Python bokeh.models.widgets.Div() Examples
The following are 12
code examples of bokeh.models.widgets.Div().
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Example #1
Source File: From flight_review with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def show_exception_page(): """ show an error page in case of an unknown/unhandled exception """ title = 'Internal Error' error_message = ('<h3>Internal Server Error</h3>' '<p>Please open an issue on <a ' 'href="" target="_blank">' '</a> with a link ' 'to this log.') div = Div(text=error_message, width=int(plot_width*0.9)) plots = [widgetbox(div, width=int(plot_width*0.9))] curdoc().template_variables['internal_error'] = True return (title, error_message, plots) # check which plots to show
Example #2
Source File: From parambokeh with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _update_trait(self, p_name, p_value, widget=None): widget = self._widgets[p_name] if widget is None else widget if isinstance(p_value, tuple): p_value, size = p_value if isinstance(widget, Div): widget.text = p_value else: if widget.children: widget.children.remove(widget.children[0]) widget.children.append(p_value)
Example #3
Source File: From estimagic with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _setup_tabs(sec_to_elements): """Create tabs for each section in sec_to_elements with titles. Args: sec_to_elements (dict): A nested dictionary. The first level keys will be the sections ("running", "succeeded", "failed", "scheduled"). The second level keys are the database names and the second level values a list consisting of the link to the dashboard and a button to activate tha dashboard. Returns: tabs (bokeh.models.Tabs): a tab for every section in sec_to_elements. """ tab_list = [] for section, name_to_row in sec_to_elements.items(): text = f"{len(name_to_row.column_names)} optimizations {section}" table_rows = [Row(Div(text=text, width=400), name=f"{section}_how_many")] for name, row in table_rows.append(Row(*row, name=name)) panel = Panel( child=Column(*table_rows, name=f"{section}_col"), title=section.capitalize(), name=f"{section}_panel", ) tab_list.append(panel) tabs = Tabs(tabs=tab_list, name="tabs") return tabs
Example #4
Source File: From estimagic with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def create_dashboard_link(name): """Create a link refering to *name*'s monitoring app. Args: name (str): Uniqe name of the database. Returns: div (bokeh.models.widgets.Div): Link to the database's monitoring page. """ div_name = f"link_{name}" open_in_new_tab = r'target="_blank"' text = f"<a href=./{name} {open_in_new_tab}> {name}!</a>" div = Div(text=text, name=div_name, width=400) return div
Example #5
Source File: From backtrader_plotting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def generate_model(self, figurepage_idx: int = 0) -> Model: """Returns a model generated from internal blueprints""" if figurepage_idx >= len(self.figurepages): raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot generate model for FigurePage with index {figurepage_idx} as there are only {len(self.figurepages)}.') figurepage = self.figurepages[figurepage_idx] if not self._is_optreturn: tabs = self.generate_model_tabs(figurepage) else: tabs = [] # now append analyzer tab(s) analyzers = figurepage.analyzers panel_analyzer = self.get_analyzer_panel(analyzers) if panel_analyzer is not None: tabs.append(panel_analyzer) # append meta tab if not self._is_optreturn: assert figurepage.strategy is not None meta = Div(text=metadata.get_metadata_div(figurepage.strategy)) metapanel = Panel(child=meta, title="Meta") tabs.append(metapanel) model = Tabs(tabs=tabs) # attach the model to the underlying figure for later reference (e.g. unit test) figurepage.model = model return model
Example #6
