@grafana/data#TimeZone TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @grafana/data#TimeZone. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: mapper.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
mapOptionToTimeRange = (option: TimeOption, timeZone?: TimeZone): TimeRange => {
  return {
    from: stringToDateTime(option.from, false, timeZone),
    to: stringToDateTime(option.to, true, timeZone),
    raw: {
      from: option.from,
      to: option.to,
Example #2
Source File: mapper.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
mapRangeToTimeOption = (range: TimeRange, timeZone?: TimeZone): TimeOption => {
  const formattedFrom = stringToDateTime(range.from, false, timeZone).format(TIME_FORMAT);
  const formattedTo = stringToDateTime(range.to, true, timeZone).format(TIME_FORMAT);
  const from = dateTimeToString(range.from, timeZone);
  const to = dateTimeToString(range.to, timeZone);

  return {
    section: 3,
    display: `${formattedFrom} to ${formattedTo}`,
Example #3
Source File: mapper.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
mapStringsToTimeRange = (from: string, to: string, roundup?: boolean, timeZone?: TimeZone): TimeRange => {
  const fromDate = stringToDateTimeType(from, roundup, timeZone);
  const toDate = stringToDateTimeType(to, roundup, timeZone);

  if (dateMath.isMathString(from) || dateMath.isMathString(to)) {
    return {
      from: fromDate,
      to: toDate,
      raw: {

  return {
    from: fromDate,
    to: toDate,
    raw: {
      from: fromDate,
      to: toDate,
Example #4
Source File: mapper.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
stringToDateTime = (value: string | DateTime, roundUp?: boolean, timeZone?: TimeZone): DateTime => {
  if (isDateTime(value)) {
    if (timeZone === 'utc') {
      return value.utc();
    return value;

  if (value.indexOf('now') !== -1) {
    if (!dateMath.isValid(value)) {
      return dateTime();

    const parsed = dateMath.parse(value, roundUp, timeZone);
    return parsed || dateTime();

  return dateTimeForTimeZone(timeZone, value, TIME_FORMAT);
Example #5
Source File: mapper.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
dateTimeToString = (value: DateTime, timeZone?: TimeZone): string => {
  if (!isDateTime(value)) {
    return value;

  const isUtc = timeZone === 'utc';
  if (isUtc) {
    return value.utc().format(TIME_FORMAT);

  return value.format(TIME_FORMAT);
Example #6
Source File: TimeSrv.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
timeRange(): TimeRange {
    // make copies if they are moment  (do not want to return out internal moment, because they are mutable!)
    const raw = {
      from: isDateTime(this.time.from) ? dateTime(this.time.from) : this.time.from,
      to: isDateTime(this.time.to) ? dateTime(this.time.to) : this.time.to,

    const timezone: TimeZone = this.dashboard ? this.dashboard.getTimezone() : undefined;

    return {
      from: dateMath.parse(raw.from, false, timezone),
      to: dateMath.parse(raw.to, true, timezone),
      raw: raw,
Example #7
Source File: time.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
stringToDateTimeType = (value: string | DateTime, roundUp?: boolean, timeZone?: TimeZone): DateTime => {
  if (isDateTime(value)) {
    return value;

  if (value.indexOf('now') !== -1) {
    if (!dateMath.isValid(value)) {
      return dateTime();

    const parsed = dateMath.parse(value, roundUp, timeZone);
    return parsed || dateTime();

  return dateTimeForTimeZone(timeZone, value, TIME_FORMAT);
Example #8
Source File: explore.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
getTimeRangeFromUrl = (range: RawTimeRange, timeZone: TimeZone): TimeRange => {
  const raw = {
    from: parseRawTime(range.from),
    to: parseRawTime(range.to),

  return {
    from: dateMath.parse(raw.from, false, timeZone as any),
    to: dateMath.parse(raw.to, true, timeZone as any),
Example #9
Source File: logs_model.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Convert dataFrame into LogsModel which consists of creating separate array of log rows and metrics series. Metrics
 * series can be either already included in the dataFrame or will be computed from the log rows.
 * @param dataFrame
 * @param intervalMs In case there are no metrics series, we use this for computing it from log rows.
export function dataFrameToLogsModel(dataFrame: DataFrame[], intervalMs: number, timeZone: TimeZone): LogsModel {
  const { logSeries, metricSeries } = separateLogsAndMetrics(dataFrame);
  const logsModel = logSeriesToLogsModel(logSeries);

