electron#MenuItemConstructorOptions TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use electron#MenuItemConstructorOptions. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: app-menu.ts    From noteworthy with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
function makeViewMenu(): MenuItemConstructorOptions {
	return { 
		label: "View",
		submenu: [
			{ label: "Toggle Sidebar" },
			{ label: "Document Outline" },
			{ label: "File Tree View" },
			{ label: "File List View" },
			{ type: "separator" },
			{ role: "reload" },
			{ role: "forceReload" },
			{ role: "toggleDevTools" },
			{ type: "separator" },
			{ role: "resetZoom" },
			{ role: "zoomIn" },
			{ role: "zoomOut" },
			{ type: "separator" },
			{ label: "Toggle Side Panel" },
			{ label: "Focus Mode" },
			{ label: "Typewriter Mode" },
			{ type: "separator" },
			{ role: "togglefullscreen" }
Example #2
Source File: setup.ts    From angular-sqlite-app-starter with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
    capacitorFileConfig: CapacitorElectronConfig,
    trayMenuTemplate?: (MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem)[],
    appMenuBarMenuTemplate?: (MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem)[]
  ) {
    this.CapacitorFileConfig = capacitorFileConfig;

    this.customScheme = this.CapacitorFileConfig.electron?.customUrlScheme ?? 'capacitor-electron';

    if (trayMenuTemplate) {
      this.TrayMenuTemplate = trayMenuTemplate;

    if (appMenuBarMenuTemplate) {
      this.AppMenuBarMenuTemplate = appMenuBarMenuTemplate;

    // Setup our web app loader, this lets us load apps like react, vue, and angular without changing their build chains.
    this.loadWebApp = electronServe({
      directory: join(app.getAppPath(), 'app'),
      scheme: this.customScheme,
Example #3
Source File: app-menu.ts    From WowUp with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
function createMenuItems(win: BrowserWindow, config?: MenuConfig): Array<MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem> {
  if (!config) {
    return [];

  if (platform.isWin) {
    return createWindowsMenuItems(win, config);
  } else if (platform.isMac) {
    return createMacMenuItems(win, config);
  } else if (platform.isLinux) {
    return createLinuxMenuItems(win, config);

  return [];
Example #4
Source File: app-menu.ts    From noteworthy with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
export async function makeAppMenuTemplate(app:NoteworthyApp, themeService:ThemeService): Promise<MenuItemConstructorOptions[]> {
	return [
		await makeThemeMenu(themeService),
Example #5
Source File: setup.ts    From react-sqlite-app-starter with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
    capacitorFileConfig: CapacitorElectronConfig,
    trayMenuTemplate?: (MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem)[],
    appMenuBarMenuTemplate?: (MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem)[],
  ) {
    this.CapacitorFileConfig = capacitorFileConfig;

    this.customScheme =
      this.CapacitorFileConfig.electron?.customUrlScheme ??

    if (trayMenuTemplate) {
      this.TrayMenuTemplate = trayMenuTemplate;

    if (appMenuBarMenuTemplate) {
      this.AppMenuBarMenuTemplate = appMenuBarMenuTemplate;

