electron#net TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use electron#net. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: ipcApp.ts    From wiregui with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
ipcMain.on("check-for-updates", (event) => {
  const request = net.request("https://api.github.com/repos/devsfy/wiregui/releases/latest");
    request.on("response", (response) => {
      response.on("data", (chunk) => {
        if (response.statusCode !== 200) {

        const body = JSON.parse(chunk.toString());
        if (body.tag_name !== version) {
Example #2
Source File: electronHttpExecutor.ts    From electron-differential-updater with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
createRequest(options: any, callback: (response: any) => void): any {

    // fix (node 7+) for making electron updater work when using AWS private buckets, check if headers contain Host property
    if (options.headers && options.headers.Host){
      // set host value from headers.Host
      options.host = options.headers.Host
      // remove header property 'Host', if not removed causes net::ERR_INVALID_ARGUMENT exception
      delete options.headers.Host;

    // differential downloader can call this method very often, so, better to cache session
    if (this.cachedSession == null) {
      this.cachedSession = getNetSession()

    const request = net.request({
      session: this.cachedSession,
    request.on("response", callback)
    if (this.proxyLoginCallback != null) {
      request.on("login", this.proxyLoginCallback)
    return request
Example #3
Source File: index.ts    From TidGi-Desktop with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
public async commitAndSync(workspace: IWorkspace, config: ICommitAndSyncConfigs): Promise<void> {
    if (!net.isOnline()) {
    try {
      return await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
        this.gitWorker?.commitAndSyncWiki(workspace, config).subscribe(this.getWorkerObserver(resolve, reject));
    } catch (error) {
      this.createFailedDialog((error as Error).message, workspace.wikiFolderLocation);
Example #4
Source File: index.ts    From TidGi-Desktop with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public async isOnline(): Promise<boolean> {
    return net.isOnline();
Example #5
Source File: index.ts    From TidGi-Desktop with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public async initWikiGit(wikiFolderPath: string, isSyncedWiki?: boolean, isMainWiki?: boolean, remoteUrl?: string, userInfo?: IGitUserInfos): Promise<void> {
    // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/strict-boolean-expressions
    const syncImmediately = !!isSyncedWiki && !!isMainWiki;
    return await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
      this.gitWorker?.initWikiGit(wikiFolderPath, syncImmediately && net.isOnline(), remoteUrl, userInfo).subscribe(this.getWorkerObserver(resolve, reject));
Example #6
Source File: index.ts    From TidGi-Desktop with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
public async clone(remoteUrl: string, repoFolderPath: string, userInfo: IGitUserInfos): Promise<void> {
    if (!net.isOnline()) {
    return await new Promise<void>((resolve, reject) => {
      this.gitWorker?.cloneWiki(repoFolderPath, remoteUrl, userInfo).subscribe(this.getWorkerObserver(resolve, reject));
Example #7
Source File: ipc-events.ts    From WowUp with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
export function initializeIpcHandlers(window: BrowserWindow): void {
  log.info("process.versions", process.versions);

  ipcMain.on("webview-error", (evt, err, msg) => {
    log.error("webview-error", err, msg);

  // Just forward the token event out to the window
  // this is not a handler, just a passive listener
  ipcMain.on("wago-token-received", (evt, token) => {
    window?.webContents?.send("wago-token-received", token);

  // Remove the pending URLs once read so they are only able to be gotten once
  handle(IPC_GET_PENDING_OPEN_URLS, (): string[] => {
    const urls = PENDING_OPEN_URLS;
    return urls;

      key: string,
      type: "string" | "boolean" | "integer" | "float" | "double" | "url" | "array" | "dictionary"
    ) => {
      return systemPreferences.getUserDefault(key, type);

  handle("clipboard-read-text", () => {
    return clipboard.readText();

  handle(IPC_SHOW_DIRECTORY, async (evt, filePath: string): Promise<string> => {
    return await shell.openPath(filePath);

  handle(IPC_GET_ASSET_FILE_PATH, (evt, fileName: string) => {
    return path.join(__dirname, "..", "assets", fileName);

  handle(IPC_CREATE_DIRECTORY_CHANNEL, async (evt, directoryPath: string): Promise<boolean> => {
    log.info(`[CreateDirectory] '${directoryPath}'`);
    await fsp.mkdir(directoryPath, { recursive: true });
    return true;

  handle(IPC_GET_ZOOM_FACTOR, () => {
    return window?.webContents?.getZoomFactor();

  handle(IPC_UPDATE_APP_BADGE, (evt, count: number) => {
    return app.setBadgeCount(count);