  if (logsModel) {
    if (metricSeries.length === 0) {
      // Create metrics from logs
      logsModel.series = makeSeriesForLogs(logsModel.rows, intervalMs, timeZone);
    } else {
      // We got metrics in the dataFrame so process those
      logsModel.series = getGraphSeriesModel(
        { showBars: true, showLines: false, showPoints: false },
          asTable: false,
          isVisible: true,
          placement: 'under',

    return logsModel;

  return {
    hasUniqueLabels: false,
    rows: [],
    meta: [],
    series: [],
Example #10
Source File: TimeRangeForm.tsx    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
function eventToState(event: FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>, roundup?: boolean, timeZone?: TimeZone): InputState {
  return valueToState(event.currentTarget.value, roundup, timeZone);
Example #11
Source File: ResultProcessor.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
    private state: ExploreItemState,
    private dataFrames: DataFrame[],
    private intervalMs: number,
    private timeZone: TimeZone
  ) {}
Example #12
Source File: reducers.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
processQueryResponse = (
  state: ExploreItemState,
  action: PayloadAction<QueryEndedPayload>
): ExploreItemState => {
  const { response } = action.payload;
  const { request, state: loadingState, series, error } = response;

  if (error) {
    if (error.cancelled) {
      return state;

    // For Angular editors
    state.eventBridge.emit(PanelEvents.dataError, error);

    return {
      loading: false,
      queryResponse: response,
      graphResult: null,
      tableResult: null,
      logsResult: null,
      update: makeInitialUpdateState(),

  const latency = request.endTime ? request.endTime - request.startTime : 0;
  const processor = new ResultProcessor(state, series, request.intervalMs, request.timezone as TimeZone);
  const graphResult = processor.getGraphResult();
  const tableResult = processor.getTableResult();
  const logsResult = processor.getLogsResult();

  // Send legacy data to Angular editors
  if (state.datasourceInstance.components.QueryCtrl) {
    const legacy = series.map(v => toLegacyResponseData(v));

    state.eventBridge.emit(PanelEvents.dataReceived, legacy);

  return {
    queryResponse: response,
    loading: loadingState === LoadingState.Loading || loadingState === LoadingState.Streaming,
    update: makeInitialUpdateState(),
Example #13
Source File: DashboardModel.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
getTimezone(): TimeZone {
    return (this.timezone ? this.timezone : contextSrv.user.timezone) as TimeZone;
Example #14
Source File: explore.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
getTimeRange = (timeZone: TimeZone, rawRange: RawTimeRange): TimeRange => {
  return {
    from: dateMath.parse(rawRange.from, false, timeZone as any),
    to: dateMath.parse(rawRange.to, true, timeZone as any),
    raw: rawRange,
Example #15
Source File: time.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
rawToTimeRange = (raw: RawTimeRange, timeZone?: TimeZone): TimeRange => {
  const from = stringToDateTimeType(raw.from, false, timeZone);
  const to = stringToDateTimeType(raw.to, true, timeZone);

  return { from, to, raw };
Example #16
Source File: TimeRangeForm.tsx    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
function isValid(value: string, roundup?: boolean, timeZone?: TimeZone): boolean {
  if (dateMath.isMathString(value)) {
    return isValidTimeString(value);

  const parsed = stringToDateTimeType(value, roundup, timeZone);
  return parsed.isValid();
Example #17
Source File: TimeRangeForm.tsx    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
function valueToState(raw: DateTime | string, roundup?: boolean, timeZone?: TimeZone): InputState {
  const value = valueAsString(raw);
  const invalid = !isValid(value, roundup, timeZone);
  return { value, invalid };
Example #18
Source File: TimePickerContent.tsx    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
function mapToHistoryOptions(ranges?: TimeRange[], timeZone?: TimeZone): TimeOption[] {
  if (!Array.isArray(ranges) || ranges.length === 0) {
    return [];
  return ranges.slice(ranges.length - 4).map(range => mapRangeToTimeOption(range, timeZone));
Example #19
Source File: logs_model.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
export function makeSeriesForLogs(rows: LogRowModel[], intervalMs: number, timeZone: TimeZone): GraphSeriesXY[] {
  // currently interval is rangeMs / resolution, which is too low for showing series as bars.
  // need at least 10px per bucket, so we multiply interval by 10. Should be solved higher up the chain
  // when executing queries & interval calculated and not here but this is a temporary fix.
  // intervalMs = intervalMs * 10;