    // Setup our web app loader, this lets us load apps like react, vue, and angular without changing their build chains.
    this.loadWebApp = electronServe({
      directory: join(app.getAppPath(), 'app'),
      scheme: this.customScheme,
Example #6
Source File: app-menu.ts    From noteworthy with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
function makeHelpMenu(): MenuItemConstructorOptions {
	return {
		label: "Help",
		submenu: [
				label: "About Noteworthy",
				click: () => console.log("about")
				label: "View Documentation",
				click: () => console.error("unhandled menu option!")
			{ type: "separator" },
				/** @todo (9/14/20) eletron-util openGitHubIssue https://github.com/sindresorhus/electron-util#opennewgithubissueoptions*/
				label: "Report a Problem...",
				click: () => console.error("unhandled menu option!")
				label: "Submit Feature Request...",
				click: () => console.error("unhandled menu option!")
Example #7
Source File: menu.ts    From mysterium-vpn-desktop with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
createMenu = (): Menu => {
    const template: MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [
            label: packageJson.productName,
            submenu: [
                { role: "about" },
                { type: "separator" },
                { role: "hide" },
                { role: "hideOthers" },
                { role: "unhide" },
                { type: "separator" },
                { role: "quit" },
            label: "Edit",
            submenu: [{ role: "copy" }, { role: "paste" }],
            role: "window",
            submenu: [{ role: "minimize" }, { role: "close" }],
    return Menu.buildFromTemplate(template)
Example #8
Source File: zx-spectrum-context.ts    From kliveide with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
   * Items to add to the machine menu
  provideMachineMenuItems(): MenuItemConstructorOptions[] | null {
    return [
        id: TOGGLE_FAST_LOAD,
        label: "Fast load from tape",
        type: "checkbox",
        checked: true,
        click: (mi) => {
        id: SET_TAPE_FILE,
        label: "Set tape file...",
        click: async () => {
          await this.selectTapeFile();
Example #9
Source File: index.ts    From electron-playground with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export function setupMenu() {
  type MenuItemsType = MenuItemConstructorOptions[]
  const menuOption: MenuItemsType = [
      label: '操作',
      submenu: [
        { role: 'about' },
          label: 'check update',
          click() {
        { role: 'hide' },
        { role: 'hideOthers' },
        { role: 'quit' },
    {role: 'editMenu'},
    {role: 'fileMenu'},
    {role: 'viewMenu'},
    {role: 'windowMenu'},
    // TODO: 待添加,访问官网文档,访问github,上报issue等
    // {
    //   label: 'Help',
    //   submenu: [
    //   ]
    // },
  const handleOption = Menu.buildFromTemplate(menuOption) // 构造MenuItem的选项数组。
  // 设置菜单
  // Menu.setApplicationMenu(null)

Example #10
Source File: remote.ts    From TidGi-Desktop with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
remoteMethods = {
  buildContextMenuAndPopup: async (menus: MenuItemConstructorOptions[], parameters: IOnContextMenuInfo): Promise<() => void> => {
    const [ipcSafeMenus, unregister] = rendererMenuItemProxy(menus);
    await service.menu.buildContextMenuAndPopup(ipcSafeMenus, parameters, windowName);
    return unregister;
  closeCurrentWindow: async (): Promise<void> => {
    await service.window.close(windowName);
  /** call NodeJS.path */
  getBaseName: (pathString?: string): string | undefined => {
    if (typeof pathString === 'string') return path.basename(pathString);
  getDirectoryName: (pathString?: string): string | undefined => {
    if (typeof pathString === 'string') return path.dirname(pathString);
  joinPath: (...paths: string[]): string => {
    return path.join(...paths);
   * an wrapper around setVisualZoomLevelLimits
  setVisualZoomLevelLimits: (minimumLevel: number, maximumLevel: number): void => {
    webFrame.setVisualZoomLevelLimits(minimumLevel, maximumLevel);
  registerOpenFindInPage: (handleOpenFindInPage: () => void): void => void ipcRenderer.on(WindowChannel.openFindInPage, handleOpenFindInPage),
  unregisterOpenFindInPage: (handleOpenFindInPage: () => void): void => void ipcRenderer.removeListener(WindowChannel.openFindInPage, handleOpenFindInPage),
  registerCloseFindInPage: (handleCloseFindInPage: () => void): void => void ipcRenderer.on(WindowChannel.closeFindInPage, handleCloseFindInPage),
  unregisterCloseFindInPage: (handleCloseFindInPage: () => void): void => void ipcRenderer.removeListener(WindowChannel.closeFindInPage, handleCloseFindInPage),
  registerUpdateFindInPageMatches: (updateFindInPageMatches: (event: Electron.IpcRendererEvent, activeMatchOrdinal: number, matches: number) => void): void =>
    void ipcRenderer.on(ViewChannel.updateFindInPageMatches, updateFindInPageMatches),
  unregisterUpdateFindInPageMatches: (updateFindInPageMatches: (event: Electron.IpcRendererEvent, activeMatchOrdinal: number, matches: number) => void): void =>
    void ipcRenderer.removeListener(ViewChannel.updateFindInPageMatches, updateFindInPageMatches),
Example #11
Source File: app-menu.ts    From noteworthy with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
async function makeThemeMenu(themeService:ThemeService): Promise<MenuItemConstructorOptions> {
	// fetch themes
	let themes = await themeService.getThemes();

