Python mxnet.nd.full() Examples

The following are 12 code examples of mxnet.nd.full(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module mxnet.nd , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def extract_pairwise_multi_position_embedding_nd(position_mat, feat_dim, wave_length=1000):
    """ Extract multi-class position embedding

        position_mat: [num_fg_classes, num_rois, num_rois, 4]
        feat_dim: dimension of embedding feature

        embedding: [num_fg_classes, num_rois, num_rois, feat_dim]
    feat_range = nd.arange(0, feat_dim / 8)
    dim_mat = nd.broadcast_power(lhs=nd.full((1,), wave_length),
                                     rhs=(8. / feat_dim) * feat_range)
    dim_mat = nd.Reshape(dim_mat, shape=(1, 1, 1, 1, -1))
    position_mat = nd.expand_dims(100.0 * position_mat, axis=4)
    div_mat = nd.broadcast_div(lhs=position_mat, rhs=dim_mat)
    sin_mat = nd.sin(data=div_mat)
    cos_mat = nd.cos(data=div_mat)
    # embedding, [num_fg_classes, num_rois, num_rois, 4, feat_dim/4]
    embedding = nd.concat(sin_mat, cos_mat, dim=4)
    embedding = nd.Reshape(embedding, shape=(0, 0, 0, feat_dim))
    return embedding 
Example #2
Source File:    From Relation-Networks-for-Object-Detection with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def extract_pairwise_multi_position_embedding_nd(position_mat, feat_dim, wave_length=1000):
    """ Extract multi-class position embedding

        position_mat: [num_fg_classes, num_rois, num_rois, 4]
        feat_dim: dimension of embedding feature

        embedding: [num_fg_classes, num_rois, num_rois, feat_dim]
    feat_range = nd.arange(0, feat_dim / 8)
    dim_mat = nd.broadcast_power(lhs=nd.full((1,), wave_length),
                                     rhs=(8. / feat_dim) * feat_range)
    dim_mat = nd.Reshape(dim_mat, shape=(1, 1, 1, 1, -1))
    position_mat = nd.expand_dims(100.0 * position_mat, axis=4)
    div_mat = nd.broadcast_div(lhs=position_mat, rhs=dim_mat)
    sin_mat = nd.sin(data=div_mat)
    cos_mat = nd.cos(data=div_mat)
    # embedding, [num_fg_classes, num_rois, num_rois, 4, feat_dim/4]
    embedding = nd.concat(sin_mat, cos_mat, dim=4)
    embedding = nd.Reshape(embedding, shape=(0, 0, 0, feat_dim))
    return embedding 
Example #3
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def extract_rank_embedding_nd(rank_dim, feat_dim, wave_length=1000):
    rank_range = nd.arange(0, rank_dim)
    feat_range = nd.arange(0, feat_dim / 2)
    dim_mat = nd.broadcast_power(lhs=nd.full((1,), wave_length),
                                     rhs=(2. / feat_dim) * feat_range)
    dim_mat = nd.Reshape(dim_mat, shape=(1, -1))
    rank_mat = nd.expand_dims(rank_range, axis=1)
    div_mat = nd.broadcast_div(lhs=rank_mat, rhs=dim_mat)
    sin_mat = nd.sin(data=div_mat)
    cos_mat = nd.cos(data=div_mat)
    embedding = nd.concat(sin_mat, cos_mat, dim=1)
    return embedding 
Example #4
Source File:    From Relation-Networks-for-Object-Detection with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def extract_rank_embedding_nd(rank_dim, feat_dim, wave_length=1000):
    rank_range = nd.arange(0, rank_dim)
    feat_range = nd.arange(0, feat_dim / 2)
    dim_mat = nd.broadcast_power(lhs=nd.full((1,), wave_length),
                                     rhs=(2. / feat_dim) * feat_range)
    dim_mat = nd.Reshape(dim_mat, shape=(1, -1))
    rank_mat = nd.expand_dims(rank_range, axis=1)
    div_mat = nd.broadcast_div(lhs=rank_mat, rhs=dim_mat)
    sin_mat = nd.sin(data=div_mat)
    cos_mat = nd.cos(data=div_mat)
    embedding = nd.concat(sin_mat, cos_mat, dim=1)
    return embedding 
Example #5
Source File:    From gluon-cv with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def random_expand(src, max_ratio=4, fill=0, keep_ratio=True):
    """Random expand original image with borders, this is identical to placing
    the original image on a larger canvas.

    src : mxnet.nd.NDArray
        The original image with HWC format.
    max_ratio : int or float
        Maximum ratio of the output image on both direction(vertical and horizontal)
    fill : int or float or array-like
        The value(s) for padded borders. If `fill` is numerical type, RGB channels
        will be padded with single value. Otherwise `fill` must have same length
        as image channels, which resulted in padding with per-channel values.
    keep_ratio : bool
        If `True`, will keep output image the same aspect ratio as input.

