Python os.getcwd() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of os.getcwd().
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Example #1
Source File: From python-template with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def test_dash_in_project_slug(cookies): ctx = {'project_slug': "my-package"} project = cookies.bake(extra_context=ctx) assert project.exit_code == 0 with open(os.path.join(str(project.project), '')) as f: setup = print(setup) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(str(project.project)) try: sh.python(['', 'install']) sh.python(['', 'build_sphinx']) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: finally: os.chdir(cwd)
Example #2
Source File: From python-template with Apache License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def test_double_quotes_in_name_and_description(cookies): ctx = {'project_short_description': '"double quotes"', 'full_name': '"name"name'} project = cookies.bake(extra_context=ctx) assert project.exit_code == 0 with open(os.path.join(str(project.project), '')) as f: setup = print(setup) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(str(project.project)) try: sh.python(['', 'install']) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: finally: os.chdir(cwd)
Example #3
Source File: From everyclass-server with Mozilla Public License 2.0 | 7 votes |
def exit_maintenance(): config = get_config() auth = request.authorization if auth \ and auth.username in config.MAINTENANCE_CREDENTIALS \ and config.MAINTENANCE_CREDENTIALS[auth.username] == auth.password: try: os.remove(config.MAINTENANCE_FILE) # remove maintenance file except OSError: return 'Not in maintenance mode. Ignore command.' open(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'reload'), "w+").close() # uwsgi reload return 'success' else: return Response( 'Could not verify your access level for that URL.\n' 'You have to login with proper credentials', 401, {'WWW-Authenticate': 'Basic realm="Login Required"'})
Example #4
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_test_data(self, input_data_file=''): if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/decision_stump_test.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.test_X, self.test_Y self.test_X, self.test_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) if (self.feature_transform_mode == 'polynomial') or (self.feature_transform_mode == 'legendre'): self.test_X = self.test_X[:, 1:] self.test_X = utility.DatasetLoader.feature_transform( self.test_X, self.feature_transform_mode, self.feature_transform_degree ) return self.test_X, self.test_Y
Example #5
Source File: From aegea with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def ensure_lambda_helper(): awslambda = getattr(clients, "lambda") try: helper_desc = awslambda.get_function(FunctionName="aegea-dev-process_batch_event")"Using Batch helper Lambda %s", helper_desc["Configuration"]["FunctionArn"]) except awslambda.exceptions.ResourceNotFoundException:"Batch helper Lambda not found, installing") import chalice.cli orig_argv = sys.argv orig_wd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "batch_events_lambda")) sys.argv = ["chalice", "deploy", "--no-autogen-policy"] chalice.cli.main() except SystemExit: pass finally: os.chdir(orig_wd) sys.argv = orig_argv
Example #6
Source File: From CAMISIM with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def __init__(self, label="DefaultValues", logfile=None, verbose=False, debug=False): super(DefaultValues, self).__init__(label=label, logfile=logfile, verbose=verbose, debug=debug) self._validator = Validator(logfile=logfile, verbose=verbose, debug=debug) pipeline_dir = os.path.dirname(self._validator.get_full_path(os.path.dirname(scripts.__file__))) self._DEFAULT_seed = random.randint(0, 2147483640) self._DEFAULT_tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir() self._DEFAULT_directory_pipeline = pipeline_dir original_wd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(pipeline_dir) file_path_config = os.path.join(pipeline_dir, "default_config.ini") if self._validator.validate_file(file_path_config, silent=True): self._from_config(file_path_config) else: self._from_hardcoded(pipeline_dir) os.chdir(original_wd)
Example #7
Source File: From The-chat-room with MIT License | 6 votes |
def cd(self, message, conn): message = message.split()[1] # 截取目录名 # 如果是新连接或者下载上传文件后的发送则 不切换 只将当前工作目录发送过去 if message != 'same': f = r'./' + message os.chdir(f) # path = '' path = os.getcwd().split('\\') # 当前工作目录 for i in range(len(path)): if path[i] == 'resources': break pat = '' for j in range(i, len(path)): pat = pat + path[j] + ' ' pat = '\\'.join(pat.split()) # 如果切换目录超出范围则退回切换前目录 if 'resources' not in path: f = r'./resources' os.chdir(f) pat = 'resources' conn.send(pat.encode()) # 判断输入的命令并执行对应的函数
Example #8
