Python mxnet.nd.empty() Examples

The following are 7 code examples of mxnet.nd.empty(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module mxnet.nd , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From gluon-cv with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def default_mp_pad_batchify_fn(data):
    """Use shared memory for collating data into batch, labels are padded to same shape"""
    if isinstance(data[0], nd.NDArray):
        out = nd.empty((len(data),) + data[0].shape, dtype=data[0].dtype,
                       ctx=context.Context('cpu_shared', 0))
        return nd.stack(*data, out=out)
    elif isinstance(data[0], tuple):
        data = zip(*data)
        return [default_mp_pad_batchify_fn(i) for i in data]
        data = np.asarray(data)
        batch_size = len(data)
        pad = max([l.shape[0] for l in data] + [1,])
        buf = np.full((batch_size, pad, data[0].shape[-1]), -1, dtype=data[0].dtype)
        for i, l in enumerate(data):
            buf[i][:l.shape[0], :] = l
        return nd.array(buf, dtype=data[0].dtype, ctx=context.Context('cpu_shared', 0)) 
Example #2
Source File:    From panoptic-fpn-gluon with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def default_mp_pad_batchify_fn(data):
    """Use shared memory for collating data into batch, labels are padded to same shape"""
    if isinstance(data[0], nd.NDArray):
        out = nd.empty((len(data),) + data[0].shape, dtype=data[0].dtype,
                       ctx=context.Context('cpu_shared', 0))
        return nd.stack(*data, out=out)
    elif isinstance(data[0], tuple):
        data = zip(*data)
        return [default_mp_pad_batchify_fn(i) for i in data]
        data = np.asarray(data)
        batch_size = len(data)
        pad = max([l.shape[0] for l in data] + [1,])
        buf = np.full((batch_size, pad, data[0].shape[-1]), -1, dtype=data[0].dtype)
        for i, l in enumerate(data):
            buf[i][:l.shape[0], :] = l
        return nd.array(buf, dtype=data[0].dtype, ctx=context.Context('cpu_shared', 0)) 
Example #3
Source File:    From cascade_rcnn_gluon with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def default_mp_pad_batchify_fn(data):
    """Use shared memory for collating data into batch, labels are padded to same shape"""
    if isinstance(data[0], nd.NDArray):
        out = nd.empty((len(data),) + data[0].shape, dtype=data[0].dtype,
                       ctx=context.Context('cpu_shared', 0))
        return nd.stack(*data, out=out)
    elif isinstance(data[0], tuple):
        data = zip(*data)
        return [default_mp_pad_batchify_fn(i) for i in data]
        data = np.asarray(data)
        batch_size = len(data)
        pad = max([l.shape[0] for l in data] + [1,])
        buf = np.full((batch_size, pad, data[0].shape[-1]), -1, dtype=data[0].dtype)
        for i, l in enumerate(data):
            buf[i][:l.shape[0], :] = l
        return nd.array(buf, dtype=data[0].dtype, ctx=context.Context('cpu_shared', 0)) 
Example #4
Source File:    From gluon-ts with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __next__(self) -> DataEntry:
        # if the buffer is empty, fill the buffer first.
        # (should only executed in the first round)
        if not self.shuffle_buffer:
            self.shuffle_buffer = list(
                    self.base_iterator, self.shuffle_buffer_length
        # if buffer still empty, means all elements used,
        # return a signal of end of iterator
        if not self.shuffle_buffer:
            raise StopIteration
        # choose an element at a random index and yield it
        # and fill it with the next element in the sequential generator
        idx = random.randint(0, len(self.shuffle_buffer) - 1)
        next_sample = self.shuffle_buffer[idx]