        Augmented image.
        Tuple of (offset_x, offset_y, new_width, new_height)

    if max_ratio <= 1:
        return src, (0, 0, src.shape[1], src.shape[0])

    h, w, c = src.shape
    ratio_x = random.uniform(1, max_ratio)
    if keep_ratio:
        ratio_y = ratio_x
        ratio_y = random.uniform(1, max_ratio)

    oh, ow = int(h * ratio_y), int(w * ratio_x)
    off_y = random.randint(0, oh - h)
    off_x = random.randint(0, ow - w)

    # make canvas
    if isinstance(fill, numeric_types):
        dst = nd.full(shape=(oh, ow, c), val=fill, dtype=src.dtype)
        fill = nd.array(fill, dtype=src.dtype, ctx=src.context)
        if not c == fill.size:
            raise ValueError("Channel and fill size mismatch, {} vs {}".format(c, fill.size))
        dst = nd.tile(fill.reshape((1, c)), reps=(oh * ow, 1)).reshape((oh, ow, c))

    dst[off_y:off_y+h, off_x:off_x+w, :] = src
    return dst, (off_x, off_y, ow, oh) 
Example #6
Source File:    From gluon-cv with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def resize_contain(src, size, fill=0):
    """Resize the image to fit in the given area while keeping aspect ratio.

    If both the height and the width in `size` are larger than
    the height and the width of input image, the image is placed on
    the center with an appropriate padding to match `size`.
    Otherwise, the input image is scaled to fit in a canvas whose size
    is `size` while preserving aspect ratio.

    src : mxnet.nd.NDArray
        The original image with HWC format.
    size : tuple
        Tuple of length 2 as (width, height).
    fill : int or float or array-like
        The value(s) for padded borders. If `fill` is numerical type, RGB channels
        will be padded with single value. Otherwise `fill` must have same length
        as image channels, which resulted in padding with per-channel values.

        Augmented image.
        Tuple of (offset_x, offset_y, scaled_x, scaled_y)

    h, w, c = src.shape
    ow, oh = size
    scale_h = oh / h
    scale_w = ow / w
    scale = min(min(scale_h, scale_w), 1)
    scaled_x = int(w * scale)
    scaled_y = int(h * scale)
    if scale < 1:
        src = mx.image.imresize(src, scaled_x, scaled_y)

    off_y = (oh - scaled_y) // 2 if scaled_y < oh else 0
    off_x = (ow - scaled_x) // 2 if scaled_x < ow else 0

    # make canvas
    if isinstance(fill, numeric_types):
        dst = nd.full(shape=(oh, ow, c), val=fill, dtype=src.dtype)
        fill = nd.array(fill, ctx=src.context)
        if not c == fill.size:
            raise ValueError("Channel and fill size mismatch, {} vs {}".format(c, fill.size))
        dst = nd.repeat(fill, repeats=oh * ow).reshape((oh, ow, c))

    dst[off_y:off_y+scaled_y, off_x:off_x+scaled_x, :] = src
    return dst, (off_x, off_y, scaled_x, scaled_y) 
Example #7
Source File:    From MobileFace with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def random_expand(src, max_ratio=4, fill=0, keep_ratio=True):
    """Random expand original image with borders, this is identical to placing
    the original image on a larger canvas.

    src : mxnet.nd.NDArray
        The original image with HWC format.
    max_ratio : int or float
        Maximum ratio of the output image on both direction(vertical and horizontal)
    fill : int or float or array-like
        The value(s) for padded borders. If `fill` is numerical type, RGB channels
        will be padded with single value. Otherwise `fill` must have same length
        as image channels, which resulted in padding with per-channel values.
    keep_ratio : bool
        If `True`, will keep output image the same aspect ratio as input.

        Augmented image.
        Tuple of (offset_x, offset_y, new_width, new_height)

    if max_ratio <= 1:
        return src, (0, 0, src.shape[1], src.shape[0])

    h, w, c = src.shape
    ratio_x = random.uniform(1, max_ratio)
    if keep_ratio:
        ratio_y = ratio_x
        ratio_y = random.uniform(1, max_ratio)

    oh, ow = int(h * ratio_y), int(w * ratio_x)
    off_y = random.randint(0, oh - h)
    off_x = random.randint(0, ow - w)

    # make canvas
    if isinstance(fill, numeric_types):
        dst = nd.full(shape=(oh, ow, c), val=fill, dtype=src.dtype)
        fill = nd.array(fill, dtype=src.dtype, ctx=src.context)
        if not c == fill.size:
            raise ValueError("Channel and fill size mismatch, {} vs {}".format(c, fill.size))
        dst = nd.tile(fill.reshape((1, c)), reps=(oh * ow, 1)).reshape((oh, ow, c))

    dst[off_y:off_y+h, off_x:off_x+w, :] = src
    return dst, (off_x, off_y, ow, oh) 
Example #8
Source File:    From MobileFace with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def resize_contain(src, size, fill=0):
    """Resize the image to fit in the given area while keeping aspect ratio.

