Python scipy.optimize.fsolve() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of scipy.optimize.fsolve(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scipy.optimize , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 7 votes vote down vote up
def _fitstart(self, data):
        g1 = _skew(data)
        g2 = _kurtosis(data)

        def func(x):
            a, b = x
            sk = 2*(b-a)*np.sqrt(a + b + 1) / (a + b + 2) / np.sqrt(a*b)
            ku = a**3 - a**2*(2*b-1) + b**2*(b+1) - 2*a*b*(b+2)
            ku /= a*b*(a+b+2)*(a+b+3)
            ku *= 6
            return [sk-g1, ku-g2]
        a, b = optimize.fsolve(func, (1.0, 1.0))
        return super(beta_gen, self)._fitstart(data, args=(a, b)) 
Example #2
Source File:    From compneuro with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _xinf_ND(xdot,x0,args=(),xddot=None,xtol=1.49012e-8):
    """Private function for wrapping the fsolving for x_infinity
    for a variable x in N dimensions"""
        result = fsolve(xdot,x0,args,fprime=xddot,xtol=xtol,full_output=1)
    except (ValueError, TypeError, OverflowError):
        xinf_val = NaN
        print "Error in fsolve:", sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]
        xinf_val = NaN
        if result[2] in (1,2,3): #,4,5):
            # 4,5 means "not making good progress" (see fsolve docstring)
            xinf_val = float(result[0])
            xinf_val = NaN
    return xinf_val 
Example #3
Source File:    From AeroPy with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def calculate_psi_goal(psi_baseline, Au_baseline, Au_goal, deltaz,
                       c_baseline, c_goal):
    """Find the value for psi that has the same location w on the upper
    surface of the goal as psi_baseline on the upper surface of the

    def integrand(psi_baseline, Au, deltaz, c):
        return c*np.sqrt(1 + dxi_u(psi_baseline, Au, deltaz/c)**2)

    def equation(psi_goal, L_baseline, Au_goal, deltaz, c):
        y, err = quad(integrand, 0, psi_goal, args=(Au_goal, deltaz, c))
        return y - L_baseline

    L_baseline, err = quad(integrand, 0, psi_baseline,
                           args=(Au_baseline, deltaz, c_baseline))
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        y = fsolve(equation, psi_baseline, args=(L_baseline, Au_goal, deltaz,
    return y[0] 
Example #4
Source File:    From freecad.gears with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def computeShiftedGears(m, alpha, t1, t2, x1, x2):

        m (float): common module of both gears [length]
        alpha (float): pressure-angle [rad]
        t1 (int): number of teeth of gear1
        t2 (int): number of teeth of gear2
        x1 (float): relative profile-shift of gear1
        x2 (float): relative profile-shift of gear2

        (float, float): distance between gears [length], pressure angle of the assembly [rad]
    def inv(x): return np.tan(x) - x
    inv_alpha_w = inv(alpha) + 2 * np.tan(alpha) * (x1 + x2) / (t1 + t2)

    def root_inv(x): return inv(x) - inv_alpha_w
    alpha_w = opt.fsolve(root_inv, 0.)
    dist = m * (t1 + t2) / 2 * np.cos(alpha) / np.cos(alpha_w)
    return dist, alpha_w 
Example #5
Source File:    From Splunking-Crime with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _fitstart(self, data):
        g1 = _skew(data)
        g2 = _kurtosis(data)

        def func(x):
            a, b = x
            sk = 2*(b-a)*np.sqrt(a + b + 1) / (a + b + 2) / np.sqrt(a*b)
            ku = a**3 - a**2*(2*b-1) + b**2*(b+1) - 2*a*b*(b+2)
            ku /= a*b*(a+b+2)*(a+b+3)
            ku *= 6
            return [sk-g1, ku-g2]
        a, b = optimize.fsolve(func, (1.0, 1.0))
        return super(beta_gen, self)._fitstart(data, args=(a, b)) 
Example #6
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def Z_Hall_Yarborough(Tr, Pr):
    """Calculate gas compressibility factor using the correlation of Hall &
    Yarborough (1973)

    Tr : float
        Reduced temperature [-]
    Pr : float
        Reduced pressure [-]

    Z : float
        Gas compressibility factor [-]
    # Check input in range of validity
    if Tr <= 1:
        warnings.warn("Using extrapolated values")

