Python astropy.units.d() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of astropy.units.d(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module astropy.units , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def revisitFilter(self, sInds, tmpCurrentTimeNorm):
        """Helper method for Overloading Revisit Filtering

            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
            tmpCurrentTimeNorm (MJD) - the simulation time after overhead was added in MJD form
            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
        tovisit = np.zeros(self.TargetList.nStars, dtype=bool)#tovisit is a boolean array containing the 
        if len(sInds) > 0:#so long as there is at least 1 star left in sInds
            tovisit[sInds] = ((self.starVisits[sInds] == min(self.starVisits[sInds])) \
                    & (self.starVisits[sInds] < self.nVisitsMax))# Checks that no star has exceeded the number of revisits
            if self.starRevisit.size != 0:#There is at least one revisit planned in starRevisit
                dt_rev = self.starRevisit[:,1]* - tmpCurrentTimeNorm#absolute temporal spacing between revisit and now.

                #return indices of all revisits within a threshold dt_max of revisit day and indices of all revisits with no detections past the revisit time
                ind_rev2 = [int(x) for x in self.starRevisit[dt_rev < 0*u.d, 0] if (x in sInds)]
                tovisit[ind_rev2] = (self.starVisits[ind_rev2] < self.nVisitsMax)
            sInds = np.where(tovisit)[0]

        return sInds 
Example #2
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def revisitFilter(self, sInds, tmpCurrentTimeNorm):
        """Helper method for Overloading Revisit Filtering

            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
            tmpCurrentTimeNorm (MJD) - the simulation time after overhead was added in MJD form
            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
        tovisit = np.zeros(self.TargetList.nStars, dtype=bool)#tovisit is a boolean array containing the 
        if len(sInds) > 0:#so long as there is at least 1 star left in sInds
            tovisit[sInds] = ((self.starVisits[sInds] == min(self.starVisits[sInds])) \
                    & (self.starVisits[sInds] < self.nVisitsMax))# Checks that no star has exceeded the number of revisits
            if self.starRevisit.size != 0:#There is at least one revisit planned in starRevisit
                dt_rev = self.starRevisit[:,1]* - tmpCurrentTimeNorm#absolute temporal spacing between revisit and now.

                #return indices of all revisits within a threshold dt_max of revisit day and indices of all revisits with no detections past the revisit time
                ind_rev2 = [int(x) for x in self.starRevisit[dt_rev < 0*u.d, 0] if (x in sInds)]
                tovisit[ind_rev2] = (self.starVisits[ind_rev2] < self.nVisitsMax)
            sInds = np.where(tovisit)[0]

        return sInds 
Example #3
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, coeffs=[1,1,2,1], revisit_wait=91.25, **specs):
        SurveySimulation.__init__(self, **specs)
        #verify that coefficients input is iterable 4x1
        if not(isinstance(coeffs,(list,tuple,np.ndarray))) or (len(coeffs) != 4):
            raise TypeError("coeffs must be a 4 element iterable")

        #Add to outspec
        self._outspec['coeffs'] = coeffs
        self._outspec['revisit_wait'] = revisit_wait
        # normalize coefficients
        coeffs = np.array(coeffs)
        coeffs = coeffs/np.linalg.norm(coeffs)
        self.coeffs = coeffs

        self.revisit_wait = revisit_wait*u.d
        self.no_dets = np.ones(self.TargetList.nStars, dtype=bool) 
Example #4
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def revisitFilter(self, sInds, tmpCurrentTimeNorm):
        """Helper method for Overloading Revisit Filtering

            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
            tmpCurrentTimeNorm (MJD) - the simulation time after overhead was added in MJD form
            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
        tovisit = np.zeros(self.TargetList.nStars, dtype=bool)#tovisit is a boolean array containing the 
        if len(sInds) > 0:#so long as there is at least 1 star left in sInds
            tovisit[sInds] = ((self.starVisits[sInds] == min(self.starVisits[sInds])) \
                    & (self.starVisits[sInds] < self.nVisitsMax))# Checks that no star has exceeded the number of revisits
            if self.starRevisit.size != 0:#There is at least one revisit planned in starRevisit
                dt_rev = self.starRevisit[:,1]* - tmpCurrentTimeNorm#absolute temporal spacing between revisit and now.