    If both the height and the width in `size` are larger than
    the height and the width of input image, the image is placed on
    the center with an appropriate padding to match `size`.
    Otherwise, the input image is scaled to fit in a canvas whose size
    is `size` while preserving aspect ratio.

    src : mxnet.nd.NDArray
        The original image with HWC format.
    size : tuple
        Tuple of length 2 as (width, height).
    fill : int or float or array-like
        The value(s) for padded borders. If `fill` is numerical type, RGB channels
        will be padded with single value. Otherwise `fill` must have same length
        as image channels, which resulted in padding with per-channel values.

        Augmented image.
        Tuple of (offset_x, offset_y, scaled_x, scaled_y)

    h, w, c = src.shape
    ow, oh = size
    scale_h = oh / h
    scale_w = ow / w
    scale = min(min(scale_h, scale_w), 1)
    scaled_x = int(w * scale)
    scaled_y = int(h * scale)
    if scale < 1:
        src = mx.image.imresize(src, scaled_x, scaled_y)

    off_y = (oh - scaled_y) // 2 if scaled_y < oh else 0
    off_x = (ow - scaled_x) // 2 if scaled_x < ow else 0

    # make canvas
    if isinstance(fill, numeric_types):
        dst = nd.full(shape=(oh, ow, c), val=fill, dtype=src.dtype)
        fill = nd.array(fill, ctx=src.context)
        if not c == fill.size:
            raise ValueError("Channel and fill size mismatch, {} vs {}".format(c, fill.size))
        dst = nd.repeat(fill, repeats=oh * ow).reshape((oh, ow, c))

    dst[off_y:off_y+scaled_y, off_x:off_x+scaled_x, :] = src
    return dst, (off_x, off_y, scaled_x, scaled_y) 
Example #9
Source File:    From panoptic-fpn-gluon with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def random_expand(src, max_ratio=4, fill=0, keep_ratio=True):
    """Random expand original image with borders, this is identical to placing
    the original image on a larger canvas.

    src : mxnet.nd.NDArray
        The original image with HWC format.
    max_ratio : int or float
        Maximum ratio of the output image on both direction(vertical and horizontal)
    fill : int or float or array-like
        The value(s) for padded borders. If `fill` is numerical type, RGB channels
        will be padded with single value. Otherwise `fill` must have same length
        as image channels, which resulted in padding with per-channel values.
    keep_ratio : bool
        If `True`, will keep output image the same aspect ratio as input.

        Augmented image.
        Tuple of (offset_x, offset_y, new_width, new_height)

    if max_ratio <= 1:
        return src, (0, 0, src.shape[1], src.shape[0])

    h, w, c = src.shape
    ratio_x = random.uniform(1, max_ratio)
    if keep_ratio:
        ratio_y = ratio_x
        ratio_y = random.uniform(1, max_ratio)

    oh, ow = int(h * ratio_y), int(w * ratio_x)
    off_y = random.randint(0, oh - h)
    off_x = random.randint(0, ow - w)

    # make canvas
    if isinstance(fill, numeric_types):
        dst = nd.full(shape=(oh, ow, c), val=fill, dtype=src.dtype)
        fill = nd.array(fill, dtype=src.dtype, ctx=src.context)
        if not c == fill.size:
            raise ValueError("Channel and fill size mismatch, {} vs {}".format(c, fill.size))
        dst = nd.tile(fill.reshape((1, c)), reps=(oh * ow, 1)).reshape((oh, ow, c))

    dst[off_y:off_y+h, off_x:off_x+w, :] = src
    return dst, (off_x, off_y, ow, oh) 
Example #10
Source File:    From panoptic-fpn-gluon with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def resize_contain(src, size, fill=0):
    """Resize the image to fit in the given area while keeping aspect ratio.

    If both the height and the width in `size` are larger than
    the height and the width of input image, the image is placed on
    the center with an appropriate padding to match `size`.
    Otherwise, the input image is scaled to fit in a canvas whose size
    is `size` while preserving aspect ratio.

    src : mxnet.nd.NDArray
        The original image with HWC format.
    size : tuple
        Tuple of length 2 as (width, height).
    fill : int or float or array-like
        The value(s) for padded borders. If `fill` is numerical type, RGB channels
        will be padded with single value. Otherwise `fill` must have same length
        as image channels, which resulted in padding with per-channel values.

