Python new.module() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of new.module(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module new , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From locality-sensitive-hashing with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _from_module(self, module, object):
        Return true if the given object is defined in the given
        if module is None:
            return True
        elif inspect.isfunction(object):
            return module.__dict__ is object.func_globals
        elif inspect.isclass(object):
            # Some jython classes don't set __module__
            return module.__name__ == getattr(object, '__module__', None)
        elif inspect.getmodule(object) is not None:
            return module is inspect.getmodule(object)
        elif hasattr(object, '__module__'):
            return module.__name__ == object.__module__
        elif isinstance(object, property):
            return True # [XX] no way not be sure.
            raise ValueError("object must be a class or function") 
Example #2
Source File:    From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def filenameToModuleName(fn):
    Convert a name in the filesystem to the name of the Python module it is.

    This is agressive about getting a module name back from a file; it will
    always return a string.  Agressive means 'sometimes wrong'; it won't look
    at the Python path or try to do any error checking: don't use this method
    unless you already know that the filename you're talking about is a Python
    fullName = os.path.abspath(fn)
    base = os.path.basename(fn)
    if not base:
        # this happens when fn ends with a path separator, just skit it
        base = os.path.basename(fn[:-1])
    modName = os.path.splitext(base)[0]
    while 1:
        fullName = os.path.dirname(fullName)
        if os.path.exists(os.path.join(fullName, "")):
            modName = "%s.%s" % (os.path.basename(fullName), modName)
    return modName 
Example #3
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _from_module(self, module, object):
        Return true if the given object is defined in the given
        if module is None:
            return True
        elif inspect.isfunction(object):
            return module.__dict__ is object.func_globals
        elif inspect.isclass(object):
            # Some jython classes don't set __module__
            return module.__name__ == getattr(object, '__module__', None)
        elif inspect.getmodule(object) is not None:
            return module is inspect.getmodule(object)
        elif hasattr(object, '__module__'):
            return module.__name__ == object.__module__
        elif isinstance(object, property):
            return True # [XX] no way not be sure.
            raise ValueError("object must be a class or function") 
Example #4
Source File:    From medicare-demo with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _from_module(self, module, object):
        Return true if the given object is defined in the given
        if module is None:
            return True
        elif inspect.isfunction(object):
            return module.__dict__ is object.func_globals
        elif inspect.isclass(object):
            # XXX: Jython transition 2.5
            # Java classes appear as Python classes to inspect, but they
            # have no __module__
            # org.python.modules uses Java classes to masq
            if not hasattr(object, '__module__'):
                return False
            return module.__name__ == object.__module__
        elif inspect.getmodule(object) is not None:
            return module is inspect.getmodule(object)
        elif hasattr(object, '__module__'):
            return module.__name__ == object.__module__
        elif isinstance(object, property):
            return True # [XX] no way not be sure.
            raise ValueError("object must be a class or function") 
Example #5
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _normalize_module(module, depth=2):
    Return the module specified by `module`.  In particular:
      - If `module` is a module, then return module.
      - If `module` is a string, then import and return the
        module with that name.
      - If `module` is None, then return the calling module.
        The calling module is assumed to be the module of
        the stack frame at the given depth in the call stack.
    if inspect.ismodule(module):
        return module
    elif isinstance(module, (str, unicode)):
        return __import__(module, globals(), locals(), ["*"])
    elif module is None:
        return sys.modules[sys._getframe(depth).f_globals['__name__']]
        raise TypeError("Expected a module, string, or None") 
Example #6
Source File:    From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def testRebuild(self):
        Rebuilding an unchanged module.
        # This test would actually pass if rebuild was a no-op, but it
        # ensures rebuild doesn't break stuff while being a less
        # complex test than testFileRebuild.

        x = crash_test_dummy.X('a')

        rebuild.rebuild(crash_test_dummy, doLog=False)
        # Instance rebuilding is triggered by attribute access.
        self.failUnlessIdentical(x.__class__, crash_test_dummy.X)

Example #7
Source File:    From locality-sensitive-hashing with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def DocFileTest(path, module_relative=True, package=None,
                globs=None, parser=DocTestParser(), **options):
    if globs is None:
        globs = {}

    if package and not module_relative:
        raise ValueError("Package may only be specified for module-"
                         "relative paths.")