                #return indices of all revisits within a threshold dt_max of revisit day and indices of all revisits with no detections past the revisit time
                # ind_rev = [int(x) for x in self.starRevisit[np.abs(dt_rev) < self.dt_max, 0] if (x in sInds and self.no_dets[int(x)] == False)]
                # ind_rev2 = [int(x) for x in self.starRevisit[dt_rev < 0*u.d, 0] if (x in sInds and self.no_dets[int(x)] == True)]
                # tovisit[ind_rev] = (self.starVisits[ind_rev] < self.nVisitsMax)#IF duplicates exist in ind_rev, the second occurence takes priority
                ind_rev2 = [int(x) for x in self.starRevisit[dt_rev < 0*u.d, 0] if (x in sInds)]
                tovisit[ind_rev2] = (self.starVisits[ind_rev2] < self.nVisitsMax)
            sInds = np.where(tovisit)[0]

        return sInds 
Example #5
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def revisitFilter(self, sInds, tmpCurrentTimeNorm):
        """Helper method for Overloading Revisit Filtering

            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
            tmpCurrentTimeNorm (MJD) - the simulation time after overhead was added in MJD form
            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
        tovisit = np.zeros(self.TargetList.nStars, dtype=bool)#tovisit is a boolean array containing the 
        if len(sInds) > 0:#so long as there is at least 1 star left in sInds
            tovisit[sInds] = ((self.starVisits[sInds] == min(self.starVisits[sInds])) \
                    & (self.starVisits[sInds] < self.nVisitsMax))# Checks that no star has exceeded the number of revisits
            if self.starRevisit.size != 0:#There is at least one revisit planned in starRevisit
                dt_rev = self.starRevisit[:,1]* - tmpCurrentTimeNorm#absolute temporal spacing between revisit and now.

                #return indices of all revisits within a threshold dt_max of revisit day and indices of all revisits with no detections past the revisit time
                ind_rev2 = [int(x) for x in self.starRevisit[dt_rev < 0*u.d, 0] if (x in sInds)]
                tovisit[ind_rev2] = (self.starVisits[ind_rev2] < self.nVisitsMax)
            sInds = np.where(tovisit)[0]

        return sInds 
Example #6
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def revisitFilter(self, sInds, tmpCurrentTimeNorm):
        """Helper method for Overloading Revisit Filtering

            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
            tmpCurrentTimeNorm (MJD) - the simulation time after overhead was added in MJD form
            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
        tovisit = np.zeros(self.TargetList.nStars, dtype=bool)#tovisit is a boolean array containing the 
        if len(sInds) > 0:#so long as there is at least 1 star left in sInds
            tovisit[sInds] = ((self.starVisits[sInds] == min(self.starVisits[sInds])) \
                    & (self.starVisits[sInds] < self.nVisitsMax))# Checks that no star has exceeded the number of revisits
            if self.starRevisit.size != 0:#There is at least one revisit planned in starRevisit
                dt_rev = self.starRevisit[:,1]* - tmpCurrentTimeNorm#absolute temporal spacing between revisit and now.

                ind_rev2 = [int(x) for x in self.starRevisit[dt_rev < 0*u.d, 0] if (x in sInds)]
                tovisit[ind_rev2] = (self.starVisits[ind_rev2] < self.nVisitsMax)
            sInds = np.where(tovisit)[0]
        return sInds 
Example #7
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, coeffs=[1,1,2,1], revisit_wait=91.25, **specs):
        SurveySimulation.__init__(self, **specs)
        #verify that coefficients input is iterable 4x1
        if not(isinstance(coeffs,(list,tuple,np.ndarray))) or (len(coeffs) != 4):
            raise TypeError("coeffs must be a 4 element iterable")

        #Add to outspec
        self._outspec['coeffs'] = coeffs
        self._outspec['revisit_wait'] = revisit_wait
        # normalize coefficients
        coeffs = np.array(coeffs)
        coeffs = coeffs/np.linalg.norm(coeffs)
        self.coeffs = coeffs

        self.revisit_wait = revisit_wait*u.d
        self.no_dets = np.ones(self.TargetList.nStars, dtype=bool) 
Example #8
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def revisitFilter(self, sInds, tmpCurrentTimeNorm):
        """Helper method for Overloading Revisit Filtering

