Python mxnet.autograd.pause() Examples

The following are 26 code examples of mxnet.autograd.pause(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module mxnet.autograd , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From cascade_rcnn_gluon with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def hybrid_forward(self, F, x, gamma, beta, running_mean, running_var):
        """Hybrid forward"""
        if not autograd.is_training():
            return F.BatchNorm(x, gamma, beta, running_mean, running_var, name='fwd',
        isum, isqu = F.SumSquare(x)
        #isum = x.sum(axis=1, exclude=True)
        #isqu = (x**2).sum(axis=1, exclude=True)
        N = self.ndevices * x.shape[0] * x.shape[2] * x.shape[3]
        allreduce = AllReduce(self._prefix)
        osum, osqu = allreduce(isum, isqu)
        # calc mean and std
        mean = osum / N
        sumvar = osqu - osum * osum / N
        bias_var = sumvar / N
        std = F.sqrt(F.maximum(bias_var, self.eps))
        # update running mean and var
        with autograd.pause():
            unbias_var = sumvar / (N - 1)
            self.updater(self.running_mean, self.running_var, mean, unbias_var,
                         self.momentum, x.context)
        # update running mean and var
        output = F.DecoupleBatchNorm(x, gamma, beta, mean, std)
        return output 
Example #2
Source File:    From MXFusion with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def compute(self, F, variables):
        has_mean = self.model.F.factor.has_mean
        X = variables[self.model.X]
        Y = variables[self.model.Y]
        noise_var = variables[self.model.noise_var]
        D = Y.shape[-1]
        N = X.shape[-2]
        kern = self.model.kernel
        kern_params = kern.fetch_parameters(variables)

        X, Y, noise_var, kern_params = arrays_as_samples(
            F, [X, Y, noise_var, kern_params])

        K = kern.K(F, X, **kern_params) + \
            F.expand_dims(F.eye(N, dtype=X.dtype), axis=0) * \
            F.expand_dims(noise_var, axis=-2)
        if self.jitter > 0.:
            K = K + F.expand_dims(F.eye(N, dtype=X.dtype), axis=0) * \
        L = F.linalg.potrf(K)

        if has_mean:
            mean = variables[self.model.mean]
            Y = Y - mean
        LinvY = F.linalg.trsm(L, Y)
        logdet_l = F.linalg.sumlogdiag(F.abs(L))
        tmp = F.sum(F.reshape(F.square(LinvY) + np.log(2. * np.pi),
                              shape=(Y.shape[0], -1)), axis=-1)
        logL = - logdet_l * D - tmp/2

        with autograd.pause():
            self.set_parameter(variables, self.posterior.X, X[0])
            self.set_parameter(variables, self.posterior.L, L[0])
            self.set_parameter(variables, self.posterior.LinvY, LinvY[0])
        return logL 
Example #3
Source File:    From gluon-ts with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def sample(
        self, num_samples: Optional[int] = None, dtype=np.float32
    ) -> Tensor:
        Draw samples from the distribution.

        If num_samples is given the first dimension of the output will be

            Number of samples to to be drawn.
            Data-type of the samples.

