Python scipy.integrate.trapz() Examples

The following are 28 code examples of scipy.integrate.trapz(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scipy.integrate , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From burnman with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def l2(x, funca, funcb):
    Computes the L2 norm for one profile(assumed to be linear between points).
    :type x: array of float
    :param x: depths :math:`[m]`.
    :type funca: list of arrays of float
    :param funca: array calculated values
    :type funcb: list of arrays of float
    :param funcb: array of values (observed or calculated) to compare to
    :returns: L2 norm
    :rtype: array of floats
    diff = np.array(funca - funcb)
    diff = diff * diff
    return integrate.trapz(diff, x) 
Example #2
Source File:    From pwtools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _integrate(self, y, f):
        Integrate `y` along axis=1, i.e. over freq axis for all T.

        y : 2d array (nT, ndos) where nT = len(self.T), ndos = len(self.dos)
        f : self.f, (len(self.dos),)

        array (nT,)
        mask = np.isnan(y)
        if mask.any():
            self._printwarn("HarmonicThermo._integrate: warning: "
                            " %i NaNs found in y!" %len(mask))
            if self.fixnan:
                self._printwarn("HarmonicThermo._integrate: warning: "
                                "fixing %i NaNs in y!" %len(mask))
                y[mask] = self.nanfill
        # this call signature works for scipy.integrate,{trapz,simps}
        return self.integrator(y, x=f, axis=1) 
Example #3
Source File:    From pwtools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def debye_func(x, nstep=100, zero=1e-8):
    r"""Debye function

    :math:`f(x) = 3 \int_0^1 t^3 / [\exp(t x) - 1] dt`

    x : float or 1d array
    nstep : int
        number of points for integration
    zero : float
        approximate the 0 in the integral by this (small!) number
    x = np.atleast_1d(x)
    if x.ndim == 1:
        x = x[:,None]
        raise Exception("x is not 1d array")
    tt = np.linspace(zero, 1.0, nstep)
    return 3.0 * trapz(tt**3.0 / (np.exp(tt*x) - 1.0), tt, axis=1) 
Example #4
Source File:    From PyMieScatt with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def fastMie_SD(m, wavelength, dp, ndp):
  dp = coerceDType(dp)
  ndp = coerceDType(ndp)
  _length = np.size(dp)
  Q_sca = np.zeros(_length)
  Q_abs = np.zeros(_length)
  Q_back = np.zeros(_length)

  aSDn = np.pi*((dp/2)**2)*ndp*(1e-6)

  for i in range(_length):
    Q_sca[i],Q_abs[i],Q_back[i] = fastMieQ(m,wavelength,dp[i])

  Bsca = trapz(Q_sca*aSDn,dp)
  Babs = trapz(Q_abs*aSDn,dp)
  Bback = trapz(Q_back*aSDn,dp)

  return Bsca, Babs, Bback 
Example #5
Source File:    From PyMieScatt with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def fastMie_SD(m, wavelength, dp, ndp):
  dp = coerceDType(dp)
  ndp = coerceDType(ndp)
  _length = np.size(dp)
  Q_sca = np.zeros(_length)
  Q_abs = np.zeros(_length)
  Q_back = np.zeros(_length)

  aSDn = np.pi*((dp/2)**2)*ndp*(1e-6)

  for i in range(_length):
    Q_sca[i],Q_abs[i],Q_back[i] = fastMieQ(m,wavelength,dp[i])

  Bsca = trapz(Q_sca*aSDn,dp)
  Babs = trapz(Q_abs*aSDn,dp)
  Bback = trapz(Q_back*aSDn,dp)

  return Bsca, Babs, Bback 
Example #6
Source File:    From pyphot with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def leff(self):
        """ Unitwise Effective wavelength
        leff = int (lamb * T * Vega dlamb) / int(T * Vega dlamb)
        with Vega() as v:
            s = self.reinterp(v.wavelength)
            w = s._wavelength
            if s.transmit.max() > 0:
                leff = np.trapz(w * s.transmit * v.flux.value, w, axis=-1)
                leff /= np.trapz(s.transmit * v.flux.value, w, axis=-1)
                leff = float('nan')
        if s.wavelength_unit is not None:
            leff = leff * Unit(s.wavelength_unit)
            if self.wavelength_unit is not None:
            return leff
            return leff 
Example #7
Source File:    From Conditional_Density_Estimation with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def numeric_integation(func, n_samples=10 ** 5, bound_lower=-10**3, bound_upper=10**3):
  """ Numeric integration over one dimension using the trapezoidal rule

