Python scipy.spatial.distance_matrix() Examples

The following are 19 code examples of scipy.spatial.distance_matrix(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scipy.spatial , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From skan with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def hyperball(ndim, radius):
    """Return a binary morphological filter containing pixels within `radius`.

    ndim : int
        The number of dimensions of the filter.
    radius : int
        The radius of the filter.

    ball : array of bool, shape [2 * radius + 1,] * ndim
        The required structural element
    size = 2 * radius + 1
    center = [(radius,) * ndim]

    coords = np.mgrid[[slice(None, size),] * ndim].reshape(ndim, -1).T
    distances = np.ravel(spatial.distance_matrix(coords, center))
    selector = distances <= radius

    ball = np.zeros((size,) * ndim, dtype=bool)
    ball.ravel()[selector] = True
    return ball 
Example #2
Source File:    From wradlib with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _krig_matrix(self, src, drift):
        """Sets up the kriging system for a configuration of source points.
        # the basic covariance matrix
        var_matrix = self.cov_func(spatial.distance_matrix(src, src))
        # the extended matrix, initialized to ones
        edk_matrix = np.ones((len(src) + 2, len(src) + 2))

        # adding entries for the first lagrange multiplier for the ordinary
        # kriging part
        edk_matrix[:-2, :-2] = var_matrix
        edk_matrix[-2, -2] = 0.0

        # adding entries for the second lagrange multiplier for the  edk part
        edk_matrix[:-2, -1] = drift
        edk_matrix[-1, :-2] = drift
        edk_matrix[-2:, -1] = 0.0
        edk_matrix[-1, -2:] = 0.0

        return edk_matrix 
Example #3
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_distance_matrix():
    m = 10
    n = 11
    k = 4
    xs = np.random.randn(m,k)
    ys = np.random.randn(n,k)
    ds = distance_matrix(xs,ys)
    assert_equal(ds.shape, (m,n))
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(n):
Example #4
Source File:    From compas with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def trimesh_pull_points_numpy(mesh, points):
    # preprocess
    i_k = mesh.index_key()
    fk_fi = {fkey: index for index, fkey in enumerate(mesh.faces())}
    vertices = array(mesh.vertices_attributes('xyz'), dtype=float64).reshape((-1, 3))
    triangles = array([mesh.face_coordinates(fkey) for fkey in mesh.faces()], dtype=float64)
    points = array(points, dtype=float64).reshape((-1, 3))
    closest_vis = argmin(distance_matrix(points, vertices), axis=1)
    # transformation matrices
    # ?
    pulled_points = []
    # pull every point onto the mesh
    for i in range(points.shape[0]):
        point = points[i]
        closest_vi = closest_vis[i]
        closest_vk = i_k[closest_vi]
        closest_tris = [fk_fi[fk] for fk in mesh.vertex_faces(closest_vk, ordered=True) if fk is not None]
        # process the connected triangles
        d, p, c = _find_closest_component(
    return pulled_points

# ==============================================================================
# helpers
# ============================================================================== 
Example #5
Source File:    From hyperbolic-image-embeddings with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_delta(loader):
    computes delta value for image data by extracting features using VGG network;
    input -- data loader for images
    vgg = torchvision.models.vgg16(pretrained=True)
    vgg_feats = vgg.features
    vgg_classifier = nn.Sequential(*list(vgg.classifier.children())[:-1])

    vgg_part = nn.Sequential(vgg_feats, Flatten(), vgg_classifier).to(device)

    all_features = []
    for i, (batch, _) in enumerate(loader):
        with torch.no_grad():
            batch =

    all_features = np.concatenate(all_features)
    idx = np.random.choice(len(all_features), 1500)
    all_features_small = all_features[idx]

