Python provider.loadDataFile() Examples

The following are 13 code examples of provider.loadDataFile(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module provider , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From pointnet-registration-framework with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def find_models(category, model, templates, case):
	# model:		No of models to be stored for a particular category.
	# category: 	Name of the category to be stored.
	# templates:	Array having templates (BxNx3)
	# case:			Which files to be used? (test/train)

	if case == 'test':
	if case == 'train':
	count = 0														# Counter to find number of models.
	for train_idx in range(len(FILES)):						# Loop over all the training files from ModelNet40 data.
		current_data, current_label = provider.loadDataFile(FILES[train_idx])		# Load data of from a file.
		for i in range(current_data.shape[0]):
			if count<model and shapes.index(category)==current_label[i]:
				# import transforms3d.euler as t3d 
				# rot = t3d.euler2mat(0*np.pi/1	80, 0*np.pi/180, 90*np.pi/180, 'szyx')
				# templates.append((, current_data[i].T).T))
				templates.append(current_data[i]/2.0)				# Append data if it belongs to the category and less than given number of models.
				count += 1
	return templates 
Example #2
Source File:    From deep_gcns with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def load_data(all_files, room_filelist, test_area_idx):
  # Load all data
  data_batch_list = []
  label_batch_list = []
  for h5_filename in all_files:
    data_batch, label_batch = provider.loadDataFile(h5_filename)
  data_batches = np.concatenate(data_batch_list, 0)
  label_batches = np.concatenate(label_batch_list, 0)

  test_area = 'Area_'+test_area_idx
  train_idxs = []
  test_idxs = []
  for i,room_name in enumerate(room_filelist):
    if test_area in room_name:

  return data_batches[train_idxs,...], label_batches[train_idxs], data_batches[test_idxs,...], label_batches[test_idxs] 
Example #3
Source File:    From pcrnet with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def find_models(category, model, templates, case):
	# model:		No of models to be stored for a particular category.
	# category: 	Name of the category to be stored.
	# templates:	Array having templates (BxNx3)
	# case:			Which files to be used? (test/train)

	if case == 'test':
	if case == 'train':
	count = 0														# Counter to find number of models.
	for train_idx in range(len(FILES)):						# Loop over all the training files from ModelNet40 data.
		current_data, current_label = provider.loadDataFile(FILES[train_idx])		# Load data of from a file.
		for i in range(current_data.shape[0]):
			if count<model and shapes.index(category)==current_label[i]:
				# import transforms3d.euler as t3d 
				# rot = t3d.euler2mat(0*np.pi/1	80, 0*np.pi/180, 90*np.pi/180, 'szyx')
				# templates.append((, current_data[i].T).T))
				templates.append(current_data[i]/2.0)				# Append data if it belongs to the category and less than given number of models.
				count += 1
	return templates 
Example #4
Source File:    From pointnet-registration-framework with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def loadDataFile(self, filename):
		return load_h5(filename) 
Example #5
Source File:    From chainer-pointnet with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, h5_filepath, num_point=1024, augment=False):
        print('loading ', h5_filepath)
        data, label = provider.loadDataFile(h5_filepath)
        assert len(data) == len(label)
        # data: (2048, 2048, 3) - (batchsize, point, xyz)
        # Reduce num point here. = data[:, :num_point, :].astype(np.float32)
        # (2048,) - (batchsize,)
        self.label = np.squeeze(label).astype(np.int32)
        self.augment = augment
        self.num_point = num_point
        self.length = len(data)
        print('length ', self.length) 
Example #6
Source File:    From PointCNN.Pytorch with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def eval_one_epoch(sess, ops, test_writer):
    """ ops: dict mapping from string to tf ops """
    is_training = False
    total_correct = 0
    total_seen = 0
    loss_sum = 0
    total_seen_class = [0 for _ in range(NUM_CLASSES)]
    total_correct_class = [0 for _ in range(NUM_CLASSES)]
    for fn in range(len(TEST_FILES)):
        log_string('----' + str(fn) + '-----')
        current_data, current_label = provider.loadDataFile(TEST_FILES[fn])
        current_data = current_data[:,0:NUM_POINT,:]
        current_label = np.squeeze(current_label)
        file_size = current_data.shape[0]
        num_batches = file_size // BATCH_SIZE
        for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
            start_idx = batch_idx * BATCH_SIZE
            end_idx = (batch_idx+1) * BATCH_SIZE

            feed_dict = {ops['pointclouds_pl']: current_data[start_idx:end_idx, :, :],
                         ops['labels_pl']: current_label[start_idx:end_idx],
                         ops['is_training_pl']: is_training}
            summary, step, loss_val, pred_val =[ops['merged'], ops['step'],
                ops['loss'], ops['pred']], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            pred_val = np.argmax(pred_val, 1)