    # Relativize the path.
    if module_relative:
        package = _normalize_module(package)
        path = _module_relative_path(package, path)

    # Find the file and read it.
    name = os.path.basename(path)
    doc = open(path).read()

    # Convert it to a test, and wrap it in a DocFileCase.
    test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globs, name, path, 0)
    return DocFileCase(test, **options) 
Example #8
Source File:    From code with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def save_type(self, obj):
    if getattr(new, obj.__name__, None) is obj:
        # Types in 'new' module claim their module is '__builtin__' but are not actually there
        save_global_byname(self, obj, 'new', obj.__name__)
    elif obj.__module__ == '__main__':
        # Types in __main__ are saved by value

        # Make sure we have a reference to type.__new__        
        if id(type.__new__) not in self.memo:
            self.save_reduce(getattr, (type, '__new__'), obj=type.__new__)

        # Copy dictproxy to real dict
        d = dict(obj.__dict__)
        # Clean up unpickleable descriptors added by Python
        d.pop('__dict__', None)
        d.pop('__weakref__', None)
        args = (type(obj), obj.__name__, obj.__bases__, d)
        self.save_reduce(type.__new__, args, obj=obj)
        # Fallback to default behavior: save by reference
        pickle.Pickler.save_global(self, obj) 
Example #9
Source File:    From medicare-demo with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _normalize_module(module, depth=2):
    Return the module specified by `module`.  In particular:
      - If `module` is a module, then return module.
      - If `module` is a string, then import and return the
        module with that name.
      - If `module` is None, then return the calling module.
        The calling module is assumed to be the module of
        the stack frame at the given depth in the call stack.
    if inspect.ismodule(module):
        return module
    elif isinstance(module, (str, unicode)):
        return __import__(module, globals(), locals(), ["*"])
    elif module is None:
        return sys.modules[sys._getframe(depth).f_globals['__name__']]
        raise TypeError("Expected a module, string, or None") 
Example #10
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def DocFileTest(path, module_relative=True, package=None,
                globs=None, parser=DocTestParser(), **options):
    if globs is None:
        globs = {}

    if package and not module_relative:
        raise ValueError("Package may only be specified for module-"
                         "relative paths.")

    # Relativize the path.
    if module_relative:
        package = _normalize_module(package)
        path = _module_relative_path(package, path)

    # Find the file and read it.
    name = os.path.basename(path)
    doc = open(path).read()

    # Convert it to a test, and wrap it in a DocFileCase.
    test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globs, name, path, 0)
    return DocFileCase(test, **options) 
Example #11
Source File:    From luscan-devel with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _normalize_module(module, depth=2):
    Return the module specified by `module`.  In particular:
      - If `module` is a module, then return module.
      - If `module` is a string, then import and return the
        module with that name.
      - If `module` is None, then return the calling module.
        The calling module is assumed to be the module of
        the stack frame at the given depth in the call stack.
    if inspect.ismodule(module):
        return module
    elif isinstance(module, six.string_types):
        return __import__(module, globals(), locals(), ["*"])
    elif module is None:
        return sys.modules[sys._getframe(depth).f_globals['__name__']]
        raise TypeError("Expected a module, string, or None") 
Example #12
Source File:    From kawalpemilu2014 with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _caller(tblist, skip):
    string = ""
    arr = []
    for file, line, name, text in tblist:
        if file[-10:] == "":
        arr = [(file, line, name, text)] + arr
    atfrom = "at"
    for file, line, name, text in arr[skip:]:
        if name in ("?", "<module>"):
            name = ""
            name = " (" + name + ")"
        string = string + ("%s line %d of %s%s\n" % (atfrom, line, file, name))
        atfrom = "\tfrom"
    return string 
Example #13
Source File:    From luscan-devel with GNU General Public License v2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _from_module(self, module, object):
        Return true if the given object is defined in the given
        if module is None:
            return True
        elif inspect.isfunction(object):
            return module.__dict__ is six.get_function_globals(object)
        elif inspect.isclass(object):
            return module.__name__ == object.__module__
        elif inspect.getmodule(object) is not None:
            return module is inspect.getmodule(object)
        elif hasattr(object, '__module__'):
            return module.__name__ == object.__module__
        elif isinstance(object, property):
            return True # [XX] no way not be sure.
            raise ValueError("object must be a class or function") 
Example #14
Source File:    From locality-sensitive-hashing with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _normalize_module(module, depth=2):
    Return the module specified by `module`.  In particular:
      - If `module` is a module, then return module.
      - If `module` is a string, then import and return the
        module with that name.
      - If `module` is None, then return the calling module.
        The calling module is assumed to be the module of
        the stack frame at the given depth in the call stack.
    if inspect.ismodule(module):
        return module
    elif isinstance(module, (str, unicode)):
        return __import__(module, globals(), locals(), ["*"])
    elif module is None:
        return sys.modules[sys._getframe(depth).f_globals['__name__']]
        raise TypeError("Expected a module, string, or None") 
Example #15
Source File:    From mishkal with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def DocFileTest(path, module_relative=True, package=None,
                globs=None, parser=DocTestParser(), **options):
    if globs is None:
        globs = {}

    if package and not module_relative:
        raise ValueError("Package may only be specified for module-"
                         "relative paths.")