            A tensor containing samples. This has shape
            `(*batch_shape, *eval_shape)` if `num_samples = None`
            and  `(num_samples, *batch_shape, *eval_shape)` otherwise.
        with autograd.pause():
            var = self.sample_rep(num_samples=num_samples, dtype=dtype)
            F = getF(var)
            return F.BlockGrad(var) 
Example #4
Source File:    From gluon-ts with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def sample(
        self, num_samples: Optional[int] = None, dtype=np.float32
    ) -> Tensor:
        with autograd.pause():
            s = self.base_distribution.sample(
                num_samples=num_samples, dtype=dtype
            for t in self.transforms:
                s = t.f(s)
            return s 
Example #5
Source File:    From cascade_rcnn_gluon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, roi, samples, matches, gt_label, gt_box):
        """Components can handle batch images
        roi: (B, N, 4), input proposals
        samples: (B, N), value +1: positive / -1: negative.
        matches: (B, N), value [0, M), index to gt_label and gt_box.
        gt_label: (B, M), value [0, num_class), excluding background class.
        gt_box: (B, M, 4), input ground truth box corner coordinates.
        cls_target: (B, N), value [0, num_class + 1), including background.
        box_target: (B, N, C, 4), only foreground class has nonzero target.
        box_weight: (B, N, C, 4), only foreground class has nonzero weight.
        with autograd.pause():
            # cls_target (B, N)
            cls_target = self._cls_encoder(samples, matches, gt_label)
            # box_target, box_weight (C, B, N, 4)
            box_target, box_mask = self._box_encoder(
                samples, matches, roi, gt_box)
            # modify shapes to match predictions
            # box (C, B, N, 4) -> (B, N, C, 4)
            #print("cls_target:{} box_target:{} box_mask:{}".format(cls_target.shape,box_target.shape,box_mask.shape))
            #cls_target = cls_target
            box_target = box_target.expand_dims(axis=2)
            box_mask = box_mask.expand_dims(axis=2)
        return cls_target, box_target, box_mask 
Example #6
Source File:    From cascade_rcnn_gluon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def add_batchid(self, F, bbox):
        num_roi = self._num_sample if autograd.is_training() else self._rpn_test_post_nms
        with autograd.pause():
            roi_batchid = F.arange(0, self._max_batch, repeat=num_roi)
            # remove batch dim because ROIPooling require 2d input
            roi = F.concat(*[roi_batchid.reshape((-1, 1)), bbox.reshape((-1, 4))], dim=-1)
            roi = F.stop_gradient(roi)
            return roi 
Example #7
Source File:    From cascade_rcnn_gluon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, roi, samples, matches, gt_label, gt_box):
        """Components can handle batch images
        roi: (B, N, 4), input proposals
        samples: (B, N), value +1: positive / -1: negative.
        matches: (B, N), value [0, M), index to gt_label and gt_box.
        gt_label: (B, M), value [0, num_class), excluding background class.
        gt_box: (B, M, 4), input ground truth box corner coordinates.
        cls_target: (B, N), value [0, num_class + 1), including background.
        box_target: (B, N, C, 4), only foreground class has nonzero target.
        box_weight: (B, N, C, 4), only foreground class has nonzero weight.
        with autograd.pause():
            # cls_target (B, N)
            cls_target = self._cls_encoder(samples, matches, gt_label)
            # box_target, box_weight (C, B, N, 4)
            box_target, box_mask = self._box_encoder(
                samples, matches, roi, gt_box)
            # modify shapes to match predictions
            # box (C, B, N, 4) -> (B, N, C, 4)
            #print("cls_target:{} box_target:{} box_mask:{}".format(cls_target.shape,box_target.shape,box_mask.shape))
            #cls_target = cls_target
            box_target = box_target.expand_dims(axis=2)
            box_mask = box_mask.expand_dims(axis=2)
        return cls_target, box_target, box_mask 
Example #8
Source File:    From cascade_rcnn_gluon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, roi):
        F = mx.nd
        with autograd.pause():
            for i in range(self._rpn_train_pre_nms):
                if  roi[0,i,0] == -1:
                #rpn_index = F.Custom(roi, op_type='clip_rpn_box')
            roi = roi.slice_axis(axis=1, begin=0, end=i)
        return roi 
Example #9
Source File:    From cascade_rcnn_gluon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def add_batchid(self, F, bbox):
        num_roi = self._num_sample if autograd.is_training() else self._rpn_test_post_nms
        with autograd.pause():
            roi_batchid = F.arange(0, self._max_batch, repeat=num_roi)
            # remove batch dim because ROIPooling require 2d input
            roi = F.concat(*[roi_batchid.reshape((-1, 1)), bbox.reshape((-1, 4))], dim=-1)
            roi = F.stop_gradient(roi)
            return roi 
Example #10
Source File:    From cascade_rcnn_gluon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def decode_bbox(self, source_bbox, encoded_bbox, stds):
        with autograd.pause():
            box_decoder = NormalizedBoxCenterDecoder(stds=stds)
            roi = box_decoder(encoded_bbox, self.box_to_center(source_bbox))
            #roi = roi.reshape((1,-1, 4))
            return roi

    # pylint: disable=arguments-differ 
Example #11
Source File:    From cascade_rcnn_gluon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def add_batchid(self, F, bbox):
        num_roi = self._num_sample if autograd.is_training() else self._rpn_test_post_nms
        with autograd.pause():
            roi_batchid = F.arange(0, self._max_batch, repeat=num_roi)
            # remove batch dim because ROIPooling require 2d input
            roi = F.concat(*[roi_batchid.reshape((-1, 1)), bbox.reshape((-1, 4))], dim=-1)
            roi = F.stop_gradient(roi)
            return roi 
Example #12
Source File:    From cascade_rcnn_gluon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def hybrid_forward(self, F, box_preds, gt_boxes):
        """Short summary.