    dists = distance_matrix(all_features_small, all_features_small)
    delta = delta_hyp(dists)
    diam = np.max(dists)
    return delta, diam 
Example #6
Source File:    From hyperbolic-image-embeddings with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def batched_delta_hyp(X, n_tries=10, batch_size=1500):
    vals = []
    for i in tqdm(range(n_tries)):
        idx = np.random.choice(len(X), batch_size)
        X_batch = X[idx]
        distmat = distance_matrix(X_batch, X_batch)
        diam = np.max(distmat)
        delta_rel = delta_hyp(distmat) / diam
    return np.mean(vals), np.std(vals) 
Example #7
Source File:    From wradlib with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _krig_matrix(self, src):
        """Sets up the kriging system for a configuration of source points.
        var_matrix = self.cov_func(spatial.distance_matrix(src, src))

        ok_matrix = np.ones((len(src) + 1, len(src) + 1))

        ok_matrix[:-1, :-1] = var_matrix
        ok_matrix[-1, -1] = 0.0

        return ok_matrix 
Example #8
Source File:    From molecularGNN_3Dstructure with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def create_distances(coords):
    """Create the distance matrix from a set of 3D coordinates.
    Note that we transform the element 0.0 in the matrix into a large value
    for processing by Gaussian exp(-d^2), where d is the distance.
    distance_matrix = spatial.distance_matrix(coords, coords)
    return np.where(distance_matrix == 0.0, 1e6, distance_matrix) 
Example #9
Source File:    From DiscriminativeActiveLearning with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def greedy_k_center(self, labeled, unlabeled, amount):

        greedy_indices = []

        # get the minimum distances between the labeled and unlabeled examples (iteratively, to avoid memory issues):
        min_dist = np.min(distance_matrix(labeled[0, :].reshape((1, labeled.shape[1])), unlabeled), axis=0)
        min_dist = min_dist.reshape((1, min_dist.shape[0]))
        for j in range(1, labeled.shape[0], 100):
            if j + 100 < labeled.shape[0]:
                dist = distance_matrix(labeled[j:j+100, :], unlabeled)
                dist = distance_matrix(labeled[j:, :], unlabeled)
            min_dist = np.vstack((min_dist, np.min(dist, axis=0).reshape((1, min_dist.shape[1]))))
            min_dist = np.min(min_dist, axis=0)
            min_dist = min_dist.reshape((1, min_dist.shape[0]))

        # iteratively insert the farthest index and recalculate the minimum distances:
        farthest = np.argmax(min_dist)
        for i in range(amount-1):
            if i%1000==0:
                print("At Point " + str(i))
            dist = distance_matrix(unlabeled[greedy_indices[-1], :].reshape((1,unlabeled.shape[1])), unlabeled)
            min_dist = np.vstack((min_dist, dist.reshape((1, min_dist.shape[1]))))
            min_dist = np.min(min_dist, axis=0)
            min_dist = min_dist.reshape((1, min_dist.shape[0]))
            farthest = np.argmax(min_dist)

        return np.array(greedy_indices, dtype=int), np.max(min_dist) 
Example #10
Source File:    From DiscriminativeActiveLearning with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def greedy_k_center(self, labeled, unlabeled, amount):

        greedy_indices = []

        # get the minimum distances between the labeled and unlabeled examples (iteratively, to avoid memory issues):
        min_dist = np.min(distance_matrix(labeled[0, :].reshape((1, labeled.shape[1])), unlabeled), axis=0)
        min_dist = min_dist.reshape((1, min_dist.shape[0]))
        for j in range(1, labeled.shape[0], 100):
            if j + 100 < labeled.shape[0]:
                dist = distance_matrix(labeled[j:j+100, :], unlabeled)
                dist = distance_matrix(labeled[j:, :], unlabeled)
            min_dist = np.vstack((min_dist, np.min(dist, axis=0).reshape((1, min_dist.shape[1]))))
            min_dist = np.min(min_dist, axis=0)
            min_dist = min_dist.reshape((1, min_dist.shape[0]))