    X1 = -0.06125*Pr/Tr*exp(-1.2*(1-1/Tr)**2)
    X2 = 14.76/Tr - 9.76/Tr**2 + 4.58/Tr**3
    X3 = 90.7/Tr - 242.2/Tr**2 + 42.4/Tr**3
    X4 = 2.18+2.82/Tr

    def f(Y):
        return X1+(Y+Y**2+Y**3-Y**4)/(1-Y)**3-X2*Y**2+X3*Y**X4

    Yo = 0.0125*Pr/Tr*exp(-1.2*(1-1/Tr)**2)
    Y = fsolve(f, Yo, full_output=True)
    if Y[2] == 1 and abs(Y[1]["fvec"][0]) < 1e-5:
        Z = 0.06125*Pr/Tr/Y[0][0]*exp(-1.2*(1-1/Tr)**2)
        raise ValueError("Iteration not converge")

    return unidades.Dimensionless(Z) 
Example #7
Source File:    From chempy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_solve_equilibrium_2():
    c = np.array([1.7e-03, 3.0e+06, 3.0e+06, 9.7e+07, 5.55e+09])
    stoich = (1, 1, 0, 0, -1)
    K = 55*1e-6

    def f(x):
        return prodpow(c+x*stoich, stoich) - K
    solution = solve_equilibrium(c, stoich, K)
    assert np.allclose(solution, c + stoich*fsolve(f, 0.1)) 
Example #8
Source File:    From chempy with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_solve_equilibrium_1():
    c = np.array((13., 11, 17))
    stoich = np.array((-2, 3, -4))
    K = 3.14

    def f(x):
        return (13 - 2*x)**-2 * (
            11 + 3*x)**3 * (17 - 4*x)**-4 - K
    assert np.allclose(solve_equilibrium(c, stoich, K),
                       c + stoich*fsolve(f, 3.48)) 
Example #9
Source File:    From abcpy with BSD 3-Clause Clear License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _schedule(self, rho, v):
        if rho < 1e-100:
            epsilon = 0
            fun = lambda epsilon: pow(epsilon, 2) + v * pow(epsilon, 3 / 2) - pow(rho, 2)
            epsilon = optimize.fsolve(fun, rho / 2)

        return (epsilon) 
Example #10
Source File:    From iapws with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _saturation(self, T):
        """Saturation calculation for two phase search"""
        rhoc = self._constants.get("rhoref", self.rhoc)
        Tc = self._constants.get("Tref", self.Tc)

        if T > Tc:
            T = Tc
        tau = Tc/T

        rhoLo = self._Liquid_Density(T)
        rhoGo = self._Vapor_Density(T)

        def f(parr):
            rhol, rhog = parr
            deltaL = rhol/rhoc
            deltaG = rhog/rhoc
            phirL = _phir(tau, deltaL, self._constants)
            phirG = _phir(tau, deltaG, self._constants)
            phirdL = _phird(tau, deltaL, self._constants)
            phirdG = _phird(tau, deltaG, self._constants)
            Jl = deltaL*(1+deltaL*phirdL)
            Jv = deltaG*(1+deltaG*phirdG)
            Kl = deltaL*phirdL+phirL+log(deltaL)
            Kv = deltaG*phirdG+phirG+log(deltaG)
            return Kv-Kl, Jv-Jl

        rhoL, rhoG = fsolve(f, [rhoLo, rhoGo])
        if rhoL == rhoG:
            Ps = self.Pc
            deltaL = rhoL/self.rhoc
            deltaG = rhoG/self.rhoc
            firL = _phir(tau, deltaL, self._constants)
            firG = _phir(tau, deltaG, self._constants)

            Ps = self.R*T*rhoL*rhoG/(rhoL-rhoG)*(firL-firG+log(deltaL/deltaG))
        return rhoL, rhoG, Ps 
Example #11
Source File:    From iapws with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _OsmoticPressure(T, P, S):
    """Procedure to calculate the osmotic pressure of seawater

    T : float
        Tmperature, [K]
    P : float
        Pressure, [MPa]
    S : float
        Salinity, [kg/kg]

    Posm : float
        Osmotic pressure, [MPa]

    IAPWS,  Advisory Note No. 5: Industrial Calculation of the Thermodynamic
    Properties of Seawater,, Eq 15
    pw = _Region1(T, P)
    gw = pw["h"]-T*pw["s"]

    def f(Posm):
        pw2 = _Region1(T, P+Posm)
        gw2 = pw2["h"]-T*pw2["s"]
        ps = SeaWater._saline(T, P+Posm, S)
        return -ps["g"]+S*ps["gs"]-gw+gw2