        F : mxnet.nd or mxnet.sym
            `F` is mxnet.sym if hybridized or mxnet.nd if not.
        box_preds : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Predicted bounding boxes.
        gt_boxes : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Ground-truth bounding boxes.

        (tuple of) mxnet.nd.NDArray
            objectness: 0 for negative, 1 for positive, -1 for ignore.
            center_targets: regression target for center x and y.
            scale_targets: regression target for scale x and y.
            weights: element-wise gradient weights for center_targets and scale_targets.
            class_targets: a one-hot vector for classification.

        with autograd.pause():
            box_preds = box_preds.reshape((0, -1, 4))
            objness_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=1))
            center_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=2))
            scale_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=2))
            weight_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=2))
            class_t = F.ones_like(objness_t.tile(reps=(self._num_class))) * -1
            batch_ious = self._batch_iou(box_preds, gt_boxes)  # (B, N, M)
            ious_max = batch_ious.max(axis=-1, keepdims=True)  # (B, N, 1)
            objness_t = (ious_max > self._ignore_iou_thresh) * -1  # use -1 for ignored
        return objness_t, center_t, scale_t, weight_t, class_t 
Example #13
Source File:    From gluon-cv with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def hybrid_forward(self, F, box_preds, gt_boxes):
        """Short summary.

        F : mxnet.nd or mxnet.sym
            `F` is mxnet.sym if hybridized or mxnet.nd if not.
        box_preds : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Predicted bounding boxes.
        gt_boxes : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Ground-truth bounding boxes.

        (tuple of) mxnet.nd.NDArray
            objectness: 0 for negative, 1 for positive, -1 for ignore.
            center_targets: regression target for center x and y.
            scale_targets: regression target for scale x and y.
            weights: element-wise gradient weights for center_targets and scale_targets.
            class_targets: a one-hot vector for classification.

        with autograd.pause():
            box_preds = box_preds.reshape((0, -1, 4))
            objness_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=1))
            center_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=2))
            scale_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=2))
            weight_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=2))
            class_t = F.ones_like(objness_t.tile(reps=(self._num_class))) * -1
            batch_ious = self._batch_iou(box_preds, gt_boxes)  # (B, N, M)
            ious_max = batch_ious.max(axis=-1, keepdims=True)  # (B, N, 1)
            objness_t = (ious_max > self._ignore_iou_thresh) * -1  # use -1 for ignored
        return objness_t, center_t, scale_t, weight_t, class_t 
Example #14
Source File:    From MXFusion with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def hybrid_forward(self, F, x, *args, **kw):
        This function does all the pre-processes and post-processes for the execution of a InferenceAlgorithm.

        :param F: the MXNet computation mode
        :type F: mxnet.symbol or mxnet.ndarray
        :param x: a dummy variable to enable the execution of this Gluon block
        :type x: MXNet NDArray or MXNet Symbol
        :param *arg: all the positional arguments, which correspond to the data provided to the InferenceAlgorithm.
        :type *arg: list of MXNet NDArray or MXNet Symbol
        :param **kw: all the keyword arguments, which correspond to the parameters that may require gradients.
        :type kw: {str(UUID): MXNet NDArray or MXNet Symbol}
        :returns: the outcome of the InferenceAlgorithm that are determined by the inference algorithm.
        :rtypes: {str: MXNet NDArray or MXNet Symbol}
        for to_uuid, from_uuid in self._var_ties.items():
            kw[to_uuid] = kw[from_uuid]
        data = {k: v for k, v in zip(self._data_def, args)}
        variables = add_sample_dimension_to_arrays(F, data)
        for k, v in self._var_trans.items():
            kw[k] = v.transform(kw[k], F=F)
        add_sample_dimension_to_arrays(F, kw, out=variables)
        add_sample_dimension_to_arrays(F, self._constants, out=variables)
        obj = self._infr_method.compute(F=F, variables=variables)
        with autograd.pause():
            # An inference algorithm may directly set the value of a parameter instead of computing its gradient.
            # This part handles the setting of parameters.
            for k, v in variables.items():
                if k.startswith(SET_PARAMETER_PREFIX):
                    self._infr_params[v[0]] = v[1]
        return obj 
Example #15
Source File:    From panoptic-fpn-gluon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, roi, samples, matches, gt_label, gt_box):
        """Components can handle batch images

        roi: (B, N, 4), input proposals
        samples: (B, N), value +1: positive / -1: negative.
        matches: (B, N), value [0, M), index to gt_label and gt_box.
        gt_label: (B, M), value [0, num_class), excluding background class.
        gt_box: (B, M, 4), input ground truth box corner coordinates.