            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
            tmpCurrentTimeNorm (MJD) - the simulation time after overhead was added in MJD form
            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
        tovisit = np.zeros(self.TargetList.nStars, dtype=bool)#tovisit is a boolean array containing the 
        if len(sInds) > 0:#so long as there is at least 1 star left in sInds
            tovisit[sInds] = ((self.starVisits[sInds] == min(self.starVisits[sInds])) \
                    & (self.starVisits[sInds] < self.nVisitsMax))# Checks that no star has exceeded the number of revisits
            if self.starRevisit.size != 0:#There is at least one revisit planned in starRevisit
                dt_rev = self.starRevisit[:,1]* - tmpCurrentTimeNorm#absolute temporal spacing between revisit and now.

                ind_rev2 = [int(x) for x in self.starRevisit[dt_rev < 0*u.d, 0] if (x in sInds)]
                tovisit[ind_rev2] = (self.starVisits[ind_rev2] < self.nVisitsMax)
            sInds = np.where(tovisit)[0]
        return sInds 
Example #9
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def sacrificeStarCbyT(self, sInds, t_dets, fZ, fEZ, WA, overheadTime):
        """Sacrifice the worst performing CbyT star
            sInds[nStars] - indicies of stars in the list
            t_dets[nStars] - time to observe each star (in days)
            fZ[nStars] - zodiacal light for each target
            fEZ - 0 
            WA - inner working angle of the instrument
            overheadTime - overheadTime added to each observation
            sInds[nStars] - indicies of stars in the list
            t_dets[nStars] - time to observe each star (in days)
            sacrificedStarTime - time to distribute in days       
        CbyT = self.Completeness.comp_per_intTime(t_dets*u.d, self.TargetList, sInds, self.valfZmin[sInds], fEZ, WA, self.mode, self.Cb[sInds], self.Csp[sInds])/t_dets#takes 5 seconds to do 1 time for all stars

        sacrificeIndex = np.argmin(CbyT)#finds index of star to sacrifice

        #Need index of sacrificed star by this point
        sacrificedStarTime = t_dets[sacrificeIndex] + overheadTime#saves time being sacrificed
        sInds = np.delete(sInds,sacrificeIndex)
        t_dets = np.delete(t_dets,sacrificeIndex)
        return sInds, t_dets, sacrificedStarTime 
Example #10
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def objfun(self,t,sInds,fZ):
        Objective Function for SLSQP minimization. Purpose is to maximize summed completeness

            t (ndarray):
                Integration times in days. NB: NOT an astropy quantity.
            sInds (ndarray):
                Target star indices (of same size as t)
            fZ (astropy Quantity):
                Surface brightness of local zodiacal light in units of 1/arcsec2
                Same size as t

        good = t*u.d >= 0.1*u.s # inds that were not downselected by initial MIP

        comp = self.Completeness.comp_per_intTime(t[good]*u.d, self.TargetList, sInds[good], fZ[good], 
                self.ZodiacalLight.fEZ0, self.WAint[sInds][good], self.detmode)
        #self.vprint(-comp.sum()) # for verifying SLSQP output
        return -comp.sum() 
Example #11
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def objfun_deriv(self,t,sInds,fZ):
        Jacobian of objective Function for SLSQP minimization. 

            t (astropy Quantity):
                Integration times in days. NB: NOT an astropy quantity.
            sInds (ndarray):
                Target star indices (of same size as t)
            fZ (astropy Quantity):
                Surface brightness of local zodiacal light in units of 1/arcsec2
                Same size as t

        good = t*u.d >= 0.1*u.s # inds that were not downselected by initial MIP

        tmp = self.Completeness.dcomp_dt(t[good]*u.d, self.TargetList, sInds[good], fZ[good], 
                self.ZodiacalLight.fEZ0, self.WAint[sInds][good], self.detmode).to("1/d").value

        jac = np.zeros(len(t))
        jac[good] = tmp
        return -jac 
Example #12
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def revisitFilter(self, sInds, tmpCurrentTimeNorm):
        """Helper method for Overloading Revisit Filtering

            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
            tmpCurrentTimeNorm (MJD) - the simulation time after overhead was added in MJD form
            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
        tovisit = np.zeros(self.TargetList.nStars, dtype=bool)#tovisit is a boolean array containing the 
        if len(sInds) > 0:#so long as there is at least 1 star left in sInds
            tovisit[sInds] = ((self.starVisits[sInds] == min(self.starVisits[sInds])) \
                    & (self.starVisits[sInds] < self.nVisitsMax))# Checks that no star has exceeded the number of revisits
            if self.starRevisit.size != 0:#There is at least one revisit planned in starRevisit
                dt_rev = self.starRevisit[:,1]* - tmpCurrentTimeNorm#absolute temporal spacing between revisit and now.

