Python bokeh.models.widgets.Panel() Examples
The following are 7
code examples of bokeh.models.widgets.Panel().
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Example #1
Source File: From backtrader_plotting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def generate_model(self, figurepage_idx: int = 0) -> Model: """Returns a model generated from internal blueprints""" if figurepage_idx >= len(self.figurepages): raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot generate model for FigurePage with index {figurepage_idx} as there are only {len(self.figurepages)}.') figurepage = self.figurepages[figurepage_idx] if not self._is_optreturn: tabs = self.generate_model_tabs(figurepage) else: tabs = [] # now append analyzer tab(s) analyzers = figurepage.analyzers panel_analyzer = self.get_analyzer_panel(analyzers) if panel_analyzer is not None: tabs.append(panel_analyzer) # append meta tab if not self._is_optreturn: assert figurepage.strategy is not None meta = Div(text=metadata.get_metadata_div(figurepage.strategy)) metapanel = Panel(child=meta, title="Meta") tabs.append(metapanel) model = Tabs(tabs=tabs) # attach the model to the underlying figure for later reference (e.g. unit test) figurepage.model = model return model
Example #2
Source File: From backtrader_plotting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def _get_nodata_panel(self): chart_grid = gridplot([], toolbar_location=self.p.scheme.toolbar_location, toolbar_options={'logo': None}) return Panel(child=chart_grid, title="No Data")
Example #3
Source File: From backtrader_plotting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def get_analyzer_panel(self, analyzers: List[bt.Analyzer]) -> Optional[Panel]: if len(analyzers) == 0: return None table_width = int(self.p.scheme.analyzer_tab_width / self.p.scheme.analyzer_tab_num_cols) acolumns = [] for analyzer in analyzers: table_header, elements = self._tablegen.get_analyzers_tables(analyzer, table_width) acolumns.append(column([table_header] + elements)) childs = gridplot(acolumns, ncols=self.p.scheme.analyzer_tab_num_cols, toolbar_options={'logo': None}) return Panel(child=childs, title='Analyzers')
Example #4
Source File: From backtrader_plotting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def __init__(self, doc: Document, push_fnc, bokeh_fac: callable, push_data_fnc:callable, strategy: bt.Strategy, figurepage_idx: int = 0, lookback: int = 20): self._slider_aspectratio = None self._push_data_fnc = push_data_fnc self._push_fnc = push_fnc self._figurepage_idx = figurepage_idx self.last_data_index = -1 self._lookback = lookback self._strategy = strategy self._current_group = None self.document = doc self._bokeh_fac = bokeh_fac self._bokeh = None bokeh = self._bokeh_fac() # temporary bokeh object to get tradingdomains and scheme self._scheme = copy(bokeh.p.scheme) # preserve original scheme as originally provided by the user tradingdomains = bokeh.list_tradingdomains(strategy) self._current_group = tradingdomains[0] self._select_tradingdomain = Select(value=self._current_group, options=tradingdomains) self._select_tradingdomain.on_change('value', self._on_select_group) btn_refresh_analyzers = Button(label='Refresh Analyzers', width=100) btn_refresh_analyzers.on_click(self._on_click_refresh_analyzers) td_label = Div(text="Trading Domain:", margin=(9, 5, 15, 5)) controls = row(children=[td_label, self._select_tradingdomain, btn_refresh_analyzers]) self.model = column(children=[controls, Tabs(tabs=[])], sizing_mode=self._scheme.plot_sizing_mode) # append meta tab meta = Div(text=metadata.get_metadata_div(strategy)) self._panel_metadata = Panel(child=meta, title="Meta") self._refreshmodel()
Example #5
Source File: From gnomad_methods with MIT License | 5 votes |
def plot_hail_hist_both( hist_data: hl.Struct, title: str, normalize: bool = True, log: bool = False ): p1 = plot_hail_hist(hist_data, title, log) p2 = plot_hail_hist_cumulative( hist_data, f"{title} (Cumulative)", normalize, log=log ) return Tabs( tabs=[Panel(child=p1, title="Raw"), Panel(child=p2, title="Cumulative")] )
Example #6
Source File: From gnomad_methods with MIT License | 5 votes |
def linear_and_log_tabs(plot_func: Callable, **kwargs) -> Tabs: panels = [] for axis_type in ["linear", "log"]: fig = plot_func(**kwargs, axis_type=axis_type) panel = Panel(child=fig, title=axis_type) panels.append(panel) return Tabs(tabs=panels)
Example #7
Source File: From backtrader_plotting with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
def generate_model_tabs(self, fp: FigurePage, tradingdomain=None) -> List[Panel]: observers = [x for x in fp.figure_envs if isinstance(x.master, bt.Observer)] datas = [x for x in fp.figure_envs if isinstance(x.master, bt.DataBase)] inds = [x for x in fp.figure_envs if isinstance(x.master, bt.Indicator)] # now assign figures to tabs # 1. assign default tabs if no manual tab is assigned for figure in [x for x in datas if x.plottab is None]: figure.plottab = 'Plots' if self.is_tabs_single else 'Datas' for figure in [x for x in inds if x.plottab is None]: figure.plottab = 'Plots' if self.is_tabs_single else 'Indicators' for figure in [x for x in observers if x.plottab is None]: figure.plottab = 'Plots' if self.is_tabs_single else 'Observers' # 2. group panels by desired tabs # groupby expects the groups to be sorted or else will produce duplicated groups sorted_figs = list(itertools.chain(datas, inds, observers)) # 3. filter tradingdomains if tradingdomain is not None: filtered = [] for f in sorted_figs: lgs = f.get_tradingdomains() for lg in lgs: if lg is True or lg == tradingdomain: filtered.append(f) sorted_figs = filtered sorted_figs.sort(key=lambda x: x.plottab) tabgroups = itertools.groupby(sorted_figs, lambda x: x.plottab) panels = [] def build_panel(objects, panel_title): if len(objects) == 0: return Bokeh._sort_plotobjects(objects) g = gridplot([[x.figure] for x in objects], toolbar_options={'logo': None}, toolbar_location=self.p.scheme.toolbar_location, sizing_mode=self.p.scheme.plot_sizing_mode, ) panels.append(Panel(title=panel_title, child=g)) for tabname, figures in tabgroups: build_panel(list(figures), tabname) return panels # endregion