@grafana/data#LanguageProvider TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @grafana/data#LanguageProvider. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: language_provider.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
export default class LokiLanguageProvider extends LanguageProvider {
  labelKeys?: string[];
  logLabelOptions: any[];
  logLabelFetchTs?: number;
  started: boolean;
  initialRange: AbsoluteTimeRange;
  datasource: LokiDatasource;
  lookupsDisabled: boolean; // Dynamically set to true for big/slow instances

   *  Cache for labels of series. This is bit simplistic in the sense that it just counts responses each as a 1 and does
   *  not account for different size of a response. If that is needed a `length` function can be added in the options.
   *  10 as a max size is totally arbitrary right now.
  private seriesCache = new LRU<string, Record<string, string[]>>(10);
  private labelsCache = new LRU<string, string[]>(10);

  constructor(datasource: LokiDatasource, initialValues?: any) {

    this.datasource = datasource;
    this.labelKeys = [];

    Object.assign(this, initialValues);

  // Strip syntax chars
  cleanText = (s: string) => s.replace(/[{}[\]="(),!~+\-*/^%]/g, '').trim();

  getSyntax(): Grammar {
    return syntax;

  request = async (url: string, params?: any): Promise<any> => {
    try {
      return await this.datasource.metadataRequest(url, params);
    } catch (error) {

    return undefined;

   * Initialise the language provider by fetching set of labels. Without this initialisation the provider would return
   * just a set of hardcoded default labels on provideCompletionItems or a recent queries from history.
  start = () => {
    if (!this.startTask) {
      this.startTask = this.fetchLogLabels(this.initialRange).then(() => {
        this.started = true;
        return [];

    return this.startTask;

  getLabelKeys(): string[] {
    return this.labelKeys;

   * Return suggestions based on input that can be then plugged into a typeahead dropdown.
   * Keep this DOM-free for testing
   * @param input
   * @param context Is optional in types but is required in case we are doing getLabelCompletionItems
   * @param context.absoluteRange Required in case we are doing getLabelCompletionItems
   * @param context.history Optional used only in getEmptyCompletionItems
  async provideCompletionItems(input: TypeaheadInput, context?: TypeaheadContext): Promise<TypeaheadOutput> {
    const { wrapperClasses, value, prefix, text } = input;

    // Local text properties
    const empty = value.document.text.length === 0;
    const selectedLines = value.document.getTextsAtRange(value.selection);
    const currentLine = selectedLines.size === 1 ? selectedLines.first().getText() : null;

    const nextCharacter = currentLine ? currentLine[value.selection.anchor.offset] : null;

    // Syntax spans have 3 classes by default. More indicate a recognized token
    const tokenRecognized = wrapperClasses.length > 3;

    // Non-empty prefix, but not inside known token
    const prefixUnrecognized = prefix && !tokenRecognized;

    // Prevent suggestions in `function(|suffix)`
    const noSuffix = !nextCharacter || nextCharacter === ')';

    // Prefix is safe if it does not immediately follow a complete expression and has no text after it
    const safePrefix = prefix && !text.match(/^['"~=\]})\s]+$/) && noSuffix;

    // About to type next operand if preceded by binary operator
    const operatorsPattern = /[+\-*/^%]/;
    const isNextOperand = text.match(operatorsPattern);

    // Determine candidates by CSS context
    if (wrapperClasses.includes('context-range')) {
      // Suggestions for metric[|]
      return this.getRangeCompletionItems();
    } else if (wrapperClasses.includes('context-labels')) {
      // Suggestions for {|} and {foo=|}
      return await this.getLabelCompletionItems(input, context);
    } else if (empty) {
      // Suggestions for empty query field
      return this.getEmptyCompletionItems(context);
    } else if (prefixUnrecognized && noSuffix && !isNextOperand) {
      // Show term suggestions in a couple of scenarios
      return this.getBeginningCompletionItems(context);
    } else if (prefixUnrecognized && safePrefix) {
      // Show term suggestions in a couple of scenarios
      return this.getTermCompletionItems();

    return {
      suggestions: [],

  getBeginningCompletionItems = (context: TypeaheadContext): TypeaheadOutput => {
    return {
      suggestions: [...this.getEmptyCompletionItems(context).suggestions, ...this.getTermCompletionItems().suggestions],