    Posm = fsolve(f, 0)[0]
    return Posm 
Example #12
Source File:    From iapws with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _Triple(S):
    """Procedure to calculate the triple point pressure and temperature for

    S : float
        Salinity, [kg/kg]

    prop : dict
        Dictionary with the triple point properties:

            * Tt: Triple point temperature, [K]
            * Pt: Triple point pressure, [MPa]

    IAPWS,  Advisory Note No. 5: Industrial Calculation of the Thermodynamic
    Properties of Seawater,, Eq 7
    def f(parr):
        T, P = parr
        pw = _Region1(T, P)
        gw = pw["h"]-T*pw["s"]

        pv = _Region2(T, P)
        gv = pv["h"]-T*pv["s"]

        gih = _Ice(T, P)["g"]
        ps = SeaWater._saline(T, P, S)

        return -ps["g"]+S*ps["gs"]-gw+gih, -ps["g"]+S*ps["gs"]-gw+gv

    Tt, Pt = fsolve(f, [273, 6e-4])

    prop = {}
    prop["Tt"] = Tt
    prop["Pt"] = Pt
    return prop 
Example #13
Source File:    From copula-py with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _frank(dependency, val):
        return fsolve(_frank_kendall_fopt, 1, args=(val))[0]
        # TODO --  use function solvers in scipy to invert debye function for the closed form solution
        raise NotImplementedError('Spearmans Rho currently unsupported for Frank Copula family!')
    return r 
Example #14
Source File:    From burnman with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def equilibrium_pressure(minerals, stoichiometry, temperature, pressure_initial_guess=1.e5):
    Given a list of minerals, their reaction stoichiometries
    and a temperature of interest, compute the
    equilibrium pressure of the reaction.

    minerals : list of minerals
        List of minerals involved in the reaction.

    stoichiometry : list of floats
        Reaction stoichiometry for the minerals provided.
        Reactants and products should have the opposite signs [mol]

    temperature : float
        Temperature of interest [K]

    pressure_initial_guess : optional float
        Initial pressure guess [Pa]

    pressure : float
        The equilibrium pressure of the reaction [Pa]
    def eqm(P, T):
        gibbs = 0.
        for i, mineral in enumerate(minerals):
            mineral.set_state(P[0], T)
            gibbs = gibbs + mineral.gibbs * stoichiometry[i]
        return gibbs

    pressure = fsolve(eqm, [pressure_initial_guess], args=(temperature))[0]

    return pressure 
Example #15
Source File:    From Motiftoolbox with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def nullcline_x(x): # nullcline_x

	def func(Ca, x):
		return x_inf(params['V_Ca']-Ca/params['K_c']/x)-x

	Ca = list(opt.fsolve(func, [0.17], args=(x[0],)))
	for i in xrange(1, x.size):
		Ca.append(opt.fsolve(func, [Ca[-1]], args=(x[i],))[0])

	return Ca 
Example #16
Source File:    From Motiftoolbox with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def g_critical(I):

        k, E, m = params['k_0'], params['E_0'], params['m_0']

        def g_of_V(V):
                expfct = np.exp(-k*(V-V_0))
                return m*(1.-3.*V**2)-k*expfct/(1.+expfct)**2
        def to_minimize(V):
                return m*(V-V**3)+I+g_of_V(V)*(E-V)-nullcline_y(V, V_0, k)

        V_opt = opt.fsolve(to_minimize, x0=-1.)

        return g_of_V(V_opt) 
Example #17
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def Z_Elsharkawy(Tr, Pr):
    """Calculate gas compressibility factor using the Elsharkawy (2003)

    Tr : float
        Reduced temperature [-]
    Pr : float
        Reduced pressure [-]

    Z : float
        Gas compressibility factor [-]
    C1 = 0.3265 - 1.07/Tr - 0.5339/Tr**3 + 0.01569/Tr**4 - 0.05165/Tr**5
    C2 = 0.5475 - 0.7361/Tr + 0.1844/Tr**2
    C3 = 0.1056*(0.7361/Tr + 0.1844/Tr**2)

