three#Material TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use three#Material. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: MapView.ts    From geo-three with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
	 * Ajust node configuration depending on the camera distance.
	 * Called everytime before render.
	public onBeforeRender: (renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Scene, camera: Camera, geometry: BufferGeometry, material: Material, group: Group)=> void = (renderer, scene, camera, geometry, material, group) => 
		this.lod.updateLOD(this, camera, renderer, scene);
Example #2
Source File: MapHeightNode.ts    From geo-three with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
	 * Map height node constructor.
	 * @param parentNode - The parent node of this node.
	 * @param mapView - Map view object where this node is placed.
	 * @param location - Position in the node tree relative to the parent.
	 * @param level - Zoom level in the tile tree of the node.
	 * @param x - X position of the node in the tile tree.
	 * @param y - Y position of the node in the tile tree.
	 * @param material - Material used to render this height node.
	 * @param geometry - Geometry used to render this height node.
	public constructor(parentNode: MapHeightNode = null, mapView: MapView = null, location: number = MapNode.root, level: number = 0, x: number = 0, y: number = 0, geometry: BufferGeometry = MapHeightNode.geometry, material: Material = new MeshPhongMaterial({wireframe: false, color: 0xffffff})) 
		super(parentNode, mapView, location, level, x, y, geometry, material);

		this.isMesh = true;
		this.visible = false;
		this.matrixAutoUpdate = false;
Example #3
Source File: MapHeightNodeShader.ts    From geo-three with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
	 * Prepare the three.js material to be used in the map tile.
	 * @param material - Material to be transformed.
	public static prepareMaterial(material: Material): Material
		material.userData = {heightMap: {value: MapHeightNodeShader.emptyTexture}};

		material.onBeforeCompile = (shader) => 
			// Pass uniforms from userData to the
			for (const i in material.userData) 
				shader.uniforms[i] = material.userData[i];

			// Vertex variables
			shader.vertexShader =
			uniform sampler2D heightMap;
			` + shader.vertexShader;

			// Vertex depth logic
			shader.vertexShader = shader.vertexShader.replace('#include <fog_vertex>', `
			#include <fog_vertex>
			// Calculate height of the title
			vec4 _theight = texture2D(heightMap, vUv);
			float _height = ((_theight.r * 255.0 * 65536.0 + _theight.g * 255.0 * 256.0 + _theight.b * 255.0) * 0.1) - 10000.0;
			vec3 _transformed = position + _height * normal;
			// Vertex position based on height
			gl_Position = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(_transformed, 1.0);

		return material;
Example #4
Source File: MapNode.ts    From geo-three with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
public constructor(parentNode: MapNode = null, mapView: MapView = null, location: number = MapNode.root, level: number = 0, x: number = 0, y: number = 0, geometry: BufferGeometry = null, material: Material = null) 
		super(geometry, material);

		this.mapView = mapView;
		this.parentNode = parentNode;

		this.location = location;
		this.level = level;
		this.x = x;
		this.y = y;

Example #5
Source File: Material.ts    From trois with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/explicit-module-boundary-types
export function materialComponent<P extends Readonly<ComponentPropsOptions>>(
  name: string,
  props: P,
  createMaterial: {(opts: any): Material}
) {
  return defineComponent({
    extends: BaseMaterial,
    methods: {
      createMaterial() {
        return createMaterial(this.getMaterialParams())
Example #6
Source File: TextMeshObject.ts    From movy with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
material: Material;
Example #7
Source File: MapView.d.ts    From geo-three with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
onBeforeRender: (renderer: WebGLRenderer, scene: Scene, camera: Camera, geometry: BufferGeometry, material: Material, group: Group) => void;
Example #8
Source File: MapHeightNode.d.ts    From geo-three with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
constructor(parentNode?: MapHeightNode, mapView?: MapView, location?: number, level?: number, x?: number, y?: number, geometry?: BufferGeometry, material?: Material);
Example #9
Source File: MapHeightNodeShader.d.ts    From geo-three with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
static prepareMaterial(material: Material): Material;
Example #10
Source File: MapMartiniHeightNode.d.ts    From geo-three with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
static prepareMaterial(material: Material, level: number, exageration?: number): any;
Example #11
Source File: MapNode.d.ts    From geo-three with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
constructor(parentNode?: MapNode, mapView?: MapView, location?: number, level?: number, x?: number, y?: number, geometry?: BufferGeometry, material?: Material);
Example #12
Source File: MapHeightNodeShader.ts    From geo-three with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
public constructor(parentNode: MapHeightNode = null, mapView: MapView = null, location: number = MapNode.root, level: number = 0, x: number = 0, y: number = 0) 
		const material: Material = MapHeightNodeShader.prepareMaterial(new MeshPhongMaterial({map: MapHeightNodeShader.emptyTexture, color: 0xFFFFFF}));

