Python torch.html() Examples

The following are 4 code examples of torch.html(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module torch , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From DeepDepthDenoising with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def deproject_depth_to_points(depth, grid, intrinsics_inv):     
    b, _, h, w = depth.size()
    # check 
    # need to return a one-dimensional tensor to use the matrix-vector product
    # as a result we reshape to [B, 3, H*W] in order to multiply the intrinsics matrix
    # with a 3x1 vector (u, v, 1)
    current_pixel_coords = ( # convert grid to appropriate dims for matrix multiplication
        grid # [1, 3, H, W] #grid[:,:,:h,:w]
        .expand(b, 3, h, w) # [B, 3, H, W]
        .reshape(b, 3, -1)  # [B, 3, H*W] := [B, 3, UV1]    
    p3d = ( # K_inv * [UV1] * depth
        (intrinsics_inv @ current_pixel_coords) # [B, 3, 3] * [B, 3, UV1]
        .reshape(b, 3, h, w) * # [B, 3, H, W]
        #.unsqueeze(1) # unsqueeze to tri-channel for element wise product
    ) # [B, 3, H, W]
    return p3d 
Example #2
Source File:    From hmd with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def RGBalbedoSHToLight(colorImg, albedoImg, SH, confidence_map):
    #remove non-zeros [now confidence_map is the more clean] 
    confidence_map[colorImg==0] = 0
    confidence_map[albedoImg==0] = 0
    id_non_not = confidence_map.nonzero()
    idx_non = torch.unbind(id_non_not, 1) # this only works for two dimesion
    colorImg_non = colorImg[idx_non]
    albedoImg_non = albedoImg[idx_non]
    #get the shadingImg element-wise divide
    shadingImg_non = torch.div(colorImg_non, albedoImg_non)    
    shadingImg_non2 = shadingImg_non.view(-1,1)

    #:means 9 channels [get the shading image]
    SH0 = SH[0,:,:]; SH0_non = SH0[idx_non]
    SH1 = SH[1,:,:]; SH1_non = SH1[idx_non]
    SH2 = SH[2,:,:]; SH2_non = SH2[idx_non]
    SH3 = SH[3,:,:]; SH3_non = SH3[idx_non]
    SH4 = SH[4,:,:]; SH4_non = SH4[idx_non]
    SH5 = SH[5,:,:]; SH5_non = SH5[idx_non]
    SH6 = SH[6,:,:]; SH6_non = SH6[idx_non]
    SH7 = SH[7,:,:]; SH7_non = SH7[idx_non]
    SH8 = SH[8,:,:]; SH8_non = SH8[idx_non]
    SH_NON = torch.stack([SH0_non, SH1_non, SH2_non, SH3_non, SH4_non, SH5_non, SH6_non, SH7_non, SH8_non], dim=-1)
    ## only use the first N soultions if M>N  A(M*N) B(N*K) X should (N*K)[use N if M appears] 
    ## torch.gels(B, A, out=None)  Tensor
    light, _ = torch.gels(shadingImg_non2, SH_NON)  
    light_9 = light[0:9] # use first 9

    return (light_9, SH) 
Example #3
Source File:    From ArtificialIntelligenceEngines with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def contrastive_divergence(self, input_data):
        # input_data is 64 (batch size) by 784 (real valued pixels in input image)
        # =Positive phase==================================================
        # Positive phase = use 'clamped' visible unit states to sample hidden unit states.
        # sample_hidden() treats each real-valued pixel as a probability
        positive_hidden_probabilities   = self.sample_hidden(input_data) # 64 x 128 hidden units
        # use positive_hidden_probabilities to get sample of binary hidden unit states
        positive_hidden_activations = (positive_hidden_probabilities >= self._random_probabilities(self.num_hidden)).float() # BATCH_SIZE = 64 x 128 hidden units
        positive_associations = torch.matmul(input_data.t(), positive_hidden_activations)
        # print((positive_associations.shape)) # torch.Size([784, 128]) HIDDEN_UNITS = 128
        # .t() = transpose:
        # positive_associations measures correlation between visible and hidden unit states when visible units are  clamped to training data.
        # =Negative phase==================================================
        # Negative phase, initialise with final binary positive_hidden_activations
        hidden_activations = positive_hidden_activations # 64 x 128

