@grafana/data#setMarkdownOptions TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @grafana/data#setMarkdownOptions. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: app.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
init() {
    const app = angular.module('grafana', []);


    setMarkdownOptions({ sanitize: !config.disableSanitizeHtml });

        $locationProvider: angular.ILocationProvider,
        $controllerProvider: angular.IControllerProvider,
        $compileProvider: angular.ICompileProvider,
        $filterProvider: angular.IFilterProvider,
        $httpProvider: angular.IHttpProvider,
        $provide: angular.auto.IProvideService
      ) => {
        // pre assing bindings before constructor calls

        if (config.buildInfo.env !== 'development') {


        this.registerFunctions.controller = $controllerProvider.register;
        this.registerFunctions.directive = $compileProvider.directive;
        this.registerFunctions.factory = $provide.factory;
        this.registerFunctions.service = $provide.service;
        this.registerFunctions.filter = $filterProvider.register;

        $provide.decorator('$http', [
          ($delegate: any, $templateCache: any) => {
            const get = $delegate.get;
            $delegate.get = (url: string, config: any) => {
              if (url.match(/\.html$/)) {
                // some template's already exist in the cache
                if (!$templateCache.get(url)) {
                  url += '?v=' + new Date().getTime();
              return get(url, config);
            return $delegate;

    this.ngModuleDependencies = [

    // makes it possible to add dynamic stuff
    _.each(angularModules, (m: angular.IModule) => {

    // register react angular wrappers

    // disable tool tip animation
    $.fn.tooltip.defaults.animation = false;

    // bootstrap the app
    angular.bootstrap(document, this.ngModuleDependencies).invoke(() => {
      _.each(this.preBootModules, (module: angular.IModule) => {
        _.extend(module, this.registerFunctions);

      this.preBootModules = null;

      if (!checkBrowserCompatibility()) {
        setTimeout(() => {
          appEvents.emit(AppEvents.alertWarning, [
            'Your browser is not fully supported',
            'A newer browser version is recommended',
        }, 1000);

    // Preload selected app plugins
    for (const modulePath of config.pluginsToPreload) {