Python autograd.numpy.all() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of autograd.numpy.all(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module autograd.numpy , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From pymoo with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_problems(self):
        for entry in problems:
            name, params = entry
            print("Testing: " + name)

            X, F, CV = load(name)

            if F is None:
                print("Warning: No correctness check for %s" % name)

            problem = get_problem(name, *params)
            _F, _G, _CV, _dF, _dG = problem.evaluate(X, return_values_of=["F", "G", "CV", "dF", "dG"])

            if problem.n_obj == 1:
                F = F[:, None]

            self.assertTrue(anp.all(anp.abs(_F - F) < 0.00001))

            if problem.n_constr > 0:
                self.assertTrue(anp.all(anp.abs(_CV[:, 0] - CV) < 0.0001)) 
Example #2
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def fit_gaussian_draw(X, J, seed=28, reg=1e-7, eig_pow=1.0):
    Fit a multivariate normal to the data X (n x d) and draw J points 
    from the fit. 
    - reg: regularizer to use with the covariance matrix
    - eig_pow: raise eigenvalues of the covariance matrix to this power to construct 
        a new covariance matrix before drawing samples. Useful to shrink the spread 
        of the variance.
    with NumpySeedContext(seed=seed):
        d = X.shape[1]
        mean_x = np.mean(X, 0)
        cov_x = np.cov(X.T)
        if d==1:
            cov_x = np.array([[cov_x]])
        [evals, evecs] = np.linalg.eig(cov_x)
        evals = np.maximum(0, np.real(evals))
        assert np.all(np.isfinite(evals))
        evecs = np.real(evecs)
        shrunk_cov =**eig_pow)).dot(evecs.T) + reg*np.eye(d)
        V = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean_x, shrunk_cov, J)
    return V 
Example #3
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def bound_by_data(Z, Data):
    Determine lower and upper bound for each dimension from the Data, and project 
    Z so that all points in Z live in the bounds.

    Z: m x d 
    Data: n x d

    Return a projected Z of size m x d.
    n, d = Z.shape
    Low = np.min(Data, 0)
    Up = np.max(Data, 0)
    LowMat = np.repeat(Low[np.newaxis, :], n, axis=0)
    UpMat = np.repeat(Up[np.newaxis, :], n, axis=0)

    Z = np.maximum(LowMat, Z)
    Z = np.minimum(UpMat, Z)
    return Z 
Example #4
Source File:    From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def build_full_config_list(sampled_pops, sampled_n, ascertainment_pop=None):
    sampled_n = np.array(sampled_n)
    if ascertainment_pop is None:
        ascertainment_pop = [True] * len(sampled_pops)
    ascertainment_pop = np.array(ascertainment_pop)

    ranges = [list(range(n + 1)) for n in sampled_n]
    config_list = []
    for x in it.product(*ranges):
        x = np.array(x, dtype=int)
        if not (np.all(x[ascertainment_pop] == 0) or np.all(
                x[ascertainment_pop] == sampled_n[ascertainment_pop])):
    return build_config_list(
        sampled_pops, np.array(config_list, dtype=int), sampled_n,
Example #5
Source File:    From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _get_subsample_counts(configs, n):
    subconfigs, weights = [], []
    for pop_comb in it.combinations_with_replacement(configs.sampled_pops, n):
        subsample_n = co.Counter(pop_comb)
        subsample_n = np.array([subsample_n[pop]
                                for pop in configs.sampled_pops], dtype=int)
        if np.any(subsample_n > configs.sampled_n):

        for sfs_entry in it.product(*(range(sub_n + 1)
                                      for sub_n in subsample_n)):
            sfs_entry = np.array(sfs_entry, dtype=int)
            if np.all(sfs_entry == 0) or np.all(sfs_entry == subsample_n):
                # monomorphic

            sfs_entry = np.transpose([subsample_n - sfs_entry, sfs_entry])
            cnt_vec = configs.subsample_probs(sfs_entry)
            if not np.all(cnt_vec == 0):

    return np.array(subconfigs), np.array(weights) 
Example #6
Source File:    From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _expected_sfs(demography, configs, folded, error_matrices):
    if np.any(configs.sampled_n != demography.sampled_n) or np.any(configs.sampled_pops != demography.sampled_pops):
        raise ValueError(
            "configs and demography must have same sampled_n, sampled_pops. Use Demography.copy() or ConfigList.copy() to make a copy with different sampled_n.")

