Python hyperopt.hp.randint() Examples

The following are 7 code examples of hyperopt.hp.randint(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module hyperopt.hp , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From asreview with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def full_hyper_space(self):
        from hyperopt import hp
        eps = 1e-7

        hyper_space, hyper_choices = super(Doc2Vec, self).full_hyper_space()
            "fex_vector_size": hp.quniform(
                "fex_vector_size", 31.5, 127.5-eps, 8),
            "fex_epochs": hp.quniform("fex_epochs", 20, 50, 1),
            "fex_min_count": hp.quniform("fex_min_count", 0.5, 2.499999, 1),
            "fex_window": hp.quniform("fex_window", 4.5, 9.4999999, 1),
            "fex_dm_concat": hp.randint("fex_dm_concat", 2),
            "fex_dm": hp.randint("fex_dm", 3),
            "fex_dbow_words": hp.randint("fex_dbow_words", 2),

        return hyper_space, hyper_choices 
Example #2
Source File:    From ebisu with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def options(self):
        return {
            'length': hp.randint('length', 1, 30, 1),
Example #3
Source File:    From asreview with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def full_hyper_space(self):
        from hyperopt import hp

        hyper_space, hyper_choices = super(
            EmbeddingLSTM, self).full_hyper_space()
            "fex_loop_sequences": hp.randint("fex_loop_sequences", 2)
        return hyper_space, hyper_choices 
Example #4
Source File:    From asreview with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def full_hyper_space(self):
        from hyperopt import hp
        hyper_choices = {}
        hyper_space = {
            "fex_split_ta": hp.randint("fex_split_ta", 2),
            "fex_use_keywords": hp.randint("fex_use_keywords", 2),
        return hyper_space, hyper_choices 
Example #5
Source File:    From StockRecommendSystem with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def run_xgboost_classification(root_path, need_training, need_plot_training_diagram, need_predict):
    df = getStocksList_CHN(root_path)
    df.index = df.index.astype(str).str.zfill(6)
    df = df.sort_index(ascending = True)
    predict_symbols = df.index.values.tolist()

    paras = SP_Paras('xgboost', root_path, predict_symbols, predict_symbols) = True
    paras.load = False
    paras.run_hyperopt = True
    paras.plot = need_plot_training_diagram
    # A_B_C format:
    # A: require window split or not -> 0 for not, 1 for yes
    # B: normalization method -> 0: none 1: standard 2: minmax 3: zscore
    # C: normalization index, same normalization requires different index
    paras.features = {#'0_0_0':['week_day'],
                      #'1_0_1':['c_2_o', 'h_2_o', 'l_2_o', 'c_2_h', 'h_2_l', 'vol_p'],
                      '1_1_0':['buy_amount', 'sell_amount', 'even_amount'],
                      '1_1_1':['buy_volume', 'sell_volume', 'even_volume'], 
                      '1_1_2':['buy_max', 'buy_min', 'buy_average', 'sell_max', 'sell_min', 'sell_average', 'even_max', 'even_min', 'even_average']} 

    paras.window_len = [3]
    paras.pred_len = 1
    paras.valid_len = 20
    paras.start_date = '2016-11-01'
    paras.end_date ="%Y-%m-%d")
    paras.verbose = 1
    paras.batch_size = 64
    paras.epoch = 10
    paras.out_class_type = 'classification'
    paras.n_out_class = 7  # ignore for regression

    from hyperopt import hp
    paras.hyper_opt = {"max_depth"        :hp.randint("max_depth",       10),
                       "n_estimators"     :hp.randint("n_estimators",    20),  #[0,1,2,3,4,5] -> [50,]
                       "gamma"            :hp.randint("gamma",            4),  #0-0.4
                       "learning_rate"    :hp.randint("learning_rate",    6),  #[0,1,2,3,4,5] -> 0.05,0.06
                       "subsample"        :hp.randint("subsample",        4),  #[0,1,2,3] -> [0.7,0.8,0.9,1.0]
                       "min_child_weight" :hp.randint("min_child_weight", 5), 

    # run
    xgboost_cla = xgboost_classification(paras), need_predict)
    return paras 
Example #6
Source File:    From lale with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def visitSearchSpaceNumber(self, space:SearchSpaceNumber, path:str, counter=None):
        label = self.mk_label(path, counter)

        if space.pgo is not None:
            return scope.pgo_sample(space.pgo, hp.quniform(label, 0, len(space.pgo)-1, 1))

        dist = "uniform"
        if space.distribution:
            dist = space.distribution

        if space.maximum is None:
            raise SearchSpaceError(path, f"maximum not specified for a number with distribution {dist}")
        max = space.getInclusiveMax()

        # These distributions need only a maximum
        if dist == "integer":
            if not space.discrete:
                raise SearchSpaceError(path, "integer distribution specified for a non discrete numeric type")
            return hp.randint(label, max)

        if space.minimum is None:
            raise SearchSpaceError(path, f"minimum not specified for a number with distribution {dist}")
        min = space.getInclusiveMin()

        if dist == "uniform":
            if space.discrete:
                return, min, max, 1))
                return hp.uniform(label, min, max)
        elif dist == "loguniform":
            # for log distributions, hyperopt requires that we provide the log of the min/max
            if min <= 0:
                raise SearchSpaceError(path, f"minimum of 0 specified with a {dist} distribution.  This is not allowed; please set it (possibly using minimumForOptimizer) to be positive")
            if min > 0:
                min = math.log(min)
            if max > 0:
                max = math.log(max)
            if space.discrete:
                return, min, max, 1))
                return hp.loguniform(label, min, max)

            raise SearchSpaceError(path, f"Unknown distribution type: {dist}") 
Example #7
Source File:    From lale with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def visitSearchSpaceNumber(self, space:SearchSpaceNumber, path:str, counter=None, useCounter=True):
        label = self.mk_label(path, counter, useCounter=useCounter)

        if space.pgo is not None:
            self.pgo_dict[label] = space.pgo
            return f"scope.pgo_sample(pgo_{label}, hp.quniform('{label}', {0}, {len(space.pgo)-1}, 1))"

        dist = "uniform"
        if space.distribution:
            dist = space.distribution

        if space.maximum is None:
            SearchSpaceError(path, f"maximum not specified for a number with distribution {dist}")
        max = space.getInclusiveMax()

        # These distributions need only a maximum
        if dist == "integer":
            if not space.discrete:
                raise SearchSpaceError(path, "integer distribution specified for a non discrete numeric type....")

            return f"hp.randint('{label}', {max})"

        if space.minimum is None:
            raise SearchSpaceError(path, f"minimum not specified for a number with distribution {dist}")
        min = space.getInclusiveMin()

        if dist == "uniform":
            if space.discrete:
                return f"hp.quniform('{label}', {min}, {max}, 1)"
                return f"hp.uniform('{label}', {min}, {max})"
        elif dist == "loguniform":
            # for log distributions, hyperopt requires that we provide the log of the min/max
            if min <= 0:
                    raise SearchSpaceError(path, f"minimum of 0 specified with a {dist} distribution.  This is not allowed; please set it (possibly using minimumForOptimizer) to be positive")
            if min > 0:
                min = math.log(min)
            if max > 0:
                max = math.log(max)

            if space.discrete:
                return f"hp.qloguniform('{label}', {min}, {max}, 1)"
                return f"hp.loguniform('{label}', {min}, {max})"
            raise SearchSpaceError(path, f"Unknown distribution type: {dist}")