  getEmptyCompletionItems(context: TypeaheadContext): TypeaheadOutput {
    const history = context?.history;
    const suggestions = [];

    if (history && history.length) {
      const historyItems = _.chain(history)
        .map(h => h.query.expr)
        .map((item: CompletionItem) => addHistoryMetadata(item, history))

        prefixMatch: true,
        skipSort: true,
        label: 'History',
        items: historyItems,

    return { suggestions };

  getTermCompletionItems = (): TypeaheadOutput => {
    const suggestions = [];

      prefixMatch: true,
      label: 'Functions',
      items: FUNCTIONS.map(suggestion => ({ ...suggestion, kind: 'function' })),

    return { suggestions };

  getRangeCompletionItems(): TypeaheadOutput {
    return {
      context: 'context-range',
      suggestions: [
          label: 'Range vector',
          items: [...RATE_RANGES],

  async getLabelCompletionItems(
    { text, wrapperClasses, labelKey, value }: TypeaheadInput,
    { absoluteRange }: any
  ): Promise<TypeaheadOutput> {
    let context = 'context-labels';
    const suggestions: CompletionItemGroup[] = [];
    const line = value.anchorBlock.getText();
    const cursorOffset = value.selection.anchor.offset;
    const isValueStart = text.match(/^(=|=~|!=|!~)/);

    // Get normalized selector
    let selector;
    let parsedSelector;
    try {
      parsedSelector = parseSelector(line, cursorOffset);
      selector = parsedSelector.selector;
    } catch {
      selector = EMPTY_SELECTOR;

    if (!isValueStart && selector === EMPTY_SELECTOR) {
      // start task gets all labels
      await this.start();
      const allLabels = this.getLabelKeys();
      return { context, suggestions: [{ label: `Labels`, items: allLabels.map(wrapLabel) }] };

    const existingKeys = parsedSelector ? parsedSelector.labelKeys : [];

    let labelValues;
    // Query labels for selector
    if (selector) {
      if (selector === EMPTY_SELECTOR && labelKey) {
        const labelValuesForKey = await this.getLabelValues(labelKey);
        labelValues = { [labelKey]: labelValuesForKey };
      } else {
        labelValues = await this.getSeriesLabels(selector, absoluteRange);

    if (!labelValues) {
      console.warn(`Server did not return any values for selector = ${selector}`);
      return { context, suggestions };

    if ((text && isValueStart) || wrapperClasses.includes('attr-value')) {
      // Label values
      if (labelKey && labelValues[labelKey]) {
        context = 'context-label-values';
          label: `Label values for "${labelKey}"`,
          items: labelValues[labelKey].map(wrapLabel),
    } else {
      // Label keys
      const labelKeys = labelValues ? Object.keys(labelValues) : DEFAULT_KEYS;

      if (labelKeys) {
        const possibleKeys = _.difference(labelKeys, existingKeys);
        if (possibleKeys.length) {
          const newItems = possibleKeys.map(key => ({ label: key }));
          const newSuggestion: CompletionItemGroup = { label: `Labels`, items: newItems };

    return { context, suggestions };

  async importQueries(queries: LokiQuery[], datasourceType: string): Promise<LokiQuery[]> {
    if (datasourceType === 'prometheus') {
      return Promise.all(
        queries.map(async query => {
          const expr = await this.importPrometheusQuery(query.expr);
          const { ...rest } = query as PromQuery;
          return {
    // Return a cleaned LokiQuery
    return queries.map(query => ({
      refId: query.refId,
      expr: '',

  async importPrometheusQuery(query: string): Promise<string> {
    if (!query) {
      return '';

    // Consider only first selector in query
    const selectorMatch = query.match(selectorRegexp);
    if (!selectorMatch) {
      return '';

    const selector = selectorMatch[0];
    const labels: { [key: string]: { value: any; operator: any } } = {};
    selector.replace(labelRegexp, (_, key, operator, value) => {
      labels[key] = { value, operator };
      return '';