                #return indices of all revisits within a threshold dt_max of revisit day and indices of all revisits with no detections past the revisit time
                ind_rev2 = [int(x) for x in self.starRevisit[dt_rev < 0*u.d, 0] if (x in sInds)]
                tovisit[ind_rev2] = (self.starVisits[ind_rev2] < self.nVisitsMax)
            sInds = np.where(tovisit)[0]

        return sInds 
Example #13
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def revisitFilter(self, sInds, tmpCurrentTimeNorm):
        """Helper method for Overloading Revisit Filtering

            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
            tmpCurrentTimeNorm (MJD) - the simulation time after overhead was added in MJD form
            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
        tovisit = np.zeros(self.TargetList.nStars, dtype=bool)#tovisit is a boolean array containing the 
        if len(sInds) > 0:#so long as there is at least 1 star left in sInds
            tovisit[sInds] = ((self.starVisits[sInds] == min(self.starVisits[sInds])) \
                    & (self.starVisits[sInds] < self.nVisitsMax))# Checks that no star has exceeded the number of revisits
            if self.starRevisit.size != 0:#There is at least one revisit planned in starRevisit
                dt_rev = self.starRevisit[:,1]* - tmpCurrentTimeNorm#absolute temporal spacing between revisit and now.

                #return indices of all revisits within a threshold dt_max of revisit day and indices of all revisits with no detections past the revisit time
                ind_rev2 = [int(x) for x in self.starRevisit[dt_rev < 0*u.d, 0] if (x in sInds)]
                tovisit[ind_rev2] = (self.starVisits[ind_rev2] < self.nVisitsMax)
            sInds = np.where(tovisit)[0]

        return sInds 
Example #14
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def revisitFilter(self, sInds, tmpCurrentTimeNorm):
        """Helper method for Overloading Revisit Filtering
            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
            tmpCurrentTimeNorm (MJD) - the simulation time after overhead was added in MJD form
            sInds - indices of stars still in observation list
        tovisit = np.zeros(self.TargetList.nStars, dtype=bool)#tovisit is a boolean array containing the 
        if len(sInds) > 0:#so long as there is at least 1 star left in sInds
            tovisit[sInds] = ((self.starVisits[sInds] == min(self.starVisits[sInds])) \
                    & (self.starVisits[sInds] < self.nVisitsMax))# Checks that no star has exceeded the number of revisits
            if self.starRevisit.size != 0:#There is at least one revisit planned in starRevisit
                dt_rev = self.starRevisit[:,1]* - tmpCurrentTimeNorm#absolute temporal spacing between revisit and now.

                #return indices of all revisits within a threshold dt_max of revisit day and indices of all revisits with no detections past the revisit time
                # ind_rev = [int(x) for x in self.starRevisit[np.abs(dt_rev) < self.dt_max, 0] if (x in sInds and self.no_dets[int(x)] == False)]
                # ind_rev2 = [int(x) for x in self.starRevisit[dt_rev < 0*u.d, 0] if (x in sInds and self.no_dets[int(x)] == True)]
                # tovisit[ind_rev] = (self.starVisits[ind_rev] < self.nVisitsMax)#IF duplicates exist in ind_rev, the second occurence takes priority
                ind_rev2 = [int(x) for x in self.starRevisit[dt_rev < 0*u.d, 0] if (x in sInds)]
                tovisit[ind_rev2] = (self.starVisits[ind_rev2] < self.nVisitsMax)
            sInds = np.where(tovisit)[0]

        return sInds 
Example #15
Source File:    From radvel with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def semi_major_axis(P, Mtotal):
    """Semi-major axis