  handle(IPC_SET_ZOOM_LIMITS, (evt, minimumLevel: number, maximumLevel: number) => {
    return window.webContents?.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(minimumLevel, maximumLevel);

  handle("show-item-in-folder", (evt, path: string) => {

  handle(IPC_SET_ZOOM_FACTOR, (evt, zoomFactor: number) => {
    if (window?.webContents) {
      window.webContents.zoomFactor = zoomFactor;

  handle(IPC_ADDONS_SAVE_ALL, (evt, addons: Addon[]) => {
    if (!Array.isArray(addons)) {

    for (const addon of addons) {
      addonStore.set(addon.id, addon);

  handle(IPC_GET_APP_VERSION, () => {
    return app.getVersion();

  handle(IPC_GET_LOCALE, () => {
    return `${app.getLocale()}`;

  handle(IPC_GET_LAUNCH_ARGS, () => {
    return process.argv;

    return app.getLoginItemSettings();

  handle(IPC_SET_LOGIN_ITEM_SETTINGS, (evt, settings: Settings) => {
    return app.setLoginItemSettings(settings);

  handle(IPC_READDIR, async (evt, dirPath: string): Promise<string[]> => {
    return await fsp.readdir(dirPath);

  handle(IPC_IS_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_CLIENT, (evt, protocol: string) => {
    return app.isDefaultProtocolClient(protocol);

  handle(IPC_SET_AS_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_CLIENT, (evt, protocol: string) => {
    return app.setAsDefaultProtocolClient(protocol);

  handle(IPC_REMOVE_AS_DEFAULT_PROTOCOL_CLIENT, (evt, protocol: string) => {
    return app.removeAsDefaultProtocolClient(protocol);

  handle(IPC_LIST_DIRECTORIES_CHANNEL, async (evt, filePath: string, scanSymlinks: boolean) => {
    const files = await fsp.readdir(filePath, { withFileTypes: true });
    let symlinkNames: string[] = [];
    if (scanSymlinks === true) {
      log.info("Scanning symlinks");
      const symlinkDirs = await getSymlinkDirs(filePath, files);
      symlinkNames = _.map(symlinkDirs, (symLink) => symLink.original.name);

    const directories = files.filter((file) => file.isDirectory()).map((file) => file.name);
    return [...directories, ...symlinkNames];

  handle(IPC_STAT_FILES_CHANNEL, async (evt, filePaths: string[]) => {
    const results: { [path: string]: FsStats } = {};

    const taskResults = await firstValueFrom(
        mergeMap((filePath) => from(statFile(filePath)), 3),

    taskResults.forEach((r) => (results[r.path] = r.fsStats));

    return results;

  handle(IPC_LIST_ENTRIES, async (evt, sourcePath: string, filter: string) => {
    const globFilter = globrex(filter);
    const results = await fsp.readdir(sourcePath, { withFileTypes: true });
    const matches = _.filter(results, (entry) => globFilter.regex.test(entry.name));
    return _.map(matches, (match) => {
      const dirEnt: FsDirent = {
        isBlockDevice: match.isBlockDevice(),
        isCharacterDevice: match.isCharacterDevice(),
        isDirectory: match.isDirectory(),
        isFIFO: match.isFIFO(),
        isFile: match.isFile(),
        isSocket: match.isSocket(),
        isSymbolicLink: match.isSymbolicLink(),
        name: match.name,
      return dirEnt;

  handle(IPC_LIST_FILES_CHANNEL, async (evt, sourcePath: string, filter: string) => {
    const pathExists = await exists(sourcePath);
    if (!pathExists) {
      return [];

    const globFilter = globrex(filter);
    const results = await fsp.readdir(sourcePath, { withFileTypes: true });
    const matches = _.filter(results, (entry) => globFilter.regex.test(entry.name));
    return _.map(matches, (match) => match.name);

  handle(IPC_PATH_EXISTS_CHANNEL, async (evt, filePath: string) => {
    if (!filePath) {
      return false;

    try {
      await fsp.access(filePath);
    } catch (e) {
      if (e.code !== "ENOENT") {
      return false;

    return true;

  handle(IPC_WOWUP_GET_SCAN_RESULTS, async (evt, filePaths: string[]): Promise<WowUpScanResult[]> => {
    const taskResults = await firstValueFrom(
        mergeMap((folder) => from(new WowUpFolderScanner(folder).scanFolder()), 3),

    return taskResults;

  handle(IPC_UNZIP_FILE_CHANNEL, async (evt, arg: UnzipRequest) => {
    await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      yauzl.open(arg.zipFilePath, { lazyEntries: true }, (err, zipfile) => {
        handleZipFile(err, zipfile, arg.outputFolder).then(resolve).catch(reject);