		super(parentNode, mapView, location, level, x, y, MapHeightNodeShader.geometry, material);

		this.frustumCulled = false;
Example #13
Source File: Mesh.ts    From trois with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
Mesh = defineComponent({
  name: 'Mesh',
  extends: Object3D,
  props: {
    castShadow: Boolean,
    receiveShadow: Boolean,
  setup(): MeshSetupInterface {
    return {}
  provide() {
    return {
      [MeshInjectionKey as symbol]: this,
  mounted() {
    // TODO : proper ?
    if (!this.mesh && !this.loading) this.initMesh()
  methods: {
    initMesh() {
      const mesh = new TMesh(this.geometry, this.material)

      bindProp(this, 'castShadow', mesh)
      bindProp(this, 'receiveShadow', mesh)

      this.mesh = mesh
    createGeometry() {},
    addGeometryWatchers(props: Readonly<ComponentPropsOptions>) {
      Object.keys(props).forEach(prop => {
        // @ts-ignore
        watch(() => this[prop], () => {
    setGeometry(geometry: BufferGeometry) {
      this.geometry = geometry
      if (this.mesh) this.mesh.geometry = geometry
    setMaterial(material: Material) {
      this.material = material
      if (this.mesh) this.mesh.material = material
    refreshGeometry() {
      const oldGeo = this.geometry
      if (this.mesh && this.geometry) this.mesh.geometry = this.geometry
  unmounted() {
    // for predefined mesh (geometry/material are not unmounted)
    if (this.geometry) this.geometry.dispose()
    if (this.material) this.material.dispose()
  __hmrId: 'Mesh',
Example #14
Source File: vanilla.ts    From THREE-CustomShaderMaterial with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
export default class CustomShaderMaterial extends Material {
  uniforms: { [key: string]: IUniform<any> }

  constructor({ baseMaterial, fragmentShader, vertexShader, uniforms, cacheKey, ...opts }: iCSMParams) {
    const base = new baseMaterial(opts)
    this.uniforms = uniforms || {}

    for (const key in base) {
      let k = key
      if (key.startsWith('_')) {
        k = key.split('_')[1]

      // @ts-ignore
      if (this[k] === undefined) this[k] = 0
      // @ts-ignore
      this[k] = base[k]

    this.update({ fragmentShader, vertexShader, uniforms, cacheKey })

  update({ fragmentShader, vertexShader, uniforms, cacheKey }: iCSMUpdateParams) {
    const serializedUniforms = Object.values(uniforms || {}).forEach(({ value }) => {
      return JSON.stringify(value)

    this.uuid = cacheKey?.() || hash([fragmentShader, vertexShader, serializedUniforms])
    this.generateMaterial({ fragmentShader, vertexShader, uniforms })

  private generateMaterial({ fragmentShader, vertexShader, uniforms }: iCSMUpdateParams) {
    const parsedFragmentShdaer = this.parseShader(fragmentShader)
    const parsedVertexShdaer = this.parseShader(vertexShader)

    this.uniforms = uniforms || {}
    this.customProgramCacheKey = () => {
      return this.uuid

    this.onBeforeCompile = (shader) => {
      if (parsedFragmentShdaer) {
        const patchedFragmentShdaer = this.patchShader(parsedFragmentShdaer, shader.fragmentShader, PATCH_MAP.FRAG)
        shader.fragmentShader = patchedFragmentShdaer
      if (parsedVertexShdaer) {
        const patchedVertexShdaer = this.patchShader(parsedVertexShdaer, shader.vertexShader, PATCH_MAP.VERT)

        shader.vertexShader = '#define IS_VERTEX;\n' + patchedVertexShdaer

      shader.uniforms = { ...shader.uniforms, ...this.uniforms }
      this.uniforms = shader.uniforms
    this.needsUpdate = true

  private patchShader(
    customShader: iCSMShader,
    shader: string,
    patchMap: {
      [key: string]: {
        [key: string]: any
  ): string {
    let patchedShader: string = shader

    Object.keys(patchMap).forEach((name: string) => {
      Object.keys(patchMap[name]).forEach((key) => {
        if (isExactMatch(customShader.main, name)) {
          patchedShader = replaceAll(patchedShader, key, patchMap[name][key])

    patchedShader = patchedShader.replace(
      'void main() {',
          void main() {
            vec3 csm_Position;
            vec4 csm_PositionRaw;
            vec3 csm_Normal;
            vec3 csm_Emissive;