       func: function to integrate over - must take numpy arrays of shape (n_samples,) as first argument
             and return a numpy array of shape (n_samples,)
       n_samples: (int) number of samples

       approximated integral - numpy array of shape (ndim_out,)
  # proposal distribution
  y_samples = np.squeeze(np.linspace(bound_lower, bound_upper, num=n_samples))
  values = func(y_samples)
  integral = integrate.trapz(values, y_samples)
  return integral 
Example #8
Source File:    From pyphot with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, wavelength, transmit, name='', dtype="photon",
        """Constructor""" = name
        try:   # get units from the inputs
            self._wavelength = wavelength.value
            unit = str(wavelength.unit)
        except AttributeError:
            self._wavelength = wavelength
        self.transmit = np.clip(transmit, 0., np.nanmax(transmit))
        self.norm = trapz(self.transmit, self._wavelength)
        self._lT = trapz(self._wavelength * self.transmit, self._wavelength)
        self._lpivot = self._calculate_lpivot()
        if self.norm > 0:
            self._cl = self._lT / self.norm
            self._cl = 0. 
Example #9
Source File:    From pyphot with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def leff(self):
        """ Unitwise Effective wavelength
        leff = int (lamb * T * Vega dlamb) / int(T * Vega dlamb)
        with Vega() as v:
            s = self.reinterp(v.wavelength)
            w = s._wavelength
            if s.transmit.max() > 0:
                leff = np.trapz(w * s.transmit * v.flux.value, w, axis=-1)
                leff /= np.trapz(s.transmit * v.flux.value, w, axis=-1)
                leff = float('nan')
        if s.wavelength_unit is not None:
            leff = leff * Unit(s.wavelength_unit)
            if self.wavelength_unit is not None:
            return leff
            return leff 
Example #10
Source File:    From pyphot with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, wavelength, transmit, name='', dtype="photon",
        """Constructor""" = name
        try:   # get units from the inputs
            self._wavelength = wavelength.value
            unit = str(wavelength.unit)
        except AttributeError:
            self._wavelength = wavelength
        self.transmit = np.clip(transmit, 0., np.nanmax(transmit))
        self.norm = trapz(self.transmit, self._wavelength)
        self._lT = trapz(self._wavelength * self.transmit, self._wavelength)
        self._lpivot = self._calculate_lpivot()
        if self.norm > 0:
            self._cl = self._lT / self.norm
            self._cl = 0. 
Example #11
Source File:    From CO2MPAS-TA with European Union Public License 1.1 5 votes vote down vote up
def _rescaling_score(times, rescaling_matrix, k):
    x =, k)
    m = np.trapz(x, times) / (times[-1] - times[0])
    std = np.sqrt(np.trapz((x - m) ** 2, times) / (times[-1] - times[0]))
    return m, std 
Example #12
Source File:    From cgpm with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def main(num_samples, burn, lag, w):
    alpha = 1.0
    N = 25
    Z = gu.simulate_crp(N, alpha)
    K = max(Z) + 1

    # CRP with gamma prior.
    log_pdf_fun = lambda alpha : gu.logp_crp_unorm(N, K, alpha) - alpha
    proposal_fun = lambda : np.random.gamma(1.0, 1.0)
    D = (0, float('Inf'))

    samples = su.slice_sample(proposal_fun, log_pdf_fun, D,
        num_samples=num_samples, burn=burn, lag=lag, w=w)

    minval = min(samples)
    maxval = max(samples)
    xvals = np.linspace(minval, maxval, 100)
    yvals = np.array([math.exp(log_pdf_fun(x)) for x in xvals])
    yvals /= trapz(xvals, yvals)

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,1)

    ax[0].hist(samples, 50, normed=True)

    ax[1].hist(samples, 100, normed=True)
    ax[1].plot(xvals,-yvals, c='red', lw=3, alpha=.8)
Example #13
Source File:    From CO2MPAS-TA with European Union Public License 1.1 5 votes vote down vote up
def calculate_phases_co2_emissions(
        times, phases_indices, co2_emissions, phases_distances=1.0):
    Calculates CO2 emission or cumulative CO2 of cycle phases [CO2g/km or CO2g].

