Python torch.var() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of torch.var(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module torch , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From CrypTen with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_rand(self):
        """Tests uniform random variable generation on [0, 1)"""
        for size in [(10,), (10, 10), (10, 10, 10)]:
            randvec = crypten.rand(*size)
            self.assertTrue(randvec.size() == size, "Incorrect size")
            tensor = randvec.get_plain_text()
                (tensor >= 0).all() and (tensor < 1).all(), "Invalid values"

        randvec = crypten.rand(int(1e6)).get_plain_text()
        mean = torch.mean(randvec)
        var = torch.var(randvec)
        self.assertTrue(torch.isclose(mean, torch.Tensor([0.5]), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3))
            torch.isclose(var, torch.Tensor([1.0 / 12]), rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3)
Example #2
Source File:    From torch-toolbox with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def evo_norm(x, prefix, running_var, v, weight, bias,
             training, momentum, eps=0.1, groups=32):
    if prefix == 'b0':
        if training:
            var = torch.var(x, dim=(0, 2, 3), keepdim=True)
            running_var.add_((1 - momentum) * var)
            var = running_var
        if v is not None:
            den = torch.max((var + eps).sqrt(), v * x + instance_std(x, eps))
            x = x / den * weight + bias
            x = x * weight + bias
        if v is not None:
            x = x * torch.sigmoid(v * x) / group_std(x,
                                                     groups, eps) * weight + bias
            x = x * weight + bias

    return x 
Example #3
Source File:    From pytorch-metric-learning with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_distance_weighted_miner(self):
        embedding_angles = torch.arange(0, 180)
        embeddings = torch.tensor([c_f.angle_to_coord(a) for a in embedding_angles], requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.float) #2D embeddings
        labels = torch.randint(low=0, high=2, size=(180,))
        a,_,n = lmu.get_all_triplets_indices(labels)
        all_an_dist = torch.nn.functional.pairwise_distance(embeddings[a], embeddings[n], 2)
        min_an_dist = torch.min(all_an_dist)
        for non_zero_cutoff_int in range(5, 15):
            non_zero_cutoff = (float(non_zero_cutoff_int) / 10.) - 0.01
            miner = DistanceWeightedMiner(0, non_zero_cutoff)
            a, p, n = miner(embeddings, labels)
            anchors, positives, negatives = embeddings[a], embeddings[p], embeddings[n]
            an_dist = torch.nn.functional.pairwise_distance(anchors, negatives, 2)
            an_dist_var = torch.var(an_dist)
            an_dist_mean = torch.mean(an_dist)
            target_var = ((non_zero_cutoff - min_an_dist)**2) / 12 # variance formula for uniform distribution
            target_mean = (non_zero_cutoff - min_an_dist) / 2
            self.assertTrue(torch.abs(an_dist_var-target_var)/target_var < 0.1)
            self.assertTrue(torch.abs(an_dist_mean-target_mean)/target_mean < 0.1) 
Example #4
Source File:    From JEM with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, x, y):
        means = torch.mean(x, dim=(2, 3))
        m = torch.mean(means, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
        v = torch.var(means, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
        means = (means - m) / (torch.sqrt(v + 1e-5))
        h = self.instance_norm(x)

        if self.bias:
            gamma, alpha, beta = self.embed(y).chunk(3, dim=-1)
            h = h + means[..., None, None] * alpha[..., None, None]
            out = gamma.view(-1, self.num_features, 1, 1) * h + beta.view(-1, self.num_features, 1, 1)
            gamma, alpha = self.embed(y).chunk(2, dim=-1)
            h = h + means[..., None, None] * alpha[..., None, None]
            out = gamma.view(-1, self.num_features, 1, 1) * h
        return out 
Example #5
Source File:    From ncsn with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, x, y):
        means = torch.mean(x, dim=(2, 3))
        m = torch.mean(means, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
        v = torch.var(means, dim=-1, keepdim=True)
        means = (means - m) / (torch.sqrt(v + 1e-5))
        h = self.instance_norm(x)