  // Graph time series by log level
  const seriesByLevel: any = {};
  const bucketSize = intervalMs * 10;
  const seriesList: any[] = [];

  const sortedRows = rows.sort(sortInAscendingOrder);
  for (const row of sortedRows) {
    let series = seriesByLevel[row.logLevel];

    if (!series) {
      seriesByLevel[row.logLevel] = series = {
        lastTs: null,
        datapoints: [],
        alias: row.logLevel,
        target: row.logLevel,
        color: LogLevelColor[row.logLevel],


    // align time to bucket size - used Math.floor for calculation as time of the bucket
    // must be in the past (before Date.now()) to be displayed on the graph
    const time = Math.floor(row.timeEpochMs / bucketSize) * bucketSize;

    // Entry for time
    if (time === series.lastTs) {
      series.datapoints[series.datapoints.length - 1][0]++;
    } else {
      series.datapoints.push([1, time]);
      series.lastTs = time;

    // add zero to other levels to aid stacking so each level series has same number of points
    for (const other of seriesList) {
      if (other !== series && other.lastTs !== time) {
        other.datapoints.push([0, time]);
        other.lastTs = time;

  return seriesList.map((series, i) => {
    series.datapoints.sort((a: number[], b: number[]) => {
      return a[1] - b[1];

    // EEEP: converts GraphSeriesXY to DataFrame and back again!
    const data = toDataFrame(series);
    const points = getFlotPairs({
      xField: data.fields[1],
      yField: data.fields[0],
      nullValueMode: NullValueMode.Null,

    const timeField = data.fields[1];
    timeField.display = getDisplayProcessor({
      field: timeField,

    const valueField = data.fields[0];
    valueField.config = {
      color: series.color,

    const graphSeries: GraphSeriesXY = {
      color: series.color,
      label: series.alias,
      data: points,
      isVisible: true,
      yAxis: {
        index: 1,
        min: 0,
        tickDecimals: 0,
      seriesIndex: i,
      // for now setting the time step to be 0,
      // and handle the bar width by setting lineWidth instead of barWidth in flot options
      timeStep: 0,

    return graphSeries;
Example #20
Source File: getGraphSeriesModel.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
getGraphSeriesModel = (
  dataFrames: DataFrame[],
  timeZone: TimeZone,
  seriesOptions: SeriesOptions,
  graphOptions: GraphOptions,
  legendOptions: GraphLegendEditorLegendOptions,
  fieldOptions?: FieldDisplayOptions
) => {
  const graphs: GraphSeriesXY[] = [];

  const displayProcessor = getDisplayProcessor({
    field: {
      config: {
        unit: fieldOptions?.defaults?.unit,
        decimals: legendOptions.decimals,

  let fieldColumnIndex = -1;
  for (const series of dataFrames) {
    const { timeField } = getTimeField(series);
    if (!timeField) {

    for (const field of series.fields) {
      if (field.type !== FieldType.number) {
      // Storing index of series field for future inspection

      // Use external calculator just to make sure it works :)
      const points = getFlotPairs({
        xField: timeField,
        yField: field,
        nullValueMode: NullValueMode.Null,

      if (points.length > 0) {
        const seriesStats = reduceField({ field, reducers: legendOptions.stats });
        let statsDisplayValues: DisplayValue[];

        if (legendOptions.stats) {
          statsDisplayValues = legendOptions.stats.map<DisplayValue>(stat => {
            const statDisplayValue = displayProcessor(seriesStats[stat]);

            return {
              title: stat,

        let color: FieldColor;
        if (seriesOptions[field.name] && seriesOptions[field.name].color) {
          // Case when panel has settings provided via SeriesOptions, i.e. graph panel
          color = {
            mode: FieldColorMode.Fixed,
            fixedColor: seriesOptions[field.name].color,
        } else if (field.config && field.config.color) {
          // Case when color settings are set on field, i.e. Explore logs histogram (see makeSeriesForLogs)
          color = field.config.color;
        } else {
          color = {
            mode: FieldColorMode.Fixed,
            fixedColor: colors[graphs.length % colors.length],

        field.config = fieldOptions
          ? {
              unit: fieldOptions.defaults.unit,
              decimals: fieldOptions.defaults.decimals,
          : { ...field.config, color };

        field.display = getDisplayProcessor({ field });