    If phases_distances is not given the result is the cumulative CO2 of cycle
    phases [CO2g] otherwise it is CO2 emission of cycle phases [CO2g/km].

    :param times:
        Time vector [s].
    :type times: numpy.array

    :param phases_indices:
        Indices of the cycle phases [-].
    :type phases_indices: numpy.array

    :param co2_emissions:
        CO2 instantaneous emissions vector [CO2g/s].
    :type co2_emissions: numpy.array

    :param phases_distances:
        Cycle phases distances [km].
    :type phases_distances: numpy.array | float, optional

        CO2 emission or cumulative CO2 of cycle phases [CO2g/km or CO2g].
    :rtype: numpy.array
    from scipy.integrate import trapz
    co2 = []
    for i, j in phases_indices:
        co2.append(trapz(co2_emissions[i:j], times[i:j]))

    with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
        return np.nan_to_num(np.array(co2) / phases_distances) 
Example #14
Source File:    From pyphot with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _calculate_lpivot(self):
        if 'photon' in self.dtype:
            lpivot2 = self._lT / trapz(self.transmit / self._wavelength, self._wavelength)
            lpivot2 = self.norm / trapz(self.transmit / self._wavelength ** 2, self._wavelength)
        return np.sqrt(lpivot2) 
Example #15
Source File:    From pyphot with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, wavelength, transmit, name='', dtype="photon", unit=None):
        """Constructor"""       = name
        try:   # get units from the inputs
            self._wavelength = wavelength.magnitude
            unit = str(wavelength.units)
        except AttributeError:
            self._wavelength = wavelength
        self.transmit   = np.clip(transmit, 0., np.nanmax(transmit))
        self.norm       = trapz(self.transmit, self._wavelength)
        self._lT        = trapz(self._wavelength * self.transmit, self._wavelength)
        self._lpivot    = self._calculate_lpivot()
        self._cl        = self._lT / self.norm 
Example #16
Source File:    From pyphot with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _get_indice(cls, w, flux, blue, red, band=None, unit='ew', degree=1,
        """ compute spectral index after continuum subtraction

        w: ndarray (nw, )
            array of wavelengths in AA
        flux: ndarray (N, nw)
            array of flux values for different spectra in the series
        blue: tuple(2)
            selection for blue continuum estimate
        red: tuple(2)
            selection for red continuum estimate
        band: tuple(2), optional
            select region in this band only.
            default is band = (min(blue), max(red))
        unit: str
            `ew` or `mag` wether equivalent width or magnitude
        degree: int (default 1)
            degree of the polynomial fit to the continuum