        cls_target: (B, N), value [0, num_class + 1), including background.
        box_target: (B, N, C, 4), only foreground class has nonzero target.
        box_weight: (B, N, C, 4), only foreground class has nonzero weight.

        with autograd.pause():
            # cls_target (B, N)
            cls_target = self._cls_encoder(samples, matches, gt_label)
            # box_target, box_weight (C, B, N, 4)
            box_target, box_mask = self._box_encoder(
                samples, matches, roi, gt_label, gt_box)
            # modify shapes to match predictions
            # box (C, B, N, 4) -> (B, N, C, 4)
            box_target = box_target.transpose((1, 2, 0, 3))
            box_mask = box_mask.transpose((1, 2, 0, 3))
        return cls_target, box_target, box_mask 
Example #16
Source File:    From panoptic-fpn-gluon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, bbox, anchor, width, height):
        RPNTargetGenerator is only used in data transform with no batch dimension.
        Be careful there's numpy operations inside

        bbox: (M, 4) ground truth boxes with corner encoding.
        anchor: (N, 4) anchor boxes with corner encoding.
        width: int width of input image
        height: int height of input image

        cls_target: (N,) value +1: pos, 0: neg, -1: ignore
        box_target: (N, 4) only anchors whose cls_target > 0 has nonzero box target
        box_mask: (N, 4) only anchors whose cls_target > 0 has nonzero mask

        with autograd.pause():
            # calculate ious between (N, 4) anchors and (M, 4) bbox ground-truths
            # ious is (N, M)
            ious = mx.nd.contrib.box_iou(anchor, bbox, format='corner').asnumpy()

            # mask out invalid anchors, (N, 4)
            a_xmin, a_ymin, a_xmax, a_ymax = mx.nd.split(anchor, 4, axis=-1)
            invalid_mask = (a_xmin < 0) + (a_ymin < 0) + (a_xmax >= width) + (a_ymax >= height)
            ious = np.where(invalid_mask.asnumpy(), -1.0, ious)
            samples, matches = self._sampler(ious)

            # training targets for RPN
            cls_target, _ = self._cls_encoder(samples)
            box_target, box_mask = self._box_encoder(
                np.expand_dims(samples, axis=0), np.expand_dims(matches, axis=0),
                np.expand_dims(anchor.asnumpy(), axis=0), np.expand_dims(bbox.asnumpy(), axis=0))
        return mx.nd.array(cls_target, ctx=bbox.context), \
               mx.nd.array(box_target[0], ctx=bbox.context), \
               mx.nd.array(box_mask[0], ctx=bbox.context) 
Example #17
Source File:    From panoptic-fpn-gluon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def hybrid_forward(self, F, anchor, score, bbox_pred, img):
        Generate proposals. Limit to batch-size=1 in current implementation.
        with autograd.pause():
            # restore bounding boxes
            roi = self._box_decoder(bbox_pred, self._box_to_center(anchor))

            # clip rois to image's boundary
            # roi = F.Custom(roi, img, op_type='bbox_clip_to_image')
            roi = self._clipper(roi, img)

            # remove bounding boxes that don't meet the min_size constraint
            # by setting them to (-1, -1, -1, -1)
            # width = roi.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=2, end=3)
            # height = roi.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=3, end=None)
            xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = roi.split(axis=-1, num_outputs=4)
            width = xmax - xmin
            height = ymax - ymin
            # TODO:(zhreshold), there's im_ratio to handle here, but it requires
            # add' info, and we don't expect big difference
            invalid = (width < self._min_size) + (height < self._min_size)

