# Copyright 2019 The ASReview Authors. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import numpy as np
    from gensim.utils import simple_preprocess
    from gensim.models.doc2vec import TaggedDocument
except ImportError:
    raise ImportError("Install gensim package (`pip install gensim`) to use"
                      " 'doc2vec' model.")

from asreview.feature_extraction.base import BaseFeatureExtraction

def _train_model(corpus, *args, **kwargs):
    import gensim

    model = gensim.models.doc2vec.Doc2Vec(*args, **kwargs)
    model.train(corpus, total_examples=model.corpus_count,
    return model

def _transform_text(model, corpus):
    X = []
    for doc_id in range(len(corpus)):
        doc_vec = model.infer_vector(corpus[doc_id].words)
    return np.array(X)

class Doc2Vec(BaseFeatureExtraction):
    """Base class for doc2vec feature extraction."""
    name = "doc2vec"

    def __init__(self, *args, vector_size=40, epochs=33, min_count=1,
                 n_jobs=1, window=7, dm_concat=0, dm=2, dbow_words=0,
        """Initialize the doc2vec model.

        vector_size: int
            Output size of the vector.
        epochs: int
            Number of epochs to train the doc2vec model.
        min_count: int
            Minimum number of occurences for a word in the corpus for it to
            be included in the model.
        n_jobs: int
            Number of threads to train the model with.
        window: int
            Maximum distance over which word vectors influence each other.
        dm_concat: int
            Whether to concatenate word vectors or not.
            See paper for more detail.
        dm: int
            Model to use.
            0: Use distribute bag of words (DBOW).
            1: Use distributed memory (DM).
            2: Use both of the above with half the vector size and concatenate
        dbow_words: int
            Whether to train the word vectors using the skipgram method.
        super(Doc2Vec, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        self.vector_size = int(vector_size)
        self.epochs = int(epochs)
        self.min_count = int(min_count)
        self.n_jobs = int(n_jobs)
        self.window = int(window)
        self.dm_concat = int(dm_concat)
        self.dm = int(dm)
        self.dbow_words = int(dbow_words)
        self._model = None
        self._model_dm = None
        self._model_dbow = None

    def fit(self, texts):

        model_param = {
            "vector_size": self.vector_size,
            "epochs": self.epochs,
            "min_count": self.min_count,
            "workers": self.n_jobs,
            "window": self.window,
            "dm_concat": self.dm_concat,
            "dbow_words": self.dbow_words,

        corpus = [TaggedDocument(simple_preprocess(text), [i])
                  for i, text in enumerate(texts)]

        # If self.dm is 2, train both models and concatenate the feature
        # vectors later. Resulting vector size should be the same.
        if self.dm == 2:
            model_param["vector_size"] = int(model_param["vector_size"]/2)
            self.model_dm = _train_model(corpus, **model_param, dm=1)
            self.model_dbow = _train_model(corpus, **model_param, dm=0)
            self.model = _train_model(corpus, **model_param, dm=self.dm)

    def transform(self, texts):
        corpus = [TaggedDocument(simple_preprocess(text), [i])
                  for i, text in enumerate(texts)]

        if self.dm == 2:
            X_dm = _transform_text(self.model_dm, corpus)
            X_dbow = _transform_text(self.model_dbow, corpus)
            X = np.concatenate((X_dm, X_dbow), axis=1)
            X = _transform_text(self.model, corpus)
        return X

    def full_hyper_space(self):
        from hyperopt import hp
        eps = 1e-7

        hyper_space, hyper_choices = super(Doc2Vec, self).full_hyper_space()
            "fex_vector_size": hp.quniform(
                "fex_vector_size", 31.5, 127.5-eps, 8),
            "fex_epochs": hp.quniform("fex_epochs", 20, 50, 1),
            "fex_min_count": hp.quniform("fex_min_count", 0.5, 2.499999, 1),
            "fex_window": hp.quniform("fex_window", 4.5, 9.4999999, 1),
            "fex_dm_concat": hp.randint("fex_dm_concat", 2),
            "fex_dm": hp.randint("fex_dm", 3),
            "fex_dbow_words": hp.randint("fex_dbow_words", 2),

        return hyper_space, hyper_choices