	let defaultThemeSubmenu: MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = themes.default.map(theme => ({
		label: theme.title,
		click: () => { themeService.setTheme({ type: "default", id: theme.id }); }

	let customThemeSubmenu: MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = themes.custom.map(theme => ({
		label: theme.title,
		click: () => { themeService.setTheme({ type: "custom", path: theme.path }); }

	let submenu: MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [
			label: "Open Themes Folder...",
			click: () => { shell.openPath(themeService.getThemeFolder()); }
			label: "Refresh Custom Themes",
			click: () => { themeService.refreshCustomThemes(); } },
		{ type: "separator" }

	submenu = submenu.concat(
		[ { type: "separator" } ],

	return { 
		label: "Theme",
Example #12
Source File: index.ts    From TidGi-Desktop with Mozilla Public License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
   * We have some value in template that need to get latest value, they are functions, we execute every functions in the template
   * @param submenu menu options to get latest value
   * @returns MenuTemplate that `Menu.buildFromTemplate` wants
  private async getCurrentMenuItemConstructorOptions(
    submenu?: Array<DeferredMenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItemConstructorOptions>,
  ): Promise<MenuItemConstructorOptions[] | undefined> {
    if (submenu === undefined) return;
    return await Promise.all(
        .filter((item) => Object.keys(item).length > 0)
        .map(async (item) => ({
          /** label sometimes is null, causing  */
          label: typeof item.label === 'function' ? item.label() ?? undefined : item.label,
          checked: typeof item.checked === 'function' ? await item.checked() : item.checked,
          enabled: typeof item.enabled === 'function' ? await item.enabled() : item.enabled,
          submenu: !Array.isArray(item.submenu) ? item.submenu : await this.getCurrentMenuItemConstructorOptions(compact(item.submenu)),
Example #13
Source File: app-menu.ts    From noteworthy with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
function makeWindowMenu(app:NoteworthyApp): MenuItemConstructorOptions {
	return { 
		label: "Window",
		submenu: [
			{ role: "minimize" },
				label: "Close",
				click: () => { app.handle("lifecycle", "requestAppQuit") }
			{ role: "zoom", visible: is.macos }
Example #14
Source File: index.ts    From react-sqlite-app-starter with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
trayMenuTemplate: (MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem)[] = [
  new MenuItem({ label: 'Quit App', role: 'quit' }),
Example #15
Source File: main.ts    From rocketredis with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
async function createMenu() {
  await i18n.loadNamespaces('applicationMenu')

  const template: MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [
      label: 'Rocketredis',
      submenu: [
          label: i18n.t('applicationMenu:newConnection'),
          accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+N',
          click: () => {
          type: 'separator'
          label: i18n.t('applicationMenu:exit'),
          role: 'quit',
          accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+Q'
      label: 'View',
      submenu: [
        { role: 'reload' },
        { role: 'forceReload' },
        { role: 'toggleDevTools' },
        { type: 'separator' },
        { role: 'resetZoom' },
        { role: 'zoomIn' },
        { role: 'zoomOut' },
        { type: 'separator' },
        { role: 'togglefullscreen' }
      role: 'help',
      submenu: [
          label: 'Learn More',
          click: () => {