            # # remove out of bound anchors
            # axmin, aymin, axmax, aymax = F.split(anchor, axis=-1, num_outputs=4)
            # # it's a bit tricky to get right/bottom boundary in hybridblock
            # wrange = F.arange(0, 2560).reshape((1, 1, 1, 2560)).slice_like(
            #    img, axes=(3)).max().reshape((1, 1, 1))
            # hrange = F.arange(0, 2560).reshape((1, 1, 2560, 1)).slice_like(
            #    img, axes=(2)).max().reshape((1, 1, 1))
            # invalid = (axmin < 0) + (aymin < 0) + F.broadcast_greater(axmax, wrange) + \
            #    F.broadcast_greater(aymax, hrange)
            # avoid invalid anchors suppress anchors with 0 confidence
            score = F.where(invalid, F.ones_like(invalid) * -1, score)
            invalid = F.repeat(invalid, axis=-1, repeats=4)
            roi = F.where(invalid, F.ones_like(invalid) * -1, roi)

            pre = F.concat(score, roi, dim=-1)
            return pre 
Example #18
Source File:    From panoptic-fpn-gluon with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def hybrid_forward(self, F, box_preds, gt_boxes):
        """Short summary.

        F : mxnet.nd or mxnet.sym
            `F` is mxnet.sym if hybridized or mxnet.nd if not.
        box_preds : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Predicted bounding boxes.
        gt_boxes : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Ground-truth bounding boxes.

        (tuple of) mxnet.nd.NDArray
            objectness: 0 for negative, 1 for positive, -1 for ignore.
            center_targets: regression target for center x and y.
            scale_targets: regression target for scale x and y.
            weights: element-wise gradient weights for center_targets and scale_targets.
            class_targets: a one-hot vector for classification.

        with autograd.pause():
            box_preds = box_preds.reshape((0, -1, 4))
            objness_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=1))
            center_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=2))
            scale_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=2))
            weight_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=2))
            class_t = F.ones_like(objness_t.tile(reps=(self._num_class))) * -1
            batch_ious = self._batch_iou(box_preds, gt_boxes)  # (B, N, M)
            ious_max = batch_ious.max(axis=-1, keepdims=True)  # (B, N, 1)
            objness_t = (ious_max > self._ignore_iou_thresh) * -1  # use -1 for ignored
        return objness_t, center_t, scale_t, weight_t, class_t 
Example #19
Source File:    From MobileFace with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def hybrid_forward(self, F, box_preds, gt_boxes):
        """Short summary.

        F : mxnet.nd or mxnet.sym
            `F` is mxnet.sym if hybridized or mxnet.nd if not.
        box_preds : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Predicted bounding boxes.
        gt_boxes : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Ground-truth bounding boxes.

        (tuple of) mxnet.nd.NDArray
            objectness: 0 for negative, 1 for positive, -1 for ignore.
            center_targets: regression target for center x and y.
            scale_targets: regression target for scale x and y.
            weights: element-wise gradient weights for center_targets and scale_targets.
            class_targets: a one-hot vector for classification.

        with autograd.pause():
            box_preds = box_preds.reshape((0, -1, 4))
            objness_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=1))
            center_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=2))
            scale_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=2))
            weight_t = F.zeros_like(box_preds.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=0, end=2))
            class_t = F.ones_like(objness_t.tile(reps=(self._num_class))) * -1
            batch_ious = self._batch_iou(box_preds, gt_boxes)  # (B, N, M)
            ious_max = batch_ious.max(axis=-1, keepdims=True)  # (B, N, 1)
            objness_t = (ious_max > self._ignore_iou_thresh) * -1  # use -1 for ignored
        return objness_t, center_t, scale_t, weight_t, class_t 
Example #20
Source File:    From gluon-cv with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def hybrid_forward(self, F, roi, samples, matches, gt_label, gt_box):
        """Components can handle batch images

        roi: (B, N, 4), input proposals
        samples: (B, N), value +1: positive / -1: negative.
        matches: (B, N), value [0, M), index to gt_label and gt_box.
        gt_label: (B, M), value [0, num_class), excluding background class.
        gt_box: (B, M, 4), input ground truth box corner coordinates.

        cls_target: (B, N), value [0, num_class + 1), including background.
        box_target: (B, N, C, 4), only foreground class has nonzero target.
        box_weight: (B, N, C, 4), only foreground class has nonzero weight.