    // Keep only labels that exist on origin and target datasource
    await this.start(); // fetches all existing label keys
    const existingKeys = this.labelKeys;
    let labelsToKeep: { [key: string]: { value: any; operator: any } } = {};
    if (existingKeys && existingKeys.length) {
      // Check for common labels
      for (const key in labels) {
        if (existingKeys && existingKeys.includes(key)) {
          // Should we check for label value equality here?
          labelsToKeep[key] = labels[key];
    } else {
      // Keep all labels by default
      labelsToKeep = labels;

    const labelKeys = Object.keys(labelsToKeep).sort();
    const cleanSelector = labelKeys
      .map(key => `${key}${labelsToKeep[key].operator}${labelsToKeep[key].value}`)

    return ['{', cleanSelector, '}'].join('');

  async getSeriesLabels(selector: string, absoluteRange: AbsoluteTimeRange) {
    if (this.lookupsDisabled) {
      return undefined;
    try {
      return await this.fetchSeriesLabels(selector, absoluteRange);
    } catch (error) {
      // TODO: better error handling
      return undefined;

   * Fetches all label keys
   * @param absoluteRange Fetches
  async fetchLogLabels(absoluteRange: AbsoluteTimeRange): Promise<any> {
    const url = '/api/prom/label';
    try {
      this.logLabelFetchTs = Date.now();
      const rangeParams = absoluteRange ? rangeToParams(absoluteRange) : {};
      const res = await this.request(url, rangeParams);
      this.labelKeys = res.slice().sort();
      this.logLabelOptions = this.labelKeys.map((key: string) => ({ label: key, value: key, isLeaf: false }));
    } catch (e) {
    return [];

  async refreshLogLabels(absoluteRange: AbsoluteTimeRange, forceRefresh?: boolean) {
    if ((this.labelKeys && Date.now() - this.logLabelFetchTs > LABEL_REFRESH_INTERVAL) || forceRefresh) {
      await this.fetchLogLabels(absoluteRange);

   * Fetch labels for a selector. This is cached by it's args but also by the global timeRange currently selected as
   * they can change over requested time.
   * @param name
  fetchSeriesLabels = async (match: string, absoluteRange: AbsoluteTimeRange): Promise<Record<string, string[]>> => {
    const rangeParams: { start?: number; end?: number } = absoluteRange ? rangeToParams(absoluteRange) : {};
    const url = '/loki/api/v1/series';
    const { start, end } = rangeParams;

    const cacheKey = this.generateCacheKey(url, start, end, match);
    const params = { match, start, end };
    let value = this.seriesCache.get(cacheKey);
    if (!value) {
      // Clear value when requesting new one. Empty object being truthy also makes sure we don't request twice.
      this.seriesCache.set(cacheKey, {});
      const data = await this.request(url, params);
      const { values } = processLabels(data);
      value = values;
      this.seriesCache.set(cacheKey, value);
    return value;

  // Cache key is a bit different here. We round up to a minute the intervals.
  // The rounding may seem strange but makes relative intervals like now-1h less prone to need separate request every
  // millisecond while still actually getting all the keys for the correct interval. This still can create problems
  // when user does not the newest values for a minute if already cached.
  generateCacheKey(url: string, start: number, end: number, param: string): string {
    return [url, this.roundTime(start), this.roundTime(end), param].join();

  // Round nanos epoch to nearest 5 minute interval
  roundTime(nanos: number): number {
    return nanos ? Math.floor(nanos / NS_IN_MS / 1000 / 60 / 5) : 0;

  async getLabelValues(key: string): Promise<string[]> {
    return await this.fetchLabelValues(key, this.initialRange);

  async fetchLabelValues(key: string, absoluteRange: AbsoluteTimeRange): Promise<string[]> {
    const url = `/api/prom/label/${key}/values`;
    let values: string[] = [];
    const rangeParams: { start?: number; end?: number } = absoluteRange ? rangeToParams(absoluteRange) : {};
    const { start, end } = rangeParams;

    const cacheKey = this.generateCacheKey(url, start, end, key);
    const params = { start, end };
    let value = this.labelsCache.get(cacheKey);
    if (!value) {
      try {
        // Clear value when requesting new one. Empty object being truthy also makes sure we don't request twice.
        this.labelsCache.set(cacheKey, []);
        const res = await this.request(url, params);
        values = res.slice().sort();
        value = values;
        this.labelsCache.set(cacheKey, value);