    vecs, idxs = configs._vecs_and_idxs(folded)

    if error_matrices is not None:
        vecs = _apply_error_matrices(vecs, error_matrices)

    vals = expected_sfs_tensor_prod(vecs, demography)

    sfs = vals[idxs['idx_2_row']]
    if folded:
        sfs = sfs + vals[idxs['folded_2_row']]

    denom = vals[idxs['denom_idx']]
    for i in (0, 1):
        denom = denom - vals[idxs[("corrections_2_denom", i)]]

    #assert np.all(np.logical_or(vals >= 0.0, np.isclose(vals, 0.0)))

    return sfs, denom 
Example #7
Source File:    From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def truncate0(x, axis=None, strict=False, tol=1e-13):
    '''make sure everything in x is non-negative'''
    # the maximum along axis
    maxes = np.maximum(np.amax(x, axis=axis), 1e-300)
    # the negative part of minimum along axis
    mins = np.maximum(-np.amin(x, axis=axis), 0.0)

    # assert the negative numbers are small (relative to maxes)
    assert np.all(mins <= tol * maxes)

    if axis is not None:
        idx = [slice(None)] * x.ndim
        idx[axis] = np.newaxis
        mins = mins[idx]
        maxes = maxes[idx]

    if strict:
        # set everything below the tolerance to 0
        return set0(x, x < tol * maxes)
        # set everything of same magnitude as most negative number, to 0
        return set0(x, x < 2 * mins) 
Example #8
Source File:    From autohmm with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _set_transmat(self, transmat_val):
        if transmat_val is None:
            transmat = np.tile(1.0 / self.n_components,
                               (self.n_components, self.n_components))
            transmat_val[np.isnan(transmat_val)] = 0.0
            normalize(transmat_val, axis=1)

            if (np.asarray(transmat_val).shape == (self.n_components,
                transmat = np.copy(transmat_val)
            elif transmat_val.shape[0] == self.n_unique:
                transmat = self._ntied_transmat(transmat_val)
                raise ValueError("cannot match shape of transmat")

        if not np.all(np.allclose(np.sum(transmat, axis=1), 1.0)):
            raise ValueError('Rows of transmat must sum to 1.0')
        self._log_transmat = np.log(np.asarray(transmat).copy())
        underflow_idx = np.isnan(self._log_transmat)
        self._log_transmat[underflow_idx] = NEGINF 
Example #9
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def ustat_h1_mean_variance(fea_tensor, return_variance=True,
        Compute the mean and variance of the asymptotic normal distribution 
        under H1 of the test statistic.

        fea_tensor: feature tensor obtained from feature_tensor()
        return_variance: If false, avoid computing and returning the variance.
        use_unbiased: If True, use the unbiased version of the mean. Can be

        Return the mean [and the variance]
        Xi = fea_tensor
        n, d, J = Xi.shape
        #print 'Xi'
        #print Xi
        #assert np.all(util.is_real_num(Xi))
        assert n > 1, 'Need n > 1 to compute the mean of the statistic.'
        # n x d*J
        # Tau = Xi.reshape(n, d*J)
        Tau = np.reshape(Xi, [n, d*J])
        if use_unbiased:
            t1 = np.sum(np.mean(Tau, 0)**2)*(old_div(n,float(n-1)))
            t2 = old_div(np.sum(np.mean(Tau**2, 0)),float(n-1))
            # stat is the mean
            stat = t1 - t2
            stat = np.sum(np.mean(Tau, 0)**2)

        if not return_variance:
            return stat

        # compute the variance 
        # mu: d*J vector
        mu = np.mean(Tau, 0)
        variance = 4*np.mean(, mu)**2) - 4*np.sum(mu**2)**2
        return stat, variance 
Example #10
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def feature_tensor(self, X):
        Compute the feature tensor which is n x d x J.
        The feature tensor can be used to compute the statistic, and the
        covariance matrix for simulating from the null distribution.

