Python autograd.numpy.max() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of autograd.numpy.max(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module autograd.numpy , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From pymoo with Apache License 2.0 7 votes vote down vote up
def _evaluate(self, x, out, *args, **kwargs):

        # variable names for convenient access
        x1 = x[:, 0]
        x2 = x[:, 1]
        y = x[:, 2]

        # first objectives
        f1 = x1 * anp.sqrt(16 + anp.square(y)) + x2 * anp.sqrt((1 + anp.square(y)))

        # measure which are needed for the second objective
        sigma_ac = 20 * anp.sqrt(16 + anp.square(y)) / (y * x1)
        sigma_bc = 80 * anp.sqrt(1 + anp.square(y)) / (y * x2)

        # take the max
        f2 = anp.max(anp.column_stack((sigma_ac, sigma_bc)), axis=1)

        # define a constraint
        g1 = f2 - self.Smax

        out["F"] = anp.column_stack([f1, f2])
        out["G"] = g1 
Example #2
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def bound_by_data(Z, Data):
    Determine lower and upper bound for each dimension from the Data, and project 
    Z so that all points in Z live in the bounds.

    Z: m x d 
    Data: n x d

    Return a projected Z of size m x d.
    n, d = Z.shape
    Low = np.min(Data, 0)
    Up = np.max(Data, 0)
    LowMat = np.repeat(Low[np.newaxis, :], n, axis=0)
    UpMat = np.repeat(Up[np.newaxis, :], n, axis=0)

    Z = np.maximum(LowMat, Z)
    Z = np.minimum(UpMat, Z)
    return Z 
Example #3
Source File:    From ceviche with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def accel_gradient(eps_arr, mode='max'):

    # set the permittivity of the FDFD and solve the fields
    F.eps_r = eps_arr.reshape((Nx, Ny))
    Ex, Ey, Hz = F.solve(source)

    # compute the gradient and normalize if you want
    G = npa.sum(Ey * eta / Ny)

    if mode == 'max':
        return -np.abs(G) / Emax(Ex, Ey, eps_r)
    elif mode == 'avg':
        return -np.abs(G) / Eavg(Ex, Ey)
        return -np.abs(G / E0)

# define the gradient for autograd 
Example #4
Source File:    From AeroSandbox with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_camber_at_chord_fraction_legacy(self, chord_fraction):
        # Returns the (interpolated) camber at a given location(s). The location is specified by the chord fraction, as measured from the leading edge. Camber is nondimensionalized by chord (i.e. this function returns camber/c at a given x/c).
        chord = np.max(self.coordinates[:, 0]) - np.min(
            self.coordinates[:, 0])  # This should always be 1, but this is just coded for robustness.

        x = chord_fraction * chord + min(self.coordinates[:, 0])

        upperCoors = self.upper_coordinates()
        lowerCoors = self.lower_coordinates()

        y_upper_func = sp_interp.interp1d(x=upperCoors[:, 0], y=upperCoors[:, 1], copy=False, fill_value='extrapolate')
        y_lower_func = sp_interp.interp1d(x=lowerCoors[:, 0], y=lowerCoors[:, 1], copy=False, fill_value='extrapolate')

        y_upper = y_upper_func(x)
        y_lower = y_lower_func(x)

        camber = (y_upper + y_lower) / 2

        return camber 
Example #5
Source File:    From AeroSandbox with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_thickness_at_chord_fraction_legacy(self, chord_fraction):
        # Returns the (interpolated) camber at a given location(s). The location is specified by the chord fraction, as measured from the leading edge. Thickness is nondimensionalized by chord (i.e. this function returns t/c at a given x/c).
        chord = np.max(self.coordinates[:, 0]) - np.min(
            self.coordinates[:, 0])  # This should always be 1, but this is just coded for robustness.

        x = chord_fraction * chord + min(self.coordinates[:, 0])

        upperCoors = self.upper_coordinates()
        lowerCoors = self.lower_coordinates()

        y_upper_func = sp_interp.interp1d(x=upperCoors[:, 0], y=upperCoors[:, 1], copy=False, fill_value='extrapolate')
        y_lower_func = sp_interp.interp1d(x=lowerCoors[:, 0], y=lowerCoors[:, 1], copy=False, fill_value='extrapolate')

        y_upper = y_upper_func(x)
        y_lower = y_lower_func(x)

        thickness = np.maximum(y_upper - y_lower, 0)

        return thickness 
Example #6
Source File:    From pymop with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _evaluate(self, x, out, *args, **kwargs):