Source File: From backtrader_plotting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, doc: Document, push_fnc, bokeh_fac: callable, push_data_fnc:callable, strategy: bt.Strategy, figurepage_idx: int = 0, lookback: int = 20): self._slider_aspectratio = None self._push_data_fnc = push_data_fnc self._push_fnc = push_fnc self._figurepage_idx = figurepage_idx self.last_data_index = -1 self._lookback = lookback self._strategy = strategy self._current_group = None self.document = doc self._bokeh_fac = bokeh_fac self._bokeh = None bokeh = self._bokeh_fac() # temporary bokeh object to get tradingdomains and scheme self._scheme = copy(bokeh.p.scheme) # preserve original scheme as originally provided by the user tradingdomains = bokeh.list_tradingdomains(strategy) self._current_group = tradingdomains[0] self._select_tradingdomain = Select(value=self._current_group, options=tradingdomains) self._select_tradingdomain.on_change('value', self._on_select_group) btn_refresh_analyzers = Button(label='Refresh Analyzers', width=100) btn_refresh_analyzers.on_click(self._on_click_refresh_analyzers) td_label = Div(text="Trading Domain:", margin=(9, 5, 15, 5)) controls = row(children=[td_label, self._select_tradingdomain, btn_refresh_analyzers]) self.model = column(children=[controls, Tabs(tabs=[])], sizing_mode=self._scheme.plot_sizing_mode) # append meta tab meta = Div(text=metadata.get_metadata_div(strategy)) self._panel_metadata = Panel(child=meta, title="Meta") self._refreshmodel()
Example #7
Source File: From backtrader_plotting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_config_panel(self): def on_change_checkbox(vals): for i, f in enumerate(self._bokeh.figurepages[0].figure_envs): if i > 1: continue f.figure.visible = i in vals self._slider_aspectratio = Slider(value=self._scheme.plotaspectratio, start=0.1, end=10.0, step=0.1) button = Button(label="Save", button_type="success") button.on_click(self.on_button_save_config) r1 = row(children=[Div(text='Aspect Ratio', margin=(15, 10, 0, 10)), self._slider_aspectratio]) return Panel(child=column(children=[r1, button]), title='Config')
Example #8
Source File: From flight_review with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def get_logged_messages(logged_messages, plot_width): """ get a bokeh widgetbox object with a table of the logged text messages :param logged_messages: ulog.logged_messages """ log_times = [] log_levels = [] log_messages = [] for m in logged_messages: m1, s1 = divmod(int(m.timestamp/1e6), 60) h1, m1 = divmod(m1, 60) log_times.append("{:d}:{:02d}:{:02d}".format(h1, m1, s1)) log_levels.append(m.log_level_str()) log_messages.append(m.message) log_data = dict( times=log_times, levels=log_levels, messages=log_messages) source = ColumnDataSource(log_data) columns = [ TableColumn(field="times", title="Time", width=int(plot_width*0.15), sortable=False), TableColumn(field="levels", title="Level", width=int(plot_width*0.1), sortable=False), TableColumn(field="messages", title="Message", width=int(plot_width*0.75), sortable=False), ] data_table = DataTable(source=source, columns=columns, width=plot_width, height=300, sortable=False, selectable=False) div = Div(text="""<b>Logged Messages</b>""", width=int(plot_width/2)) return widgetbox(div, data_table, width=plot_width)
Example #9
Source File: From holoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def compute_plot_size(plot): """ Computes the size of bokeh models that make up a layout such as figures, rows, columns, widgetboxes and Plot. """ if isinstance(plot, GridBox): ndmapping = NdMapping({(x, y): fig for fig, y, x in plot.children}, kdims=['x', 'y']) cols = ndmapping.groupby('x') rows = ndmapping.groupby('y') width = sum([max([compute_plot_size(f)[0] for f in col]) for col in cols]) height = sum([max([compute_plot_size(f)[1] for f in row]) for row in rows]) return width, height elif isinstance(plot, (Div, ToolbarBox)): # Cannot compute size for Div or ToolbarBox return 0, 0 elif isinstance(plot, (Row, Column, WidgetBox, Tabs)): if not plot.children: return 0, 0 if isinstance(plot, Row) or (isinstance(plot, ToolbarBox) and plot.toolbar_location not in ['right', 'left']): w_agg, h_agg = (np.sum, np.max) elif isinstance(plot, Tabs): w_agg, h_agg = (np.max, np.max) else: w_agg, h_agg = (np.max, np.sum) widths, heights = zip(*[compute_plot_size(child) for child in plot.children]) return w_agg(widths), h_agg(heights) elif isinstance(plot, (Figure, Chart)): if plot.plot_width: width = plot.plot_width else: width = plot.frame_width + plot.min_border_right + plot.min_border_left if plot.plot_height: height = plot.plot_height else: height = plot.frame_height + plot.min_border_bottom + plot.min_border_top return width, height elif isinstance(plot, (Plot, DataTable, Spacer)): return plot.width, plot.height else: return 0, 0