    Kepler's third law

        P (float): Orbital period [days]
        Mtotal (float): Mass [Msun]

        float or array: semi-major axis in AU

    # convert inputs to array so they work with units
    P = np.array(P)
    Mtotal = np.array(Mtotal)

    Mtotal = Mtotal*c.M_sun.value
    P = (P * u.d).to(u.second).value
    G = c.G.value
    a = ((P**2)*G*Mtotal/(4*(np.pi)**2))**(1/3.)
    a = a/

    return a 
Example #16
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_timedelta_setitem():
    t = TimeDelta([1, 2, 3] * u.d, format='jd')

    t[0] = 0.5
    assert allclose_jd(t.value, [0.5, 2, 3])

    t[1:] = 4.5
    assert allclose_jd(t.value, [0.5, 4.5, 4.5])

    t[:] = 86400 * u.s
    assert allclose_jd(t.value, [1, 1, 1])

    t[1] = TimeDelta(2, format='jd')
    assert allclose_jd(t.value, [1, 2, 1])

    with pytest.raises(ValueError) as err:
        t[1] = 1 * u.m
    assert 'cannot convert value to a compatible TimeDelta' in str(err.value) 
Example #17
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _read_leap_seconds(cls, file, **kwargs):
        """Read a file, identifying expiration by matching 'File expires'"""
        expires = None
        # Find expiration date.
        with get_readable_fileobj(file) as fh:
            lines = fh.readlines()
            for line in lines:
                match = cls._re_expires.match(line)
                if match:
                    expires = Time.strptime(match.groups()[0], '%d %B %Y',
                                            scale='tai', format='iso',
                raise ValueError(f'did not find expiration date in {file}')

        self =, format='ascii.no_header', **kwargs)
        self._expires = expires
        return self 
Example #18
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def tests_comp_per_intTime(self):

        comp = self.fixture.comp_per_intTime(np.ones(self.nStars)*u.d,self,np.arange(self.nStars),0/(u.arcsec**2),0/(u.arcsec**2),0*u.arcsec,{})

        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            comp = self.fixture.comp_per_intTime(np.ones(self.nStars-1)*u.d,self,np.arange(self.nStars),0/(u.arcsec**2),0/(u.arcsec**2),0*u.arcsec,{})

        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            comp = self.fixture.comp_per_intTime(np.ones(self.nStars)*u.d,self,np.arange(self.nStars),np.zeros(2)/(u.arcsec**2),0/(u.arcsec**2),0*u.arcsec,{})

        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            comp = self.fixture.comp_per_intTime(np.ones(self.nStars)*u.d,self,np.arange(self.nStars),0/(u.arcsec**2),np.zeros(2)/(u.arcsec**2),0*u.arcsec,{})

        with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
            comp = self.fixture.comp_per_intTime(np.ones(self.nStars-1)*u.d,self,np.arange(self.nStars),0/(u.arcsec**2),0/(u.arcsec**2),np.zeros(2)*u.arcsec,{}) 
Example #19
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_reset_sim(self):
        r"""Test reset_sim method.

        Approach: Ensures the simulation resets completely

        with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
            sim = self.fixture(SimpleScript)
        self.assertGreater(len(sim.DRM), 0)

        self.assertEqual(len(sim.DRM), 0) 
Example #20
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_advancetToStartOfNextOB(self):
        r""" Test advancetToStartOfNextOB method
                Strategy is to call the method once and ensure it advances the Observing Block
        tk = self.fixture()

        tk.OBstartTimes = [0,10,20,30]*u.d
        tk.OBendTimes = [5,15,25,35]*u.d
        tk.OBnumber = 0

        # 1) Set current Time to End of OB
        tk.currentTimeNorm = tk.OBendTimes[0]
        tk.currentTimeAbs = tk.missionStart + tk.currentTimeNorm
        tmpOBnumber = tk.OBnumber
        tmpcurrentTimeNorm = tk.currentTimeNorm.copy()
        tmpcurrentTimeAbs = tk.currentTimeAbs.copy()
        tmpexoplanetObsTime = tk.exoplanetObsTime.copy()
        tmpOBstartTimes = tk.OBstartTimes.copy()
        tmpOBendTimes = tk.OBendTimes.copy()
        self.assertTrue(tmpOBnumber + 1 == tk.OBnumber)
        self.assertTrue(tk.currentTimeNorm == tk.OBstartTimes[tk.OBnumber])
        self.assertTrue(tk.currentTimeAbs == tk.OBstartTimes[tk.OBnumber] + tk.missionStart) 
Example #21
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_zeroFAP(self):
        Test case where false alarm probability is 0 and missed det prob is 0
        All observations above SNR limit should be detected