    # Eq 24
    def f(rho):
        C4 = 0.6134*(1+0.721*rho**2)*rho**2/Tr**3*3
        Z = 0.27*Pr/Tr/rho
        return 1 + C1*rho + C2*rho**2 - C3*rho**5 + C4*exp(-0.721*rho**2) - Z

    rho0 = 0.27*Pr/Tr
    rho = fsolve(f, rho0, full_output=True)
    if rho[2] == 1:
        Z = 0.27*Pr/Tr/rho[0]
        raise ValueError("Iteration not converge")

    return unidades.Dimensionless(Z) 
Example #18
Source File:    From iapws with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _Tf(P, S):
    """Procedure to calculate the freezing temperature of seawater

    P : float
        Pressure, [MPa]
    S : float
        Salinity, [kg/kg]

    Tf : float
        Freezing temperature, [K]

    IAPWS,  Advisory Note No. 5: Industrial Calculation of the Thermodynamic
    Properties of Seawater,, Eq 12
    def f(T):
        T = float(T)
        pw = _Region1(T, P)
        gw = pw["h"]-T*pw["s"]

        gih = _Ice(T, P)["g"]

        ps = SeaWater._saline(T, P, S)
        return -ps["g"]+S*ps["gs"]-gw+gih

    Tf = fsolve(f, 300)[0]
    return Tf 
Example #19
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def Z_Hall_Iglesias(Tr, Pr):
    """Calculate gas compressibility factor using the correlation of Hall-
    Iglesias (2007). This is a extension of Hall-Yarborough correlation to
    reduced values of temperature.

    Tr : float
        Reduced temperature [-]
    Pr : float
        Reduced pressure [-]

    Z : float
        Gas compressibility factor [-]
    X1 = 14.54/Tr-8.23/Tr**2+3.39*Tr**3.5
    X2 = 90.7/Tr-242.2/Tr**2+42.4/Tr**3
    X3 = 1.18+2.82/Tr
    k1 = 1/(1.87+0.001*Tr**63)
    k2 = 171.8*Tr**13
    k3 = -3525*(1-exp(-219/Tr**63))

    def f(Z):
        Y = (0.06125*Pr*exp(-1.2*(1-1/Tr)**2))/Tr/Z
        return Z - (1+Y+Y**2-Y**3)/(1-Y)**3 - X1*Y + X2*Y**X3 + \
            k1*Y*exp(-k2*(Y-0.421)**2) + k3*Y**10*exp(-69279*(Y-0.374)**4)

    Z = fsolve(f, 0.5, full_output=True)
    if Z[2] != 1:
        raise ValueError("Iteration not converge")

    return unidades.Dimensionless(Z[0]) 
Example #20
Source File:    From PyAero with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def main(self, solver_type='fsolve', iterations=10):

        # initial velocity profile

        for self.nx in range(1, self.gsimax):
            self.solution, self.solver_message = \
                self.solver(solver_type, iterations)
Example #21
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _twb(self, P, phi_w, tdb):
        return None

    # def _V_Virial(self, T, P, phi_w):
#        """volumen por unidad de masa de aire seco"""
#        # FIXME: Don't work, for now use ideal gas equation
#        Bm, Cm=self.Virial(T, Xa)
#        vm=roots([1, -R_atml*T/self.P.atm, -R_atml*T*Bm/self.P.atm,-R_atml*T*Cm/self.P.atm])
#        if vm[0].imag==0.0:
#            v=vm[0].real
#        else:
#            v=vm[2].real
#        return unidades.SpecificVolume(v/self.aire.M/Xa)
#    def _h(self, Td, w):
#        """Enthalpy calculation procedure"""
#        cp_air = self.Air.Cp_Gas_DIPPR(Td)
#        cp_water = self.Water.Cp_Gas_DIPPR(Td)
#        h = (Td-273.15)*(cp_air+cp_water*w)
#        return unidades.Enthalpy(h, "kJkg")
#    def _HS(self, Td):
#        """Saturation humidity calculation procedure"""
#        pv = self._Ps(Td)
#        return self.Water.M*pv/(self.Air.M*(self.P-pv))
#    def _Ps(self, Td):
#        """Saturation pressure calculation procedure"""
#        if Td < 273.15:
#            return _Sublimation_Pressure(Td)
#        else:
#            return _PSat_T(Td)
#    def _Tw(self, Td, w):
#        Hv = self.agua.Hv_DIPPR(Td)
#        Cs = self.Calor_Especifico_Humedo(Td, w)
#        def f(Tw):
#            return self.Humedad_Absoluta(Tw)-w-Cs/Hv*(Td-Tw)
#        Tw = fsolve(f, Td)
#        return unidades.Temperature(Tw) 
Example #22
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _tdp(self, P, phi_w, tdb):
        """Calculation of dew-point temperature"""
        if not phi_w:
            return None

        def f(t):
            f = self._f(t, P)
            pws = self._Pwsat(t)
            pw = phi_w*P
            return pw-f*pws

        tdp = fsolve(f, tdb)
        return tdp 
Example #23
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _twb(tdb, W, P):
    Calculate the wet-bulb temperature of a humid air as a perfet gas, as
    explain in [1]_, pag 1.9, inveted Eq 35-37