    await chmodDir(arg.outputFolder, DEFAULT_FILE_MODE);

    return arg.outputFolder;

  handle("zip-file", async (evt, srcPath: string, destPath: string) => {
    log.info(`[ZipFile]: '${srcPath} -> ${destPath}`);
    return await zipFile(srcPath, destPath);

  handle("zip-read-file", async (evt, zipPath: string, filePath: string) => {
    log.info(`[ZipReadFile]: '${zipPath} : ${filePath}`);
    return await readFileInZip(zipPath, filePath);

  handle("zip-list-files", (evt, zipPath: string, filter: string) => {
    log.info(`[ZipListEntries]: '${zipPath}`);
    return listZipFiles(zipPath, filter);

  handle("rename-file", async (evt, srcPath: string, destPath: string) => {
    log.info(`[RenameFile]: '${srcPath} -> ${destPath}`);
    return await fsp.rename(srcPath, destPath);

  handle("base64-encode", (evt, content: string) => {
    const buff = Buffer.from(content);
    return buff.toString("base64");

  handle("base64-decode", (evt, content: string) => {
    const buff = Buffer.from(content, "base64");
    return buff.toString("utf-8");

  handle(IPC_COPY_FILE_CHANNEL, async (evt, arg: CopyFileRequest): Promise<boolean> => {
    log.info(`[FileCopy] '${arg.sourceFilePath}' -> '${arg.destinationFilePath}'`);
    const stat = await fsp.lstat(arg.sourceFilePath);
    if (stat.isDirectory()) {
      await copyDir(arg.sourceFilePath, arg.destinationFilePath);
      await chmodDir(arg.destinationFilePath, DEFAULT_FILE_MODE);
    } else {
      await fsp.copyFile(arg.sourceFilePath, arg.destinationFilePath);
      await fsp.chmod(arg.destinationFilePath, DEFAULT_FILE_MODE);
    return true;

  handle(IPC_DELETE_DIRECTORY_CHANNEL, async (evt, filePath: string) => {
    log.info(`[FileRemove] ${filePath}`);
    return await remove(filePath);

  handle(IPC_READ_FILE_CHANNEL, async (evt, filePath: string) => {
    return await fsp.readFile(filePath, { encoding: "utf-8" });

  handle(IPC_READ_FILE_BUFFER_CHANNEL, async (evt, filePath: string) => {
    return await fsp.readFile(filePath);

  handle("decode-product-db", async (evt, filePath: string) => {
    const productDbData = await fsp.readFile(filePath);
    const productDb = ProductDb.decode(productDbData);
    setImmediate(() => {
      console.log("productDb", JSON.stringify(productDb));

    return productDb;

  handle(IPC_WRITE_FILE_CHANNEL, async (evt, filePath: string, contents: string) => {
    return await fsp.writeFile(filePath, contents, { encoding: "utf-8", mode: DEFAULT_FILE_MODE });

  handle(IPC_CREATE_TRAY_MENU_CHANNEL, (evt, config: SystemTrayConfig) => {
    return createTray(window, config);

  handle(IPC_CREATE_APP_MENU_CHANNEL, (evt, config: MenuConfig) => {
    return createAppMenu(window, config);

  handle(IPC_GET_LATEST_DIR_UPDATE_TIME, (evt, dirPath: string) => {
    return getLastModifiedFileDate(dirPath);

  handle(IPC_LIST_DIR_RECURSIVE, (evt, dirPath: string): Promise<string[]> => {
    return readDirRecursive(dirPath);

  handle(IPC_GET_DIRECTORY_TREE, (evt, args: GetDirectoryTreeRequest): Promise<TreeNode> => {
    log.debug(IPC_GET_DIRECTORY_TREE, args);
    return getDirTree(args.dirPath, args.opts);

  handle(IPC_GET_HOME_DIR, (): string => {
    return os.homedir();

  handle(IPC_MINIMIZE_WINDOW, () => {
    if (window?.minimizable) {

  handle(IPC_MAXIMIZE_WINDOW, () => {
    if (window?.maximizable) {
      if (window.isMaximized()) {
      } else {

  handle(IPC_CLOSE_WINDOW, () => {

  handle(IPC_FOCUS_WINDOW, () => {

  handle(IPC_RESTART_APP, () => {

  handle(IPC_QUIT_APP, () => {

  handle(IPC_LIST_DISKS_WIN32, async () => {
    const diskInfos = await nodeDiskInfo.getDiskInfo();
    // Cant pass complex objects over the wire, make them simple
    return diskInfos.map((di) => {
      return {
        mounted: di.mounted,
        filesystem: di.filesystem,