        X: n x d data numpy array

        return an n x d x J numpy array
        k = self.k
        J = self.V.shape[0]
        n, d = X.shape
        # n x d matrix of gradients
        grad_logp = self.p.grad_log(X)
        #assert np.all(util.is_real_num(grad_logp))
        # n x J matrix
        #print 'V'
        #print self.V
        K = k.eval(X, self.V)
        #assert np.all(util.is_real_num(K))

        list_grads = np.array([np.reshape(k.gradX_y(X, v), (1, n, d)) for v in self.V])
        stack0 = np.concatenate(list_grads, axis=0)
        #a numpy array G of size n x d x J such that G[:, :, J]
        #    is the derivative of k(X, V_j) with respect to X.
        dKdV = np.transpose(stack0, (1, 2, 0))

        # n x d x J tensor
        grad_logp_K = util.outer_rows(grad_logp, K)
        #print 'grad_logp'
        #print grad_logp.dtype
        #print grad_logp
        #print 'K'
        #print K
        Xi = old_div((grad_logp_K + dKdV),np.sqrt(d*J))
        #Xi = (grad_logp_K + dKdV)
        return Xi 
Example #11
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_basic(self):
        Nothing special. Just test basic things.
        # sample
        n = 10
        d = 3
        with util.NumpySeedContext(seed=29):
            X = np.random.randn(n, d)*3
            k = kernel.KGauss(sigma2=1)
            K = k.eval(X, X)

            self.assertEqual(K.shape, (n, n))
            self.assertTrue(np.all(K >= 0-1e-6))
            self.assertTrue(np.all(K <= 1+1e-6), 'K not bounded by 1') 
Example #12
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def box_meshgrid(func, xbound, ybound, nx=50, ny=50):
    Form a meshed grid (to be used with a contour plot) on a box
    specified by xbound, ybound. Evaluate the grid with [func]: (n x 2) -> n.
    - xbound: a tuple (xmin, xmax)
    - ybound: a tuple (ymin, ymax)
    - nx: number of points to evluate in the x direction
    return XX, YY, ZZ where XX is a 2D nd-array of size nx x ny
    # form a test location grid to try 
    minx, maxx = xbound
    miny, maxy = ybound
    loc0_cands = np.linspace(minx, maxx, nx)
    loc1_cands = np.linspace(miny, maxy, ny)
    lloc0, lloc1 = np.meshgrid(loc0_cands, loc1_cands)
    # nd1 x nd0 x 2
    loc3d = np.dstack((lloc0, lloc1))
    # #candidates x 2
    all_loc2s = np.reshape(loc3d, (-1, 2) )
    # evaluate the function
    func_grid = func(all_loc2s)
    func_grid = np.reshape(func_grid, (ny, nx))
    assert lloc0.shape[0] == ny
    assert lloc0.shape[1] == nx
    assert np.all(lloc0.shape == lloc1.shape)
    return lloc0, lloc1, func_grid 
Example #13
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def compute_stat(self, dat, return_ustat_gram=False):
        Compute the V statistic as in Section 2.2 of Chwialkowski et al., 2016.
        return_ustat_gram: If True, then return the n x n matrix used to
            compute the statistic (by taking the mean of all the elements)
        X =
        n, d = X.shape
        k = self.k
        # n x d matrix of gradients
        grad_logp = self.p.grad_log(X)
        # n x n
        gram_glogp =
        # n x n
        K = k.eval(X, X)

        B = np.zeros((n, n))
        C = np.zeros((n, n))
        for i in range(d):
            grad_logp_i = grad_logp[:, i]
            B += k.gradX_Y(X, X, i)*grad_logp_i
            C += (k.gradY_X(X, X, i).T * grad_logp_i).T

        H = K*gram_glogp + B + C + k.gradXY_sum(X, X)
        # V-statistic
        stat = n*np.mean(H)
        if return_ustat_gram:
            return stat, H
            return stat

        #print 't1: {0}'.format(t1)
        #print 't2: {0}'.format(t2)
        #print 't3: {0}'.format(t3)
        #print 't4: {0}'.format(t4)

# end KernelSteinTest 
Example #14
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __add__(self, data2):
        Merge the current Data with another one.
        Create a new Data and create a new copy for all internal variables.
        copy = self.clone()
        copy2 = data2.clone()
        nX = np.vstack((copy.X, copy2.X))
        return Data(nX)