        # replace the index with the next element in the iterator if the iterator has not finished.
        # delete the index otherwise.
            self.shuffle_buffer[idx] = next(self.base_iterator)
        except StopIteration:
            del self.shuffle_buffer[idx]

        return next_sample 
Example #5
Source File:    From coach with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def clip_grad(
        grads: Union[Generator[NDArray, NDArray, NDArray], List[NDArray], Tuple[NDArray]],
        clip_method: GradientClippingMethod,
        clip_val: float,
        inplace=True) -> List[NDArray]:
    Clip gradient values inplace
    :param grads: gradients to be clipped
    :param clip_method: clipping method
    :param clip_val: clipping value. Interpreted differently depending on clipping method.
    :param inplace: modify grads if True, otherwise create NDArrays
    :return: clipped gradients
    output = list(grads) if inplace else list(nd.empty(g.shape) for g in grads)
    if clip_method == GradientClippingMethod.ClipByGlobalNorm:
        norm_unclipped_grads = global_norm(grads)
        scale = clip_val / (norm_unclipped_grads.asscalar() + 1e-8)  # todo: use branching operators?
        if scale < 1.0:
            for g, o in zip(grads, output):
                nd.broadcast_mul(g, nd.array([scale]), out=o)
    elif clip_method == GradientClippingMethod.ClipByValue:
        for g, o in zip(grads, output):
            g.clip(-clip_val, clip_val, out=o)
    elif clip_method == GradientClippingMethod.ClipByNorm:
        for g, o in zip(grads, output):
            nd.broadcast_mul(g, nd.minimum(1.0, clip_val / (g.norm() + 1e-8)), out=o)
        raise KeyError('Unsupported gradient clipping method')
    return output 
Example #6
Source File:    From gluon-ts with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def _worker_fn(
    batch_size: int,
    batchify_fn: Callable,
    dtype: DType,
    is_train: bool,
    cyclic: bool,
    cycle_num: int,
    shuffle_buffer_length: int,
    """Function for processing data in worker process."""

    # initialize, or reset the iterator at each cycle
    if (_WorkerData.iterator_latest_reset_cycle < cycle_num) and (
        _WorkerData.iterator_latest_reset_cycle == 0 or not cyclic
            is_train, cyclic, cycle_num, shuffle_buffer_length

    # retrieve the samples that will be batched
    batch_samples = list(
        itertools.islice(_WorkerData.dataset_iterator, batch_size)
    # batch the samples, if there were any
    if batch_samples:
        success = True
        batch = batchify_fn(
            data=batch_samples, dtype=dtype, multi_processing=True
        # the second time without being able to provide a batch we want to delay calling them again
        # on fist exhaustion they should not be delayed, since they need to indicate depletion
        # dont make the penalty to high, since that delays rescheduling of non empty iterators
        if _WorkerData.iterator_exhausted_indicator:
            _WorkerData.iterator_exhausted_indicator = True
        success = False
        batch = None

    buf = io.BytesIO()
    ForkingPickler(buf, pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL).dump(
        (success, MPWorkerInfo.worker_id, batch)
    return buf.getvalue() 
Example #7
Source File:    From gluon-ts with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def __next__(self) -> DataBatch:
        # Try to get a batch, sometimes its possible that an iterator was
        # exhausted and thus we don't get a new batch
        success = False
        while not success:

                if self._rcvd_idx == self._sent_idx:
                    assert (
                        not self._data_buffer
                    ), "Data buffer should be empty at this moment"
                    raise StopIteration
                assert (
                    self._rcvd_idx < self._sent_idx
                ), "rcvd_idx must be smaller than sent_idx"
                assert (
                    self._rcvd_idx in self._data_buffer
                ), "fatal error with _push_next, rcvd_idx missing"

                ret = self._data_buffer.pop(self._rcvd_idx)
                got = ret.get(self._timeout)
                self._rcvd_idx += 1

                # retrieve the batch from shared memory along with metadata
                success, worker_id, batch = pickle.loads(got)

                # If iterator exhausted/empty
                if not success:
                    if self._num_workers == len(self._exhausted_iterators):
                        # No more batches to be generated
                        return {}
                    # either pin to cpu memory (with ctx=context.cpu_pinned(self.pin_device_id)),
                    # or return with the right context straight away
                    return _as_in_context(batch, self._ctx)
            except multiprocessing.context.TimeoutError:
                    f"Worker timed out after {self._timeout} seconds. This might be caused by "
                    "\n - Slow transform. Please increase timeout to allow slower data loading in each worker. "
                    "\n - Insufficient shared_memory if `timeout` is large enough. "
                    "\n Please consider to reduce `num_workers` or increase shared_memory in system."
            except Exception:
                print("An unexpected error occurred in the WorkerIterator.")
        return {}