        if self.bias:
            gamma, alpha, beta = self.embed(y).chunk(3, dim=-1)
            h = h + means[..., None, None] * alpha[..., None, None]
            out = gamma.view(-1, self.num_features, 1, 1) * h + beta.view(-1, self.num_features, 1, 1)
            gamma, alpha = self.embed(y).chunk(2, dim=-1)
            h = h + means[..., None, None] * alpha[..., None, None]
            out = gamma.view(-1, self.num_features, 1, 1) * h
        return out 
Example #6
Source File:    From nsf with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, inputs, context=None):
        if inputs.dim() != 2:
            raise ValueError('Expected 2-dim inputs, got inputs of shape: {}'.format(inputs.shape))

            mean, var = inputs.mean(0), inputs.var(0)
            self.running_mean.mul_(1 - self.momentum).add_(mean * self.momentum)
            self.running_var.mul_(1 - self.momentum).add_(var * self.momentum)
            mean, var = self.running_mean, self.running_var

        outputs = self.weight * ((inputs - mean) / torch.sqrt((var + self.eps))) + self.bias

        logabsdet_ = torch.log(self.weight) - 0.5 * torch.log(var + self.eps)
        logabsdet = torch.sum(logabsdet_) * torch.ones(inputs.shape[0])

        return outputs, logabsdet 
Example #7
Source File:    From biva-pytorch with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def init_parameters(self, x, init_scale=0.05, eps=1e-8):
        if self.weightnorm:
            # initial values
            self.linear._parameters['weight_v'].data.normal_(mean=0, std=init_scale)
            init_scale = .01
            # data dependent init
            x = self.linear(x)
            m_init, v_init = torch.mean(x, 0), torch.var(x, 0)
            scale_init = init_scale / torch.sqrt(v_init + eps)
            self.linear._parameters['weight_g'].data = self.linear._parameters['weight_g'].data * scale_init.view(
            self.linear._parameters['bias'].data = self.linear._parameters['bias'].data - m_init * scale_init
            self.initialized = True + self.initialized
            return scale_init[None, :] * (x - m_init[None, :]) 
Example #8
Source File:    From biva-pytorch with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def init_parameters(self, x, init_scale=0.05, eps=1e-8):
        if self.weightnorm:
            # initial values
            self.linear._parameters['weight_v'].data.normal_(mean=0, std=init_scale)
            init_scale = .01
            # data dependent init
            x = self.linear(x)
            m_init, v_init = torch.mean(x, 0), torch.var(x, 0)
            scale_init = init_scale / torch.sqrt(v_init + eps)
            self.linear._parameters['weight_g'].data = self.linear._parameters['weight_g'].data * scale_init.view(
            self.linear._parameters['bias'].data = self.linear._parameters['bias'].data - m_init * scale_init
            self.initialized = True + self.initialized
            return scale_init[None, :] * (x - m_init[None, :]) 
Example #9
Source File:    From surreal with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _value_loss(self, obs, returns):
        Computes the loss with current data. also returns a dictionary of statistics
        which includes value loss and explained variance
        return: surreal.utils.pytorch.GPUVariable, dict
            obs: batch of observations in form of (batch_size, obs_dim)
            returns: batch of N-step return estimate (batch_size,)
            loss: Variable for loss
            stats: dictionary of recorded statistics
        values = self.model.forward_critic(obs, self.cells)
        if len(values.size()) == 3: values = values.squeeze(2)
        explained_var = 1 - torch.var(returns - values) / torch.var(returns)
        loss = (values - returns).pow(2).mean()

        stats = {
            '_val_loss': loss.item(),
            '_val_explained_var': explained_var.item()
        return loss, stats 
Example #10
Source File:    From torchgan with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _normalize(self, x, mu, var):
        r"""Normalizes the tensor ``x`` using the statistics ``mu`` and ``var``.

            x (torch.Tensor): The Tensor to be normalized.
            mu (torch.Tensor): Mean using which the Tensor is to be normalized.
            var (torch.Tensor): Variance used in the normalization of ``x``.