        // Add to label options
        this.logLabelOptions = this.logLabelOptions.map(keyOption => {
          if (keyOption.value === key) {
            return {
              children: values.map(value => ({ label: value, value })),
          return keyOption;
      } catch (e) {
    return value;
Example #2
Source File: language_provider.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
export default class PromQlLanguageProvider extends LanguageProvider {
  histogramMetrics?: string[];
  timeRange?: { start: number; end: number };
  metrics?: string[];
  metricsMetadata?: PromMetricsMetadata;
  startTask: Promise<any>;
  datasource: PrometheusDatasource;
  lookupMetricsThreshold: number;
  lookupsDisabled: boolean; // Dynamically set to true for big/slow instances

   *  Cache for labels of series. This is bit simplistic in the sense that it just counts responses each as a 1 and does
   *  not account for different size of a response. If that is needed a `length` function can be added in the options.
   *  10 as a max size is totally arbitrary right now.
  private labelsCache = new LRU<string, Record<string, string[]>>(10);

  constructor(datasource: PrometheusDatasource, initialValues?: Partial<PromQlLanguageProvider>) {

    this.datasource = datasource;
    this.histogramMetrics = [];
    this.timeRange = { start: 0, end: 0 };
    this.metrics = [];
    // Disable lookups until we know the instance is small enough
    this.lookupMetricsThreshold = DEFAULT_LOOKUP_METRICS_THRESHOLD;
    this.lookupsDisabled = true;

    Object.assign(this, initialValues);

  // Strip syntax chars so that typeahead suggestions can work on clean inputs
  cleanText(s: string) {
    const parts = s.split(PREFIX_DELIMITER_REGEX);
    const last = parts.pop();
    return last
      .replace(/"$/, '')
      .replace(/^"/, '');

  get syntax() {
    return PromqlSyntax;

  request = async (url: string, defaultValue: any): Promise<any> => {
    try {
      const res = await this.datasource.metadataRequest(url);
      const body = await (res.data || res.json());

      return body.data;
    } catch (error) {

    return defaultValue;

  start = async (): Promise<any[]> => {
    this.metrics = await this.request('/api/v1/label/__name__/values', []);
    this.lookupsDisabled = this.metrics.length > this.lookupMetricsThreshold;
    this.metricsMetadata = await this.request('/api/v1/metadata', {});
    return [];

  processHistogramMetrics = (data: string[]) => {
    const { values } = processHistogramLabels(data);

    if (values && values['__name__']) {
      this.histogramMetrics = values['__name__'].slice().sort();

  provideCompletionItems = async (
    { prefix, text, value, labelKey, wrapperClasses }: TypeaheadInput,
    context: { history: Array<HistoryItem<PromQuery>> } = { history: [] }
  ): Promise<TypeaheadOutput> => {
    // Local text properties
    const empty = value.document.text.length === 0;
    const selectedLines = value.document.getTextsAtRange(value.selection);
    const currentLine = selectedLines.size === 1 ? selectedLines.first().getText() : null;

    const nextCharacter = currentLine ? currentLine[value.selection.anchor.offset] : null;

    // Syntax spans have 3 classes by default. More indicate a recognized token
    const tokenRecognized = wrapperClasses.length > 3;
    // Non-empty prefix, but not inside known token
    const prefixUnrecognized = prefix && !tokenRecognized;

    // Prevent suggestions in `function(|suffix)`
    const noSuffix = !nextCharacter || nextCharacter === ')';

    // Prefix is safe if it does not immediately follow a complete expression and has no text after it
    const safePrefix = prefix && !text.match(/^[\]})\s]+$/) && noSuffix;

    // About to type next operand if preceded by binary operator
    const operatorsPattern = /[+\-*/^%]/;
    const isNextOperand = text.match(operatorsPattern);