    Tdb: float
        Dry bulb temperature, [K]
    W : float
       Humidity ratio, [kgw/kgda]
    P : float
        Pressure, [Pa]

    Twb: float
        Wet bulb temperature, [K]
    tdb_C = tdb - 273.15

    def f(twb):
        Pvs = _Psat(twb)
        Ws = 0.62198*Pvs/(P-Pvs)
        twb_C = twb - 273.15
        if tdb >= 0:
            w = ((2501.-2.326*twb_C)*Ws-1.006*(tdb_C-twb_C)) / \
            w = ((2830-0.24*twb_C)*Ws-1.006*(tdb-twb)) / \
        return w

    twb = fsolve(f, tdb)[0]
    return twb

# Procedures only used in plot 
Example #24
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def calculo(self):
        entrada = self.kwargs["entrada"]
        self.Tout = unidades.Temperature(self.kwargs["Tout"])
        self.deltaP = unidades.DeltaP(self.kwargs["deltaP"])
        self.Hmax = unidades.Power(self.kwargs["Hmax"])
        if self.kwargs["eficiencia"]:
            eficiencia = self.kwargs["eficiencia"]
            eficiencia = 0.75

        if self.kwargs["poderCalorifico"]:
            poderCalorifico = self.kwargs["poderCalorifico"]
            poderCalorifico = 900

        salida = entrada.clone(T=self.Tout, P=entrada.P-self.deltaP)
        Ho = entrada.h
        H1 = salida.h
        Heat = unidades.Power(H1-Ho)

        if self.Hmax and Heat > self.Hmax:
            self.Heat = unidades.Power(self.Hmax)
            To = (entrada.T+self.Tout)/2
            T = fsolve(lambda T: entrada.clone(
                T=T, P=entrada.P-self.deltaP).h-Ho-self.Hmax, To)[0]
            self.salida = [entrada.clone(T=T, P=entrada.P-self.deltaP)]
            self.Heat = Heat
            self.salida = [salida]

        fuel = self.Heat.Btuh/poderCalorifico/eficiencia
        self.CombustibleRequerido = unidades.VolFlow(fuel, "ft3h")
        self.deltaT = unidades.DeltaT(self.salida[0].T-entrada.T)
        self.eficiencia = unidades.Dimensionless(eficiencia)
        self.poderCalorifico = unidades.Dimensionless(poderCalorifico)
        self.Tin = entrada.T
        self.Tout = self.salida[0].T 
Example #25
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def calculo(self):
        entrada = self.kwargs["entrada"]
        self.deltaP = unidades.DeltaP(self.kwargs["DeltaP"])
        self.HeatCalc = unidades.Power(self.kwargs["Heat"])
        if self.kwargs["Tout"]:
            Tout = unidades.Temperature(self.kwargs["Tout"])
        elif self.kwargs["DeltaT"]:
            Tout = unidades.Temperature(entrada.T+self.kwargs["DeltaT"])
        A = unidades.Area(self.kwargs["A"])
        U = unidades.HeatTransfCoef(self.kwargs["U"])
        Text = unidades.Temperature(self.kwargs["Text"])

        if self.modo == 1:
            self.salida = [entrada.clone(T=Tout, P=entrada.P-self.deltaP)]
            self.HeatCalc = unidades.Power(self.salida[0].h-entrada.h)
            if self.modo == 2:
                self.HeatCalc = unidades.Power(0)
                self.HeatCalc = unidades.Power(A*U*(Text-entrada.T))

            def f():
                output = entrada.clone(T=T, P=entrada.P-self.deltaP)
                return output.h-entrada.h-self.HeatCalc
            T = fsolve(f, entrada.T)[0]
            if T > max(Text, entrada.T) or T < min(Text, entrada.T):
                T = self.Text
            self.salida = [entrada.clone(T=T, P=entrada.P-self.deltaP)]