        ew: ndarray (N,)
            equivalent width array
        wi, fi = cls.continuum_normalized_region_around_line(w, flux, blue,
                                                             red, band=band,
        if unit in (0, 'ew', 'EW'):
            return np.trapz(1. - fi, wi, axis=-1)
            m = np.trapz(fi, wi, axis=-1)
            m = -2.5 * np.log10(m / np.ptp(wi))
            return m 
Example #17
Source File:    From pyphot with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _calculate_lpivot(self):
        if self.transmit.max() <= 0:
            return 0.
        if 'photon' in self.dtype:
            lpivot2 = self._lT / trapz(self.transmit / self._wavelength,
            lpivot2 = self.norm / trapz(self.transmit / self._wavelength ** 2,
        return np.sqrt(lpivot2) 
Example #18
Source File:    From PyMieScatt with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def SF_SD(m, wavelength, dp, ndp, nMedium=1.0, minAngle=0, maxAngle=180, angularResolution=0.5, space='theta', angleMeasure='radians', normalization=None):
  nMedium = nMedium.real
  m /= nMedium
  wavelength /= nMedium
  _steps = int(1+(maxAngle-minAngle)/angularResolution)
  ndp = coerceDType(ndp)
  dp = coerceDType(dp)
  SL = np.zeros(_steps)
  SR = np.zeros(_steps)
  SU = np.zeros(_steps)
  kwargs = {'minAngle':minAngle,
  for n,d in zip(ndp,dp):
    measure,l,r,u = ScatteringFunction(m,wavelength,d,**kwargs)
    SL += l*n
    SR += r*n
    SU += u*n
  if normalization in ['n','N','number','particles']:
    _n = trapz(ndp,dp)
    SL /= _n
    SR /= _n
    SU /= _n
  elif normalization in ['m','M','max','MAX']:
    SL /= np.max(SL)
    SR /= np.max(SR)
    SU /= np.max(SU)
  elif normalization in ['t','T','total','TOTAL']:
    SL /= trapz(SL,measure)
    SR /= trapz(SR,measure)
    SU /= trapz(SU,measure)
  return measure,SL,SR,SU 
Example #19
Source File:    From PyMieScatt with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def SF_SD(m, wavelength, dp, ndp, nMedium=1.0, minAngle=0, maxAngle=180, angularResolution=0.5, space='theta', angleMeasure='radians', normalization=None):
  nMedium = nMedium.real
  m /= nMedium
  wavelength /= nMedium
  _steps = int(1+(maxAngle-minAngle)/angularResolution)
  ndp = coerceDType(ndp)
  dp = coerceDType(dp)
  SL = np.zeros(_steps)
  SR = np.zeros(_steps)
  SU = np.zeros(_steps)
  kwargs = {'minAngle':minAngle,
  for n,d in zip(ndp,dp):
    measure,l,r,u = ScatteringFunction(m,wavelength,d,**kwargs)
    SL += l*n
    SR += r*n
    SU += u*n
  if normalization in ['n','N','number','particles']:
    _n = trapz(ndp,dp)
    SL /= _n
    SR /= _n
    SU /= _n
  elif normalization in ['m','M','max','MAX']:
    SL /= np.max(SL)
    SR /= np.max(SR)
    SU /= np.max(SU)
  elif normalization in ['t','T','total','TOTAL']:
    SL /= trapz(SL,measure)
    SR /= trapz(SR,measure)
    SU /= trapz(SU,measure)
  return measure,SL,SR,SU 
Example #20
Source File:    From PyMieScatt with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def Mie_SD(m, wavelength, dp, ndp, nMedium=1.0, interpolate=False, asDict=False):
  nMedium = nMedium.real
  m /= nMedium
  wavelength /= nMedium
  dp = coerceDType(dp)
  ndp = coerceDType(ndp)
  _length = np.size(dp)
  Q_ext = np.zeros(_length)
  Q_sca = np.zeros(_length)
  Q_abs = np.zeros(_length)
  Q_pr = np.zeros(_length)
  Q_back = np.zeros(_length)
  Q_ratio = np.zeros(_length)
  g = np.zeros(_length)
  # scaling of 1e-6 to cast in units of inverse megameters - see docs
  aSDn = np.pi*((dp/2)**2)*ndp*(1e-6)
#  _logdp = np.log10(dp)

  for i in range(_length):
    Q_ext[i], Q_sca[i], Q_abs[i], g[i], Q_pr[i], Q_back[i], Q_ratio[i] = AutoMieQ(m,wavelength,dp[i],nMedium)

  Bext = trapz(Q_ext*aSDn,dp)
  Bsca = trapz(Q_sca*aSDn,dp)
  Babs = Bext-Bsca
  Bback = trapz(Q_back*aSDn,dp)
  Bratio = trapz(Q_ratio*aSDn,dp)
  bigG = trapz(g*Q_sca*aSDn,dp)/trapz(Q_sca*aSDn,dp)
  Bpr = Bext - bigG*Bsca

  if asDict:
    return dict(Bext=Bext, Bsca=Bsca, Babs=Babs, G=bigG, Bpr=Bpr, Bback=Bback, Bratio=Bratio)
    return Bext, Bsca, Babs, bigG, Bpr, Bback, Bratio 
Example #21
Source File:    From pwtools with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def norm_int(y, x, area=1.0, scale=True, func=simps):
    """Normalize integral area of y(x) to `area`.