        # iteratively insert the farthest index and recalculate the minimum distances:
        farthest = np.argmax(min_dist)
        for i in range(amount-1):
            dist = distance_matrix(unlabeled[greedy_indices[-1], :].reshape((1,unlabeled.shape[1])), unlabeled)
            min_dist = np.vstack((min_dist, dist.reshape((1, min_dist.shape[1]))))
            min_dist = np.min(min_dist, axis=0)
            min_dist = min_dist.reshape((1, min_dist.shape[0]))
            farthest = np.argmax(min_dist)

        return np.array(greedy_indices) 
Example #11
Source File:    From tensorflow-som with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_umatrix(input_vects, weights, m, n):
    """ Generates an n x m u-matrix of the SOM's weights and bmu indices of all the input data points

    Used to visualize higher-dimensional data. Shows the average distance between a SOM unit and its neighbors.
    When displayed, areas of a darker color separated by lighter colors correspond to clusters of units which
    encode similar information.
    :param weights: SOM weight matrix, `ndarray`
    :param m: Rows of neurons
    :param n: Columns of neurons
    :return: m x n u-matrix `ndarray` 
    :return: input_size x 1 bmu indices 'ndarray'
    umatrix = np.zeros((m * n, 1))
    # Get the location of the neurons on the map to figure out their neighbors. I know I already have this in the
    # SOM code but I put it here too to make it easier to follow.
    neuron_locs = list()
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(n):
            neuron_locs.append(np.array([i, j]))
    # Get the map distance between each neuron (i.e. not the weight distance).
    neuron_distmat = distance_matrix(neuron_locs, neuron_locs)

    for i in range(m * n):
        # Get the indices of the units which neighbor i
        neighbor_idxs = neuron_distmat[i] <= 1  # Change this to `< 2` if you want to include diagonal neighbors
        # Get the weights of those units
        neighbor_weights = weights[neighbor_idxs]
        # Get the average distance between unit i and all of its neighbors
        # Expand dims to broadcast to each of the neighbors
        umatrix[i] = distance_matrix(np.expand_dims(weights[i], 0), neighbor_weights).mean()

    bmu_indices = []
    for vect in input_vects:
        min_index = min([i for i in range(len(list(weights)))],
                        key=lambda x: np.linalg.norm(vect-
    return umatrix, bmu_indices 
Example #12
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_distance_matrix_looping():
    m = 10
    n = 11
    k = 4
    xs = np.random.randn(m,k)
    ys = np.random.randn(n,k)
    ds = distance_matrix(xs,ys)
    dsl = distance_matrix(xs,ys,threshold=1)
Example #13
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_distance_matrix():
    m = 10
    n = 11
    k = 4
    xs = np.random.randn(m,k)
    ys = np.random.randn(n,k)
    ds = distance_matrix(xs,ys)
    assert_equal(ds.shape, (m,n))
    for i in range(m):
        for j in range(n):
Example #14
Source File:    From pyod with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _cof(self, X):
        Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor (COF) Algorithm
        This function is called internally to calculate the
        Connectivity-Based Outlier Factor (COF) as an outlier
        score for observations.
        :return: numpy array containing COF scores for observations.
                 The greater the COF, the greater the outlierness.
        dist_matrix = np.array(distance_matrix(X, X))
        sbn_path_index, ac_dist, cof_ = [], [], []
        for i in range(X.shape[0]):
            sbn_path = sorted(range(len(dist_matrix[i])),
            sbn_path_index.append(sbn_path[1: self.n_neighbors_ + 1])
            cost_desc = []
            for j in range(self.n_neighbors_):
                    np.min(dist_matrix[sbn_path[j + 1]][sbn_path][:j + 1]))
            acd = []
            for _h, cost_ in enumerate(cost_desc):
                neighbor_add1 = self.n_neighbors_ + 1
                acd.append(((2. * (neighbor_add1 - (_h + 1))) / (
                        neighbor_add1 * self.n_neighbors_)) * cost_)
        for _g in range(X.shape[0]):
            cof_.append((ac_dist[_g] * self.n_neighbors_) /
        return np.nan_to_num(cof_) 
Example #15
Source File:    From Computable with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_distance_matrix_looping():
    m = 10
    n = 11
    k = 4
    xs = np.random.randn(m,k)
    ys = np.random.randn(n,k)
    ds = distance_matrix(xs,ys)
    dsl = distance_matrix(xs,ys,threshold=1)
Example #16
Source File:    From molecularGNN_3Dstructure with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def create_datasets(dataset, physical_property, device):

    dir_dataset = '../dataset/' + dataset + '/'

