@grafana/data#HistoryItem TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use @grafana/data#HistoryItem. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: explore.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Update the query history. Side-effect: store history in local storage
export function updateHistory<T extends DataQuery = any>(
  history: Array<HistoryItem<T>>,
  datasourceId: string,
  queries: T[]
): Array<HistoryItem<T>> {
  const ts = Date.now();
  queries.forEach(query => {
    history = [{ query, ts }, ...history];

  if (history.length > MAX_HISTORY_ITEMS) {
    history = history.slice(0, MAX_HISTORY_ITEMS);

  // Combine all queries of a datasource type into one history
  const historyKey = `grafana.explore.history.${datasourceId}`;
  store.setObject(historyKey, history);
  return history;
Example #2
Source File: language_provider.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
getEmptyCompletionItems = (context: { history: Array<HistoryItem<PromQuery>> }): TypeaheadOutput => {
    const { history } = context;
    const suggestions = [];

    if (history && history.length) {
      const historyItems = _.chain(history)
        .map(h => h.query.expr)
        .map(item => addHistoryMetadata(item, history))

        prefixMatch: true,
        skipSort: true,
        label: 'History',
        items: historyItems,

    return { suggestions };
Example #3
Source File: language_provider.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
provideCompletionItems = async (
    { prefix, text, value, labelKey, wrapperClasses }: TypeaheadInput,
    context: { history: Array<HistoryItem<PromQuery>> } = { history: [] }
  ): Promise<TypeaheadOutput> => {
    // Local text properties
    const empty = value.document.text.length === 0;
    const selectedLines = value.document.getTextsAtRange(value.selection);
    const currentLine = selectedLines.size === 1 ? selectedLines.first().getText() : null;

    const nextCharacter = currentLine ? currentLine[value.selection.anchor.offset] : null;

    // Syntax spans have 3 classes by default. More indicate a recognized token
    const tokenRecognized = wrapperClasses.length > 3;
    // Non-empty prefix, but not inside known token
    const prefixUnrecognized = prefix && !tokenRecognized;

    // Prevent suggestions in `function(|suffix)`
    const noSuffix = !nextCharacter || nextCharacter === ')';

    // Prefix is safe if it does not immediately follow a complete expression and has no text after it
    const safePrefix = prefix && !text.match(/^[\]})\s]+$/) && noSuffix;

    // About to type next operand if preceded by binary operator
    const operatorsPattern = /[+\-*/^%]/;
    const isNextOperand = text.match(operatorsPattern);

    // Determine candidates by CSS context
    if (wrapperClasses.includes('context-range')) {
      // Suggestions for metric[|]
      return this.getRangeCompletionItems();
    } else if (wrapperClasses.includes('context-labels')) {
      // Suggestions for metric{|} and metric{foo=|}, as well as metric-independent label queries like {|}
      return this.getLabelCompletionItems({ prefix, text, value, labelKey, wrapperClasses });
    } else if (wrapperClasses.includes('context-aggregation')) {
      // Suggestions for sum(metric) by (|)
      return this.getAggregationCompletionItems(value);
    } else if (empty) {
      // Suggestions for empty query field
      return this.getEmptyCompletionItems(context);
    } else if (prefixUnrecognized && noSuffix && !isNextOperand) {
      // Show term suggestions in a couple of scenarios
      return this.getBeginningCompletionItems(context);
    } else if (prefixUnrecognized && safePrefix) {
      // Show term suggestions in a couple of scenarios
      return this.getTermCompletionItems();

    return {
      suggestions: [],
Example #4
Source File: language_provider.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
getBeginningCompletionItems = (context: { history: Array<HistoryItem<PromQuery>> }): TypeaheadOutput => {
    return {
      suggestions: [...this.getEmptyCompletionItems(context).suggestions, ...this.getTermCompletionItems().suggestions],
Example #5
Source File: language_provider.test.ts    From grafana-chinese with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
describe('Language completion provider', () => {
  const datasource: PrometheusDatasource = ({
    metadataRequest: () => ({ data: { data: [] as any[] } }),
    getTimeRange: () => ({ start: 0, end: 1 }),
  } as any) as PrometheusDatasource;

  describe('cleanText', () => {
    const cleanText = new LanguageProvider(datasource).cleanText;
    it('does not remove metric or label keys', () => {

    it('keeps trailing space but removes leading', () => {
      expect(cleanText('foo ')).toBe('foo ');
      expect(cleanText(' foo')).toBe('foo');