        for step in range(self.k): # number of contrastive divergence steps
            visible_probabilities   = self.sample_visible(hidden_activations)
            hidden_probabilities    = self.sample_hidden(visible_probabilities)
            hidden_activations      = (hidden_probabilities >= self._random_probabilities(self.num_hidden)).float()

        negative_visible_probabilities  = visible_probabilities
        negative_hidden_probabilities   = hidden_probabilities
        # negative_associations measures correlation between visible and hidden unit states when visible units are not clamped to training data.
        negative_associations = torch.matmul(negative_visible_probabilities.t(), negative_hidden_probabilities)

        # Update weight change
        self.weights_momentum *= self.momentum_coefficient
        self.weights_momentum += (positive_associations - negative_associations)

        # Update visible bias terms
        self.visible_bias_momentum *= self.momentum_coefficient
        self.visible_bias_momentum += torch.sum(input_data - negative_visible_probabilities, dim=0)

        # Update hidden bias terms
        self.hidden_bias_momentum *= self.momentum_coefficient
        self.hidden_bias_momentum += torch.sum(positive_hidden_probabilities - negative_hidden_probabilities, dim=0)

        batch_size = input_data.size(0)

        self.weights        += self.weights_momentum * self.learning_rate / batch_size
        self.visible_bias   += self.visible_bias_momentum * self.learning_rate / batch_size
        self.hidden_bias    += self.hidden_bias_momentum * self.learning_rate / batch_size

        self.weights -= self.weights * self.weight_decay  # L2 weight decay

        # Compute reconstruction error
        error = torch.sum((input_data - negative_visible_probabilities)**2)

        return error
# ===========================================================

########## DEFINITIONS DONE ##########

########## LOAD DATASET ########## 
Example #4
Source File:    From cups-rl with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, args, env):
        Q(s,a) is the expected reward. Z is the full distribution from which Q is generated.
        Support represents the support of Z distribution (non-zero part of pdf).
        Z is represented with a fixed number of "atoms", which are pairs of values (x_i, p_i)
        composed by the discrete positions (x_i) equidistant along its support defined between
        Vmin-Vmax and the probability mass or "weight" (p_i) for that particular position.

        As an example, for a given (s,a) pair, we can represent Z(s,a) with 8 atoms as follows:

                   .        .     .
                .  |     .  |  .  |
                |  |  .  |  |  |  |  .
                |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |
           Vmin ----------------------- Vmax
        self.action_space = env.action_space
        self.num_atoms = args.num_atoms
        self.Vmin = args.V_min
        self.Vmax = args.V_max = torch.linspace(args.V_min, args.V_max, self.num_atoms).to(device=args.device)
        self.delta_z = (args.V_max - args.V_min) / (self.num_atoms - 1)
        self.batch_size = args.batch_size
        self.multi_step = args.multi_step =

        self.online_net = RainbowDQN(args, self.action_space).to(device=args.device)
        if args.model_path and os.path.isfile(args.model_path):
            When you call torch.load() on a file which contains GPU tensors, those tensors will be 
            loaded to GPU by default. You can call torch.load(.., map_location=’cpu’) and then 
            load_state_dict() to avoid GPU RAM surge when loading a model checkpoint.
            self.online_net.load_state_dict(torch.load(args.model_path, map_location='cpu'))

        self.target_net = RainbowDQN(args, self.action_space).to(device=args.device)
        for param in self.target_net.parameters():
            param.requires_grad = False

        self.optimiser = optim.Adam(self.online_net.parameters(),, eps=args.adam_eps)