        // Time step is used to determine bars width when graph is rendered as bar chart
        const timeStep = getSeriesTimeStep(timeField);
        const useMsDateFormat = hasMsResolution(timeField);

        timeField.display = getDisplayProcessor({
          field: {
            type: timeField.type,
            config: {
              unit: `time:${useMsDateFormat ? MS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT : DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT}`,

          label: field.name,
          data: points,
          color: field.config.color?.fixedColor,
          info: statsDisplayValues,
          isVisible: true,
          yAxis: {
            index: (seriesOptions[field.name] && seriesOptions[field.name].yAxis) || 1,
          // This index is used later on to retrieve appropriate series/time for X and Y axes
          seriesIndex: fieldColumnIndex,
          timeField: { ...timeField },
          valueField: { ...field },

  return graphs;
Example #21
Source File: getGraphSeriesModel.ts    From loudml-grafana-app with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
getGraphSeriesModel = (
  dataFrames: DataFrame[],
  timeZone: TimeZone,
  seriesOptions: SeriesOptions,
  graphOptions: GraphOptions,
  legendOptions: GraphLegendEditorLegendOptions,
  fieldOptions?: FieldDisplayOptions
) => {
  const graphs: GraphSeriesXY[] = [];

  const displayProcessor = getDisplayProcessor({
    field: {
      config: {
        unit: fieldOptions?.defaults?.unit,
        decimals: legendOptions.decimals,

  let fieldColumnIndex = -1;
  for (const series of dataFrames) {
    const { timeField } = getTimeField(series);
    if (!timeField) {

    for (const field of series.fields) {
      if (field.type !== FieldType.number) {
      // Storing index of series field for future inspection

      // Use external calculator just to make sure it works :)
      const points = getFlotPairs({
        xField: timeField,
        yField: field,
        nullValueMode: NullValueMode.Null,

      if (points.length > 0) {
        const seriesStats = reduceField({ field, reducers: legendOptions.stats });
        let statsDisplayValues: DisplayValue[];

        if (legendOptions.stats) {
          statsDisplayValues = legendOptions.stats.map<DisplayValue>(stat => {
            const statDisplayValue = displayProcessor(seriesStats[stat]);

            return {
              title: stat,

        let color: FieldColor;
        if (seriesOptions[field.name] && seriesOptions[field.name].color) {
          // Case when panel has settings provided via SeriesOptions, i.e. graph panel
          color = {
            mode: FieldColorMode.Fixed,
            fixedColor: seriesOptions[field.name].color,
        } else if (field.config && field.config.color) {
          // Case when color settings are set on field, i.e. Explore logs histogram (see makeSeriesForLogs)
          color = field.config.color;
        } else {
          color = {
            mode: FieldColorMode.Fixed,
            fixedColor: colors[graphs.length % colors.length],

        field.config = fieldOptions
          ? {
              unit: fieldOptions.defaults.unit,
              decimals: fieldOptions.defaults.decimals,
          : { ...field.config, color };

        field.display = getDisplayProcessor({ field });

        // Time step is used to determine bars width when graph is rendered as bar chart
        const timeStep = getSeriesTimeStep(timeField);
        const useMsDateFormat = hasMsResolution(timeField);

        timeField.display = getDisplayProcessor({
          field: {
            type: timeField.type,
            config: {
              unit: `time:${useMsDateFormat ? MS_DATE_TIME_FORMAT : DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT}`,

          label: field.name,
          data: points,
          color: field.config.color?.fixedColor,
          info: statsDisplayValues,
          isVisible: true,
          yAxis: {
            index: (seriesOptions[field.name] && seriesOptions[field.name].yAxis) || 1,
          // This index is used later on to retrieve appropriate series/time for X and Y axes
          seriesIndex: fieldColumnIndex,
          timeField: { ...timeField },
          valueField: { ...field },

  return graphs;