        # variable names for convenient access
        x1 = x[:, 0]
        x2 = x[:, 1]
        y = x[:, 2]

        # first objectives
        f1 = x1 * anp.sqrt(16 + anp.square(y)) + x2 * anp.sqrt((1 + anp.square(y)))

        # measure which are needed for the second objective
        sigma_ac = 20 * anp.sqrt(16 + anp.square(y)) / (y * x1)
        sigma_bc = 80 * anp.sqrt(1 + anp.square(y)) / (y * x2)

        # take the max
        f2 = anp.max(anp.column_stack((sigma_ac, sigma_bc)), axis=1)

        # define a constraint
        g1 = f2 - self.Smax

        out["F"] = anp.column_stack([f1, f2])
        out["G"] = g1 
Example #7
Source File:    From autohmm with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _decode_map(self, data):  # adapted hmmlearn
        flp = self._compute_log_likelihood(data)
        flp_rep = np.zeros((flp.shape[0], self.n_components))
        for u in range(self.n_unique):
            for c in range(self.n_chain):
                flp_rep[:, u*self.n_chain+c] = flp[:, u]
        logprob, fwdlattice = self._do_forward_pass(flp_rep)
        bwdlattice = self._do_backward_pass(flp_rep)
        gamma = fwdlattice + bwdlattice
        # gamma is guaranteed to be correctly normalized by logprob at
        # all frames, unless we do approximate inference using pruning.
        # So, we will normalize each frame explicitly in case we
        # pruned too aggressively.
        posteriors = np.exp(gamma.T - logsumexp(gamma, axis=1)).T
        posteriors += np.finfo(np.float64).eps
        posteriors /= np.sum(posteriors, axis=1).reshape((-1, 1))
        state_sequence = np.argmax(posteriors, axis=1)
        map_logprob = np.max(posteriors, axis=1).sum()
        return map_logprob, state_sequence 
Example #8
Source File:    From pymop with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _calc_pareto_front(self, ref_dirs, *args, **kwargs):
        F = super()._calc_pareto_front(ref_dirs, *args, **kwargs)
        a = anp.sqrt(anp.sum(F ** 2, 1) - 3 / 4 * anp.max(F ** 2, axis=1))
        a = anp.expand_dims(a, axis=1)
        a = anp.tile(a, [1, ref_dirs.shape[1]])
        F = F / a

        return F 
Example #9
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def optimize_auto_init(p, dat, J, **ops):
        Optimize parameters by calling optimize_locs_widths(). Automatically 
        initialize the test locations and the Gaussian width.

        Return optimized locations, Gaussian width, optimization info
        assert J>0
        # Use grid search to initialize the gwidth
        X =
        n_gwidth_cand = 5
        gwidth_factors = 2.0**np.linspace(-3, 3, n_gwidth_cand) 
        med2 = util.meddistance(X, 1000)**2

        k = kernel.KGauss(med2*2)
        # fit a Gaussian to the data and draw to initialize V0
        V0 = util.fit_gaussian_draw(X, J, seed=829, reg=1e-6)
        list_gwidth = np.hstack( ( (med2)*gwidth_factors ) )
        besti, objs = GaussFSSD.grid_search_gwidth(p, dat, V0, list_gwidth)
        gwidth = list_gwidth[besti]
        assert util.is_real_num(gwidth), 'gwidth not real. Was %s'%str(gwidth)
        assert gwidth > 0, 'gwidth not positive. Was %.3g'%gwidth'After grid search, gwidth=%.3g'%gwidth)

        V_opt, gwidth_opt, info = GaussFSSD.optimize_locs_widths(p, dat,
                gwidth, V0, **ops) 

        # set the width bounds
        #fac_min = 5e-2
        #fac_max = 5e3
        #gwidth_lb = fac_min*med2
        #gwidth_ub = fac_max*med2
        #gwidth_opt = max(gwidth_lb, min(gwidth_opt, gwidth_ub))
        return V_opt, gwidth_opt, info 
Example #10
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def simulate_null_dist(eigs, J, n_simulate=2000, seed=7):
        Simulate the null distribution using the spectrums of the covariance 
        matrix of the U-statistic. The simulated statistic is n*FSSD^2 where
        FSSD is an unbiased estimator.

