e = easter(year)
        self[e - rd(days=47)] = "Carnaval"
        self[date(year, DEC, 24)] = "Véspera de Natal"
        self[date(year, DEC, 26)] = "26 de Dezembro"
        self[date(year, DEC, 31)] = "Véspera de Ano Novo"
        self[date(year, 6, 13)] = "Dia de Santo António"

        # TODO add bridging days
        # - get Holidays that occur on Tuesday  and add Monday (-1 day)
        # - get Holidays that occur on Thursday and add Friday (+1 day)

class PTE(PortugalExt):

class PRTE(PortugalExt):