        SNRin = np.array([1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,5.1,6.0])
        expected_MDresult = [True,True,True,True,False,False,False] 

        for mod in self.allmods:
            with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
                obj = mod(FAP=0.0,MDP=0.0,**self.specs)

            FA, MD = obj.det_occur(SNRin,self.TL.OpticalSystem.observingModes[0],self.TL,0,1*u.d)     
            for x,y in zip(MD,expected_MDresult):
                self.assertEqual( x,y )
            self.assertEqual( FA, False)

    #another limiting case 
Example #22
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_oneFAP(self):
        Test case where false alarm probability is 1 and missed det prob is 0

        SNRin = np.array([1.0,2.0,3.0,4.0,5.0,5.1,6.0])
        expected_MDresult = [True,True,True,True,False,False,False] 

        for mod in self.allmods:
            with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
                obj = mod(FAP=1.0,MDP=0.0,**self.specs)

            FA, MD = obj.det_occur(SNRin,self.TL.OpticalSystem.observingModes[0],self.TL,0,1*u.d)     
            for x,y in zip(MD,expected_MDresult):
                self.assertEqual( x,y )
            self.assertEqual( FA, True) 
Example #23
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_observation_detection(self):
        r"""Test observation_detection method.

        Approach: Ensure that all outputs are set as expected

        exclude_mods = []
        exclude_mod_type = 'sotoSS'

        for mod in self.allmods:
            if mod.__name__ in exclude_mods:
            if 'observation_detection' in mod.__dict__ or exclude_mod_type in mod.__name__:

                spec = copy.deepcopy(self.spec)
                if 'tieredScheduler' in mod.__name__:
                    self.script = resource_path('test-scripts/simplest_occ.json')
                    with open(self.script) as f:
                        spec = json.loads(
                    spec['occHIPs'] = resource_path('SurveySimulation/top100stars.txt')

                with RedirectStreams(stdout=self.dev_null):
                    sim = mod(**spec)

                    #default settings should create dummy planet around first star
                    sInd = 0
                    pInds = np.where(sim.SimulatedUniverse.plan2star == sInd)[0]
                    detected, fZ, systemParams, SNR, FA = \
                        'len(detected) != len(pInds) for %s'%mod.__name__)
                        'detected elements not ints for %s'%mod.__name__)
                for s in SNR[detected == 1]:
                        'detection SNR < mode requirement for %s'%mod.__name__)
                self.assertIsInstance(FA, bool,\
                        'False Alarm not boolean for %s'%mod.__name__) 
Example #24
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def initializeStorageArrays(self):
        Initialize all storage arrays based on # of stars and targets

        self.DRM = []
        self.fullSpectra = np.zeros(self.SimulatedUniverse.nPlans, dtype=int)
        self.partialSpectra = np.zeros(self.SimulatedUniverse.nPlans, dtype=int)
        self.propagTimes = np.zeros(self.TargetList.nStars)*u.d
        self.lastObsTimes = np.zeros(self.TargetList.nStars)*u.d
        self.starVisits = np.zeros(self.TargetList.nStars, dtype=int)#contains the number of times each star was visited
        self.starRevisit = np.array([])
        self.starExtended = np.array([], dtype=int)
        self.lastDetected = np.empty((self.TargetList.nStars, 4), dtype=object) 
Example #25
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_ObsDetectionMaxIntTime(self,Obs,mode,currentTimeNorm=None,OBnumber=None):
        """Tells you the maximum Detection Observation Integration Time you can pass into observation_detection(X,intTime,X)
            Obs (Observatory Object):
                Observatory module for Obs.settlingTime
            mode (dict):
                Selected observing mode for detection

            maxIntTimeOBendTime (astropy Quantity):
                The maximum integration time bounded by Observation Block end Time
            maxIntTimeExoplanetObsTime (astropy Quantity):
                The maximum integration time bounded by exoplanetObsTime
            maxIntTimeMissionLife (astropy Quantity):
                The maximum integration time bounded by MissionLife
        if OBnumber == None:
            OBnumber = self.OBnumber
        if currentTimeNorm == None:
            currentTimeNorm = self.currentTimeNorm.copy()
        maxTimeOBendTime = self.OBendTimes[OBnumber] - currentTimeNorm
        maxIntTimeOBendTime = (maxTimeOBendTime - Obs.settlingTime - mode['syst']['ohTime'])/(1. + mode['timeMultiplier'] -1.)