    it('removes label syntax', () => {

    it('removes previous operators', () => {
      expect(cleanText('foo + bar')).toBe('bar');
      expect(cleanText('foo - bar')).toBe('bar');
      expect(cleanText('foo * bar')).toBe('bar');
      expect(cleanText('foo / bar')).toBe('bar');
      expect(cleanText('foo % bar')).toBe('bar');
      expect(cleanText('foo ^ bar')).toBe('bar');
      expect(cleanText('foo and bar')).toBe('bar');
      expect(cleanText('foo or bar')).toBe('bar');
      expect(cleanText('foo unless bar')).toBe('bar');
      expect(cleanText('foo == bar')).toBe('bar');
      expect(cleanText('foo != bar')).toBe('bar');
      expect(cleanText('foo > bar')).toBe('bar');
      expect(cleanText('foo < bar')).toBe('bar');
      expect(cleanText('foo >= bar')).toBe('bar');
      expect(cleanText('foo <= bar')).toBe('bar');

    it('removes aggregation syntax', () => {
      expect(cleanText('(foo, bar')).toBe('bar');

    it('removes range syntax', () => {

  describe('empty query suggestions', () => {
    it('returns no suggestions on empty context', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource);
      const value = Plain.deserialize('');
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({ text: '', prefix: '', value, wrapperClasses: [] });

    it('returns no suggestions with metrics on empty context even when metrics were provided', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource);
      instance.metrics = ['foo', 'bar'];
      const value = Plain.deserialize('');
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({ text: '', prefix: '', value, wrapperClasses: [] });

    it('returns history on empty context when history was provided', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource);
      const value = Plain.deserialize('');
      const history: Array<HistoryItem<PromQuery>> = [
          ts: 0,
          query: { refId: '1', expr: 'metric' },
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems(
        { text: '', prefix: '', value, wrapperClasses: [] },
        { history }

          label: 'History',
          items: [
              label: 'metric',

  describe('range suggestions', () => {
    it('returns range suggestions in range context', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource);
      const value = Plain.deserialize('1');
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '1',
        prefix: '1',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-range'],
          items: [
            { label: '$__interval', sortText: '$__interval' }, // TODO: figure out why this row and sortText is needed
            { label: '1m', sortText: '00:01:00' },
            { label: '5m', sortText: '00:05:00' },
            { label: '10m', sortText: '00:10:00' },
            { label: '30m', sortText: '00:30:00' },
            { label: '1h', sortText: '01:00:00' },
            { label: '1d', sortText: '24:00:00' },
          label: 'Range vector',

  describe('metric suggestions', () => {
    it('returns history, metrics and function suggestions in an uknown context ', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource);
      instance.metrics = ['foo', 'bar'];
      const history: Array<HistoryItem<PromQuery>> = [
          ts: 0,
          query: { refId: '1', expr: 'metric' },
      let value = Plain.deserialize('m');
      value = value.setSelection({ anchor: { offset: 1 }, focus: { offset: 1 } });
      // Even though no metric with `m` is present, we still get metric completion items, filtering is done by the consumer
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems(
        { text: 'm', prefix: 'm', value, wrapperClasses: [] },
        { history }
          label: 'History',
          items: [
              label: 'metric',
          label: 'Functions',
          label: 'Metrics',

    it('returns no suggestions directly after a binary operator', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource);
      instance.metrics = ['foo', 'bar'];
      const value = Plain.deserialize('*');
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({ text: '*', prefix: '', value, wrapperClasses: [] });

    it('returns metric suggestions with prefix after a binary operator', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource);
      instance.metrics = ['foo', 'bar'];
      const value = Plain.deserialize('foo + b');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(7).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: 'foo + b',
        prefix: 'b',
        value: valueWithSelection,
        wrapperClasses: [],
          label: 'Functions',
          label: 'Metrics',

    it('returns no suggestions at the beginning of a non-empty function', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource);
      const value = Plain.deserialize('sum(up)');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });

      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(4).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '',
        prefix: '',
        value: valueWithSelection,
        wrapperClasses: [],

  describe('label suggestions', () => {
    it('returns default label suggestions on label context and no metric', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource);
      instance.lookupsDisabled = false;
      const value = Plain.deserialize('{}');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(1).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '',
        prefix: '',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-labels'],
        value: valueWithSelection,
      expect(result.suggestions).toEqual([{ items: [{ label: 'job' }, { label: 'instance' }], label: 'Labels' }]);

    it('returns label suggestions on label context and metric', async () => {
      const datasources: PrometheusDatasource = ({
        metadataRequest: () => ({ data: { data: [{ __name__: 'metric', bar: 'bazinga' }] as any[] } }),
        getTimeRange: () => ({ start: 0, end: 1 }),
      } as any) as PrometheusDatasource;
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasources);
      instance.lookupsDisabled = false;
      const value = Plain.deserialize('metric{}');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(7).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '',
        prefix: '',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-labels'],
        value: valueWithSelection,
      expect(result.suggestions).toEqual([{ items: [{ label: 'bar' }], label: 'Labels' }]);

    it('returns label suggestions on label context but leaves out labels that already exist', async () => {
      const datasource: PrometheusDatasource = ({
        metadataRequest: () => ({
          data: {
            data: [
                __name__: 'metric',
                bar: 'asdasd',
                job1: 'dsadsads',
                job2: 'fsfsdfds',
                job3: 'dsadsad',
        getTimeRange: () => ({ start: 0, end: 1 }),
      } as any) as PrometheusDatasource;
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource);
      instance.lookupsDisabled = false;
      const value = Plain.deserialize('{job1="foo",job2!="foo",job3=~"foo",__name__="metric",}');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(54).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '',
        prefix: '',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-labels'],
        value: valueWithSelection,
      expect(result.suggestions).toEqual([{ items: [{ label: 'bar' }], label: 'Labels' }]);

    it('returns label value suggestions inside a label value context after a negated matching operator', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(({
        metadataRequest: () => {
          return { data: { data: ['value1', 'value2'] } };
      } as any) as PrometheusDatasource);
      instance.lookupsDisabled = false;
      const value = Plain.deserialize('{job!=}');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(6).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '!=',
        prefix: '',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-labels'],
        labelKey: 'job',
        value: valueWithSelection,
          items: [{ label: 'value1' }, { label: 'value2' }],
          label: 'Label values for "job"',

    it('returns a refresher on label context and unavailable metric', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource);
      instance.lookupsDisabled = false;
      const value = Plain.deserialize('metric{}');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(7).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '',
        prefix: '',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-labels'],
        value: valueWithSelection,

    it('returns label values on label context when given a metric and a label key', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(({
        metadataRequest: () => simpleMetricLabelsResponse,
      } as any) as PrometheusDatasource);
      instance.lookupsDisabled = false;
      const value = Plain.deserialize('metric{bar=ba}');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(13).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '=ba',
        prefix: 'ba',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-labels'],
        labelKey: 'bar',
        value: valueWithSelection,
      expect(result.suggestions).toEqual([{ items: [{ label: 'baz' }], label: 'Label values for "bar"' }]);

    it('returns label suggestions on aggregation context and metric w/ selector', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(({
        metadataRequest: () => simpleMetricLabelsResponse,
      } as any) as PrometheusDatasource);
      instance.lookupsDisabled = false;
      const value = Plain.deserialize('sum(metric{foo="xx"}) by ()');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(26).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '',
        prefix: '',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-aggregation'],
        value: valueWithSelection,
      expect(result.suggestions).toEqual([{ items: [{ label: 'bar' }], label: 'Labels' }]);

    it('returns label suggestions on aggregation context and metric w/o selector', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(({
        metadataRequest: () => simpleMetricLabelsResponse,
      } as any) as PrometheusDatasource);
      instance.lookupsDisabled = false;
      const value = Plain.deserialize('sum(metric) by ()');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(16).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '',
        prefix: '',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-aggregation'],
        value: valueWithSelection,
      expect(result.suggestions).toEqual([{ items: [{ label: 'bar' }], label: 'Labels' }]);

    it('returns label suggestions inside a multi-line aggregation context', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(({
        metadataRequest: () => simpleMetricLabelsResponse,
      } as any) as PrometheusDatasource);
      instance.lookupsDisabled = false;
      const value = Plain.deserialize('sum(\nmetric\n)\nby ()');
      const aggregationTextBlock = value.document.getBlocks().get(3);
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(4).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '',
        prefix: '',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-aggregation'],
        value: valueWithSelection,
          items: [{ label: 'bar' }],
          label: 'Labels',

    it('returns label suggestions inside an aggregation context with a range vector', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(({
        metadataRequest: () => simpleMetricLabelsResponse,
      } as any) as PrometheusDatasource);
      instance.lookupsDisabled = false;
      const value = Plain.deserialize('sum(rate(metric[1h])) by ()');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(26).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '',
        prefix: '',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-aggregation'],
        value: valueWithSelection,
          items: [{ label: 'bar' }],
          label: 'Labels',