    """Initialize atom_dict, in which
    each key is an atom type and each value is its index.
    atom_dict = defaultdict(lambda: len(atom_dict))

    def create_dataset(filename):


        """Load a dataset."""
        with open(dir_dataset + filename, 'r') as f:
            property_types = f.readline().strip().split()
            data_original ='\n\n')

        """The physical_property is an energy, HOMO, or LUMO."""
        property_index = property_types.index(physical_property)

        dataset = []

        for data in data_original:

            data = data.strip().split('\n')
            idx = data[0]
            property = float(data[-1].split()[property_index])

            """Load the atoms and their coordinates of a molecular data."""
            atoms, atom_coords = [], []
            for atom_xyz in data[1:-1]:
                atom, x, y, z = atom_xyz.split()
                xyz = [float(v) for v in [x, y, z]]

            """Create each data with the above defined functions."""
            atoms = create_atoms(atoms, atom_dict)
            distance_matrix = create_distances(atom_coords)
            molecular_size = len(atoms)

            """Transform the above each data of numpy
            to pytorch tensor on a device (i.e., CPU or GPU).
            atoms = torch.LongTensor(atoms).to(device)
            distance_matrix = torch.FloatTensor(distance_matrix).to(device)
            property = torch.FloatTensor([[property]]).to(device)

            dataset.append((atoms, distance_matrix, molecular_size, property))

        return dataset

    dataset_train = create_dataset('data_train.txt')
    dataset_train, dataset_dev = split_dataset(dataset_train, 0.9)
    dataset_test = create_dataset('data_test.txt')

    N_atoms = len(atom_dict)

    return dataset_train, dataset_dev, dataset_test, N_atoms 
Example #17
Source File:    From floris with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def calculate_swept_area_velocities(self, local_wind_speed, coord, x, y, z):
        This method calculates and returns the wind speeds at each
        rotor swept area grid point for the turbine, interpolated from
        the flow field grid.

            wind_direction (float): The wind farm wind direction (deg).
            local_wind_speed (np.array): The wind speed at each grid point in
                the flow field (m/s).
            coord (:py:obj:`~.utilities.Vec3`): The coordinate of the turbine.
            x (np.array): The x-coordinates of the flow field grid.
            y (np.array): The y-coordinates of the flow field grid.
            z (np.array): The z-coordinates of the flow field grid.

            np.array: The wind speed at each rotor grid point
            for the turbine (m/s).
        u_at_turbine = local_wind_speed

        # TODO:
        # # PREVIOUS METHOD========================
        # x_grid = x
        # y_grid = y
        # z_grid = z

        # yPts = np.array([point[0] for point in self.grid])
        # zPts = np.array([point[1] for point in self.grid])

        # # interpolate from the flow field to get the flow field at the grid
        # # points
        # dist = [np.sqrt((coord.x1 - x_grid)**2 \
        #      + (coord.x2 + yPts[i] - y_grid) **2 \
        #      + (self.hub_height + zPts[i] - z_grid)**2) \
        #      for i in range(len(yPts))]
        # idx = [np.where(dist[i] == np.min(dist[i])) for i in range(len(yPts))]
        # data = [np.mean(u_at_turbine[idx[i]]) for i in range(len(yPts))]
        # # PREVIOUS METHOD========================

        # # NEW METHOD========================
        # Sort by distance
        flow_grid_points = np.column_stack([x.flatten(), y.flatten(), z.flatten()])

        # Set up a grid array
        y_array = np.array(self.grid)[:, 0] + coord.x2
        z_array = np.array(self.grid)[:, 1] + self.hub_height
        x_array = np.ones_like(y_array) * coord.x1
        grid_array = np.column_stack([x_array, y_array, z_array])

        ii = np.argmin(distance_matrix(flow_grid_points, grid_array), axis=0)