    x,y : numpy 1d arrays
    area : float
    scale : bool, optional
        Scale x and y to the same order of magnitude before integration.
        This may be necessary to avoid numerical trouble if x and y have very
        different scales.
    func : callable
        Function to do integration (like scipy.integrate.{simps,trapz,...}
        Called as ``func(y,x)``. Default: simps

    scaled y

    The argument order y,x might be confusing. x,y would be more natural but we
    stick to the order used in the scipy.integrate routines.
    if scale:
        fx = np.abs(x).max()
        fy = np.abs(y).max()
        sx = x / fx
        sy = y / fy
        fx = fy = 1.0
        sx, sy = x, y
    # Area under unscaled y(x).
    _area = func(sy, sx) * fx * fy
    return y*area/_area 
Example #22
Source File:    From AGNfitter with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def filters1( model_nus, model_fluxes, filterdict, z ):    

    Projects the model SEDs into the filter curves of each photometric band.

    - model_nus: template frequencies [log10(nu)]
    - model_fluxes: template fluxes [F_nu]
    - filterdict: dictionary with all band filter curves' information.
                  To change this, add one band and filter curve, etc,
                  look at
    - z: redshift

    - bands [log10(nu)]
    - Filtered fluxes at these bands [F_nu]

    bands, files_dict, lambdas_dict, factors_dict = filterdict
    filtered_model_Fnus = []

    # Costumize model frequencies and fluxes [F_nu]
    # to same units as filter curves (to wavelengths [angstrom] and F_lambda)
    model_lambdas = nu2lambda_angstrom(model_nus) * (1+z)
    model_lambdas =  model_lambdas[::-1]
    model_fluxes_nu =  model_fluxes[::-1]
    model_fluxes_lambda = fluxnu_2_fluxlambda(model_fluxes_nu, model_lambdas) 
    mod2filter_interpol = interp1d(model_lambdas, model_fluxes_lambda, kind = 'nearest', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)            

    # For filter curve at each band. 
    # (Vectorised integration was not possible -> different filter-curve-arrays' sizes)
    for iband in bands:

        # Read filter curves info for each data point 
        # (wavelengths [angstrom] and factors [non])
        lambdas_filter = np.array(lambdas_dict[iband])
        factors_filter = np.array(factors_dict[iband])
        iband_angst = nu2lambda_angstrom(iband)

        # Interpolate the model fluxes to 
        #the exact wavelengths of filter curves
        modelfluxes_at_filterlambdas = mod2filter_interpol(lambdas_filter)
        # Compute the flux ratios, equivalent to the filtered fluxes: 
        # F = int(model)/int(filter)
        integral_model = trapz(modelfluxes_at_filterlambdas*factors_filter, x= lambdas_filter)
        integral_filter = trapz(factors_filter, x= lambdas_filter)     
        filtered_modelF_lambda = (integral_model/integral_filter)

        # Convert all from lambda, F_lambda  to Fnu and nu    
        filtered_modelFnu_atfilter_i = fluxlambda_2_fluxnu(filtered_modelF_lambda, iband_angst)

    return bands, np.array(filtered_model_Fnus) 
Example #23
Source File:    From pyphot with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_flux(self, slamb, sflux, axis=-1):
        Integrate the flux within the filter and return the integrated energy
        If you consider applying the filter to many spectra, you might want to
        consider extractSEDs.

        slamb: ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1)
            spectrum wavelength definition domain

        sflux: ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1)
            associated flux

        flux: float
            Energy of the spectrum within the filter
        passb = self.reinterp(slamb)
        ifT = passb.transmit
        _slamb = _drop_units(slamb)
        _sflux = _drop_units(passb._validate_sflux(slamb, sflux))