    # Relativize the path.
    if module_relative:
        package = _normalize_module(package)
        path = _module_relative_path(package, path)

    # Find the file and read it.
    name = os.path.basename(path)
    doc = open(path).read()

    # Convert it to a test, and wrap it in a DocFileCase.
    test = parser.get_doctest(doc, globs, name, path, 0)
    return DocFileCase(test, **options) 
Example #16
Source File:    From mishkal with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _normalize_module(module, depth=2):
    Return the module specified by `module`.  In particular:
      - If `module` is a module, then return module.
      - If `module` is a string, then import and return the
        module with that name.
      - If `module` is None, then return the calling module.
        The calling module is assumed to be the module of
        the stack frame at the given depth in the call stack.
    if inspect.ismodule(module):
        return module
    elif isinstance(module, (str, unicode)):
        return __import__(module, globals(), locals(), ["*"])
    elif module is None:
        return sys.modules[sys._getframe(depth).f_globals['__name__']]
        raise TypeError("Expected a module, string, or None") 
Example #17
Source File:    From spitfire with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def load_template(template_src,
    class_name = filename2classname(template_name)
    filename = '<%s>' % class_name
    module_name = class_name
    # Note: The compiler module is imported here to avoid a circular dependency
    from spitfire.compiler import compiler
    spt_compiler = compiler.Compiler(analyzer_options=analyzer_options)
    if compiler_options:
        for k, v in compiler_options.iteritems():
            setattr(spt_compiler, k, v)
    src_code = spt_compiler.compile_template(template_src, class_name)
    module = load_module_from_src(src_code, filename, module_name)
    return getattr(module, class_name)

# a helper method to import a template without having to save it to disk 
Example #18
Source File:    From spitfire with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def load_template_file(filename,
    # Note: The compiler module is imported here to avoid a circular dependency.
    from spitfire.compiler import compiler
    spt_compiler = compiler.Compiler(analyzer_options=analyzer_options,
    if compiler_options:
        for k, v in compiler_options.iteritems():
            setattr(spt_compiler, k, v)
    class_name = filename2classname(filename)
    if not module_name:
        module_name = class_name

    src_code = spt_compiler.compile_file(filename)
    module = load_module_from_src(src_code, filename, module_name)
    return getattr(module, class_name) 
Example #19
Source File:    From gyp with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _caller(tblist, skip):
    string = ""
    arr = []
    for file, line, name, text in tblist:
        if file[-10:] == "":
        arr = [(file, line, name, text)] + arr
    atfrom = "at"
    for file, line, name, text in arr[skip:]:
        if name in ("?", "<module>"):
            name = ""
            name = " (" + name + ")"
        string = string + ("%s line %d of %s%s\n" % (atfrom, line, file, name))
        atfrom = "\tfrom"
    return string 
Example #20
Source File:    From mishkal with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _from_module(self, module, object):
        Return true if the given object is defined in the given
        if module is None:
            return True
        elif inspect.isfunction(object):
            return module.__dict__ is object.func_globals
        elif inspect.isclass(object):
            return module.__name__ == object.__module__
        elif inspect.getmodule(object) is not None:
            return module is inspect.getmodule(object)
        elif hasattr(object, '__module__'):
            return module.__name__ == object.__module__
        elif isinstance(object, property):
            return True # [XX] no way not be sure.
            raise ValueError("object must be a class or function") 
Example #21
Source File:    From gyp with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _caller(tblist, skip):
    string = ""
    arr = []
    for file, line, name, text in tblist:
        if file[-10:] == "":
        arr = [(file, line, name, text)] + arr
    atfrom = "at"
    for file, line, name, text in arr[skip:]:
        if name in ("?", "<module>"):
            name = ""
            name = " (" + name + ")"
        string = string + ("%s line %d of %s%s\n" % (atfrom, line, file, name))
        atfrom = "\tfrom"
    return string 
Example #22
Source File:    From BitTorrent with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def namedModule(name):
    """Return a module given its name."""
    topLevel = __import__(name)
    packages = name.split(".")[1:]
    m = topLevel
    for p in packages:
        m = getattr(m, p)
    return m 
Example #23
Source File:    From medicare-demo with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_getmodule_recursion(self):
        from new import module
        name = '__inspect_dummy'
        m = sys.modules[name] = module(name)
        m.__file__ = "<string>" # hopefully not a real filename...
        m.__loader__ = "dummy"  # pretend the filename is understood by a loader
        exec "def x(): pass" in m.__dict__
        self.assertEqual(inspect.getsourcefile(m.x.func_code), '<string>')
        del sys.modules[name]
Example #24
Source File:    From medicare-demo with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _get_test(self, obj, name, module, globs, source_lines):
        Return a DocTest for the given object, if it defines a docstring;
        otherwise, return None.
        # Extract the object's docstring.  If it doesn't have one,
        # then return None (no test for this object).
        if isinstance(obj, basestring):
            docstring = obj
                if obj.__doc__ is None:
                    docstring = ''
                    docstring = obj.__doc__
                    if not isinstance(docstring, basestring):
                        docstring = str(docstring)
            except (TypeError, AttributeError):
                docstring = ''