        with autograd.pause():
            # cls_target (B, N)
            cls_target = self._cls_encoder(samples, matches, gt_label)
            # box_target, box_weight (C, B, N, 4)
            box_target, box_mask, indices = self._box_encoder(samples, matches, roi, gt_label,

        return cls_target, box_target, box_mask, indices 
Example #21
Source File:    From gluon-cv with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, bbox, anchor, width, height):
        RPNTargetGenerator is only used in data transform with no batch dimension.
        Be careful there's numpy operations inside

        bbox: (M, 4) ground truth boxes with corner encoding.
        anchor: (N, 4) anchor boxes with corner encoding.
        width: int width of input image
        height: int height of input image

        cls_target: (N,) value +1: pos, 0: neg, -1: ignore
        box_target: (N, 4) only anchors whose cls_target > 0 has nonzero box target
        box_mask: (N, 4) only anchors whose cls_target > 0 has nonzero mask

        with autograd.pause():
            # calculate ious between (N, 4) anchors and (M, 4) bbox ground-truths
            # ious is (N, M)
            ious = mx.nd.contrib.box_iou(anchor, bbox, format='corner').asnumpy()

            # mask out invalid anchors, (N, 4)
            a_xmin, a_ymin, a_xmax, a_ymax = mx.nd.split(anchor, 4, axis=-1)
            invalid_mask = (a_xmin < 0) + (a_ymin < 0) + (a_xmax >= width) + (a_ymax >= height)
            ious = np.where(invalid_mask.asnumpy(), -1.0, ious)
            samples, matches = self._sampler(ious)

            # training targets for RPN
            cls_target, _ = self._cls_encoder(samples)
            box_target, box_mask = self._box_encoder(
                np.expand_dims(samples, axis=0), np.expand_dims(matches, axis=0),
                np.expand_dims(anchor.asnumpy(), axis=0), np.expand_dims(bbox.asnumpy(), axis=0))
        return cls_target, box_target[0], box_mask[0] 
Example #22
Source File:    From gluon-cv with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def hybrid_forward(self, F, anchor, score, bbox_pred, img):
        Generate proposals.
        with autograd.pause():
            # restore bounding boxes
            roi = self._box_decoder(bbox_pred, anchor)

            # clip rois to image's boundary
            # roi = F.Custom(roi, img, op_type='bbox_clip_to_image')
            roi = self._clipper(roi, img)

            # remove bounding boxes that don't meet the min_size constraint
            # by setting them to (-1, -1, -1, -1)
            # width = roi.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=2, end=3)
            # height = roi.slice_axis(axis=-1, begin=3, end=None)
            xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax = roi.split(axis=-1, num_outputs=4)
            width = xmax - xmin + 1.0
            height = ymax - ymin + 1.0
            # TODO:(zhreshold), there's im_ratio to handle here, but it requires
            # add' info, and we don't expect big difference
            invalid = (width < self._min_size) + (height < self._min_size)

            # # remove out of bound anchors
            # axmin, aymin, axmax, aymax = F.split(anchor, axis=-1, num_outputs=4)
            # # it's a bit tricky to get right/bottom boundary in hybridblock
            # wrange = F.arange(0, 2560).reshape((1, 1, 1, 2560)).slice_like(
            #    img, axes=(3)).max().reshape((1, 1, 1))
            # hrange = F.arange(0, 2560).reshape((1, 1, 2560, 1)).slice_like(
            #    img, axes=(2)).max().reshape((1, 1, 1))
            # invalid = (axmin < 0) + (aymin < 0) + F.broadcast_greater(axmax, wrange) + \
            #    F.broadcast_greater(aymax, hrange)
            # avoid invalid anchors suppress anchors with 0 confidence
            score = F.where(invalid, F.ones_like(invalid) * -1, score)
            invalid = F.broadcast_axes(invalid, axis=2, size=4)
            roi = F.where(invalid, F.ones_like(invalid) * -1, roi)

            pre = F.concat(score, roi, dim=-1)
            return pre 
Example #23
Source File:    From cascade_rcnn_gluon with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def hybrid_forward(self, F, box_preds, gt_boxes, obj_t, centers_t, scales_t, weights_t, clas_t):
        """Short summary.

        F : mxnet.nd or mxnet.sym
            `F` is mxnet.sym if hybridized or mxnet.nd if not.
        box_preds : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Predicted bounding boxes.
        gt_boxes : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Ground-truth bounding boxes.
        obj_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched Objectness targets.
        centers_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched regression target for center x and y.
        scales_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched regression target for scale x and y.
        weights_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched element-wise gradient weights for center_targets and scale_targets.
        clas_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched one-hot vector for classification.