            Normalized Tensor ``x``.
        std = torch.sqrt(self.eps + var)
        x = (x - mu) / std
        sizes = list(x.size())
        for dim, i in enumerate(x.size()):
            if dim != 1:
                sizes[dim] = 1
        scale = self.scale.view(*sizes)
        bias = self.bias.view(*sizes)
        return x * scale + bias 
Example #11
Source File:    From sentence-transformers with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def unify_sentence(self, sentence_feature, one_sentence_embedding):
            Unify Sentence By Token Importance
        sent_len = one_sentence_embedding.size()[0]

        var_token = torch.zeros(sent_len, device=one_sentence_embedding.device)
        for token_index in range(sent_len):
            token_feature = sentence_feature[:, token_index, :]
            sim_map = self.cosine_similarity_torch(token_feature)
            var_token[token_index] = torch.var(sim_map.diagonal(-1))

        var_token = var_token / torch.sum(var_token)
        sentence_embedding =, var_token)

        return sentence_embedding 
Example #12
Source File:    From tntorch with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_stats():

    def check():
        x = t.torch()
        assert tn.relative_error(tn.mean(t), torch.mean(x)) <= 1e-3
        assert tn.relative_error(tn.var(t), torch.var(x)) <= 1e-3
        assert tn.relative_error(tn.norm(t), torch.norm(x)) <= 1e-3

    shape = [8]*4
    for i in range(100):
        t = random_format(shape)
Example #13
Source File:    From pytorch-mono-depth with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, mean, var):
        self.mean = mean
        self.variance = var 
Example #14
Source File:    From onnx-fb-universe with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_symbolic_override(self):
        """Lifted from fast-neural-style: custom implementation of instance norm
        to be mapped to ONNX operator"""

        class CustomInstanceNorm(torch.nn.Module):
            def __init__(self, dim, eps=1e-9):
                super(CustomInstanceNorm, self).__init__()
                self.scale = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(dim).uniform_())
                self.shift = nn.Parameter(torch.FloatTensor(dim).zero_())
                self.eps = eps

            def forward(self, x):
                return self._run_forward(x, self.scale, self.shift, eps=self.eps)

                lambda g, x, scale, shift, eps: g.op(
                    'InstanceNormalization', x, scale, shift, epsilon_f=eps)
            def _run_forward(x, scale, shift, eps):
                # since we hand-roll instance norm it doesn't perform well all in fp16
                n = x.size(2) * x.size(3)
                t = x.view(x.size(0), x.size(1), n)
                mean = torch.mean(t, 2).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3).expand_as(x)
                # Calculate the biased var. torch.var returns unbiased var
                var = torch.var(t, 2).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3).expand_as(x) * ((float(n) - 1) / float(n))
                scale_broadcast = scale.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(0)
                scale_broadcast = scale_broadcast.expand_as(x)
                shift_broadcast = shift.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(0)
                shift_broadcast = shift_broadcast.expand_as(x)
                out = (x - mean) / torch.sqrt(var + eps)
                out = out * scale_broadcast + shift_broadcast
                return out