        - eigs: a numpy array of estimated eigenvalues of the covariance
          matrix. eigs is of length d*J, where d is the input dimension, and 
        - J: the number of test locations.

        Return a numpy array of simulated statistics.
        d = old_div(len(eigs),J)
        assert d>0
        # draw at most d x J x block_size values at a time
        block_size = max(20, int(old_div(1000.0,(d*J))))
        fssds = np.zeros(n_simulate)
        from_ind = 0
        with util.NumpySeedContext(seed=seed):
            while from_ind < n_simulate:
                to_draw = min(block_size, n_simulate-from_ind)
                # draw chi^2 random variables. 
                chi2 = np.random.randn(d*J, to_draw)**2

                # an array of length to_draw 
                sim_fssds =
                # store 
                end_ind = from_ind+to_draw
                fssds[from_ind:end_ind] = sim_fssds
                from_ind = end_ind
        return fssds 
Example #11
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def plot_runtime(ex, fname, func_xvalues, xlabel, func_title=None):
    results = glo.ex_load_result(ex, fname)
    value_accessor = lambda job_results: job_results['time_secs']
    vf_pval = np.vectorize(value_accessor)
    # results['job_results'] is a dictionary: 
    # {'test_result': (dict from running perform_test(te) '...':..., }
    times = vf_pval(results['job_results'])
    repeats, _, n_methods = results['job_results'].shape
    time_avg = np.mean(times, axis=0)
    time_std = np.std(times, axis=0)

    xvalues = func_xvalues(results)

    #ns = np.array(results[xkey])
    #te_proportion = 1.0 - results['tr_proportion']
    #test_sizes = ns*te_proportion
    line_styles = func_plot_fmt_map()
    method_labels = get_func2label_map()
    func_names = [f.__name__ for f in results['method_job_funcs'] ]
    for i in range(n_methods):    
        te_proportion = 1.0 - results['tr_proportion']
        fmt = line_styles[func_names[i]]
        #plt.errorbar(ns*te_proportion, mean_rejs[:, i], std_pvals[:, i])
        method_label = method_labels[func_names[i]]
        plt.errorbar(xvalues, time_avg[:, i], yerr=time_std[:,i], fmt=fmt,
    ylabel = 'Time (s)'
    plt.xlim([np.min(xvalues), np.max(xvalues)])
    plt.xticks( xvalues, xvalues )
    title = '%s. %d trials. '%( results['prob_label'],
            repeats ) if func_title is None else func_title(results)
    return results 
Example #12
Source File:    From MLAlgorithms with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward_pass(self, X):
        self.last_input = X

        out_height, out_width = pooling_shape(self.pool_shape, X.shape, self.stride)
        n_images, n_channels, _, _ = X.shape

        col = image_to_column(X, self.pool_shape, self.stride, self.padding)
        col = col.reshape(-1, self.pool_shape[0] * self.pool_shape[1])

        arg_max = np.argmax(col, axis=1)
        out = np.max(col, axis=1)
        self.arg_max = arg_max
        return out.reshape(n_images, out_height, out_width, n_channels).transpose(0, 3, 1, 2) 
Example #13
Source File:    From kernel-gof with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def constrain(val, min_val, max_val):
    return min(max_val, max(min_val, val)) 
Example #14
Source File:    From pymoo with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _calc_pareto_front(self, ref_dirs, *args, **kwargs):
        F = super()._calc_pareto_front(ref_dirs, *args, **kwargs)
        a = anp.sqrt(anp.sum(F ** 2, 1) - 3 / 4 * anp.max(F ** 2, axis=1))
        a = anp.expand_dims(a, axis=1)
        a = anp.tile(a, [1, ref_dirs.shape[1]])
        F = F / a

        return F 
Example #15
Source File:    From ceviche with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def Emax(Ex, Ey, eps_r):
    E_mag = npa.sqrt(npa.square(npa.abs(Ex)) + npa.square(npa.abs(Ey)))
    material_density = (eps_r - 1) / (eps_max - 1)
    return npa.max(E_mag * material_density)