Source File: From python-template with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_single_quotes_in_name_and_description(cookies): ctx = {'project_short_description': "'single quotes'", 'full_name': "Mr. O'Keeffe"} project = cookies.bake(extra_context=ctx) assert project.exit_code == 0 with open(os.path.join(str(project.project), '')) as f: setup = print(setup) cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(str(project.project)) try: sh.python(['', 'install']) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: finally: os.chdir(cwd)
Example #9
Source File: From python-template with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_install(cookies): project = cookies.bake() assert project.exit_code == 0 assert project.exception is None cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(str(project.project)) try: sh.python(['', 'install']) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: finally: os.chdir(cwd)
Example #10
Source File: From python-template with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_building_documentation_apidocs(cookies): project = cookies.bake(extra_context={'apidoc': 'yes'}) assert project.exit_code == 0 assert project.exception is None cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(str(project.project)) try: sh.python(['', 'build_sphinx']) except sh.ErrorReturnCode as e: finally: os.chdir(cwd) apidocs = project.project.join('docs', '_build', 'html', 'apidocs') assert apidocs.join('my_python_project.html').isfile() assert apidocs.join('my_python_project.my_python_project.html').isfile()
Example #11
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_polynomial_kernel_svm_binary_classifier(self): input_train_data_file = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'FukuML/dataset/non_linear_train.dat') input_test_data_file = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'FukuML/dataset/non_linear_test.dat') svm_bc = svm.BinaryClassifier() svm_bc.load_train_data(input_train_data_file) svm_bc.load_test_data(input_test_data_file) svm_bc.set_param(svm_kernel='polynomial_kernel', zeta=100, gamma=1, Q=3) svm_bc.init_W() W = svm_bc.train() print("\n訓練得出權重模型:") print(W) print("SVM Marging:") print(svm_bc.get_marge()) print("Support Vectors") print(svm_bc.get_support_vectors()) print("W 平均錯誤率(Ein):") print(svm_bc.calculate_avg_error(svm_bc.train_X, svm_bc.train_Y, W)) print("W 平均錯誤率(Eout):") print(svm_bc.calculate_test_data_avg_error()) print('-'*70)
Example #12
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_gaussian_kernel_svm_binary_classifier(self): input_train_data_file = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'FukuML/dataset/non_linear_train.dat') input_test_data_file = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'FukuML/dataset/non_linear_test.dat') svm_bc = svm.BinaryClassifier() svm_bc.load_train_data(input_train_data_file) svm_bc.load_test_data(input_test_data_file) svm_bc.set_param(svm_kernel='gaussian_kernel', gamma=0.001) svm_bc.init_W() W = svm_bc.train() print("\n訓練得出權重模型:") print(W) print("SVM Marging:") print(svm_bc.get_marge()) print("Support Vectors") print(svm_bc.get_support_vectors()) print("W 平均錯誤率(Ein):") print(svm_bc.calculate_avg_error(svm_bc.train_X, svm_bc.train_Y, W)) print("W 平均錯誤率(Eout):") print(svm_bc.calculate_test_data_avg_error()) print('-'*70)
Example #13
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_soft_polynomial_kernel_svm_binary_classifier(self): input_train_data_file = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'FukuML/dataset/overlap_train.dat') input_test_data_file = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'FukuML/dataset/overlap_test.dat') svm_bc = svm.BinaryClassifier() svm_bc.load_train_data(input_train_data_file) svm_bc.load_test_data(input_test_data_file) svm_bc.set_param(svm_kernel='soft_polynomial_kernel', zeta=0, gamma=1, Q=1, C=0.1) svm_bc.init_W() W = svm_bc.train() print("\n訓練得出權重模型:") print(W) print("SVM Marging:") print(svm_bc.get_marge()) print("Support Vectors") print(svm_bc.get_support_vectors()) print("W 平均錯誤率(Ein):") print(svm_bc.calculate_avg_error(svm_bc.train_X, svm_bc.train_Y, W)) print("W 平均錯誤率(Eout):") print(svm_bc.calculate_test_data_avg_error()) print('-'*70)
Example #14
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_test_data(self, input_data_file=''): if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/pocket_pla_binary_test.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.test_X, self.test_Y self.test_X, self.test_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) if (self.feature_transform_mode == 'polynomial') or (self.feature_transform_mode == 'legendre'): self.test_X = self.test_X[:, 1:] self.test_X = utility.DatasetLoader.feature_transform( self.test_X, self.feature_transform_mode, self.feature_transform_degree ) return self.test_X, self.test_Y
Example #15
