Module for testing kernel module.

__author__ = 'wittawat'

import autograd
import autograd.numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import kgof.data as data
import kgof.density as density
import kgof.util as util
import kgof.kernel as kernel
import kgof.goftest as gof
import kgof.glo as glo
import scipy.stats as stats
import numpy.testing as testing

import unittest

class TestKGauss(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):

    def test_basic(self):
        Nothing special. Just test basic things.
        # sample
        n = 10
        d = 3
        with util.NumpySeedContext(seed=29):
            X = np.random.randn(n, d)*3
            k = kernel.KGauss(sigma2=1)
            K = k.eval(X, X)

            self.assertEqual(K.shape, (n, n))
            self.assertTrue(np.all(K >= 0-1e-6))
            self.assertTrue(np.all(K <= 1+1e-6), 'K not bounded by 1')

    def test_pair_gradX_Y(self):
        # sample
        n = 11
        d = 3
        with util.NumpySeedContext(seed=20):
            X = np.random.randn(n, d)*4
            Y = np.random.randn(n, d)*2
            k = kernel.KGauss(sigma2=2.1)
            # n x d
            pair_grad = k.pair_gradX_Y(X, Y)
            loop_grad = np.zeros((n, d))
            for i in range(n):
                for j in range(d):
                    loop_grad[i, j] = k.gradX_Y(X[[i], :], Y[[i], :], j)

            testing.assert_almost_equal(pair_grad, loop_grad)

    def test_gradX_y(self):
        n = 10
        with util.NumpySeedContext(seed=10):
            for d in [1, 3]:
                y = np.random.randn(d)*2
                X = np.random.rand(n, d)*3

                sigma2 = 1.3
                k = kernel.KGauss(sigma2=sigma2)
                # n x d
                G = k.gradX_y(X, y)
                # check correctness 
                K = k.eval(X, y[np.newaxis, :])
                myG = -K/sigma2*(X-y)

                self.assertEqual(G.shape, myG.shape)
                testing.assert_almost_equal(G, myG)

    def test_gradXY_sum(self):
        n = 11
        with util.NumpySeedContext(seed=12):
            for d in [3, 1]:
                X = np.random.randn(n, d)
                sigma2 = 1.4
                k = kernel.KGauss(sigma2=sigma2)

                # n x n
                myG = np.zeros((n, n))
                K = k.eval(X, X)
                for i in range(n):
                    for j in range(n):
                        diffi2 = np.sum( (X[i, :] - X[j, :])**2 )
                        #myG[i, j] = -diffi2*K[i, j]/(sigma2**2)+ d*K[i, j]/sigma2
                        myG[i, j] = K[i, j]/sigma2*(d - diffi2/sigma2)

                # check correctness 
                G = k.gradXY_sum(X, X)

                self.assertEqual(G.shape, myG.shape)
                testing.assert_almost_equal(G, myG)

    def tearDown(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':