  const menu = Menu.buildFromTemplate(template)
Example #16
Source File: index.ts    From angular-sqlite-app-starter with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
trayMenuTemplate: (MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem)[] = [new MenuItem({ label: 'Quit App', role: 'quit' })]
Example #17
Source File: TrayMenu.ts    From wiregui with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
private mountTrayMenuItems(): (MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem)[] {
    const header: (MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem)[] = [
        label: "Open Wire GUI",
        type: "normal",
        click: () => {

    const body: (MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem)[] = this.tunnels.map(
      (tunnel) => {
        return {
          label: tunnel.active ? `${tunnel.name} (active)` : tunnel.name,
          type: "normal",
          click: () => {
            this.window.webContents.send("toggleTunnel", tunnel);

    const footer: (MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem)[] = [
        label: "Quit",
        type: "normal",
        click: () => {
          this.isQuitting = true;

    header.push({ type: "separator" });
    if (body.length > 0) {
      footer.unshift({ type: "separator" });

    return header.concat(body, footer);
Example #18
Source File: index.ts    From react-sqlite-app-starter with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
appMenuBarMenuTemplate: (MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem)[] = [
  { role: process.platform === 'darwin' ? 'appMenu' : 'fileMenu' },
  { role: 'viewMenu' },
Example #19
Source File: index.ts    From TidGi-Desktop with Mozilla Public License 2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
private updateMenuPartRecord(
    menuPartKey: string,
    menuID: string,
    newSubMenuItems: Array<DeferredMenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItemConstructorOptions>,
  ): void {
    this.menuPartRecord[menuPartKey] = newSubMenuItems.filter((item) => item.id !== undefined).map((item) => [menuID, item.id!] as [string, string]);
Example #20
Source File: app-menu.ts    From noteworthy with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up

function makeFileMenu(app:NoteworthyApp): MenuItemConstructorOptions {
	/** @todo (9/13/20) don't keep `app` arg in closures!! */
	return {
		label: "File",
		submenu: [
				label: "Open Folder...",
				click: () => { app.handle("dialog", "dialogFolderOpen"); }
				label: "Open File...",
				click: () => { app.handle("dialog", "dialogFileOpen"); }
				label: "Close All",
				click: () => { }
				type: "separator"
				label: "Save",
				click: () => {
					if(!app._renderProxy){ console.error("no proxy!"); return; }
				label: "Save As...",
				click: () => {
					if(!app._renderProxy){ console.error("no proxy!"); return; }
				type: "separator"
			{	label: "Export File...",
				submenu: [
					{ label: "PDF" },
					{ label: "HTML" },
					{ label: "HTML (without styles)" },
					{ type: "separator" },
					{ label: "LaTeX" },
					{ label: "Word" },
					{ label: "OpenOffice" },
					{ label: "RTF" },
					{ label: "epub" },
					{ type: "separator" },
					{ label: "Export Options..." },
			{	label: "Export Workspace...",
				submenu: [
					{ label: "HTML" },
					{ label: "HTML (without styles)" },
					{ label: "LaTeX" },
					{ type: "separator" },
					{ label: "Export Options..." },
				label: "Exit",
				click: () => { }
Example #21
Source File: MenuBar.ts    From wiregui with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public generateTemplate(): MenuItemConstructorOptions[] | MenuItem[] {