        maxTimeExoplanetObsTime ='day')*self.missionPortion - self.exoplanetObsTime
        maxIntTimeExoplanetObsTime = (maxTimeExoplanetObsTime - Obs.settlingTime - mode['syst']['ohTime'])/(1. + mode['timeMultiplier'] -1.)

        maxTimeMissionLife ='day') - currentTimeNorm
        maxIntTimeMissionLife = (maxTimeMissionLife - Obs.settlingTime - mode['syst']['ohTime'])/(1. + mode['timeMultiplier'] -1.)

        #Ensure all are positive or zero
        if maxIntTimeOBendTime < 0.:
            maxIntTimeOBendTime = 0.*u.d
        if maxIntTimeExoplanetObsTime < 0.:
            maxIntTimeExoplanetObsTime = 0.*u.d
        if maxIntTimeMissionLife < 0.:
            maxIntTimeMissionLife = 0.*u.d

        return maxIntTimeOBendTime, maxIntTimeExoplanetObsTime, maxIntTimeMissionLife 
Example #26
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def mission_is_over(self, OS, Obs, mode):
        r"""Is the time allocated for the mission used up?
        This supplies an abstraction around the test: ::
            (currentTimeNorm > missionFinishNorm)
        so that users of the class do not have to perform arithmetic
        on class variables.

            OS (Optical System object):
                Optical System module for OS.haveOcculter
            Obs (Observatory Object):
                Observatory module for Obs.settlingTime
            mode (dict):
                Selected observing mode for detection (uses only overhead time)

                True if the mission time is used up, else False.
        is_over = ((self.currentTimeNorm + Obs.settlingTime + mode['syst']['ohTime'] >='day')) \
            or ('day') + Obs.settlingTime + mode['syst']['ohTime'] >='day')*self.missionPortion) \
            or (self.currentTimeNorm + Obs.settlingTime + mode['syst']['ohTime'] >= self.OBendTimes[-1]) \
            or (OS.haveOcculter and Obs.scMass < Obs.dryMass))

        if (OS.haveOcculter and Obs.scMass < Obs.dryMass):
            self.vprint('Total fuel mass (Obs.dryMass %.2f) less than (Obs.scMass %.2f) at currentTimeNorm %sd'%(Obs.dryMass.value, Obs.scMass.value,'day').round(2)))
        if (self.currentTimeNorm + Obs.settlingTime + mode['syst']['ohTime'] >= self.OBendTimes[-1]):
            self.vprint('Last Observing Block (OBnum %d, OBendTime[-1] %.2f) would be exceeded at currentTimeNorm %sd'%(self.OBnumber, self.OBendTimes[-1].value,'day').round(2)))
        if ('day') + Obs.settlingTime + mode['syst']['ohTime'] >='day')*self.missionPortion):
            self.vprint('exoplanetObstime (%.2f) would exceed (missionPortion*missionLife= %.2f) at currentTimeNorm %sd'%(self.exoplanetObsTime.value, self.missionPortion*'day').value,'day').round(2)))
        if (self.currentTimeNorm + Obs.settlingTime + mode['syst']['ohTime'] >='day')):
            self.vprint('missionLife would be exceeded at %s''day').round(2))
        return is_over 
Example #27
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def calculate_slewTimes(self,TL,old_sInd,sInds,sd,obsTimes,currentTime):
        """Finds slew times and separation angles between target stars
        This method determines the slew times of an occulter spacecraft needed
        to transfer from one star's line of sight to all others in a given 
        target list.
            TL (TargetList module):
                TargetList class object
            old_sInd (integer):
                Integer index of the most recently observed star
            sInds (integer ndarray):
                Integer indeces of the star of interest
            sd (astropy Quantity):
                Angular separation between stars in rad
            currentTime (astropy Time):
                Current absolute mission time in MJD
            astropy Quantity:
                Time to transfer to new star line of sight in units of days
    = self.thrust/self.scMass
        slewTime_fac = (2.*self.occulterSep/np.abs( - 