        _w_unit = str(slamb.unit)
        _f_unit = str(sflux.unit)

        # if the filter is null on that wavelength range flux is then 0
        # ind = ifT > 0.
        nonzero = np.where(ifT > 0)[0]
        if nonzero.size <= 0:
            return passb._get_zero_like(sflux)

        # avoid calculating many zeros
        nonzero_start = max(0, min(nonzero) - 5)
        nonzero_end = min(len(ifT), max(nonzero) + 5)
        ind = np.zeros(len(ifT), dtype=bool)
        ind[nonzero_start:nonzero_end] = True

        if True in ind:
                _sflux = _sflux[:, ind]
            except Exception:
                _sflux = _sflux[ind]
            # limit integrals to where necessary
            if 'photon' in passb.dtype:
                a = np.trapz(_slamb[ind] * ifT[ind] * _sflux, _slamb[ind],
                b = np.trapz(_slamb[ind] * ifT[ind], _slamb[ind])
                a = a * Unit('*'.join((_w_unit, _f_unit, _w_unit)))
                b = b * Unit('*'.join((_w_unit, _w_unit)))
            elif 'energy' in passb.dtype:
                a = np.trapz(ifT[ind] * _sflux, _slamb[ind], axis=axis)
                b = np.trapz(ifT[ind], _slamb[ind])
                a = a * Unit('*'.join((_f_unit, _w_unit)))
                b = b * Unit(_w_unit)
            if (np.isinf(a.value).any() | np.isinf(b.value).any()):
                print(, "Warn for inf value")
            return a / b
            return passb._get_zero_like(sflux) 
Example #24
Source File:    From pyroomacoustics with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def compute_squared_gain(a, noise_psd, y):
    Estimate the squared gain of the speech power spectral density as done on
    p. 204 of

        J. Lim and A. Oppenheim, *All-Pole Modeling of Degraded Speech,*
        IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 26.3
        (1978): 197-210.

    Namely solving for :math:`g^2` such that the following expression is

    .. math::

        \dfrac{N}{2\pi} \int_{-\pi}^{\pi} \dfrac{g^2}{\\left \| 1 - \sum_{k=1}^p a_k \cdot e^{-jk\omega} \\right \|^2} d\omega = \sum_{n=0}^{N-1} y^2(n) - N\cdot\sigma_d^2,

    where :math:`N` is the number of noisy samples :math:`y`, :math:`a_k`
    are the :math:`p` LPC coefficients, and :math:`\sigma_d^2` is the
    noise variance.

    a : numpy array
        LPC coefficients.
    noise_psd : float or numpy array
        Noise variance if white noise, numpy array otherwise.
    y : numpy array
        Noisy time domain samples.

        Squared gain.

    p = len(a)
    def _lpc_all_pole(omega):
        k = np.arange(p) + 1
        return 1 / np.abs(1 -, np.exp(-1j * k * omega))) ** 2

    N = len(y)

    # right hand side of expression
    if np.isscalar(noise_psd):   # white noise, i.e. flat spectrum
        rhs = np.sum(y**2) - N * noise_psd
        rhs = np.sum(y**2) - np.sum(noise_psd)

    # estimate integral
    d_omega = 2 * np.pi / 1000
    omega_vals = np.arange(-np.pi, np.pi, d_omega)
    vec_integrand = np.vectorize(_lpc_all_pole)
    integral = integrate.trapz(vec_integrand(omega_vals), omega_vals)
    return rhs * 2 * np.pi / N / integral 
Example #25
Source File:    From pyphot with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_flux(self, slamb, sflux, axis=-1):
        Integrate the flux within the filter and return the integrated energy
        If you consider applying the filter to many spectra, you might want to
        consider extractSEDs.

        slamb: ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1)
            spectrum wavelength definition domain

        sflux: ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1)
            associated flux

        flux: float
            Energy of the spectrum within the filter
        passb = self.reinterp(slamb)
        ifT = passb.transmit
        _slamb = _drop_units(slamb)
        _sflux = _drop_units(passb._validate_sflux(slamb, sflux))