        # Find the docstring's location in the file.
        lineno = self._find_lineno(obj, source_lines)

        # Don't bother if the docstring is empty.
        if self._exclude_empty and not docstring:
            return None

        # Return a DocTest for this object.
        if module is None:
            filename = None
            filename = getattr(module, '__file__', module.__name__)
            if filename[-4:] in (".pyc", ".pyo"):
                filename = filename[:-1]
            elif filename.endswith('$py.class'):
                filename = '' % filename[:-9]
        return self._parser.get_doctest(docstring, globs, name,
                                        filename, lineno) 
Example #25
Source File:    From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _importAndCheckStack(importName):
    Import the given name as a module, then walk the stack to determine whether
    the failure was the module not existing, or some code in the module (for
    example a dependent import) failing.  This can be helpful to determine
    whether any actual application code was run.  For example, to distiguish
    administrative error (entering the wrong module name), from programmer
    error (writing buggy code in a module that fails to import).

    @raise Exception: if something bad happens.  This can be any type of
    exception, since nobody knows what loading some arbitrary code might do.

    @raise _NoModuleFound: if no module was found.
            return __import__(importName)
        except ImportError:
            excType, excValue, excTraceback = sys.exc_info()
            while excTraceback:
                execName = excTraceback.tb_frame.f_globals["__name__"]
                if (execName is None or # python 2.4+, post-cleanup
                    execName == importName): # python 2.3, no cleanup
                    raise excType, excValue, excTraceback
                excTraceback = excTraceback.tb_next
            raise _NoModuleFound()
        # Necessary for cleaning up modules in 2.3.
        sys.modules.pop(importName, None)
Example #26
Source File:    From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def namedObject(name):
    """Get a fully named module-global object.
    classSplit = name.split('.')
    module = namedModule('.'.join(classSplit[:-1]))
    return getattr(module, classSplit[-1]) 
Example #27
Source File:    From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def namedModule(name):
    """Return a module given its name."""
    topLevel = __import__(name)
    packages = name.split(".")[1:]
    m = topLevel
    for p in packages:
        m = getattr(m, p)
    return m 
Example #28
Source File:    From python-for-android with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def getcurrent(clazz):
    assert type(clazz) == types.ClassType, 'must be a class...'
    module = namedModule(clazz.__module__)
    currclass = getattr(module, clazz.__name__, None)
    if currclass is None:
        return clazz
    return currclass 
Example #29
Source File:    From spitfire with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def load_module_from_src(src_code, filename, module_name):
    module = new.module(module_name)
    sys.modules[module_name] = module

    bytecode = compile(src_code, filename, 'exec')
    exec bytecode in module.__dict__
    return module

# convert and extends path to a file path 
Example #30
Source File:    From spitfire with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def parse_template(src_text, xspt_mode=False):
    if xspt_mode:
        # Note: The compiler module is imported here to avoid a circular
        # dependency.
        from spitfire.compiler import xhtml2ast
        xspt_parser = xhtml2ast.XHTML2AST()
        return xspt_parser.parse(src_text)
        return parse(src_text)