    return [
        label: "File",
        submenu: [
            label: "Import",
            accelerator: "Ctrl+O",
            click: this.import,
            type: "separator",
            label: "Quit",
            accelerator: "Ctrl+Q",
            click: this.quit,
        label: "Edit",
        submenu: [
          { role: "undo" },
          { role: "redo" },
          { type: "separator" },
          { role: "cut" },
          { role: "copy" },
          { role: "paste" },
          { role: "delete" },
          { type: "separator" },
          { role: "selectAll" },
        label: "View",
        submenu: [
          { role: "resetZoom" },
          { role: "zoomIn" },
          { role: "zoomOut" },
          { type: "separator" },
          { role: "togglefullscreen" },
        label: "Window",
        submenu: [{ role: "minimize" }, { role: "close" }],
        role: "help",
        submenu: [
            label: "Learn More",
            click: async () => {
              (await import("electron")).shell.openExternal(
Example #22
Source File: cz88-context.ts    From kliveide with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
   * Items to add to the Show menu
  provideViewMenuItems(): MenuItemConstructorOptions[] | null {
    return null;
Example #23
Source File: app.ts    From SideQuest with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
function setupMenu() {
    const template: MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [
            label: 'SideQuest',
            submenu: [
                    label: 'Quit',
                    accelerator: 'Command+Q',
                    click: function() {
                        // Mac users expect an application to quit immediately with Command+Q. However, app.quit() is
                        // being interrupted by the main window while it's closing. So instead, let's asynchronously
                        // trigger the quit once the main window is done closing.
                        mainWindow.once('closed', app.quit);
            label: 'Edit',
            submenu: [
                    label: 'Undo',
                    accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+Z',
                    role: 'undo',
                    label: 'Redo',
                    accelerator: 'Shift+CmdOrCtrl+Z',
                    role: 'redo',
                { type: 'separator' },
                    label: 'Cut',
                    accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+X',
                    role: 'cut',
                    label: 'Copy',
                    accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+C',
                    role: 'copy',
                    label: 'Paste',
                    accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+V',
                    role: 'paste',
                    label: 'Select All',
                    accelerator: 'CmdOrCtrl+A',
                    role: 'selectAll',
    if (process.platform === 'darwin') {
    } else {
Example #24
Source File: app-menu.ts    From WowUp with GNU General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
function createMacMenuItems(win: BrowserWindow, config?: MenuConfig): Array<MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem> {
  const viewMenu: MenuItemConstructorOptions = {
    label: config.viewLabel,
    submenu: [
      { label: config.reloadLabel, role: "reload" },
      { label: config.forceReloadLabel, role: "forceReload" },
      { label: config.toggleDevToolsLabel, role: "toggleDevTools", accelerator: "CommandOrControl+Shift+I" },
      { type: "separator" },