    // Determine candidates by CSS context
    if (wrapperClasses.includes('context-range')) {
      // Suggestions for metric[|]
      return this.getRangeCompletionItems();
    } else if (wrapperClasses.includes('context-labels')) {
      // Suggestions for metric{|} and metric{foo=|}, as well as metric-independent label queries like {|}
      return this.getLabelCompletionItems({ prefix, text, value, labelKey, wrapperClasses });
    } else if (wrapperClasses.includes('context-aggregation')) {
      // Suggestions for sum(metric) by (|)
      return this.getAggregationCompletionItems(value);
    } else if (empty) {
      // Suggestions for empty query field
      return this.getEmptyCompletionItems(context);
    } else if (prefixUnrecognized && noSuffix && !isNextOperand) {
      // Show term suggestions in a couple of scenarios
      return this.getBeginningCompletionItems(context);
    } else if (prefixUnrecognized && safePrefix) {
      // Show term suggestions in a couple of scenarios
      return this.getTermCompletionItems();

    return {
      suggestions: [],

  getBeginningCompletionItems = (context: { history: Array<HistoryItem<PromQuery>> }): TypeaheadOutput => {
    return {
      suggestions: [...this.getEmptyCompletionItems(context).suggestions, ...this.getTermCompletionItems().suggestions],

  getEmptyCompletionItems = (context: { history: Array<HistoryItem<PromQuery>> }): TypeaheadOutput => {
    const { history } = context;
    const suggestions = [];

    if (history && history.length) {
      const historyItems = _.chain(history)
        .map(h => h.query.expr)
        .map(item => addHistoryMetadata(item, history))

        prefixMatch: true,
        skipSort: true,
        label: 'History',
        items: historyItems,

    return { suggestions };

  getTermCompletionItems = (): TypeaheadOutput => {
    const { metrics, metricsMetadata } = this;
    const suggestions = [];

      prefixMatch: true,
      label: 'Functions',
      items: FUNCTIONS.map(setFunctionKind),

    if (metrics && metrics.length) {
        label: 'Metrics',
        items: metrics.map(m => addMetricsMetadata(m, metricsMetadata)),

    return { suggestions };

  getRangeCompletionItems(): TypeaheadOutput {
    return {
      context: 'context-range',
      suggestions: [
          label: 'Range vector',
          items: [...RATE_RANGES],

  getAggregationCompletionItems = async (value: Value): Promise<TypeaheadOutput> => {
    const suggestions: CompletionItemGroup[] = [];

    // Stitch all query lines together to support multi-line queries
    let queryOffset;
    const queryText = value.document.getBlocks().reduce((text: string, block) => {
      const blockText = block.getText();
      if (value.anchorBlock.key === block.key) {
        // Newline characters are not accounted for but this is irrelevant
        // for the purpose of extracting the selector string
        queryOffset = value.selection.anchor.offset + text.length;

      return text + blockText;
    }, '');

    // Try search for selector part on the left-hand side, such as `sum (m) by (l)`
    const openParensAggregationIndex = queryText.lastIndexOf('(', queryOffset);
    let openParensSelectorIndex = queryText.lastIndexOf('(', openParensAggregationIndex - 1);
    let closeParensSelectorIndex = queryText.indexOf(')', openParensSelectorIndex);

    // Try search for selector part of an alternate aggregation clause, such as `sum by (l) (m)`
    if (openParensSelectorIndex === -1) {
      const closeParensAggregationIndex = queryText.indexOf(')', queryOffset);
      closeParensSelectorIndex = queryText.indexOf(')', closeParensAggregationIndex + 1);
      openParensSelectorIndex = queryText.lastIndexOf('(', closeParensSelectorIndex);

    const result = {
      context: 'context-aggregation',

    // Suggestions are useless for alternative aggregation clauses without a selector in context
    if (openParensSelectorIndex === -1) {
      return result;

    // Range vector syntax not accounted for by subsequent parse so discard it if present
    const selectorString = queryText
      .slice(openParensSelectorIndex + 1, closeParensSelectorIndex)
      .replace(/\[[^\]]+\]$/, '');

    const selector = parseSelector(selectorString, selectorString.length - 2).selector;

    const labelValues = await this.getLabelValues(selector);
    if (labelValues) {
      suggestions.push({ label: 'Labels', items: Object.keys(labelValues).map(wrapLabel) });
    return result;

  getLabelCompletionItems = async ({
  }: TypeaheadInput): Promise<TypeaheadOutput> => {
    const suggestions: CompletionItemGroup[] = [];
    const line = value.anchorBlock.getText();
    const cursorOffset = value.selection.anchor.offset;
    const suffix = line.substr(cursorOffset);
    const prefix = line.substr(0, cursorOffset);
    const isValueStart = text.match(/^(=|=~|!=|!~)/);
    const isValueEnd = suffix.match(/^"?[,}]/);
    // detect cursor in front of value, e.g., {key=|"}
    const isPreValue = prefix.match(/(=|=~|!=|!~)$/) && suffix.match(/^"/);

