@grafana/data#getColorDefinitionByName TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @grafana/data#getColorDefinitionByName. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: NamedColorsPalette.test.tsx    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
describe('NamedColorsPalette', () => {
  const BasicGreen = getColorDefinitionByName('green');

  describe('theme support for named colors', () => {
    let wrapper: ReactWrapper, selectedSwatch;

    afterEach(() => {

    it('should render provided color variant specific for theme', () => {
      wrapper = mount(<NamedColorsPalette color={BasicGreen.name} theme={getTheme()} onChange={() => {}} />);
      selectedSwatch = wrapper.find(ColorSwatch).findWhere(node => node.key() === BasicGreen.name);

      wrapper = mount(
        <NamedColorsPalette color={BasicGreen.name} theme={getTheme(GrafanaThemeType.Light)} onChange={() => {}} />
      selectedSwatch = wrapper.find(ColorSwatch).findWhere(node => node.key() === BasicGreen.name);

    it('should render dar variant of provided color when theme not provided', () => {
      wrapper = mount(<NamedColorsPalette color={BasicGreen.name} onChange={() => {}} theme={getTheme()} />);
      selectedSwatch = wrapper.find(ColorSwatch).findWhere(node => node.key() === BasicGreen.name);
Example #2
Source File: ColorPickerPopover.test.tsx    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
describe('ColorPickerPopover', () => {
  const BasicGreen = getColorDefinitionByName('green');
  const BasicBlue = getColorDefinitionByName('blue');

  describe('rendering', () => {
    it('should render provided color as selected if color provided by name', () => {
      const wrapper = mount(<ColorPickerPopover color={BasicGreen.name} onChange={() => {}} theme={getTheme()} />);
      const selectedSwatch = wrapper.find(ColorSwatch).findWhere(node => node.key() === BasicGreen.name);
      const notSelectedSwatches = wrapper.find(ColorSwatch).filterWhere(node => node.prop('isSelected') === false);

      expect(notSelectedSwatches.length).toBe(allColors.length - 1);

    it('should render provided color as selected if color provided by hex', () => {
      const wrapper = mount(
        <ColorPickerPopover color={BasicGreen.variants.dark} onChange={() => {}} theme={getTheme()} />
      const selectedSwatch = wrapper.find(ColorSwatch).findWhere(node => node.key() === BasicGreen.name);
      const notSelectedSwatches = wrapper.find(ColorSwatch).filterWhere(node => node.prop('isSelected') === false);

      expect(notSelectedSwatches.length).toBe(allColors.length - 1);

  describe('named colors support', () => {
    const onChangeSpy = jest.fn();
    let wrapper: ReactWrapper;

    afterEach(() => {

    it('should pass hex color value to onChange prop by default', () => {
      wrapper = mount(
      const basicBlueSwatch = wrapper.find(ColorSwatch).findWhere(node => node.key() === BasicBlue.name);



    it('should pass color name to onChange prop when named colors enabled', () => {
      wrapper = mount(
      const basicBlueSwatch = wrapper.find(ColorSwatch).findWhere(node => node.key() === BasicBlue.name);


Example #3
Source File: NamedColorsPalette.story.tsx    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
BasicGreen = getColorDefinitionByName('green')
Example #4
Source File: NamedColorsPalette.story.tsx    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
BasicRed = getColorDefinitionByName('red')
Example #5
Source File: NamedColorsPalette.story.tsx    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
LightBlue = getColorDefinitionByName('light-blue')
Example #6
Source File: renderer.test.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
describe('when rendering table', () => {
  const SemiDarkOrange = getColorDefinitionByName('semi-dark-orange');

  describe('given 13 columns', () => {
    const table = new TableModel();
    table.columns = [
      { text: 'Time' },
      { text: 'Value' },
      { text: 'Colored' },
      { text: 'Undefined' },
      { text: 'String' },
      { text: 'United', unit: 'bps' },
      { text: 'Sanitized' },
      { text: 'Link' },
      { text: 'Array' },
      { text: 'Mapping' },
      { text: 'RangeMapping' },
      { text: 'MappingColored' },
      { text: 'RangeMappingColored' },
      { text: 'HiddenType' },
      { text: 'RightAligned' },
    table.rows = [
        ['value1', 'value2'],