  const viewMenuArr = viewMenu.submenu as MenuItemConstructorOptions[];
  createViewMenu(viewMenuArr, win, config);

  viewMenuArr.push({ type: "separator" }, { label: config.toggleFullScreenLabel, role: "togglefullscreen" });

  return [
      label: app.name,
      submenu: [{ label: config.quitLabel, role: "quit" }],
      label: config.editLabel,
      submenu: [
        { label: config.undoLabel, role: "undo" },
        { label: config.redoLabel, role: "redo" },
        { type: "separator" },
        { label: config.cutLabel, role: "cut" },
        { label: config.copyLabel, role: "copy" },
        { label: config.pasteLabel, role: "paste" },
        { label: config.selectAllLabel, role: "selectAll" },
      label: config.windowLabel,
      submenu: [
          label: config.windowCloseLabel,
          role: "close" /*click: () => win?.close(), accelerator: "CommandOrControl+w"*/,
Example #25
Source File: app-menu.ts    From noteworthy with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
function makeParagraphMenu(): MenuItemConstructorOptions {
	return {
		label: "Paragraph",
		submenu: [
			{ label: "TODO" },
Example #26
Source File: menu.ts    From image-optimizer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
createSubmenu = (
  context: BrowserWindow
): MenuItemConstructorOptions[] => {
  if (isMac) {
    return [
        label: 'About Image Optimizer',
        role: 'about'
        type: 'separator'
        label: 'Preferences',
        accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+,',
        click () {
        type: 'separator'
        label: 'Hide Image Optimizer',
        accelerator: 'Command+H'
        label: 'Hide Others',
        accelerator: 'Command+Shift+H'
        label: 'Show All'
        type: 'separator'
        label: 'Quit Image Optimizer',
        role: 'quit',
        accelerator: 'CommandOrControl+Q'
  return []
Example #27
Source File: menu.ts    From multi-downloader-nx with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
template: (MenuItemConstructorOptions | MenuItem)[] = [
    label: 'Edit',
    submenu: [
        role: 'undo'
        role: 'redo'
        type: 'separator'
        role: 'cut'
        role: 'copy'
        role: 'paste'
    label: 'Debug',
    submenu: [
        role: 'toggleDevTools'
        label: 'Open log folder',
        click: () => {
          shell.openPath(path.join(getDataDirectory(), 'logs'));
        role: 'forceReload'
    label: 'Settings',
    submenu: [
        label: 'Open settings folder',
        click: () => {
          shell.openPath(path.join(getDataDirectory(), 'config'));
        label: 'Open settings file...',
        submenu: [
            label: 'FFmpeg/Mkvmerge path',
            click: () => {
              shell.openPath(path.join(getDataDirectory(), 'config', 'bin-path.yml'));
            label: 'Advanced options',
            sublabel: 'See the documention for the options you may enter here',
            click: () => {
              shell.openPath(path.join(getDataDirectory(), 'config', 'cli-defaults.yml'));
            label: 'Output path',
            click: () => {
              shell.openPath(path.join(getDataDirectory(), 'config', 'dir-path.yml'));
    label: 'Help',
    submenu: [
        label: 'Version',
        sublabel: json.version
        label: 'GitHub',
        click: () => {
        label: 'Report a Bug',
        click: () => {
        type: 'separator'
        label: 'Contributors',
        click: () => {
        label: 'Discord',
        click: () => {
Example #28
Source File: getWorkspaceMenuTemplate.ts    From TidGi-Desktop with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
export async function getWorkspaceMenuTemplate(
  workspace: IWorkspace,
  t: TFunction,
  service: IWorkspaceMenuRequiredServices,
): Promise<MenuItemConstructorOptions[]> {
  const { active, id, hibernated, tagName, isSubWiki, wikiFolderLocation, gitUrl, storageService } = workspace;
  /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises */
  const template: MenuItemConstructorOptions[] = [
      label: t('WorkspaceSelector.OpenWorkspaceTagTiddler', { tagName }),
      click: async () => {
        await openWorkspaceTagTiddler(workspace, service);
      label: t('WorkspaceSelector.EditWorkspace'),
      click: async () => {
        await service.window.open(WindowNames.editWorkspace, { workspaceID: id });
      label: t('WorkspaceSelector.RemoveWorkspace'),
      click: async () => await service.wikiGitWorkspace.removeWorkspace(id),
      label: t('WorkspaceSelector.OpenWorkspaceFolder'),
      click: async () => await service.native.open(wikiFolderLocation, true),
      label: t('WorkspaceSelector.OpenWorkspaceFolderInEditor'),
      click: async () => await service.native.openInEditor(wikiFolderLocation),
      label: t('WorkspaceSelector.OpenWorkspaceFolderInGitGUI'),
      click: async () => await service.native.openInGitGuiApp(wikiFolderLocation),

  if (gitUrl !== null && gitUrl.length > 0 && storageService !== SupportedStorageServices.local) {
    const userInfo = await service.auth.getStorageServiceUserInfo(storageService);
    if (userInfo !== undefined) {
      const isOnline = await service.context.isOnline();
        label: t('ContextMenu.SyncNow') + (isOnline ? '' : `(${t('ContextMenu.NoNetworkConnection')})`),
        enabled: isOnline,
        click: async () => {
          await service.git.commitAndSync(workspace, { remoteUrl: gitUrl, userInfo });
          await service.workspaceView.restartWorkspaceViewService(id);
          await service.view.reloadViewsWebContents(id);
  if (storageService === SupportedStorageServices.local) {
      label: t('ContextMenu.BackupNow'),
      click: async () => {
        await service.git.commitAndSync(workspace, { commitOnly: true });

  if (!isSubWiki) {
        label: t('ContextMenu.RestartService'),
        click: async () => {
          await service.workspaceView.restartWorkspaceViewService(id);
          await service.workspaceView.realignActiveWorkspace(id);
        label: t('ContextMenu.Reload'),
        click: async () => await service.view.reloadViewsWebContents(id),