            #ifdef IS_VERTEX
              csm_Position = position;
              csm_PositionRaw = projectionMatrix * modelViewMatrix * vec4(position, 1.);

            #ifdef IS_VERTEX
              csm_Normal = normal;
            #ifndef IS_VERTEX
              #ifdef STANDARD
                csm_Emissive = emissive;

            vec4 csm_DiffuseColor = vec4(1., 0., 0., 1.);
            vec4 csm_FragColor = vec4(1., 0., 0., 1.);
            float csm_PointSize = 1.;


    patchedShader = customShader.defines + patchedShader
    return patchedShader

  private parseShader(shader?: string): iCSMShader | undefined {
    if (!shader) return
    const parsedShader: iCSMShader = {
      defines: '',
      header: '',
      main: '',

    const main = shader.match(/^(\s*)(void\s*main\s*\(.*\)\s*).*?{[\s\S]*?^\1}\s*$/gm)

    if (main?.length) {
      const mainBody = main[0].match(/{[\w\W\s\S]*}/gm)

      if (mainBody?.length) {
        parsedShader.main = mainBody[0]

      const rest = shader.replace(main[0], '')
      const defines = rest.match(/#(.*?;)/g) || []
      const header = defines.reduce((prev, curr) => prev.replace(curr, ''), rest)

      parsedShader.header = header
      parsedShader.defines = defines.join('\n')

    return parsedShader
Example #15
Source File: MapMartiniHeightNode.ts    From geo-three with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
public static prepareMaterial(material: Material, level: number, exageration: number = 1.0): any 
		material.userData = {
			heightMap: {value: MapMartiniHeightNode.emptyTexture},
			drawNormals: {value: 0},
			drawBlack: {value: 0},
			zoomlevel: {value: level},
			computeNormals: {value: 1},
			drawTexture: {value: 1}

		material.onBeforeCompile = (shader) => 
			// Pass uniforms from userData to the
			for (let i in material.userData) 
				shader.uniforms[i] = material.userData[i];

			// Vertex variables
			shader.vertexShader =
				uniform bool computeNormals;
				uniform float zoomlevel;
				uniform sampler2D heightMap;
				` + shader.vertexShader;
			shader.fragmentShader =
				uniform bool drawNormals;
				uniform bool drawTexture;
				uniform bool drawBlack;
				` + shader.fragmentShader;

			// Vertex depth logic
			shader.fragmentShader = shader.fragmentShader.replace('#include <dithering_fragment>',
				if(drawBlack) {
					gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.0,0.0,0.0, 1.0 );
				} else if(drawNormals) {
					gl_FragColor = vec4( ( 0.5 * vNormal + 0.5 ), 1.0 );
				} else if (!drawTexture) {
					gl_FragColor = vec4( 0.0,0.0,0.0, 0.0 );

			shader.vertexShader = shader.vertexShader.replace('#include <fog_vertex>',
				#include <fog_vertex>

				// queried pixels:
				// +-----------+
				// |   |   |   |
				// | a | b | c |
				// |   |   |   |
				// +-----------+
				// |   |   |   |
				// | d | e | f |
				// |   |   |   |
				// +-----------+
				// |   |   |   |
				// | g | h | i |
				// |   |   |   |
				// +-----------+

				if (computeNormals) {
					float e = getElevation(vUv, 0.0);
					ivec2 size = textureSize(heightMap, 0);
					float offset = 1.0 / float(size.x);
					float a = getElevation(vUv + vec2(-offset, -offset), 0.0);
					float b = getElevation(vUv + vec2(0, -offset), 0.0);
					float c = getElevation(vUv + vec2(offset, -offset), 0.0);
					float d = getElevation(vUv + vec2(-offset, 0), 0.0);
					float f = getElevation(vUv + vec2(offset, 0), 0.0);
					float g = getElevation(vUv + vec2(-offset, offset), 0.0);
					float h = getElevation(vUv + vec2(0, offset), 0.0);
					float i = getElevation(vUv + vec2(offset,offset), 0.0);

					float normalLength = 500.0 / zoomlevel;

					vec3 v0 = vec3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
					vec3 v1 = vec3(0.0, normalLength, 0.0);
					vec3 v2 = vec3(normalLength, 0.0, 0.0);
					v0.z = (e + d + g + h) / 4.0;
					v1.z = (e+ b + a + d) / 4.0;
					v2.z = (e+ h + i + f) / 4.0;
					vNormal = (normalize(cross(v2 - v0, v1 - v0))).rbg;

		return material;