        (tuple of) mxnet.nd.NDArray
            objectness: 0 for negative, 1 for positive, -1 for ignore.
            center_targets: regression target for center x and y.
            scale_targets: regression target for scale x and y.
            weights: element-wise gradient weights for center_targets and scale_targets.
            class_targets: a one-hot vector for classification.

        with autograd.pause():
            dynamic_t = self._dynamic_target(box_preds, gt_boxes)
            # use fixed target to override dynamic targets
            obj, centers, scales, weights, clas = zip(
                dynamic_t, [obj_t, centers_t, scales_t, weights_t, clas_t])
            mask = obj[1] > 0
            objectness = F.where(mask, obj[1], obj[0])
            mask2 = mask.tile(reps=(2,))
            center_targets = F.where(mask2, centers[1], centers[0])
            scale_targets = F.where(mask2, scales[1], scales[0])
            weights = F.where(mask2, weights[1], weights[0])
            mask3 = mask.tile(reps=(self._num_class,))
            class_targets = F.where(mask3, clas[1], clas[0])
            smooth_weight = 1. / self._num_class
            if self._label_smooth:
                smooth_weight = 1. / self._num_class
                class_targets = F.where(
                    class_targets > 0.5, class_targets - smooth_weight, class_targets)
                class_targets = F.where(
                    class_targets < -0.5, class_targets, F.ones_like(class_targets) * smooth_weight)
            class_mask = mask.tile(reps=(self._num_class,)) * (class_targets >= 0)
            return [F.stop_gradient(x) for x in [objectness, center_targets, scale_targets,
                                                 weights, class_targets, class_mask]] 
Example #24
Source File:    From panoptic-fpn-gluon with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def hybrid_forward(self, F, box_preds, gt_boxes, obj_t, centers_t, scales_t, weights_t, clas_t):
        """Short summary.

        F : mxnet.nd or mxnet.sym
            `F` is mxnet.sym if hybridized or mxnet.nd if not.
        box_preds : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Predicted bounding boxes.
        gt_boxes : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Ground-truth bounding boxes.
        obj_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched Objectness targets.
        centers_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched regression target for center x and y.
        scales_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched regression target for scale x and y.
        weights_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched element-wise gradient weights for center_targets and scale_targets.
        clas_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched one-hot vector for classification.

        (tuple of) mxnet.nd.NDArray
            objectness: 0 for negative, 1 for positive, -1 for ignore.
            center_targets: regression target for center x and y.
            scale_targets: regression target for scale x and y.
            weights: element-wise gradient weights for center_targets and scale_targets.
            class_targets: a one-hot vector for classification.

        with autograd.pause():
            dynamic_t = self._dynamic_target(box_preds, gt_boxes)
            # use fixed target to override dynamic targets
            obj, centers, scales, weights, clas = zip(
                dynamic_t, [obj_t, centers_t, scales_t, weights_t, clas_t])
            mask = obj[1] > 0
            objectness = F.where(mask, obj[1], obj[0])
            mask2 = mask.tile(reps=(2,))
            center_targets = F.where(mask2, centers[1], centers[0])
            scale_targets = F.where(mask2, scales[1], scales[0])
            weights = F.where(mask2, weights[1], weights[0])
            mask3 = mask.tile(reps=(self._num_class,))
            class_targets = F.where(mask3, clas[1], clas[0])
            smooth_weight = 1. / self._num_class
            if self._label_smooth:
                smooth_weight = min(1. / self._num_class, 1. / 40)
                class_targets = F.where(
                    class_targets > 0.5, class_targets - smooth_weight, class_targets)
                class_targets = F.where(
                    (class_targets < -0.5) + (class_targets > 0.5),
                    class_targets, F.ones_like(class_targets) * smooth_weight)
            class_mask = mask.tile(reps=(self._num_class,)) * (class_targets >= 0)
            return [F.stop_gradient(x) for x in [objectness, center_targets, scale_targets,
                                                 weights, class_targets, class_mask]] 
Example #25
Source File:    From MobileFace with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def hybrid_forward(self, F, box_preds, gt_boxes, obj_t, centers_t, scales_t, weights_t, clas_t):
        """Short summary.