        instnorm = CustomInstanceNorm(10)
        x = Variable(torch.randn(2, 10, 32, 32))
        self.assertONNX(instnorm, x) 
Example #15
Source File:    From onnx-fb-universe with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def assertONNX(self, f, args, params=tuple(), **kwargs):
        if isinstance(f, nn.Module):
            m = f
            m = FuncModule(f, params)
        onnx_model_pb = export_to_string(m, args, **kwargs)
        model_def = self.assertONNXExpected(onnx_model_pb)
        if _onnx_test:
            test_function = inspect.stack()[1][0].f_code.co_name
            test_name = test_function[0:4] + "_operator" + test_function[4:]
            output_dir = os.path.join(test_onnx_common.pytorch_operator_dir, test_name)
            # Assume:
            #     1) the old test should be delete before the test.
            #     2) only one assertONNX in each test, otherwise will override the data.
            assert not os.path.exists(output_dir), "{} should not exist!".format(output_dir)
            with open(os.path.join(output_dir, "model.onnx"), 'wb') as file:
            data_dir = os.path.join(output_dir, "test_data_set_0")
            if isinstance(args, Variable):
                args = (args,)
            for index, var in enumerate(flatten(args)):
                tensor = numpy_helper.from_array(
                with open(os.path.join(data_dir, "input_{}.pb".format(index)), 'wb') as file:
            outputs = m(*args)
            if isinstance(outputs, Variable):
                outputs = (outputs,)
            for index, var in enumerate(flatten(outputs)):
                tensor = numpy_helper.from_array(
                with open(os.path.join(data_dir, "output_{}.pb".format(index)), 'wb') as file:
Example #16
Source File:    From biva-pytorch with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def init_parameters(self, x, init_scale=0.05, eps=1e-8):
        self.initialized = True + self.initialized
        if self.weightnorm:
            # initial values
            self.conv._parameters['weight_v'].data.normal_(mean=0, std=init_scale)
            init_scale = .01
            # data dependent init
            x = self.conv(x)
            t = x.view(x.size()[0], x.size()[1], -1)
            t = t.permute(0, 2, 1).contiguous()
            t = t.view(-1, t.size()[-1])
            m_init, v_init = torch.mean(t, 0), torch.var(t, 0)
            scale_init = init_scale / torch.sqrt(v_init + eps)
            if self.conv.transposed:
                self.conv._parameters['weight_g'].data = self.conv._parameters['weight_g'].data * scale_init[None,
                self.conv._parameters['bias'].data = self.conv._parameters['bias'].data - m_init * scale_init
                self.conv._parameters['weight_g'].data = self.conv._parameters['weight_g'].data * scale_init[:,
                self.conv._parameters['bias'].data = self.conv._parameters['bias'].data - m_init * scale_init
            return scale_init[None, :, None, None] * (x - m_init[None, :, None, None]) if len(
                self._input_shp) > 3 else scale_init[None, :, None] * (x - m_init[None, :, None]) 
Example #17
Source File:    From ffjord with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def stable_var(x, mean=None, dim=1):
    if mean is None:
        mean = x.mean(dim, keepdim=True)
    mean = mean.view(-1, 1)
    res = torch.pow(x - mean, 2)
    max_sqr = torch.max(res, dim, keepdim=True)[0]
    var = torch.mean(res / max_sqr, 1, keepdim=True) * max_sqr
    var = var.view(-1)
    # change nan to zero
    var[var != var] = 0
    return var 
Example #18
Source File:    From ffjord with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _forward(self, x, logpx=None):
        c = x.size(1)
        used_mean = self.running_mean.clone().detach()
        used_var = self.running_var.clone().detach()

            # compute batch statistics
            x_t = x.transpose(0, 1).contiguous().view(c, -1)
            batch_mean = torch.mean(x_t, dim=1)
            batch_var = torch.var(x_t, dim=1)

            # moving average
            if self.bn_lag > 0:
                used_mean = batch_mean - (1 - self.bn_lag) * (batch_mean - used_mean.detach())
                used_mean /= (1. - self.bn_lag**(self.step[0] + 1))
                used_var = batch_var - (1 - self.bn_lag) * (batch_var - used_var.detach())
                used_var /= (1. - self.bn_lag**(self.step[0] + 1))

            # update running estimates
            self.running_mean -= self.decay * (self.running_mean -
            self.running_var -= self.decay * (self.running_var -
            self.step += 1

        # perform normalization
        used_mean = used_mean.view(*self.shape).expand_as(x)
        used_var = used_var.view(*self.shape).expand_as(x)

        y = (x - used_mean) * torch.exp(-0.5 * torch.log(used_var + self.eps))

        if self.affine:
            weight = self.weight.view(*self.shape).expand_as(x)
            bias = self.bias.view(*self.shape).expand_as(x)
            y = y * torch.exp(weight) + bias

        if logpx is None:
            return y
            return y, logpx - self._logdetgrad(x, used_var).view(x.size(0), -1).sum(1, keepdim=True) 
Example #19
Source File:    From pytorch_GAN_zoo with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def miniBatchStdDev(x, subGroupSize=4):
    Add a minibatch standard deviation channel to the current layer.
    In other words:
        1) Compute the standard deviation of the feature map over the minibatch
        2) Get the mean, over all pixels and all channels of thsi ValueError
        3) expand the layer and cocatenate it with the input


