Python pkg_resources.extern.six.moves.filter() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of pkg_resources.extern.six.moves.filter(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module pkg_resources.extern.six.moves , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From V1EngineeringInc-Docs with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #2
Source File:    From setuptools with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #3
Source File:    From rules_pip with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #4
Source File:    From bazarr with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #5
Source File:    From coffeegrindsize with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #6
Source File:    From stopstalk-deployment with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #7
Source File:    From scylla with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #8
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #9
Source File:    From pySINDy with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #10
Source File:    From GraphicDesignPatternByPython with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #11
Source File:    From deepWordBug with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #12
Source File:    From anpr with Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #13
Source File:    From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #14
Source File:    From android_universal with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #15
Source File:    From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #16
Source File:    From ironpython2 with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #17
Source File:    From Hands-On-Deep-Learning-for-Games with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #18
Source File:    From lambda-packs with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _filter_extras(dm):
        Given a mapping of extras to dependencies, strip off
        environment markers and filter out any dependencies
        not matching the markers.
        for extra in list(filter(None, dm)):
            new_extra = extra
            reqs = dm.pop(extra)
            new_extra, _, marker = extra.partition(':')
            fails_marker = marker and (
                or not evaluate_marker(marker)
            if fails_marker:
                reqs = []
            new_extra = safe_extra(new_extra) or None

            dm.setdefault(new_extra, []).extend(reqs)
        return dm 
Example #19
Source File:    From Carnets with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _version_from_file(lines):
    Given an iterable of lines from a Metadata file, return
    the value of the Version field, if present, or None otherwise.
    def is_version_line(line):
        return line.lower().startswith('version:')
    version_lines = filter(is_version_line, lines)
    line = next(iter(version_lines), '')
    _, _, value = line.partition(':')
    return safe_version(value.strip()) or None 
Example #20
Source File:    From keras-lambda with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _version_from_file(lines):
    Given an iterable of lines from a Metadata file, return
    the value of the Version field, if present, or None otherwise.
    is_version_line = lambda line: line.lower().startswith('version:')
    version_lines = filter(is_version_line, lines)
    line = next(iter(version_lines), '')
    _, _, value = line.partition(':')
    return safe_version(value.strip()) or None 
Example #21
Source File:    From syntheticmass with Apache License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _version_from_file(lines):
    Given an iterable of lines from a Metadata file, return
    the value of the Version field, if present, or None otherwise.
    is_version_line = lambda line: line.lower().startswith('version:')
    version_lines = filter(is_version_line, lines)
    line = next(iter(version_lines), '')
    _, _, value = line.partition(':')
    return safe_version(value.strip()) or None 
Example #22
Source File:    From CTFCrackTools-V2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _version_from_file(lines):
    Given an iterable of lines from a Metadata file, return
    the value of the Version field, if present, or None otherwise.
    is_version_line = lambda line: line.lower().startswith('version:')
    version_lines = filter(is_version_line, lines)
    line = next(iter(version_lines), '')
    _, _, value = line.partition(':')
    return safe_version(value.strip()) or None 
Example #23
Source File:    From bazarr with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _version_from_file(lines):
    Given an iterable of lines from a Metadata file, return
    the value of the Version field, if present, or None otherwise.
    def is_version_line(line):
        return line.lower().startswith('version:')
    version_lines = filter(is_version_line, lines)
    line = next(iter(version_lines), '')
    _, _, value = line.partition(':')
    return safe_version(value.strip()) or None 
Example #24
Source File:    From twitter-stock-recommendation with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _version_from_file(lines):
    Given an iterable of lines from a Metadata file, return
    the value of the Version field, if present, or None otherwise.
    def is_version_line(line):
        return line.lower().startswith('version:')
    version_lines = filter(is_version_line, lines)
    line = next(iter(version_lines), '')
    _, _, value = line.partition(':')
    return safe_version(value.strip()) or None 
Example #25
Source File:    From coffeegrindsize with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _version_from_file(lines):
    Given an iterable of lines from a Metadata file, return
    the value of the Version field, if present, or None otherwise.
    def is_version_line(line):
        return line.lower().startswith('version:')
    version_lines = filter(is_version_line, lines)
    line = next(iter(version_lines), '')
    _, _, value = line.partition(':')
    return safe_version(value.strip()) or None 
Example #26
Source File:    From CTFCrackTools with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _version_from_file(lines):
    Given an iterable of lines from a Metadata file, return
    the value of the Version field, if present, or None otherwise.
    is_version_line = lambda line: line.lower().startswith('version:')
    version_lines = filter(is_version_line, lines)
    line = next(iter(version_lines), '')
    _, _, value = line.partition(':')
    return safe_version(value.strip()) or None 
Example #27
Source File:    From jarvis with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _version_from_file(lines):
    Given an iterable of lines from a Metadata file, return
    the value of the Version field, if present, or None otherwise.
    is_version_line = lambda line: line.lower().startswith('version:')
    version_lines = filter(is_version_line, lines)
    line = next(iter(version_lines), '')
    _, _, value = line.partition(':')
    return safe_version(value.strip()) or None 
Example #28
Source File:    From Serverless-Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-and-AWS-Lambda with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _version_from_file(lines):
    Given an iterable of lines from a Metadata file, return
    the value of the Version field, if present, or None otherwise.
    def is_version_line(line):
        return line.lower().startswith('version:')
    version_lines = filter(is_version_line, lines)
    line = next(iter(version_lines), '')
    _, _, value = line.partition(':')
    return safe_version(value.strip()) or None 
Example #29
Source File:    From V1EngineeringInc-Docs with Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 4.0 International 5 votes vote down vote up
def _version_from_file(lines):
    Given an iterable of lines from a Metadata file, return
    the value of the Version field, if present, or None otherwise.
    def is_version_line(line):
        return line.lower().startswith('version:')
    version_lines = filter(is_version_line, lines)
    line = next(iter(version_lines), '')
    _, _, value = line.partition(':')
    return safe_version(value.strip()) or None 
Example #30
Source File:    From rules_pip with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _version_from_file(lines):
    Given an iterable of lines from a Metadata file, return
    the value of the Version field, if present, or None otherwise.
    def is_version_line(line):
        return line.lower().startswith('version:')
    version_lines = filter(is_version_line, lines)
    line = next(iter(version_lines), '')
    _, _, value = line.partition(':')
    return safe_version(value.strip()) or None