            correct = np.sum(pred_val == current_label[start_idx:end_idx])
            total_correct += correct
            total_seen += BATCH_SIZE
            loss_sum += (loss_val*BATCH_SIZE)
            for i in range(start_idx, end_idx):
                l = current_label[i]
                total_seen_class[l] += 1
                total_correct_class[l] += (pred_val[i-start_idx] == l)
    log_string('eval mean loss: %f' % (loss_sum / float(total_seen)))
    log_string('eval accuracy: %f'% (total_correct / float(total_seen)))
    log_string('eval avg class acc: %f' % (np.mean(np.array(total_correct_class)/np.array(total_seen_class,dtype=np.float)))) 
Example #7
Source File:    From pcrnet with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def loadDataFile(self, filename):
		return self.load_h5(filename) 
Example #8
Source File:    From ldgcnn with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def train_classifier_one_epoch(sess, ops, train_writer):
    """ ops: dict mapping from string to tf ops """
    is_training = True
    for fn in range(len(TRAIN_FILES_CLS)):    
        # Shuffle train files
        current_data, current_label = provider.loadDataFile(TRAIN_FILES_CLS[fn]) 
        current_data, current_label, _ = provider.shuffle_data(current_data, np.squeeze(current_label))
        current_label = np.squeeze(current_label)
        # I find that we can increase the accuracy by about 0.2% after 
        # padding zero vectors, but I do not know the reason.
        current_data = np.concatenate([current_data, np.zeros((
                current_data.shape[0], NUM_FEATURE_CLS - current_data.shape[1]))], axis  = -1)
        file_size = current_data.shape[0]
        num_batches = file_size // BATCH_SIZE
        total_correct = 0
        total_seen = 0
        loss_sum = 0
        for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
            start_idx = batch_idx * BATCH_SIZE
            end_idx = (batch_idx+1) * BATCH_SIZE
            # Input the features and labels to the graph.
            feed_dict = {ops['pointclouds_pl']: current_data[start_idx:end_idx,...],
                         ops['labels_pl']: current_label[start_idx:end_idx],
                         ops['is_training_pl']: is_training,}
            # Calculate the loss and classification scores.
            summary, step, _, loss_val, pred_val =[ops['merged'], ops['step'],
                ops['train_op'], ops['loss'], ops['pred']], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            train_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
            pred_val = np.argmax(pred_val, 1)
            correct = np.sum(pred_val == current_label[start_idx:end_idx])
            total_correct += correct
            total_seen += BATCH_SIZE
            loss_sum += loss_val 
Example #9
Source File:    From PointCNN.Pytorch with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def train_one_epoch(sess, ops, train_writer):
    """ ops: dict mapping from string to tf ops """
    is_training = True
    # Shuffle train files
    train_file_idxs = np.arange(0, len(TRAIN_FILES))
    for fn in range(len(TRAIN_FILES)):
        log_string('----' + str(fn) + '-----')
        current_data, current_label = provider.loadDataFile(TRAIN_FILES[train_file_idxs[fn]])
        current_data = current_data[:,0:NUM_POINT,:]
        current_data, current_label, _ = provider.shuffle_data(current_data, np.squeeze(current_label))            
        current_label = np.squeeze(current_label)
        file_size = current_data.shape[0]
        num_batches = file_size // BATCH_SIZE
        total_correct = 0
        total_seen = 0
        loss_sum = 0
        for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
            start_idx = batch_idx * BATCH_SIZE
            end_idx = (batch_idx+1) * BATCH_SIZE
            # Augment batched point clouds by rotation and jittering
            rotated_data = provider.rotate_point_cloud(current_data[start_idx:end_idx, :, :])
            jittered_data = provider.jitter_point_cloud(rotated_data)
            feed_dict = {ops['pointclouds_pl']: jittered_data,
                         ops['labels_pl']: current_label[start_idx:end_idx],
                         ops['is_training_pl']: is_training,}
            summary, step, _, loss_val, pred_val =[ops['merged'], ops['step'],
                ops['train_op'], ops['loss'], ops['pred']], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            train_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
            pred_val = np.argmax(pred_val, 1)
            correct = np.sum(pred_val == current_label[start_idx:end_idx])
            total_correct += correct
            total_seen += BATCH_SIZE
            loss_sum += loss_val
        log_string('mean loss: %f' % (loss_sum / float(num_batches)))
        log_string('accuracy: %f' % (total_correct / float(total_seen))) 
Example #10
Source File:    From ldgcnn with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def train_one_epoch(sess, ops, train_writer):
    """ ops: dict mapping from string to tf ops """
    is_training = True
    # Shuffle train files
    train_file_idxs = np.arange(0, len(TRAIN_FILES))
    for fn in range(len(TRAIN_FILES)):
        log_string('----' + str(fn) + '-----')