        # return np.array(data)
        return np.array(u_at_turbine.flatten()[ii]) 
Example #18
Source File:    From compas with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def closest_points_in_cloud_numpy(points, cloud, threshold=10**7, distances=True, num_nbrs=1):
    """Find the closest points in a point cloud to a set of sample points.

    points : array, list
        The sample points (n,).
    cloud : array, list
        The cloud points to compare to (n,).
    threshold : float
        Points are checked within this distance.
    distances : bool
        Return distance matrix.

        Indices of the closest points in the cloud per point in points.
        Distances between points and closest points in cloud (n x n).

    Items in cloud further from items in points than threshold return zero
    distance and will affect the indices returned if not set suitably high.

    >>> a = np.random.rand(4, 3)
    >>> b = np.random.rand(4, 3)
    >>> indices, distances = closest_points(a, b, distances=True)
    [1, 2, 0, 3]
    array([[ 1.03821946,  0.66226402,  0.67964346,  0.98877891],
           [ 0.4650432 ,  0.54484186,  0.36158995,  0.60385484],
           [ 0.19562088,  0.73240154,  0.50235761,  0.51439644],
           [ 0.84680233,  0.85390316,  0.72154983,  0.50432293]])

    from numpy import asarray
    from numpy import argmin
    from numpy import argpartition
    from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix

    points = asarray(points).reshape((-1, 3))
    cloud = asarray(cloud).reshape((-1, 3))
    d_matrix = distance_matrix(points, cloud, threshold=threshold)
    if num_nbrs == 1:
        indices = argmin(d_matrix, axis=1)
        indices = argpartition(d_matrix, num_nbrs, axis=1)
    if distances:
        return indices, d_matrix
    return indices 
Example #19
Source File:    From yass with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def calc_mahalonobis(vbParam, score):
    prec = np.transpose(
        vbParam.Vhat * vbParam.nuhat[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :, np.newaxis],
        axes=[2, 3, 0, 1])
    scoremhat = np.transpose(
        score[:, :, np.newaxis, :] - vbParam.muhat, axes=[0, 2, 3, 1])
    maha = np.sqrt(
                np.matmul(scoremhat[:, :, :, np.newaxis, :], prec),
                scoremhat[:, :, :, :, np.newaxis]),
            axis=(3, 4),

    return maha[:, :, 0]

#def merge_move_quick(maskedData, vbParam, cluster_id, param):

    #n_merged = 0
    #n_features, n_clusters, n_channels = vbParam.muhat.shape

    #n_data = cluster_id.shape[0]
    #cluster_id_list = make_list_by_id(cluster_id)

    #if n_clusters > 1:
        #all_checked = 0
        #all_checked = 1

    #while (not all_checked) and (n_clusters > 1):
        #m = np.transpose(vbParam.muhat, [1, 0, 2]).reshape(
            #[n_clusters, n_features * n_channels], order="F")
        #kdist = ss.distance_matrix(m, m)
        #kdist[np.tril_indices(n_clusters)] = np.inf

        #merged = 0
        #k_untested = np.ones(n_clusters)
        #while np.sum(k_untested) > 0 and merged == 0:
            #untested_k = np.argwhere(k_untested)
            #ka = untested_k[np.random.choice(len(untested_k), 1)].ravel()[0]
            #kb = np.argmin(kdist[ka, :]).ravel()[0]
            #k_untested[ka] = 0
            #if np.argmin(kdist[kb, :]).ravel()[0] == ka:
                #k_untested[kb] = 0
            #kdist[min(ka, kb), max(ka, kb)] = np.inf

            #vbParam, cluster_id_list, merged = check_merge_quick(
                #maskedData, vbParam, cluster_id_list, ka, kb, param)
            #if merged:
                #n_merged += 1
                #n_clusters -= 1
        #if not merged:
            #all_checked = 1

    #return vbParam, make_id_array(cluster_id_list, n_data)