        F : mxnet.nd or mxnet.sym
            `F` is mxnet.sym if hybridized or mxnet.nd if not.
        box_preds : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Predicted bounding boxes.
        gt_boxes : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Ground-truth bounding boxes.
        obj_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched Objectness targets.
        centers_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched regression target for center x and y.
        scales_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched regression target for scale x and y.
        weights_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched element-wise gradient weights for center_targets and scale_targets.
        clas_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched one-hot vector for classification.

        (tuple of) mxnet.nd.NDArray
            objectness: 0 for negative, 1 for positive, -1 for ignore.
            center_targets: regression target for center x and y.
            scale_targets: regression target for scale x and y.
            weights: element-wise gradient weights for center_targets and scale_targets.
            class_targets: a one-hot vector for classification.

        with autograd.pause():
            dynamic_t = self._dynamic_target(box_preds, gt_boxes)
            # use fixed target to override dynamic targets
            obj, centers, scales, weights, clas = zip(
                dynamic_t, [obj_t, centers_t, scales_t, weights_t, clas_t])
            mask = obj[1] > 0
            objectness = F.where(mask, obj[1], obj[0])
            mask2 = mask.tile(reps=(2,))
            center_targets = F.where(mask2, centers[1], centers[0])
            scale_targets = F.where(mask2, scales[1], scales[0])
            weights = F.where(mask2, weights[1], weights[0])
            mask3 = mask.tile(reps=(self._num_class,))
            class_targets = F.where(mask3, clas[1], clas[0])
            smooth_weight = 1. / self._num_class
            if self._label_smooth:
                smooth_weight = 1. / self._num_class
                class_targets = F.where(
                    class_targets > 0.5, class_targets - smooth_weight, class_targets)
                class_targets = F.where(
                    class_targets < -0.5, class_targets, F.ones_like(class_targets) * smooth_weight)
            class_mask = mask.tile(reps=(self._num_class,)) * (class_targets >= 0)
            return [F.stop_gradient(x) for x in [objectness, center_targets, scale_targets,
                                                 weights, class_targets, class_mask]] 
Example #26
Source File:    From gluon-cv with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def hybrid_forward(self, F, box_preds, gt_boxes, obj_t, centers_t, scales_t, weights_t, clas_t):
        """Short summary.

        F : mxnet.nd or mxnet.sym
            `F` is mxnet.sym if hybridized or mxnet.nd if not.
        box_preds : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Predicted bounding boxes.
        gt_boxes : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Ground-truth bounding boxes.
        obj_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched Objectness targets.
        centers_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched regression target for center x and y.
        scales_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched regression target for scale x and y.
        weights_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched element-wise gradient weights for center_targets and scale_targets.
        clas_t : mxnet.nd.NDArray
            Prefetched one-hot vector for classification.

        (tuple of) mxnet.nd.NDArray
            objectness: 0 for negative, 1 for positive, -1 for ignore.
            center_targets: regression target for center x and y.
            scale_targets: regression target for scale x and y.
            weights: element-wise gradient weights for center_targets and scale_targets.
            class_targets: a one-hot vector for classification.

        with autograd.pause():
            dynamic_t = self._dynamic_target(box_preds, gt_boxes)
            # use fixed target to override dynamic targets
            obj, centers, scales, weights, clas = zip(
                dynamic_t, [obj_t, centers_t, scales_t, weights_t, clas_t])
            mask = obj[1] > 0
            objectness = F.where(mask, obj[1], obj[0])
            mask2 = mask.tile(reps=(2,))
            center_targets = F.where(mask2, centers[1], centers[0])
            scale_targets = F.where(mask2, scales[1], scales[0])
            weights = F.where(mask2, weights[1], weights[0])
            mask3 = mask.tile(reps=(self._num_class,))
            class_targets = F.where(mask3, clas[1], clas[0])
            smooth_weight = 1. / self._num_class
            if self._label_smooth:
                smooth_weight = min(1. / self._num_class, 1. / 40)
                class_targets = F.where(
                    class_targets > 0.5, class_targets - smooth_weight, class_targets)
                class_targets = F.where(
                    (class_targets < -0.5) + (class_targets > 0.5),
                    class_targets, F.ones_like(class_targets) * smooth_weight)
            class_mask = mask.tile(reps=(self._num_class,)) * (class_targets >= 0)
            return [F.stop_gradient(x) for x in [objectness, center_targets, scale_targets,
                                                 weights, class_targets, class_mask]]