


This script contains all functions which are needed to construct the total model of AGN. 
The functions here translate the parameter space points into total fluxes dependin on the models chosen.

Functions contained here are the following:




import numpy as np
from math import exp,pi, sqrt
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import time
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from scipy.integrate  import quad, trapz
import astropy.constants as const
import astropy.units as u


Functions which compensate for the discreteness of pur models. 
It infers the existent model dictionary key 'par_key',
from the continous valus par_mcmc, through NearestNeighbour interpolation.


def pick_STARBURST_template(ir_lum, irlum_dict):

    idx = (np.abs(irlum_dict.astype(float)-ir_lum)).argmin()
    return irlum_dict[idx]

def pick_BBB_template(ebvb,ebvb_dict):
    ebvb_idx = (np.abs(ebvb_dict.astype(float)-ebvb)).argmin()
    return ebvb_dict[ebvb_idx]

def pick_GALAXY_template( tau, age, ebvg, tau_dict, age_dict, ebvg_dict):
    tauidx = (np.abs(tau_dict.astype(float)-tau)).argmin()    
    ageidx = (np.abs(age_dict.astype(float)-age)).argmin()
    ebvidx = (np.abs(ebvg_dict.astype(float)-ebvg)).argmin()

    return tau_dict[tauidx], age_dict[ageidx], ebvg_dict[ebvidx]

def pick_TORUS_template(nh, nh_dict):

    idx = (np.abs(nh_dict.astype(float)-nh)).argmin()
    return nh_dict[idx]

def pick_EBV_grid (EBV_array, EBV):

    idx = (np.abs(EBV_array-EBV)).argmin()
    EBV_fromgrid  = EBV_array[idx]

    return EBV_fromgrid


def maximal_age(z):

    z = np.double(z)
    #Cosmological Constants    
    O_m = 0.266
    O_r =  0.
    O_k= 0.
    O_L = 1. - O_m
    H_0 = 74.3 #km/s/Mpc
    H_sec = H_0 / 3.0857e19 
    secondsinyear = 31556926
    ageoftheuniverse = 13.798e9

    # Equation for the time elapsed since z and now

    a = 1/(1+z)
    E = O_m * (1+z)**3 + O_r *(1+z)**4 + O_k *(1+z) + O_L
    integrand = lambda z : 1 / (1+z)     / sqrt(  O_m * (1+z)**3 + O_r *(1+z)**4 + O_k *(1+z) + O_L  )        

    z_obs = z
    z_cmb = 1089 #As Beta (not cmb). But 1089 (cmb) would be the exagerated maximun possible redshift for the birth 
    z_now = 0

    integral, error = quad( integrand , z_obs, z_cmb) #
    #t = ageoftheuniverse - (integral * (1 / H_sec) / secondsinyear)
    t = (integral * (1 / H_sec)) / secondsinyear

    return t

Reddening functions    

def BBBred_Prevot(bbb_x, bbb_y, BBebv, z ):

    ## input:

    ## output:

    #Application of reddening - reading E(B-V) from MCMC sampler
    RV= 2.72

    #converting freq to wavelenght, to be able to use prevots function instead on simple linera interpolation 
    redd_x =  2.998 * 1e10 / (10**(bbb_x)* 1e-8)
    redd_x= redd_x[::-1]

    #    Define prevots function for the reddenin law redd_k    
    def function_prevot(x, RV):
           y=1.39*pow((pow(10.,-4.)*x),-1.2)-0.38 ;
           return y 

    bbb_k = function_prevot(redd_x, RV)

    bbb_k= bbb_k[::-1]

    bbb_Lnu_red = bbb_y * 10**(-0.4 * bbb_k * BBebv)

    return bbb_x, bbb_Lnu_red

def GALAXYred_Calzetti(gal_nu, gal_Fnu,GAebv):

    This function computes the effect of reddening in the galaxy template (Calzetti law)

    ## input:
    -frequencies in log nu
    - Fluxes in Fnu
    - the reddening value E(B-V)_gal
    ## output:

    RV = 4.05        

    c =2.998 * 1e8 
    gal_lambda_m = c / gal_nu * 1e6#in um 
    wl = gal_lambda_m[::-1]  #invert for lambda
    k = np.zeros(len(wl))

    w0 = [wl <= 0.12]
    w1 = [wl < 0.63]
    w2 = [wl >= 0.63]

    x1 = np.argmin(np.abs(wl - 0.12))
    x2 = np.argmin(np.abs(wl - 0.125))

    k[w2] = 2.659 * (-1.857 + 1.040 /wl[w2])+RV
    k[w1] = 2.659 * (-2.156 + (1.509/wl[w1]) - (0.198/wl[w1]**2) + (0.011/wl[w1]**3))+RV
    k[w0] = k[x1] + ((wl[w0] - 0.12) * (k[x1] - k[x2]) / (wl[x1] - wl[x2])) +RV

    gal_k= k[::-1] #invert for nus
    gal_Fnu_red = gal_Fnu* 10**(-0.4 * gal_k * GAebv)

    return gal_nu, gal_Fnu_red

Angstrom = 1e10

def z2Dlum(z):

    Calculate luminosity distance from redshift.
    #Cosmo Constants
    O_m = 0.266
    O_r =  0.
    O_k= 0.
    O_L = 1. - O_m
    H_0 = 70. #km/s/Mpc
    H_sec = H_0 / 3.0857e19 
    # equation

    a = 1/(1+z)
    E = O_m * (1+z)**3 + O_r *(1+z)**4 + O_k *(1+z) + O_L
    integrand = lambda z : 1 / sqrt(O_m * (1+z)**3 + O_r *(1+z)**4 + O_k *(1+z) + O_L)    


    z_obs = z
    z_now = 0

    c_cm = 2.997e10

    integral = quad( integrand , z_now, z_obs)    
    dlum_cm = (1+z)*c_cm/ H_sec * integral[0] 
    dlum_Mpc = dlum_cm/3.08567758e24

    return dlum_cm


def stellar_info(chain, data):

    computes stellar masses and SFRs

    gal_do,  irlum_dict, nh_dict, BBebv_dict, SFRdict = data.dictkey_arrays #call dictionary info