        _w_unit = str(slamb.unit)
        _f_unit = str(sflux.unit)

        # if the filter is null on that wavelength range flux is then 0
        # ind = ifT > 0.
        nonzero = np.where(ifT > 0)[0]
        if nonzero.size <= 0:
            return passb._get_zero_like(sflux)

        # avoid calculating many zeros
        nonzero_start = max(0, min(nonzero) - 5)
        nonzero_end = min(len(ifT), max(nonzero) + 5)
        ind = np.zeros(len(ifT), dtype=bool)
        ind[nonzero_start:nonzero_end] = True

        if True in ind:
                _sflux = _sflux[:, ind]
            except Exception:
                _sflux = _sflux[ind]
            # limit integrals to where necessary
            if 'photon' in passb.dtype:
                a = np.trapz(_slamb[ind] * ifT[ind] * _sflux, _slamb[ind],
                b = np.trapz(_slamb[ind] * ifT[ind], _slamb[ind])
                a = a * Unit('*'.join((_w_unit, _f_unit, _w_unit)))
                b = b * Unit('*'.join((_w_unit, _w_unit)))
            elif 'energy' in passb.dtype:
                a = np.trapz(ifT[ind] * _sflux, _slamb[ind], axis=axis)
                b = np.trapz(ifT[ind], _slamb[ind])
                a = a * Unit('*'.join((_f_unit, _w_unit)))
                b = b * Unit(_w_unit)
            if (np.isinf(a.value).any() | np.isinf(b.value).any()):
                print(, "Warn for inf value")
            return a / b
            return passb._get_zero_like(_sflux) 
Example #26
Source File:    From PyMieScatt with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def ScatteringFunction(m, wavelength, diameter, nMedium=1.0, minAngle=0, maxAngle=180, angularResolution=0.5, space='theta', angleMeasure='radians', normalization=None):
  nMedium = nMedium.real
  m /= nMedium
  wavelength /= nMedium
  x = np.pi*diameter/wavelength

  _steps = int(1+(maxAngle-minAngle)/angularResolution) # default 361

  if angleMeasure in ['radians','RADIANS','rad','RAD']:
    adjust = np.pi/180
  elif angleMeasure in ['gradians','GRADIANS','grad','GRAD']:
    adjust = 1/200
    adjust = 1

  if space in ['q','qspace','QSPACE','qSpace']:
    # _steps *= 10
    _steps += 1
    if minAngle==0:
      minAngle = 1e-5
    #measure = np.logspace(np.log10(minAngle),np.log10(maxAngle),_steps)*np.pi/180
    measure = np.linspace(minAngle, maxAngle, _steps)*np.pi/180
    _q = True
    measure = np.linspace(minAngle,maxAngle,_steps)*adjust
    _q = False
  if x == 0:
    return measure,0,0,0
  _measure = np.linspace(minAngle,maxAngle,_steps)*np.pi/180
  SL = np.zeros(_steps)
  SR = np.zeros(_steps)
  SU = np.zeros(_steps)
  for j in range(_steps):
    u = np.cos(_measure[j])
    S1, S2 = MieS1S2(m,x,u)
    SL[j] = (np.sum(np.conjugate(S1)*S1)).real
    SR[j] = (np.sum(np.conjugate(S2)*S2)).real
    SU[j] = (SR[j]+SL[j])/2
  if normalization in ['m','M','max','MAX']:
    SL /= np.max(SL)
    SR /= np.max(SR)
    SU /= np.max(SU)
  elif normalization in ['t','T','total','TOTAL']:
    SL /= trapz(SL,measure)
    SR /= trapz(SR,measure)
    SU /= trapz(SU,measure)
  if _q:
    measure = (4*np.pi/wavelength)*np.sin(measure/2)*(diameter/2)
  return measure,SL,SR,SU 
Example #27
Source File:    From PyMieScatt with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def ScatteringFunction(m, wavelength, diameter, nMedium=1.0, minAngle=0, maxAngle=180, angularResolution=0.5, space='theta', angleMeasure='radians', normalization=None):
  nMedium = nMedium.real
  m /= nMedium
  wavelength /= nMedium
  x = np.pi*diameter/wavelength