### end Data class 
Example #15
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, X):
        :param X: n x d numpy array for dataset X
        self.X = X

        if not np.all(np.isfinite(X)):
            raise ValueError('Not all elements in X are finite.') 
Example #16
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def standardize(X):
    mx = np.mean(X, 0)
    stdx = np.std(X, axis=0)
    # Assume standard deviations are not 0
    Zx = old_div((X-mx),stdx)
    assert np.all(np.isfinite(Zx))
    return Zx 
Example #17
Source File:    From pymoo with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_problems(self):

        for n_obj, n_var, k in [(2, 6, 4), (3, 6, 4), (10, 20, 18)]:

            problems = [
                get_problem("wfg1", n_var, n_obj, k),
                get_problem("wfg2", n_var, n_obj, k),
                get_problem("wfg3", n_var, n_obj, k),
                get_problem("wfg4", n_var, n_obj, k),
                get_problem("wfg5", n_var, n_obj, k),
                get_problem("wfg6", n_var, n_obj, k),
                get_problem("wfg7", n_var, n_obj, k),
                get_problem("wfg8", n_var, n_obj, k),
                get_problem("wfg9", n_var, n_obj, k)

            for problem in problems:
                name = str(problem.__class__.__name__)
                print("Testing: " + name + "-" + str(n_obj))

                X, F, CV = load(name, n_obj)

                # other = from_optproblems(problem)
                # F = np.row_stack([other.objective_function(x) for x in X])

                if F is None:
                    print("Warning: No correctness check for %s" % name)

                _F, _G, _CV = problem.evaluate(X, return_values_of=["F", "G", "CV"])

                if problem.n_obj == 1:
                    F = F[:, None]

                self.assertTrue(anp.all(anp.abs(_F - F) < 0.00001))

                if problem.n_constr > 0:
                    self.assertTrue(anp.all(anp.abs(_CV[:, 0] - CV) < 0.0001)) 
Example #18
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_comparison_grads():
    compare_funs = [lambda x, y : np.sum(x <  x) + 0.0,
                    lambda x, y : np.sum(x <= y) + 0.0,
                    lambda x, y : np.sum(x >  y) + 0.0,
                    lambda x, y : np.sum(x >= y) + 0.0,
                    lambda x, y : np.sum(x == y) + 0.0,
                    lambda x, y : np.sum(x != y) + 0.0]

    with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as w:
        for arg1, arg2 in arg_pairs():
            zeros = (arg1 + arg2) * 0 # get correct shape
            for fun in compare_funs:
                assert np.all(grad(fun)(arg1, arg2) == zeros)
                assert np.all(grad(fun, argnum=1)(arg1, arg2) == zeros) 
Example #19
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_flatten_complex():
    val = 1 + 1j
    flat, unflatten = flatten(val)
    assert np.all(val == unflatten(flat)) 
Example #20
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def unflatten_tracing():
    val = [npr.randn(4), [npr.randn(3,4), 2.5], (), (2.0, [1.0, npr.randn(2)])]
    vect, unflatten = flatten(val)
    def f(vect): return unflatten(vect)
    flatten2, _ = make_vjp(f)(vect)
    assert np.all(vect == flatten2(val)) 
Example #21
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_flatten_dict():
    val = {'k':  npr.random((4, 4)),
           'k2': npr.random((3, 3)),
           'k3': 3.0,
           'k4': [1.0, 4.0, 7.0, 9.0]}

    vect, unflatten = flatten(val)
    val_recovered = unflatten(vect)
    vect_2, _ = flatten(val_recovered)
    assert np.all(vect == vect_2) 
Example #22
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_flatten_empty():
    val = (npr.randn(4), [npr.randn(3,4), 2.5], (), (2.0, [1.0, npr.randn(2)]))
    vect, unflatten = flatten(val)
    val_recovered = unflatten(vect)
    vect_2, _ = flatten(val_recovered)
    assert np.all(vect == vect_2) 
Example #23
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_flatten():
    r = np.random.randn
    x = (1.0, r(2,3), [r(1,4), {'x': 2.0, 'y': r(4,2)}])
    x_flat, unflatten = flatten(x)
    assert x_flat.shape == (20,)
    assert x_flat[0] == 1.0
    assert np.all(x_flat == flatten(unflatten(x_flat))[0])