    #relevanta parameters form the MCMC chain
    tau_mcmc = chain[:,0]     
    age_mcmc = chain[:,1] 
    GA = chain[:,6] - 18. #1e18 is the common normalization factor used in parspace.ymodel in order to have comparable NORMfactors    

    z = data.z
    distance = z2Dlum(z)

    solarlum = const.L_sun.to(u.erg/u.second) #3.839e33
    solarmass = const.M_sun


    for i in range (len (tau_mcmc)):        
        N = 10**GA[i]* 4* pi* distance**2 / (solarlum.value)/ (1+z)

        gal_do.nearest_par2dict(tau_mcmc[i], 10**age_mcmc[i], 0.)
        tau_dct, age_dct, ebvg_dct=gal_do.t, gal_do.a,gal_do.e
        SFR_mcmc =SFRdict[tau_dct, age_dct]

        # Calculate Mstar. BC03 templates are normalized to M* = 1 M_sun. 
        # Thanks to Kenneth Duncan, and his python version of BC03, smpy
        Mstar = np.log10(N * 1) 
        #Calculate SFR. output is in [Msun/yr]. 
        SFR = N * SFR_mcmc

    return np.array(Mstar_list)    , np.array(SFR_list)

def stellar_info_array(chain_flat, data, Nthin_compute):

    computes arrays of stellar masses and SFRs

    Ns, Npar = np.shape(chain_flat)  
    chain_thinned = chain_flat[0:Ns:int(Ns/Nthin_compute),:]

    Mstar, SFR = stellar_info(chain_thinned, data)
    Mstar_list = []
    SFR_list = []

    for i in range(Nthin_compute):
        for j in range(int(Ns/Nthin_compute)):

    Mstar1 = np.array(Mstar_list)    
    SFR1 = np.array(SFR_list)
    return Mstar1, SFR1

def sfr_IR(logL_IR):
    #calculate SFR in solar M per year 

    #for an array ofluminosities
    if len(logL_IR)>1:
        SFR_IR_list =[]

        for i in range(len(logL_IR)):
            SFR = 3.88e-44* (10**logL_IR[i])
        SFR_IR_array = np.array(SFR_IR_list)
        return SFR_IR_array
    #or just for one luminosity
        SFR = 3.88e-44* (10**logL_IR)
        return SFR


def filters1( model_nus, model_fluxes, filterdict, z ):    

    Projects the model SEDs into the filter curves of each photometric band.

    - model_nus: template frequencies [log10(nu)]
    - model_fluxes: template fluxes [F_nu]
    - filterdict: dictionary with all band filter curves' information.
                  To change this, add one band and filter curve, etc,
                  look at DICTIONARIES_AGNfitter.py
    - z: redshift

    - bands [log10(nu)]
    - Filtered fluxes at these bands [F_nu]

    bands, files_dict, lambdas_dict, factors_dict = filterdict
    filtered_model_Fnus = []

    # Costumize model frequencies and fluxes [F_nu]
    # to same units as filter curves (to wavelengths [angstrom] and F_lambda)
    model_lambdas = nu2lambda_angstrom(model_nus) * (1+z)
    model_lambdas =  model_lambdas[::-1]
    model_fluxes_nu =  model_fluxes[::-1]
    model_fluxes_lambda = fluxnu_2_fluxlambda(model_fluxes_nu, model_lambdas) 
    mod2filter_interpol = interp1d(model_lambdas, model_fluxes_lambda, kind = 'nearest', bounds_error=False, fill_value=0.)            

    # For filter curve at each band. 
    # (Vectorised integration was not possible -> different filter-curve-arrays' sizes)
    for iband in bands:

        # Read filter curves info for each data point 
        # (wavelengths [angstrom] and factors [non])
        lambdas_filter = np.array(lambdas_dict[iband])
        factors_filter = np.array(factors_dict[iband])
        iband_angst = nu2lambda_angstrom(iband)

        # Interpolate the model fluxes to 
        #the exact wavelengths of filter curves
        modelfluxes_at_filterlambdas = mod2filter_interpol(lambdas_filter)
        # Compute the flux ratios, equivalent to the filtered fluxes: 
        # F = int(model)/int(filter)
        integral_model = trapz(modelfluxes_at_filterlambdas*factors_filter, x= lambdas_filter)
        integral_filter = trapz(factors_filter, x= lambdas_filter)     
        filtered_modelF_lambda = (integral_model/integral_filter)

        # Convert all from lambda, F_lambda  to Fnu and nu    
        filtered_modelFnu_atfilter_i = fluxlambda_2_fluxnu(filtered_modelF_lambda, iband_angst)

    return bands, np.array(filtered_model_Fnus)

c = 2.997e8

def fluxlambda_2_fluxnu (flux_lambda, wl_angst):

    Calculate F_nu from F_lambda.
    flux_nu = flux_lambda * (wl_angst**2. ) / c /Angstrom
    return flux_nu

def fluxnu_2_fluxlambda (flux_nu, wl_angst):

    Calculate F_lambda from  F_nu.
    flux_lambda = flux_nu / wl_angst**2 *c * Angstrom

    return flux_lambda #in angstrom

def nu2lambda_angstrom(nus):

    Calculate wavelength [angstrom] from frequency [log Hz].

    lambdas = c / (10**nus) * Angstrom
    return lambdas