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_test_data(self, input_data_file=''): if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/ridge_regression_test.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.test_X, self.test_Y self.test_X, self.test_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) if (self.feature_transform_mode == 'polynomial') or (self.feature_transform_mode == 'legendre'): self.test_X = self.test_X[:, 1:] self.test_X = utility.DatasetLoader.feature_transform( self.test_X, self.feature_transform_mode, self.feature_transform_degree ) return self.test_X, self.test_Y
Example #16
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_test_data(self, input_data_file=''): if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/digits_multiclass_test.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.test_X, self.test_Y self.test_X, self.test_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) if (self.feature_transform_mode == 'polynomial') or (self.feature_transform_mode == 'legendre'): self.test_X = self.test_X[:, 1:] self.test_X = utility.DatasetLoader.feature_transform( self.test_X, self.feature_transform_mode, self.feature_transform_degree ) return self.test_X, self.test_Y
Example #17
Source File: From godot-mono-builds with MIT License | 6 votes |
def find_executable(name) -> str: is_windows = == 'nt' windows_exts = os.environ['PATHEXT'].split(ENV_PATH_SEP) if is_windows else None path_dirs = os.environ['PATH'].split(ENV_PATH_SEP) search_dirs = path_dirs + [os.getcwd()] # cwd is last in the list for dir in search_dirs: path = os.path.join(dir, name) if is_windows: for extension in windows_exts: path_with_ext = path + extension if os.path.isfile(path_with_ext) and os.access(path_with_ext, os.X_OK): return path_with_ext else: if os.path.isfile(path) and os.access(path, os.X_OK): return path return ''
Example #18
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_test_data(self, input_data_file=''): if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/decision_stump_test.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.test_X, self.test_Y self.test_X, self.test_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) if (self.feature_transform_mode == 'polynomial') or (self.feature_transform_mode == 'legendre'): self.test_X = self.test_X[:, 1:] self.test_X = utility.DatasetLoader.feature_transform( self.test_X, self.feature_transform_mode, self.feature_transform_degree ) return self.test_X, self.test_Y
Example #19
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_test_data(self, input_data_file=''): if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/digits_multiclass_test.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.test_X, self.test_Y self.test_X, self.test_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) if (self.feature_transform_mode == 'polynomial') or (self.feature_transform_mode == 'legendre'): self.test_X = self.test_X[:, 1:] self.test_X = utility.DatasetLoader.feature_transform( self.test_X, self.feature_transform_mode, self.feature_transform_degree ) return self.test_X, self.test_Y
Example #20
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_test_data(self, input_data_file=''): if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/pocket_pla_binary_test.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.test_X, self.test_Y self.test_X, self.test_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) if (self.feature_transform_mode == 'polynomial') or (self.feature_transform_mode == 'legendre'): self.test_X = self.test_X[:, 1:] self.test_X = utility.DatasetLoader.feature_transform( self.test_X, self.feature_transform_mode, self.feature_transform_degree ) return self.test_X, self.test_Y
Example #21
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_test_data(self, input_data_file=''): if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/digits_multiclass_test.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.test_X, self.test_Y self.test_X, self.test_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) if (self.feature_transform_mode == 'polynomial') or (self.feature_transform_mode == 'legendre'): self.test_X = self.test_X[:, 1:] self.test_X = utility.DatasetLoader.feature_transform( self.test_X, self.feature_transform_mode, self.feature_transform_degree ) return self.test_X, self.test_Y
Example #22
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_test_data(self, input_data_file=''): if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/logistic_regression_test.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.test_X, self.test_Y self.test_X, self.test_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) if (self.feature_transform_mode == 'polynomial') or (self.feature_transform_mode == 'legendre'): self.test_X = self.test_X[:, 1:] self.test_X = utility.DatasetLoader.feature_transform( self.test_X, self.feature_transform_mode, self.feature_transform_degree ) return self.test_X, self.test_Y
Example #23