        - x (tensor): previous layer
        - subGroupSize (int): size of the mini-batches on which the standard deviation
        should be computed
    size = x.size()
    subGroupSize = min(size[0], subGroupSize)
    if size[0] % subGroupSize != 0:
        subGroupSize = size[0]
    G = int(size[0] / subGroupSize)
    if subGroupSize > 1:
        y = x.view(-1, subGroupSize, size[1], size[2], size[3])
        y = torch.var(y, 1)
        y = torch.sqrt(y + 1e-8)
        y = y.view(G, -1)
        y = torch.mean(y, 1).view(G, 1)
        y = y.expand(G, size[2]*size[3]).view((G, 1, 1, size[2], size[3]))
        y = y.expand(G, subGroupSize, -1, -1, -1)
        y = y.contiguous().view((-1, 1, size[2], size[3]))
        y = torch.zeros(x.size(0), 1, x.size(2), x.size(3), device=x.device)

    return[x, y], dim=1) 
Example #20
Source File:    From graphx-conv with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def transform(self, pc_feat, img_feat, fc):
        pc_feat = (pc_feat - T.mean(pc_feat, -1, keepdim=True)) / T.sqrt(T.var(pc_feat, -1, keepdim=True) + 1e-8)
        mean, var = T.mean(img_feat, (2, 3)), T.var(T.flatten(img_feat, 2), 2)
        output = (pc_feat + nnt.utils.dimshuffle(mean, (0, 'x', 1))) * T.sqrt(
            nnt.utils.dimshuffle(var, (0, 'x', 1)) + 1e-8)
        return fc(output) 
Example #21
Source File:    From pydlt with BSD 3-Clause Clear License 5 votes vote down vote up
def sub_var(x, width=5):
    """Calculates variance of a one dimensional Tensor or Array every `width` elements.

        x (Tensor or Array): 1D Tensor or array.
        width (int, optional): Width of the kernel.
    if len(x) >= width:
        if is_array(x):
            return np.var(slide_window_(x, width, width), -1)
            return torch.var(slide_window_(x, width, width), -1)
        return x.var() 
Example #22
Source File:    From pytorch-metric-learning with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def SNR_dist(x, y, dim):
    return torch.var(x-y, dim=dim) / torch.var(x, dim=dim) 
Example #23
Source File:    From pytorch-metric-learning with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_snr_contrastive_loss(self):
        pos_margin, neg_margin, regularizer_weight = 0, 0.1, 0.1
        loss_func = SignalToNoiseRatioContrastiveLoss(pos_margin=pos_margin, neg_margin=neg_margin, regularizer_weight=regularizer_weight)

        embedding_angles = [0, 20, 40, 60, 80]
        embeddings = torch.tensor([c_f.angle_to_coord(a) for a in embedding_angles], requires_grad=True, dtype=torch.float) #2D embeddings
        labels = torch.LongTensor([0, 0, 1, 1, 2])

        loss = loss_func(embeddings, labels)

        pos_pairs = [(0,1), (1,0), (2,3), (3,2)]
        neg_pairs = [(0,2), (0,3), (0,4), (1,2), (1,3), (1,4), (2,0), (2,1), (2,4), (3,0), (3,1), (3,4), (4,0), (4,1), (4,2), (4,3)]

        correct_pos_loss = 0
        correct_neg_loss = 0
        num_non_zero = 0
        for a,p in pos_pairs:
            anchor, positive = embeddings[a], embeddings[p]
            curr_loss = torch.relu(torch.var(anchor-positive) / torch.var(anchor) - pos_margin)
            correct_pos_loss += curr_loss
            if curr_loss > 0:
                num_non_zero += 1
        if num_non_zero > 0:
            correct_pos_loss /= num_non_zero