Example #10
Source File: From holoviews with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def pad_width(model, table_padding=0.85, tabs_padding=1.2): """ Computes the width of a model and sets up appropriate padding for Tabs and DataTable types. """ if isinstance(model, Row): vals = [pad_width(child) for child in model.children] width = np.max([v for v in vals if v is not None]) elif isinstance(model, Column): vals = [pad_width(child) for child in model.children] width = np.sum([v for v in vals if v is not None]) elif isinstance(model, Tabs): vals = [pad_width(t) for t in model.tabs] width = np.max([v for v in vals if v is not None]) for model in model.tabs: model.width = width width = int(tabs_padding*width) elif isinstance(model, DataTable): width = model.width model.width = int(table_padding*width) elif isinstance(model, (WidgetBox, Div)): width = model.width elif model: width = model.plot_width else: width = 0 return width
Example #11
Source File: From parambokeh with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def widgets(self): """Return name,widget boxes for all parameters (i.e., a property sheet)""" params = self.parameterized.params().items() key_fn = lambda x: x[1].precedence if x[1].precedence is not None else self.p.default_precedence sorted_precedence = sorted(params, key=key_fn) outputs = [k for k, p in sorted_precedence if isinstance(p, _View)] filtered = [(k,p) for (k,p) in sorted_precedence if ((p.precedence is None) or (p.precedence >= self.p.display_threshold)) and k not in outputs] groups = itertools.groupby(filtered, key=key_fn) sorted_groups = [sorted(grp) for (k,grp) in groups] ordered_params = [el[0] for group in sorted_groups for el in group] # Format name specially ordered_params.pop(ordered_params.index('name')) widgets = [Div(text='<b>{0}</b>'.format(] def format_name(pname): p = self.parameterized.params(pname) # omit name for buttons, which already show the name on the button name = "" if issubclass(type(p),param.Action) else pname return Div(text=name) if self.p.show_labels: widgets += [self.widget(pname) for pname in ordered_params] else: widgets += [self.widget(pname) for pname in ordered_params] if self.p.button and not (self.p.callback is None and self.p.next_n==0): display_button = Button(label=self.p.button_text) def click_cb(): # Execute and clear changes since last button press try: self.execute(self._changed) except Exception as e: self._changed.clear() raise e self._changed.clear() display_button.on_click(click_cb) widgets.append(display_button) outputs = [self.widget(pname) for pname in outputs] return widgets, outputs
Example #12
Source File: From CAVE with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 4 votes |
def _contour_radiobuttongroup(self, contour_data, color_mapper): """ Returns ------- radiobuttongroup: RadioButtonGroup radiobuttongroup widget to select one of the elements title: Div text-element to "show title" of widget """ labels = [l.replace('_', ' ') if l.startswith('budget') else l for l in contour_data.keys()] aliases = ['glyph' + str(i) for i in range(len(labels))] values = list(contour_data.values()) glyphs = [v[0] for v in values] mins = [v[1][0] for v in values] maxs = [v[1][1] for v in values] args = {name: glyph for name, glyph in zip(aliases, glyphs)} args['colormapper'] = color_mapper # Create javascript-code code = "var len_labels = " + str(len(aliases)) + "," code += "glyphs = [ " + ','.join(aliases) + '],' code += "mins = " + str(mins) + ',' code += "maxs = " + str(maxs) + ';' code += """ for (i = 0; i < len_labels; i++) { if ( === i) { // console.log('Setting to true: ' + i); glyphs[i].visible = true; colormapper.low = mins[i]; colormapper.high = maxs[i]; } else { // console.log('Setting to false: ' + i); glyphs[i].visible = false; } } """ # Create the actual checkbox-widget callback = CustomJS(args=args, code=code) radio = RadioButtonGroup(labels=labels, active=0, callback=callback) title = Div(text="Data used to estimate contour-plot") return radio, title