    y = (1.0, 2.0, [3.0, {'x': 2.0, 'y': 4.0}])
    y_flat, unflatten = flatten(y)
    assert y_flat.shape == (5,)
    assert y == unflatten(y_flat) 
Example #24
Source File:    From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _apply_error_matrices(vecs, error_matrices):
    if not all([np.allclose(np.sum(err, axis=0), 1.0) for err in error_matrices]):
        raise Exception("Columns of error matrix should sum to 1")

    return [, err) for v, err in zip(vecs, error_matrices)]

# inverse of a PSD matrix 
Example #25
Source File:    From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def symmetric_matrix(arr, n):
    if len(arr) != n * (n + 1) / 2:
        raise Exception("Array must have dimensions n*(n+1)/2")
    ret = np.zeros((n, n))
    idx = np.triu_indices(n)

    ret[idx] = arr
    ret[tuple(reversed(idx))] = arr

    assert np.all(ret == ret.T)
    return ret 
Example #26
Source File:    From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def expm1d(x, eps=1e-6):
    x = np.array(x)
    abs_x = np.abs(x)
    if x.shape:
        # FIXME: don't require abs_x to be increasing
        assert np.all(abs_x[1:] >= abs_x[:-1])
        small = abs_x < eps
        big = ~small
        return np.concatenate([expm1d_taylor(x[small]),
    elif abs_x < eps:
        return expm1d_taylor(x)
        return expm1d_naive(x) 
Example #27
Source File:    From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def transformed_expi(x):
    abs_x = np.abs(x)
    ser = abs_x < 1. / 45.
    nser = np.logical_not(ser)

#     ret = np.zeros(x.shape)
#     ret[ser], ret[nser] = transformed_expi_series(x[ser]), transformed_expi_naive(x[nser])))
#     return ret

    # We use np.concatenate to combine.
    # would be better to use ret[ser] and ret[nser] as commented out above
    # but array assignment not yet supported by autograd
    assert np.all(abs_x[:-1] >= abs_x[1:])
    return np.concatenate((transformed_expi_naive(x[nser]), transformed_expi_series(x[ser]))) 
Example #28
Source File:    From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __eq__(self, other):
        conf_arr = self.value
            return np.all(conf_arr == other.value)
        except AttributeError:
            return False 
Example #29
Source File:    From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, sampled_pops, conf_arr, sampled_n=None,
        """Use build_config_list() instead of calling this constructor directly"""
        # If sampled_n=None, ConfigList.sampled_n will be the max number of
        # observed individuals/alleles per population.
        self.sampled_pops = tuple(sampled_pops)
        self.value = conf_arr

        if ascertainment_pop is None:
            ascertainment_pop = [True] * len(sampled_pops)
        self.ascertainment_pop = np.array(ascertainment_pop)
        if all(not a for a in self.ascertainment_pop):
            raise ValueError(
                "At least one of the populations must be used for "
                "ascertainment of polymorphic sites")

        max_n = np.max(np.sum(self.value, axis=2), axis=0)

        if sampled_n is None:
            sampled_n = max_n
        sampled_n = np.array(sampled_n)
        if np.any(sampled_n < max_n):
            raise ValueError("config greater than sampled_n")
        self.sampled_n = sampled_n
        if not np.sum(sampled_n[self.ascertainment_pop]) >= 2:
            raise ValueError("The total sample size of the ascertainment "
                             "populations must be >= 2")

        config_sampled_n = np.sum(self.value, axis=2)
        self.has_missing_data = np.any(config_sampled_n != self.sampled_n)

        if np.any(np.sum(self.value[:, self.ascertainment_pop, :], axis=1)
                  == 0):
            raise ValueError("Monomorphic sites not allowed. In addition, all"
                             " sites must be polymorphic when restricted to"
                             " the ascertainment populations") 
Example #30
Source File:    From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def combine_loci(self):
        # return copy with all loci combined
        return self.from_matrix(self.freqs_matrix.sum(axis=1),
                                self.configs, self.folded,