        num_non_zero = 0
        for a,n in neg_pairs:
            anchor, negative = embeddings[a], embeddings[n]
            curr_loss = torch.relu(neg_margin - torch.var(anchor-negative) / torch.var(anchor))
            correct_neg_loss += curr_loss
            if curr_loss > 0:
                num_non_zero += 1
        if num_non_zero > 0:
            correct_neg_loss /= num_non_zero

        reg_loss = torch.mean(torch.abs(torch.sum(embeddings, dim=1)))

        correct_total = correct_pos_loss + correct_neg_loss + regularizer_weight*reg_loss
        self.assertTrue(torch.isclose(loss, correct_total)) 
Example #24
Source File:    From vel with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _value_function(self, batch_info):
        values = batch_info['values']
        rewards = batch_info['rewards']

        explained_variance = 1 - torch.var(rewards - values) / torch.var(rewards)
        return explained_variance.item() 
Example #25
Source File:    From vel with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def explained_variance(returns, values):
    """ Calculate how much variance in returns do the values explain """
    exp_var = 1 - torch.var(returns - values) / torch.var(returns)
    return exp_var.item() 
Example #26
Source File:    From fast-neural-style with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, x):
        n = x.size(2) * x.size(3)
        t = x.view(x.size(0), x.size(1), n)
        mean = torch.mean(t, 2).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3).expand_as(x)
        # Calculate the biased var. torch.var returns unbiased var
        var = torch.var(t, 2).unsqueeze(2).unsqueeze(3).expand_as(x) * ((n - 1) / float(n))
        scale_broadcast = self.scale.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(0)
        scale_broadcast = scale_broadcast.expand_as(x)
        shift_broadcast = self.shift.unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(1).unsqueeze(0)
        shift_broadcast = shift_broadcast.expand_as(x)
        out = (x - mean) / torch.sqrt(var + self.eps)
        out = out * scale_broadcast + shift_broadcast
        return out 
Example #27
Source File:    From asteroid with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, x):
        """ Applies forward pass.
        Works for any input size > 2D.

            x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): Shape `[batch, chan, *]`

            :class:`torch.Tensor`: gLN_x `[batch, chan, *]`
        dims = list(range(1, len(x.shape)))
        mean = x.mean(dim=dims, keepdim=True)
        var = torch.pow(x - mean, 2).mean(dim=dims, keepdim=True)
        return self.apply_gain_and_bias((x - mean) / (var + EPS).sqrt()) 
Example #28
Source File:    From asteroid with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, x):
        """ Applies forward pass.
        Works for any input size > 2D.

            x (:class:`torch.Tensor`): `[batch, chan, *]`

            :class:`torch.Tensor`: chanLN_x `[batch, chan, *]`
        mean = torch.mean(x, dim=1, keepdim=True)
        var = torch.var(x, dim=1, keepdim=True, unbiased=False)
        return self.apply_gain_and_bias((x - mean) / (var + EPS).sqrt()) 
Example #29
Source File:    From demucs with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, y):
            y: [M, N, K], M is batch size, N is channel size, K is length
            cLN_y: [M, N, K]
        mean = torch.mean(y, dim=1, keepdim=True)  # [M, 1, K]
        var = torch.var(y, dim=1, keepdim=True, unbiased=False)  # [M, 1, K]
        cLN_y = self.gamma * (y - mean) / torch.pow(var + EPS, 0.5) + self.beta
        return cLN_y 
Example #30
Source File:    From demucs with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def forward(self, y):
            y: [M, N, K], M is batch size, N is channel size, K is length
            gLN_y: [M, N, K]
        # TODO: in torch 1.0, torch.mean() support dim list
        mean = y.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True).mean(dim=2, keepdim=True)  # [M, 1, 1]
        var = (torch.pow(y - mean, 2)).mean(dim=1, keepdim=True).mean(dim=2, keepdim=True)
        gLN_y = self.gamma * (y - mean) / torch.pow(var + EPS, 0.5) + self.beta
        return gLN_y