        self.Tin = entrada.T
        self.ToutCalc = self.salida[0].T
        self.deltaT = unidades.DeltaT(self.ToutCalc-entrada.T) 
Example #26
Source File:    From pychemqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def calculo(self):
        self.areaCalculada = Area(self.kwargs["area"])
        self.deltaP = Pressure(self.kwargs["deltaP"])

        if self.kwargs["potencialCarga"]:
            self.potencialCarga = PotencialElectric(
            self.potencialCarga = PotencialElectric(24000)
        if self.kwargs["potencialDescarga"]:
            self.potencialDescarga = PotencialElectric(
            self.potencialDescarga = PotencialElectric(24000)
        if self.kwargs["epsilon"]:
            self.epsilon = Dimensionless(self.kwargs["epsilon"])
            self.epsilon = Dimensionless(4.)

        if self.kwargs["metodo"] == 1:
            def f(area):
                eta_i = self.calcularRendimientos_parciales(area)
                eta = self.calcularRendimiento(eta_i)
                return eta-self.kwargs["rendimientoAdmisible"]

            self.areaCalculada = Area(fsolve(f, 100)[0])

        eta_i = self.calcularRendimientos_parciales(self.areaCalculada)
        self.rendimiento_parcial = eta_i
        self.rendimiento = self.calcularRendimiento(eta_i)

Example #27
Source File:    From armi with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def getTemperatureAtDensity(self, targetDensity, temperatureGuessInC):
        """Get the temperature at which the perturbed density occurs."""
        densFunc = (
            lambda temp: self.density(Tc=temp) - targetDensity
        )  # 0 at tempertature of targetDensity
        tAtTargetDensity = float(
            fsolve(densFunc, temperatureGuessInC)
        )  # is a numpy array if fsolve is called
        return tAtTargetDensity 
Example #28
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _digammainv(y):
    # Inverse of the digamma function (real positive arguments only).
    # This function is used in the `fit` method of `gamma_gen`.
    # The function uses either optimize.fsolve or optimize.newton
    # to solve `sc.digamma(x) - y = 0`.  There is probably room for
    # improvement, but currently it works over a wide range of y:
    #    >>> y = 64*np.random.randn(1000000)
    #    >>> y.min(), y.max()
    #    (-311.43592651416662, 351.77388222276869)
    #    x = [_digammainv(t) for t in y]
    #    np.abs(sc.digamma(x) - y).max()
    #    1.1368683772161603e-13
    _em = 0.5772156649015328606065120
    func = lambda x: sc.digamma(x) - y
    if y > -0.125:
        x0 = np.exp(y) + 0.5
        if y < 10:
            # Some experimentation shows that newton reliably converges
            # must faster than fsolve in this y range.  For larger y,
            # newton sometimes fails to converge.
            value = optimize.newton(func, x0, tol=1e-10)
            return value
    elif y > -3:
        x0 = np.exp(y/2.332) + 0.08661
        x0 = 1.0 / (-y - _em)

    value, info, ier, mesg = optimize.fsolve(func, x0, xtol=1e-11,
    if ier != 1:
        raise RuntimeError("_digammainv: fsolve failed, y = %r" % y)

    return value[0]

## Gamma (Use MATLAB and MATHEMATICA (b=theta=scale, a=alpha=shape) definition)

## gamma(a, loc, scale)  with a an integer is the Erlang distribution
## gamma(1, loc, scale)  is the Exponential distribution
## gamma(df/2, 0, 2) is the chi2 distribution with df degrees of freedom. 
Example #29
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _fitstart(self, data):
        g1 = _skew(data)
        g2 = _kurtosis(data)

        def func(x):
            a, b = x
            sk = 2*(b-a)*np.sqrt(a + b + 1) / (a + b + 2) / np.sqrt(a*b)
            ku = a**3 - a**2*(2*b-1) + b**2*(b+1) - 2*a*b*(b+2)
            ku /= a*b*(a+b+2)*(a+b+3)
            ku *= 6
            return [sk-g1, ku-g2]
        a, b = optimize.fsolve(func, (1.0, 1.0))
        return super(beta_gen, self)._fitstart(data, args=(a, b)) 
Example #30
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_float32(self):
        func = lambda x: np.array([x[0] - 100, x[1] - 1000], dtype=np.float32)**2
        p = optimize.fsolve(func, np.array([1, 1], np.float32))
        assert_allclose(func(p), [0, 0], atol=1e-3)