# average electric field magnitude in the domain 
Example #16
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_max_equal_values_2d():
    def fun(x): return np.max(np.array([[x, x  ],
                                                  [x, 0.5]]), axis=1)
Example #17
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_max_equal_values():
    def fun(x): return np.max(np.array([x, x]))
Example #18
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_max_axis_keepdims():
    def fun(x): return np.max(x, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    mat = npr.randn(3, 4, 5)
Example #19
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_max_axis():
    def fun(x): return np.max(x, axis=1)
    mat = npr.randn(3, 4, 5)
Example #20
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_max():
    def fun(x): return np.max(x)
    mat = npr.randn(10, 11)
Example #21
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_max():  stat_check(np.max)
# def test_all():  stat_check(np.all)
# def test_any():  stat_check(np.any) 
Example #22
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def logsumexp(x):
    """Numerically stable log(sum(exp(x))), also defined in scipy.special"""
    max_x = np.max(x)
    return max_x + np.log(np.sum(np.exp(x - max_x)))

# Next, we write a function that specifies the gradient with a closure.
# The reason for the closure is so that the gradient can depend
# on both the input to the original function (x), and the output of the
# original function (ans). 
Example #23
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def defaultmax(x, default=-np.inf):
    if x.size == 0:
        return default
    return np.max(x) 
Example #24
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward_pass(self, inputs, param_vector):
        new_shape = inputs.shape[:2]
        for i in [0, 1]:
            pool_width = self.pool_shape[i]
            img_width = inputs.shape[i + 2]
            new_shape += (img_width // pool_width, pool_width)
        result = inputs.reshape(new_shape)
        return np.max(np.max(result, axis=3), axis=4) 
Example #25
Source File:    From autograd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def logsumexp(X, axis, keepdims=False):
    max_X = np.max(X)
    return max_X + np.log(np.sum(np.exp(X - max_X), axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)) 
Example #26
Source File:    From AeroSandbox with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_sharp_TE_airfoil(self):
        # Returns a version of the airfoil with a sharp trailing edge.

        upper_original_coors = self.upper_coordinates()  # Note: includes leading edge point, be careful about duplicates
        lower_original_coors = self.lower_coordinates()  # Note: includes leading edge point, be careful about duplicates

        # Find data about the TE

        # Get the scale factor
        x_mcl = self.mcl_coordinates[:, 0]
        x_max = np.max(x_mcl)
        x_min = np.min(x_mcl)
        scale_factor = (x_mcl - x_min) / (x_max - x_min)  # linear contraction

        # Do the contraction
        upper_minus_mcl_adjusted = self.upper_minus_mcl - self.upper_minus_mcl[-1, :] * np.expand_dims(scale_factor, 1)

        # Recreate coordinates
        upper_coordinates_adjusted = np.flipud(self.mcl_coordinates + upper_minus_mcl_adjusted)
        lower_coordinates_adjusted = self.mcl_coordinates - upper_minus_mcl_adjusted

        coordinates = np.vstack((
            upper_coordinates_adjusted[:-1, :],

        # Make a new airfoil with the coordinates
        name = + ", with sharp TE"
        new_airfoil = Airfoil(name=name, coordinates=coordinates, repanel=False)

        return new_airfoil 
Example #27
Source File:    From AeroSandbox with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def span(self):
        # Returns the span (y-distance between the root of the wing and the tip).
        # If symmetric, this is doubled to obtain the full span.
        spans = []
        for i in range(len(self.xsecs)):
            spans.append(np.abs(self.xsecs[i].xyz_le[1] - self.xsecs[0].xyz_le[1]))
        span = np.max(spans)
        if self.symmetric:
            span *= 2
        return span 
Example #28
Source File:    From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_underflow_robustness(folded):
    num_runs = 1000
    sampled_pops = (1, 2, 3)
    sampled_n = (5, 5, 5)