    // Don't suggestq anything at the beginning or inside a value
    const isValueEmpty = isValueStart && isValueEnd;
    const hasValuePrefix = isValueEnd && !isValueStart;
    if ((!isValueEmpty && !hasValuePrefix) || isPreValue) {
      return { suggestions };

    // Get normalized selector
    let selector;
    let parsedSelector;
    try {
      parsedSelector = parseSelector(line, cursorOffset);
      selector = parsedSelector.selector;
    } catch {
      selector = EMPTY_SELECTOR;

    const containsMetric = selector.includes('__name__=');
    const existingKeys = parsedSelector ? parsedSelector.labelKeys : [];

    let labelValues;
    // Query labels for selector
    if (selector) {
      labelValues = await this.getLabelValues(selector, !containsMetric);

    if (!labelValues) {
      console.warn(`Server did not return any values for selector = ${selector}`);
      return { suggestions };

    let context: string;
    if ((text && isValueStart) || wrapperClasses.includes('attr-value')) {
      // Label values
      if (labelKey && labelValues[labelKey]) {
        context = 'context-label-values';
          label: `Label values for "${labelKey}"`,
          items: labelValues[labelKey].map(wrapLabel),
    } else {
      // Label keys
      const labelKeys = labelValues ? Object.keys(labelValues) : containsMetric ? null : DEFAULT_KEYS;

      if (labelKeys) {
        const possibleKeys = _.difference(labelKeys, existingKeys);
        if (possibleKeys.length) {
          context = 'context-labels';
          const newItems = possibleKeys.map(key => ({ label: key }));
          const newSuggestion: CompletionItemGroup = { label: `Labels`, items: newItems };

    return { context, suggestions };

  async getLabelValues(selector: string, withName?: boolean) {
    if (this.lookupsDisabled) {
      return undefined;
    try {
      if (selector === EMPTY_SELECTOR) {
        return await this.fetchDefaultLabels();
      } else {
        return await this.fetchSeriesLabels(selector, withName);
    } catch (error) {
      // TODO: better error handling
      return undefined;

  fetchLabelValues = async (key: string): Promise<Record<string, string[]>> => {
    const data = await this.request(`/api/v1/label/${key}/values`, []);
    return { [key]: data };

  roundToMinutes(seconds: number): number {
    return Math.floor(seconds / 60);

   * Fetch labels for a series. This is cached by it's args but also by the global timeRange currently selected as
   * they can change over requested time.
   * @param name
   * @param withName
  fetchSeriesLabels = async (name: string, withName?: boolean): Promise<Record<string, string[]>> => {
    const tRange = this.datasource.getTimeRange();
    const url = `/api/v1/series?match[]=${name}&start=${tRange['start']}&end=${tRange['end']}`;
    // Cache key is a bit different here. We add the `withName` param and also round up to a minute the intervals.
    // The rounding may seem strange but makes relative intervals like now-1h less prone to need separate request every
    // millisecond while still actually getting all the keys for the correct interval. This still can create problems
    // when user does not the newest values for a minute if already cached.
    const cacheKey = `/api/v1/series?match[]=${name}&start=${this.roundToMinutes(
    let value = this.labelsCache.get(cacheKey);
    if (!value) {
      const data = await this.request(url, []);
      const { values } = processLabels(data, withName);
      value = values;
      this.labelsCache.set(cacheKey, value);
    return value;

   * Fetch this only one as we assume this won't change over time. This is cached differently from fetchSeriesLabels
   * because we can cache more aggressively here and also we do not want to invalidate this cache the same way as in
   * fetchSeriesLabels.
  fetchDefaultLabels = _.once(async () => {
    const values = await Promise.all(DEFAULT_KEYS.map(key => this.fetchLabelValues(key)));
    return values.reduce((acc, value) => ({ ...acc, ...value }), {});