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_test_data(self, input_data_file=''): if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/digits_multiclass_test.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.test_X, self.test_Y self.test_X, self.test_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) if (self.feature_transform_mode == 'polynomial') or (self.feature_transform_mode == 'legendre'): self.test_X = self.test_X[:, 1:] self.test_X = utility.DatasetLoader.feature_transform( self.test_X, self.feature_transform_mode, self.feature_transform_degree ) return self.test_X, self.test_Y
Example #24
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_test_data(self, input_data_file=''): if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/neural_network_test.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.test_X, self.test_Y self.test_X, self.test_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) if (self.feature_transform_mode == 'polynomial') or (self.feature_transform_mode == 'legendre'): self.test_X = self.test_X[:, 1:] self.test_X = utility.DatasetLoader.feature_transform( self.test_X, self.feature_transform_mode, self.feature_transform_degree ) return self.test_X, self.test_Y
Example #25
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_test_data(self, input_data_file=''): if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/digits_multiclass_test.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.test_X, self.test_Y self.test_X, self.test_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) if (self.feature_transform_mode == 'polynomial') or (self.feature_transform_mode == 'legendre'): self.test_X = self.test_X[:, 1:] self.test_X = utility.DatasetLoader.feature_transform( self.test_X, self.feature_transform_mode, self.feature_transform_degree ) return self.test_X, self.test_Y
Example #26
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_train_data(self, input_data_file=''): ''' Load train data Please check dataset/pla_binary_train.dat to understand the data format Each feature of data x separated with spaces And the ground truth y put in the end of line separated by a space ''' self.status = 'load_train_data' if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/decision_stump_train.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.train_X, self.train_Y self.train_X, self.train_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) return self.train_X, self.train_Y
Example #27
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_test_data(self, input_data_file=''): if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/pocket_pla_binary_test.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.test_X, self.test_Y self.test_X, self.test_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) if (self.feature_transform_mode == 'polynomial') or (self.feature_transform_mode == 'legendre'): self.test_X = self.test_X[:, 1:] self.test_X = utility.DatasetLoader.feature_transform( self.test_X, self.feature_transform_mode, self.feature_transform_degree ) return self.test_X, self.test_Y
Example #28
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_train_data(self, input_data_file=''): ''' Load train data Please check dataset/logistic_regression_train.dat to understand the data format Each feature of data x separated with spaces And the ground truth y put in the end of line separated by a space ''' self.status = 'load_train_data' if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/logistic_regression_train.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.train_X, self.train_Y self.train_X, self.train_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) return self.train_X, self.train_Y
Example #29
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_test_data(self, input_data_file=''): if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/digits_multiclass_test.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.test_X, self.test_Y self.test_X, self.test_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) if (self.feature_transform_mode == 'polynomial') or (self.feature_transform_mode == 'legendre'): self.test_X = self.test_X[:, 1:] self.test_X = utility.DatasetLoader.feature_transform( self.test_X, self.feature_transform_mode, self.feature_transform_degree ) return self.test_X, self.test_Y
Example #30
Source File: From fuku-ml with MIT License | 6 votes |
def load_train_data(self, input_data_file=''): ''' Load train data Please check dataset/pocket_pla_binary_train.dat to understand the data format Each feature of data x separated with spaces And the ground truth y put in the end of line separated by a space ''' self.status = 'load_train_data' if (input_data_file == ''): input_data_file = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)), "dataset/pocket_pla_binary_train.dat")) else: if (os.path.isfile(input_data_file) is not True): print("Please make sure input_data_file path is correct.") return self.train_X, self.train_Y self.train_X, self.train_Y = utility.DatasetLoader.load(input_data_file) return self.train_X, self.train_Y