  if (!active && !isSubWiki) {
    template.splice(1, 0, {
      label: hibernated ? t('WorkspaceSelector.WakeUpWorkspace') : t('WorkspaceSelector.HibernateWorkspace'),
      click: async () => {
        if (hibernated) {
          return await service.workspaceView.wakeUpWorkspaceView(id);
        return await service.workspaceView.hibernateWorkspaceView(id);
  /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-misused-promises */

  return template;
Example #29
Source File: menu.ts    From amazon-chime-sdk-classroom-demo with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
buildDarwinTemplate() {
    const subMenuAbout: MenuItemConstructorOptions = {
      label: 'Electron',
      submenu: [
          label: 'About ElectronReact',
          // @ts-ignore
          selector: 'orderFrontStandardAboutPanel:'
        { type: 'separator' },
        { label: 'Services', submenu: [] },
        { type: 'separator' },
          label: 'Hide ElectronReact',
          accelerator: 'Command+H',
          selector: 'hide:'
          label: 'Hide Others',
          accelerator: 'Command+Shift+H',
          selector: 'hideOtherApplications:'
        { label: 'Show All', selector: 'unhideAllApplications:' },
        { type: 'separator' },
          label: 'Quit',
          accelerator: 'Command+Q',
          click: () => {
    const subMenuEdit: MenuItemConstructorOptions = {
      label: 'Edit',
      submenu: [
        // @ts-ignore
        { label: 'Undo', accelerator: 'Command+Z', selector: 'undo:' },
        { label: 'Redo', accelerator: 'Shift+Command+Z', selector: 'redo:' },
        { type: 'separator' },
        { label: 'Cut', accelerator: 'Command+X', selector: 'cut:' },
        { label: 'Copy', accelerator: 'Command+C', selector: 'copy:' },
        { label: 'Paste', accelerator: 'Command+V', selector: 'paste:' },
          label: 'Select All',
          accelerator: 'Command+A',
          selector: 'selectAll:'
    const subMenuViewDev: MenuItemConstructorOptions = {
      label: 'View',
      submenu: [
          label: 'Reload',
          accelerator: 'Command+R',
          click: () => {
          label: 'Toggle Full Screen',
          accelerator: 'Ctrl+Command+F',
          click: () => {
          label: 'Toggle Developer Tools',
          accelerator: 'Alt+Command+I',
          click: () => {
          label: 'Toggle CPU Usage',
          accelerator: 'Alt+Command+C',
          click: () => {
            this.isCpuUsageVisible = !this.isCpuUsageVisible;
    const subMenuViewProd: MenuItemConstructorOptions = {
      label: 'View',
      submenu: [
          label: 'Toggle Developer Tools',
          accelerator: 'Alt+Command+I',
          click: () => {
          label: 'Toggle CPU Usage',
          accelerator: 'Alt+Command+C',
          click: () => {
            this.isCpuUsageVisible = !this.isCpuUsageVisible;
    const subMenuWindow: MenuItemConstructorOptions = {
      label: 'Window',
      submenu: [
          label: 'Minimize',
          accelerator: 'Command+M',
          // @ts-ignore
          selector: 'performMiniaturize:'
        { label: 'Close', accelerator: 'Command+W', selector: 'performClose:' },
        { type: 'separator' },
        { label: 'Bring All to Front', selector: 'arrangeInFront:' }
    const subMenuHelp: MenuItemConstructorOptions = {
      label: 'Help',
      submenu: [
          label: 'Learn More',
          click() {
          label: 'Documentation',
          click() {
          label: 'Community Discussions',
          click() {
          label: 'Search Issues',
          click() {

    const subMenuView =
      process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development' ||
      process.env.DEBUG_PROD === 'true'
        ? subMenuViewDev
        : subMenuViewProd;

    return [subMenuAbout, subMenuEdit, subMenuView, subMenuWindow, subMenuHelp];