  handle(IPC_SHOW_OPEN_DIALOG, async (evt, options: OpenDialogOptions) => {
    return await dialog.showOpenDialog(options);

  handle(IPC_PUSH_INIT, () => {
    return push.startPushService();

  handle(IPC_PUSH_REGISTER, async (evt, appId: string) => {
    return await push.registerForPush(appId);

  handle(IPC_PUSH_UNREGISTER, async () => {
    return await push.unregisterPush();

  handle(IPC_PUSH_SUBSCRIBE, async (evt, channel: string) => {
    return await push.subscribeToChannel(channel);

  handle("get-focus", () => {
    return window.isFocused();

  ipcMain.on(IPC_DOWNLOAD_FILE_CHANNEL, (evt, arg: DownloadRequest) => {
    handleDownloadFile(arg).catch((e) => log.error(e.toString()));

  // In order to allow concurrent downloads, we have to get creative with this session handler
  window.webContents.session.on("will-download", (evt, item, wc) => {
    for (const key of _dlMap.keys()) {
      log.info(`will-download: ${key}`);
      if (!item.getURLChain().includes(key)) {

      try {
        const action = _dlMap.get(key);
        action.call(null, evt, item, wc);
      } catch (e) {
      } finally {

  async function statFile(filePath: string) {
    const stats = await fsp.stat(filePath);
    const fsStats: FsStats = {
      atime: stats.atime,
      atimeMs: stats.atimeMs,
      birthtime: stats.birthtime,
      birthtimeMs: stats.birthtimeMs,
      blksize: stats.blksize,
      blocks: stats.blocks,
      ctime: stats.ctime,
      ctimeMs: stats.ctimeMs,
      dev: stats.dev,
      gid: stats.gid,
      ino: stats.ino,
      isBlockDevice: stats.isBlockDevice(),
      isCharacterDevice: stats.isCharacterDevice(),
      isDirectory: stats.isDirectory(),
      isFIFO: stats.isFIFO(),
      isFile: stats.isFile(),
      isSocket: stats.isSocket(),
      isSymbolicLink: stats.isSymbolicLink(),
      mode: stats.mode,
      mtime: stats.mtime,
      mtimeMs: stats.mtimeMs,
      nlink: stats.nlink,
      rdev: stats.rdev,
      size: stats.size,
      uid: stats.uid,
    return { path: filePath, fsStats };

  async function handleDownloadFile(arg: DownloadRequest) {
    const status: DownloadStatus = {
      type: DownloadStatusType.Pending,
      savePath: "",

    try {
      await fsp.mkdir(arg.outputFolder, { recursive: true });

      const downloadUrl = new URL(arg.url);
      if (typeof arg.auth?.queryParams === "object") {
        for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(arg.auth.queryParams)) {
          downloadUrl.searchParams.set(key, value);

      const savePath = path.join(arg.outputFolder, `${nanoid()}-${arg.fileName}`);
      log.info(`[DownloadFile] '${downloadUrl.toString()}' -> '${savePath}'`);

      const url = downloadUrl.toString();
      const writer = fs.createWriteStream(savePath);

      try {
        await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          let size = 0;
          let percentMod = -1;

          const req = net.request({
            redirect: "manual",

          if (typeof arg.auth?.headers === "object") {
            for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(arg.auth.headers)) {
              log.info(`Setting header: ${key}=${value}`);
              req.setHeader(key, value);

          req.on("redirect", (status, method, redirectUrl) => {
            log.info(`[download] caught redirect`, status, redirectUrl);

          req.on("response", (response) => {
            const fileLength = parseInt((response.headers["content-length"] as string) ?? "0", 10);

            response.on("data", (data) => {
              writer.write(data, () => {
                size += data.length;
                const percent = fileLength <= 0 ? 0 : Math.floor((size / fileLength) * 100);
                if (percent % 5 === 0 && percentMod !== percent) {
                  percentMod = percent;
                  log.debug(`Write: [${percent}] ${size}`);

            response.on("end", () => {
              if (response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode >= 300) {
                return reject(new Error(`Invalid response (${response.statusCode}): ${url}`));

              return resolve(undefined);
            response.on("error", (err) => {
              return reject(err);
      } finally {
        // always close stream

      status.type = DownloadStatusType.Complete;
      status.savePath = savePath;

      window.webContents.send(arg.responseKey, status);
    } catch (err) {
      status.type = DownloadStatusType.Error;
      status.error = err;
      window.webContents.send(arg.responseKey, status);