        Augmented image.
        Tuple of (offset_x, offset_y, scaled_x, scaled_y)

    h, w, c = src.shape
    ow, oh = size
    scale_h = oh / h
    scale_w = ow / w
    scale = min(min(scale_h, scale_w), 1)
    scaled_x = int(w * scale)
    scaled_y = int(h * scale)
    if scale < 1:
        src = mx.image.imresize(src, scaled_x, scaled_y)

    off_y = (oh - scaled_y) // 2 if scaled_y < oh else 0
    off_x = (ow - scaled_x) // 2 if scaled_x < ow else 0

    # make canvas
    if isinstance(fill, numeric_types):
        dst = nd.full(shape=(oh, ow, c), val=fill, dtype=src.dtype)
        fill = nd.array(fill, ctx=src.context)
        if not c == fill.size:
            raise ValueError("Channel and fill size mismatch, {} vs {}".format(c, fill.size))
        dst = nd.repeat(fill, repeats=oh * ow).reshape((oh, ow, c))

    dst[off_y:off_y+scaled_y, off_x:off_x+scaled_x, :] = src
    return dst, (off_x, off_y, scaled_x, scaled_y) 
Example #11
Source File:    From cascade_rcnn_gluon with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def random_expand(src, max_ratio=4, fill=0, keep_ratio=True):
    """Random expand original image with borders, this is identical to placing
    the original image on a larger canvas.

    src : mxnet.nd.NDArray
        The original image with HWC format.
    max_ratio : int or float
        Maximum ratio of the output image on both direction(vertical and horizontal)
    fill : int or float or array-like
        The value(s) for padded borders. If `fill` is numerical type, RGB channels
        will be padded with single value. Otherwise `fill` must have same length
        as image channels, which resulted in padding with per-channel values.
    keep_ratio : bool
        If `True`, will keep output image the same aspect ratio as input.

        Augmented image.
        Tuple of (offset_x, offset_y, new_width, new_height)

    if max_ratio <= 1:
        return src, (0, 0, src.shape[1], src.shape[0])

    h, w, c = src.shape
    ratio_x = random.uniform(1, max_ratio)
    if keep_ratio:
        ratio_y = ratio_x
        ratio_y = random.uniform(1, max_ratio)

    oh, ow = int(h * ratio_y), int(w * ratio_x)
    off_y = random.randint(0, oh - h)
    off_x = random.randint(0, ow - w)

    # make canvas
    if isinstance(fill, numeric_types):
        dst = nd.full(shape=(oh, ow, c), val=fill, dtype=src.dtype)
        fill = nd.array(fill, dtype=src.dtype, ctx=src.context)
        if not c == fill.size:
            raise ValueError("Channel and fill size mismatch, {} vs {}".format(c, fill.size))
        dst = nd.tile(fill.reshape((1, c)), reps=(oh * ow, 1)).reshape((oh, ow, c))

    dst[off_y:off_y+h, off_x:off_x+w, :] = src
    return dst, (off_x, off_y, ow, oh) 
Example #12
Source File:    From cascade_rcnn_gluon with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def resize_contain(src, size, fill=0):
    """Resize the image to fit in the given area while keeping aspect ratio.

    If both the height and the width in `size` are larger than
    the height and the width of input image, the image is placed on
    the center with an appropriate padding to match `size`.
    Otherwise, the input image is scaled to fit in a canvas whose size
    is `size` while preserving aspect ratio.

    src : mxnet.nd.NDArray
        The original image with HWC format.
    size : tuple
        Tuple of length 2 as (width, height).
    fill : int or float or array-like
        The value(s) for padded borders. If `fill` is numerical type, RGB channels
        will be padded with single value. Otherwise `fill` must have same length
        as image channels, which resulted in padding with per-channel values.

        Augmented image.
        Tuple of (offset_x, offset_y, scaled_x, scaled_y)

    h, w, c = src.shape
    ow, oh = size
    scale_h = oh / h
    scale_w = oh / w
    scale = min(min(scale_h, scale_w), 1)
    scaled_x = int(w * scale)
    scaled_y = int(h * scale)
    if scale < 1:
        src = mx.image.imresize(src, scaled_x, scaled_y)

    off_y = (oh - scaled_y) // 2 if scaled_y < oh else 0
    off_x = (ow - scaled_x) // 2 if scaled_x < ow else 0

    # make canvas
    if isinstance(fill, numeric_types):
        dst = nd.full(shape=(oh, ow, c), val=fill, dtype=src.dtype)
        fill = nd.array(fill, ctx=src.context)
        if not c == fill.size:
            raise ValueError("Channel and fill size mismatch, {} vs {}".format(c, fill.size))
        dst = nd.repeat(fill, repeats=oh * ow).reshape((oh, ow, c))

    dst[off_y:off_y+scaled_y, off_x:off_x+scaled_x, :] = src
    return dst, (off_x, off_y, scaled_x, scaled_y)