  _steps = int(1+(maxAngle-minAngle)/angularResolution) # default 361

  if angleMeasure in ['radians','RADIANS','rad','RAD']:
    adjust = np.pi/180
  elif angleMeasure in ['gradians','GRADIANS','grad','GRAD']:
    adjust = 1/200
    adjust = 1

  if space in ['q','qspace','QSPACE','qSpace']:
    # _steps *= 10
    _steps += 1
    if minAngle==0:
      minAngle = 1e-5
    #measure = np.logspace(np.log10(minAngle),np.log10(maxAngle),_steps)*np.pi/180
    measure = np.linspace(minAngle, maxAngle, _steps)*np.pi/180
    _q = True
    measure = np.linspace(minAngle,maxAngle,_steps)*adjust
    _q = False
  if x == 0:
    return measure,0,0,0
  _measure = np.linspace(minAngle,maxAngle,_steps)*np.pi/180
  SL = np.zeros(_steps)
  SR = np.zeros(_steps)
  SU = np.zeros(_steps)
  for j in range(_steps):
    u = np.cos(_measure[j])
    S1, S2 = MieS1S2(m,x,u)
    SL[j] = (np.sum(np.conjugate(S1)*S1)).real
    SR[j] = (np.sum(np.conjugate(S2)*S2)).real
    SU[j] = (SR[j]+SL[j])/2
  if normalization in ['m','M','max','MAX']:
    SL /= np.max(SL)
    SR /= np.max(SR)
    SU /= np.max(SU)
  elif normalization in ['t','T','total','TOTAL']:
    SL /= trapz(SL,measure)
    SR /= trapz(SR,measure)
    SU /= trapz(SU,measure)
  if _q:
    measure = (4*np.pi/wavelength)*np.sin(measure/2)*(diameter/2)
  return measure,SL,SR,SU 
Example #28
Source File:    From pyphot with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def getFlux(self, slamb, sflux, axis=-1):
        Integrate the flux within the filter and return the integrated energy
        If you consider applying the filter to many spectra, you might want to
        consider extractSEDs.

        slamb: ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1)
            spectrum wavelength definition domain

        sflux: ndarray(dtype=float, ndim=1)
            associated flux

        flux: float
            Energy of the spectrum within the filter
        _wavelength = self._get_filter_in_units_of(slamb)
        _slamb = _drop_units(slamb)
        #clean data for inf values by interpolation
        if True in np.isinf(sflux):
            indinf = np.where(np.isinf(sflux))
            indfin = np.where(np.isfinite(sflux))
            sflux[indinf] = np.interp(_slamb[indinf], _slamb[indfin], sflux[indfin])

        # reinterpolate transmission onto the same wavelength def as the data
        ifT = np.interp(_slamb, _wavelength, self.transmit, left=0., right=0.)

        # if the filter is null on that wavelength range flux is then 0
        # ind = ifT > 0.
        nonzero = np.where(ifT > 0)[0]
        if nonzero.size <= 0:
            return 0.
        nonzero_start = max(0, min(nonzero) - 5)
        nonzero_end = min(len(ifT), max(nonzero) + 5)
        ind = np.zeros(len(ifT), dtype=bool)
        ind[nonzero_start:nonzero_end] = True
        if True in ind:
                _sflux = sflux[:, ind]
                _sflux = sflux[ind]
            # limit integrals to where necessary
            # ind = ifT > 0.
            if 'photon' in self.dtype:
                a = np.trapz(_slamb[ind] * ifT[ind] * _sflux, _slamb[ind], axis=axis)
                b = np.trapz(_slamb[ind] * ifT[ind], _slamb[ind] )
            elif 'energy' in self.dtype:
                a = np.trapz( ifT[ind] * _sflux, _slamb[ind], axis=axis )
                b = np.trapz( ifT[ind], _slamb[ind])
            if (np.isinf(a).any() | np.isinf(b).any()):
                print(, "Warn for inf value")
            return a / b
            return 0.