        # Load data and labels from the files.
        current_data, current_label = provider.loadDataFile(TRAIN_FILES[train_file_idxs[fn]])
        current_data = current_data[:,0:NUM_POINT,:]
        # Shuffle the data in the training set.
        current_data, current_label, _ = provider.shuffle_data(current_data, np.squeeze(current_label))            
        current_label = np.squeeze(current_label)
        file_size = current_data.shape[0]
        num_batches = file_size // BATCH_SIZE
        total_correct = 0
        total_seen = 0
        loss_sum = 0
        for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
            start_idx = batch_idx * BATCH_SIZE
            end_idx = (batch_idx+1) * BATCH_SIZE
            # Augment batched point clouds by rotating, jittering, shifting, 
            # and scaling.
            rotated_data = provider.rotate_point_cloud(current_data[start_idx:end_idx, :, :])
            jittered_data = provider.jitter_point_cloud(rotated_data)
            jittered_data = provider.random_scale_point_cloud(jittered_data)
            jittered_data = provider.rotate_perturbation_point_cloud(jittered_data)
            jittered_data = provider.shift_point_cloud(jittered_data)
            # Input the augmented point cloud and labels to the graph.
            feed_dict = {ops['pointclouds_pl']: jittered_data,
                         ops['labels_pl']: current_label[start_idx:end_idx],
                         ops['is_training_pl']: is_training,}
            # Calculate the loss and accuracy of the input batch data.            
            summary, step, _, loss_val, pred_val =[ops['merged'], ops['step'],
                ops['train_op'], ops['loss'], ops['pred']], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            train_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
            pred_val = np.argmax(pred_val, 1)
            correct = np.sum(pred_val == current_label[start_idx:end_idx])
            total_correct += correct
            total_seen += BATCH_SIZE
            loss_sum += loss_val
        log_string('mean loss: %f' % (loss_sum / float(num_batches)))
        log_string('accuracy: %f' % (total_correct / float(total_seen))) 
Example #11
Source File:    From ldgcnn with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def eval_one_epoch(sess, ops, test_writer):
    """ ops: dict mapping from string to tf ops """
    is_training = False
    total_correct = 0
    total_seen = 0
    loss_sum = 0
    total_seen_class = [0 for _ in range(NUM_CLASSES)]
    total_correct_class = [0 for _ in range(NUM_CLASSES)]
    for fn in range(len(TEST_FILES)):
        log_string('----' + str(fn) + '-----')
        current_data, current_label = provider.loadDataFile(TEST_FILES[fn])
        current_data = current_data[:,0:NUM_POINT,:]
        current_label = np.squeeze(current_label)
        file_size = current_data.shape[0]
        num_batches = file_size // BATCH_SIZE
        for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
            start_idx = batch_idx * BATCH_SIZE
            end_idx = (batch_idx+1) * BATCH_SIZE
            # Input the point cloud and labels to the graph.
            feed_dict = {ops['pointclouds_pl']: current_data[start_idx:end_idx, :, :],
                         ops['labels_pl']: current_label[start_idx:end_idx],
                         ops['is_training_pl']: is_training}
            # Calculate the loss and classification scores.
            summary, step, loss_val, pred_val =[ops['merged'], ops['step'],
                ops['loss'], ops['pred']], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            pred_val = np.argmax(pred_val, 1)
            correct = np.sum(pred_val == current_label[start_idx:end_idx])
            total_correct += correct
            total_seen += BATCH_SIZE
            loss_sum += (loss_val*BATCH_SIZE)
            for i in range(start_idx, end_idx):
                l = current_label[i]
                total_seen_class[l] += 1
                total_correct_class[l] += (pred_val[i-start_idx] == l)
    log_string('eval mean loss: %f' % (loss_sum / float(total_seen)))
    log_string('eval accuracy: %f'% (total_correct / float(total_seen)))
    log_string('eval avg class acc: %f' % (np.mean(np.array(total_correct_class)/np.array(total_seen_class,dtype=np.float))))
    return total_correct / float(total_seen) 
Example #12
Source File:    From ldgcnn with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def save_global_feature(sess, ops, saver, layers):
    feature_name = 'global_feature'
    file_name_vec = ['train_' + feature_name, 'test_' + feature_name]
    Files_vec = [TRAIN_FILES, TEST_FILES]
    #Restore variables that achieves the best validation accuracy from the disk.