    const panel = {
      pageSize: 10,
      styles: [
          pattern: 'Time',
          type: 'date',
          format: 'LLL',
          alias: 'Timestamp',
          pattern: '/(Val)ue/',
          type: 'number',
          unit: 'ms',
          decimals: 3,
          alias: '$1',
          pattern: 'Colored',
          type: 'number',
          unit: 'none',
          decimals: 1,
          colorMode: 'value',
          thresholds: [50, 80],
          colors: ['#00ff00', SemiDarkOrange.name, 'rgb(1,0,0)'],
          pattern: 'String',
          type: 'string',
          pattern: 'String',
          type: 'string',
          pattern: 'United',
          type: 'number',
          unit: 'ms',
          decimals: 2,
          pattern: 'Sanitized',
          type: 'string',
          sanitize: true,
          pattern: 'Link',
          type: 'string',
          link: true,
          linkUrl: '/dashboard?param=$__cell&param_1=$__cell_1&param_2=$__cell_2',
          linkTooltip: '$__cell $__cell_1 $__cell_6',
          linkTargetBlank: true,
          pattern: 'Array',
          type: 'number',
          unit: 'ms',
          decimals: 3,
          pattern: 'Mapping',
          type: 'string',
          mappingType: 1,
          valueMaps: [
              value: '1',
              text: 'on',
              value: '0',
              text: 'off',
              value: 'HELLO WORLD',
              text: 'HELLO GRAFANA',
              value: 'value1, value2',
              text: 'value3, value4',
          pattern: 'RangeMapping',
          type: 'string',
          mappingType: 2,
          rangeMaps: [
              from: '1',
              to: '3',
              text: 'on',
              from: '3',
              to: '6',
              text: 'off',
          pattern: 'MappingColored',
          type: 'string',
          mappingType: 1,
          valueMaps: [
              value: '1',
              text: 'on',
              value: '0',
              text: 'off',
          colorMode: 'value',
          thresholds: [1, 2],
          colors: ['#00ff00', SemiDarkOrange.name, 'rgb(1,0,0)'],
          pattern: 'RangeMappingColored',
          type: 'string',
          mappingType: 2,
          rangeMaps: [
              from: '1',
              to: '3',
              text: 'on',
              from: '3',
              to: '6',
              text: 'off',
          colorMode: 'value',
          thresholds: [2, 5],
          colors: ['#00ff00', SemiDarkOrange.name, 'rgb(1,0,0)'],
          pattern: 'HiddenType',
          type: 'hidden',
          pattern: 'RightAligned',
          align: 'right',

    const renderer = new TableRenderer(panel, table, 'utc', sanitize, templateSrv);

    it('time column should be formatted', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(0, 0, 1388556366666);

    it('time column with epoch as string should be formatted', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(0, 0, '1388556366666');

    it('time column with RFC2822 date as string should be formatted', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(0, 0, 'Sat, 01 Dec 2018 01:00:00 GMT');

    it('time column with ISO date as string should be formatted', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(0, 0, '2018-12-01T01:00:00Z');

    it('undefined time column should be rendered as -', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(0, 0, undefined);

    it('null time column should be rendered as -', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(0, 0, null);

    it('number column with unit specified should ignore style unit', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(5, 0, 1230);
      expect(html).toBe('<td>1.23 kbps</td>');

    it('number column should be formated', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(1, 0, 1230);
      expect(html).toBe('<td>1.230 s</td>');

    it('number column should format numeric string values', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(1, 0, '1230');
      expect(html).toBe('<td>1.230 s</td>');

    it('number style should ignore string non-numeric values', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(1, 0, 'asd');

    it('colored cell should have style (handles HEX color values)', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(2, 0, 40);
      expect(html).toBe('<td style="color:#00ff00">40.0</td>');

    it('colored cell should have style (handles named color values', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(2, 0, 55);
      expect(html).toBe(`<td style="color:${SemiDarkOrange.variants.dark}">55.0</td>`);