    n_bases = int(1e3)
    demo = momi.DemographicModel(1.0, .25, muts_per_gen=2.5 / n_bases)
    for p in sampled_pops:
    demo.add_time_param("t1", lower_constraints=["t0"])
    demo.move_lineages(1, 2, "t0")
    demo.move_lineages(2, 3, "t1")

    true_params = np.array([0.5, 0.7])

    data = demo.simulate_data(
        sampled_n_dict=dict(zip(sampled_pops, sampled_n)))

    sfs = data.extract_sfs(1)
    if folded:
        sfs = sfs.fold()

    demo.set_params({"t0": 0.1, "t1": 100.0})
    optimize_res = demo.optimize()

    inferred_params = np.array(list(demo.get_params().values()))

    error = (true_params - inferred_params) / true_params
    print("# Truth:\n", true_params)
    print("# Inferred:\n", inferred_params)
    print("# Max Relative Error: %f" % max(abs(error)))
    print("# Relative Error:", "\n", error)

    assert max(abs(error)) < .1 
Example #29
Source File:    From momi2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, sampled_pops, conf_arr, sampled_n=None,
        """Use build_config_list() instead of calling this constructor directly"""
        # If sampled_n=None, ConfigList.sampled_n will be the max number of
        # observed individuals/alleles per population.
        self.sampled_pops = tuple(sampled_pops)
        self.value = conf_arr

        if ascertainment_pop is None:
            ascertainment_pop = [True] * len(sampled_pops)
        self.ascertainment_pop = np.array(ascertainment_pop)
        if all(not a for a in self.ascertainment_pop):
            raise ValueError(
                "At least one of the populations must be used for "
                "ascertainment of polymorphic sites")

        max_n = np.max(np.sum(self.value, axis=2), axis=0)

        if sampled_n is None:
            sampled_n = max_n
        sampled_n = np.array(sampled_n)
        if np.any(sampled_n < max_n):
            raise ValueError("config greater than sampled_n")
        self.sampled_n = sampled_n
        if not np.sum(sampled_n[self.ascertainment_pop]) >= 2:
            raise ValueError("The total sample size of the ascertainment "
                             "populations must be >= 2")

        config_sampled_n = np.sum(self.value, axis=2)
        self.has_missing_data = np.any(config_sampled_n != self.sampled_n)

        if np.any(np.sum(self.value[:, self.ascertainment_pop, :], axis=1)
                  == 0):
            raise ValueError("Monomorphic sites not allowed. In addition, all"
                             " sites must be polymorphic when restricted to"
                             " the ascertainment populations") 
Example #30
Source File:    From AeroSandbox with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_bounding_cube(self):
        """ Finds the axis-aligned cube that encloses the airplane with the smallest size.
            Useful for plotting and getting a sense for the scale of a problem.
                self.wings (iterable): All the wings included for analysis each containing their geometry in x,y,z notation using units of m
                tuple: Tuple of 4 floats x, y, z, and s, where x, y, and z are the coordinates of the cube center,
                and s is half of the side length.

        # Get vertices to enclose
        vertices = None
        for wing in self.wings:
            for xsec in wing.xsecs:
                if vertices is None:
                    vertices = xsec.xyz_le + wing.xyz_le
                    vertices = np.vstack((
                        xsec.xyz_le + wing.xyz_le
                vertices = np.vstack((
                    xsec.xyz_te() + wing.xyz_le

                if wing.symmetric:
                    vertices = np.vstack((
                        reflect_over_XZ_plane(xsec.xyz_le + wing.xyz_le)
                    vertices = np.vstack((
                        reflect_over_XZ_plane(xsec.xyz_te() + wing.xyz_le)

        # Enclose them
        x_max = np.max(vertices[:, 0])
        y_max = np.max(vertices[:, 1])
        z_max = np.max(vertices[:, 2])
        x_min = np.min(vertices[:, 0])
        y_min = np.min(vertices[:, 1])
        z_min = np.min(vertices[:, 2])

        x = np.mean((x_max, x_min))
        y = np.mean((y_max, y_min))
        z = np.mean((z_max, z_min))
        s = 0.5 * np.max((
            x_max - x_min,
            y_max - y_min,
            z_max - z_min

        return x, y, z, s