    saver.restore(sess, os.path.join(LOG_DIR, FLAGS.model+
                                         str(NAME_MODEL)+ "_model.ckpt")) 
    log_string("Model restored.") 
    is_training = False
    # Extract the features from training set and validation set.
    for r in range(2):
        file_name = file_name_vec[r]
        Files = Files_vec[r]
        global_feature_vec = np.array([])
        label_vec = np.array([])
        for fn in range(len(Files)):
            current_data, current_label = provider.loadDataFile(Files[fn])
            current_data = current_data[:,0:NUM_POINT,:]
            current_label = np.squeeze(current_label)
            file_size = current_data.shape[0]
            num_batches = file_size // BATCH_SIZE
            for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
                start_idx = batch_idx * BATCH_SIZE
                end_idx = (batch_idx+1) * BATCH_SIZE
                # Input the point cloud and labels to the graph.
                feed_dict = {ops['pointclouds_pl']: current_data[start_idx:end_idx, :, :],
                             ops['labels_pl']: current_label[start_idx:end_idx],
                             ops['is_training_pl']: is_training}
                # Extract the global features from the input batch data.
                global_feature = np.squeeze(layers[feature_name].eval(
                if label_vec.shape[0] == 0:
                    global_feature_vec = global_feature
                    label_vec = current_label[start_idx:end_idx]
                    global_feature_vec = np.concatenate([global_feature_vec, global_feature])
                    label_vec = np.concatenate([label_vec, current_label[start_idx:end_idx]])      
        # Save all global features to the disk.
        FileIO.write_h5('data/extracted_feature/' + file_name + '.h5', global_feature_vec, label_vec) 
Example #13
Source File:    From ldgcnn with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def eval_classifier_one_epoch(sess, ops, test_writer):
    """ ops: dict mapping from string to tf ops """
    is_training = False
    total_correct = 0
    total_seen = 0
    loss_sum = 0
    total_seen_class = [0 for _ in range(NUM_CLASSES)]
    total_correct_class = [0 for  _ in range(NUM_CLASSES)]
    file_size_sum = 0
    for fn in range(len(TEST_FILES_CLS)):
        current_data, current_label = provider.loadDataFile(TEST_FILES_CLS[fn])
        current_label = np.squeeze(current_label)
        # I find that we can increase the accuracy by about 0.2% after 
        # padding zero vectors, but I do not know the reason.
        current_data = np.concatenate([current_data, np.zeros((
                current_data.shape[0], NUM_FEATURE_CLS - current_data.shape[1]))], axis  = -1)
        file_size = current_data.shape[0]
        file_size_sum += file_size
        num_batches = file_size // BATCH_SIZE
        for batch_idx in range(num_batches):
            start_idx = batch_idx * BATCH_SIZE
            end_idx = (batch_idx+1) * BATCH_SIZE
            # Input the features and labels to the graph.
            feed_dict = {ops['pointclouds_pl']: current_data[start_idx:end_idx,:],
                         ops['labels_pl']: current_label[start_idx:end_idx],
                         ops['is_training_pl']: is_training}
            # Calculate the loss and classification scores.
            summary, step, loss_val, pred_val =[ops['merged'], ops['step'],
                ops['loss'], ops['pred']], feed_dict=feed_dict)
            test_writer.add_summary(summary, step)
            pred_val = np.argmax(pred_val, 1)
            correct = np.sum(pred_val == current_label[start_idx:end_idx])
            total_correct += correct
            total_seen += BATCH_SIZE
            loss_sum += (loss_val*BATCH_SIZE)
            for i in range(start_idx, end_idx):
                l = current_label[i]
                total_seen_class[l] += 1
                total_correct_class[l] += (pred_val[i-start_idx] == l)
    accuracy = total_correct / float(total_seen)
    class_accuracy = np.mean(np.array(total_correct_class)/np.array(
    return accuracy, class_accuracy