    it('returns label suggestions inside an aggregation context with a range vector and label', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(({
        metadataRequest: () => simpleMetricLabelsResponse,
      } as any) as PrometheusDatasource);
      instance.lookupsDisabled = false;
      const value = Plain.deserialize('sum(rate(metric{label1="value"}[1h])) by ()');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(42).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '',
        prefix: '',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-aggregation'],
        value: valueWithSelection,
          items: [{ label: 'bar' }],
          label: 'Labels',

    it('returns no suggestions inside an unclear aggregation context using alternate syntax', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource);
      instance.lookupsDisabled = false;
      const value = Plain.deserialize('sum by ()');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(8).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '',
        prefix: '',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-aggregation'],
        value: valueWithSelection,

    it('returns label suggestions inside an aggregation context using alternate syntax', async () => {
      const instance = new LanguageProvider(({
        metadataRequest: () => simpleMetricLabelsResponse,
      } as any) as PrometheusDatasource);
      instance.lookupsDisabled = false;
      const value = Plain.deserialize('sum by () (metric)');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(8).value;
      const result = await instance.provideCompletionItems({
        text: '',
        prefix: '',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-aggregation'],
        value: valueWithSelection,
          items: [{ label: 'bar' }],
          label: 'Labels',

    it('does not re-fetch default labels', async () => {
      const datasource: PrometheusDatasource = ({
        metadataRequest: jest.fn(() => ({ data: { data: [] as any[] } })),
        getTimeRange: jest.fn(() => ({ start: 0, end: 1 })),
      } as any) as PrometheusDatasource;

      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource);
      instance.lookupsDisabled = false;
      const value = Plain.deserialize('{}');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(1).value;
      const args = {
        text: '',
        prefix: '',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-labels'],
        value: valueWithSelection,
      const promise1 = instance.provideCompletionItems(args);
      // one call for 2 default labels job, instance
      expect((datasource.metadataRequest as Mock).mock.calls.length).toBe(2);
      const promise2 = instance.provideCompletionItems(args);
      expect((datasource.metadataRequest as Mock).mock.calls.length).toBe(2);
      await Promise.all([promise1, promise2]);
      expect((datasource.metadataRequest as Mock).mock.calls.length).toBe(2);

  describe('dynamic lookup protection for big installations', () => {
    it('dynamic lookup is enabled if number of metrics is reasonably low', async () => {
      const datasource: PrometheusDatasource = ({
        metadataRequest: () => ({ data: { data: ['foo'] as string[] } }),
        getTimeRange: () => ({ start: 0, end: 1 }),
      } as any) as PrometheusDatasource;

      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource, { lookupMetricsThreshold: 1 });
      await instance.start();

    it('dynamic lookup is disabled if number of metrics is higher than threshold', async () => {
      const datasource: PrometheusDatasource = ({
        metadataRequest: () => ({ data: { data: ['foo', 'bar'] as string[] } }),
        getTimeRange: () => ({ start: 0, end: 1 }),
      } as any) as PrometheusDatasource;

      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource, { lookupMetricsThreshold: 1 });
      await instance.start();

    it('does not issue label-based metadata requests when lookup is disabled', async () => {
      const datasource: PrometheusDatasource = ({
        metadataRequest: jest.fn(() => ({ data: { data: ['foo', 'bar'] as string[] } })),
        getTimeRange: jest.fn(() => ({ start: 0, end: 1 })),
      } as any) as PrometheusDatasource;

      const instance = new LanguageProvider(datasource, { lookupMetricsThreshold: 1 });
      const value = Plain.deserialize('{}');
      const ed = new SlateEditor({ value });
      const valueWithSelection = ed.moveForward(1).value;
      const args = {
        text: '',
        prefix: '',
        wrapperClasses: ['context-labels'],
        value: valueWithSelection,
      expect((datasource.metadataRequest as Mock).mock.calls.length).toBe(0);
      await instance.start();
      // Capture request count to metadata
      const callCount = (datasource.metadataRequest as Mock).mock.calls.length;
      expect((datasource.metadataRequest as Mock).mock.calls.length).toBeGreaterThan(0);
      await instance.provideCompletionItems(args);
      expect((datasource.metadataRequest as Mock).mock.calls.length).toBe(callCount);