    it('colored cell should have style handles(rgb color values)', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(2, 0, 85);
      expect(html).toBe('<td style="color:rgb(1,0,0)">85.0</td>');

    it('unformated undefined should be rendered as string', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(3, 0, 'value');

    it('string style with escape html should return escaped html', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(4, 0, '&breaking <br /> the <br /> row');
      expect(html).toBe('<td>&amp;breaking &lt;br /&gt; the &lt;br /&gt; row</td>');

    it('undefined formater should return escaped html', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(3, 0, '&breaking <br /> the <br /> row');
      expect(html).toBe('<td>&amp;breaking &lt;br /&gt; the &lt;br /&gt; row</td>');

    it('undefined value should render as -', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(3, 0, undefined);

    it('sanitized value should render as', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(6, 0, 'text <a href="http://google.com">link</a>');

    it('Time column title should be Timestamp', () => {

    it('Value column title should be Val', () => {

    it('Colored column title should be Colored', () => {

    it('link should render as', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(7, 0, 'host1');
      const expectedHtml = `
        <td class="table-panel-cell-link"><a href="/dashboard?param=host1&param_1=1230&param_2=40"
            target="_blank" data-link-tooltip data-original-title="host1 1230 my.host.com"

    it('Array column should not use number as formatter', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(8, 0, ['value1', 'value2']);
      expect(html).toBe('<td>value1, value2</td>');

    it('numeric value should be mapped to text', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(9, 0, 1);

    it('string numeric value should be mapped to text', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(9, 0, '0');

    it('string value should be mapped to text', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(9, 0, 'HELLO WORLD');
      expect(html).toBe('<td>HELLO GRAFANA</td>');

    it('array column value should be mapped to text', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(9, 0, ['value1', 'value2']);
      expect(html).toBe('<td>value3, value4</td>');

    it('value should be mapped to text (range)', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(10, 0, 2);

    it('value should be mapped to text (range)', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(10, 0, 5);

    it('array column value should not be mapped to text', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(10, 0, ['value1', 'value2']);
      expect(html).toBe('<td>value1, value2</td>');

    it('value should be mapped to text and colored cell should have style', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(11, 0, 1);
      expect(html).toBe(`<td style="color:${SemiDarkOrange.variants.dark}">on</td>`);

    it('value should be mapped to text and colored cell should have style', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(11, 0, '1');
      expect(html).toBe(`<td style="color:${SemiDarkOrange.variants.dark}">on</td>`);

    it('value should be mapped to text and colored cell should have style', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(11, 0, 0);
      expect(html).toBe('<td style="color:#00ff00">off</td>');

    it('value should be mapped to text and colored cell should have style', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(11, 0, '0');
      expect(html).toBe('<td style="color:#00ff00">off</td>');

    it('value should be mapped to text and colored cell should have style', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(11, 0, '2.1');
      expect(html).toBe('<td style="color:rgb(1,0,0)">2.1</td>');

    it('value should be mapped to text (range) and colored cell should have style', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(12, 0, 0);
      expect(html).toBe('<td style="color:#00ff00">0</td>');

    it('value should be mapped to text (range) and colored cell should have style', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(12, 0, 1);
      expect(html).toBe('<td style="color:#00ff00">on</td>');

    it('value should be mapped to text (range) and colored cell should have style', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(12, 0, 4);
      expect(html).toBe(`<td style="color:${SemiDarkOrange.variants.dark}">off</td>`);

    it('value should be mapped to text (range) and colored cell should have style', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(12, 0, '7.1');
      expect(html).toBe('<td style="color:rgb(1,0,0)">7.1</td>');

    it('hidden columns should not be rendered', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(13, 0, 'ignored');

    it('right aligned column should have correct text-align style', () => {
      const html = renderer.renderCell(14, 0, 42);
      expect(html).toBe('<td style="text-align:right">42</td>');

    it('render_values should ignore hidden columns', () => {
      renderer.render(0); // this computes the hidden markers on the columns
      const { columns, rows } = renderer.render_values();
      expect(columns).toHaveLength(table.columns.length - 1);
      expect(columns.filter((col: ColumnRender) => col.hidden)).toHaveLength(0);