        if old_sInd is None:
            slewTimes = np.zeros(TL.nStars)*u.d
            # calculate slew time
            slewTimes = np.sqrt(slewTime_fac*np.sin(abs(sd)/2.)) #an issue exists if sd is negative
            #The following are debugging 
            assert np.where(np.isnan(slewTimes))[0].shape[0] == 0, 'At least one slewTime is nan'
        return slewTimes 
Example #28
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def fEZ(self, MV, I, d):
        """Returns surface brightness of exo-zodiacal light
            MV (integer ndarray):
                Apparent magnitude of the star (in the V band)
            I (astropy Quantity array):
                Inclination of the planets of interest in units of deg
            d (astropy Quantity nx3 array):
                Distance to star of the planets of interest in units of AU
            astropy Quantity array:
                Surface brightness of exo-zodiacal light in units of 1/arcsec2
        # apparent magnitude of the star (in the V band)
        MV = np.array(MV, ndmin=1, copy=False)
        # apparent magnitude of the Sun (in the V band)
        MVsun = 4.83
        if self.commonSystemfEZ:
            nEZ = self.nEZ
            nEZ = self.gen_systemnEZ(len(MV))

        # supplementary angle for inclination > 90 degrees
        beta ='deg').value
        mask = np.where(beta > 90)[0]
        beta[mask] = 180.0 - beta[mask]
        beta = 90.0 - beta

        fbeta = 2.44 - 0.0403*beta + 0.000269*beta**2
        fEZ = nEZ*10**(-0.4*self.magEZ)*10.**(-0.4*(MV - 
        return fEZ 
Example #29
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def eclip2rot(self,TL,sInd,currentTime):
        """Rotates star position vectors from ecliptic to rotating frame in CRTBP
        This method returns a star's position vector in the rotating frame of 
        the Circular Restricted Three Body Problem.  
            TL (TargetList module):
                TargetList class object
            sInd (integer):
                Integer index of the star of interest
            currentTime (astropy Time):
                Current absolute mission time in MJD

            star_rot (astropy Quantity 1x3 array):
                Star position vector in rotating frame in units of AU
        star_pos = TL.starprop(sInd,currentTime).to('au')
        theta    = (np.mod(currentTime.value,self.equinox.value[0])*u.d).to('yr') / u.yr * (2.*np.pi) * u.rad
        if currentTime.size == 1:
            star_rot = np.array([, 3), 
                star_pos[x,:].to('AU').value) for x in range(len(star_pos))])[0]*u.AU
            star_rot = np.array([[x], 3), 
                star_pos[x,:].to('AU').value) for x in range(len(star_pos))])*u.AU

        return star_rot 
Example #30
Source File:    From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def calcfZmax(self, sInds, Obs, TL, TK, mode, hashname):
        """Finds the maximum zodiacal light values for each star over an entire orbit of the sun not including keeoput angles.
            Prototype includes keepout angles because the values are all the same

            sInds[sInds] (integer array):
                the star indicies we would like fZmax and fZmaxInds returned for
            Obs (module):
                Observatory module
            TL (module):
                Target List Module
            TK (TimeKeeping object):
                TimeKeeping object
            mode (dict):
                Selected observing mode
            hashname (string):
                hashname describing the files specific to the current json script
            valfZmax[sInds] (astropy Quantity array):
                the maximum fZ (for the prototype, these all have the same value) with units 1/arcsec**2
            absTimefZmax[sInds] (astropy Time array):
                returns the absolute Time the maximum fZ occurs (for the prototype, these all have the same value)
        # cast sInds to array
        sInds = np.array(sInds, ndmin=1, copy=False)
        # get all array sizes
        nStars = sInds.size

        nZ = np.ones(nStars)
        valfZmax = nZ*10**(-0.4*self.magZ)/u.arcsec**2

        absTimefZmax = nZ*u.d + TK.currentTimeAbs

        return valfZmax[sInds], absTimefZmax[sInds]