vue#triggerRef TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use vue#triggerRef. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: artificial-slowdown.ts    From awakened-poe-trade with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
export function artificialSlowdown (ms: number) {
  const isReady = shallowRef(false)
  let tmid: ReturnType<typeof setTimeout> | null = null
  let datakey: unknown = null

  return {
    reset (value: unknown = Symbol('unique value')) {
      if (datakey !== value) {
        datakey = value
        if (tmid !== null) {
          tmid = null
        isReady.value = false
        // force reactivity, even if isReady was `false`
    isReady: computed(() => {
      if (tmid === null) {
        tmid = setTimeout(() => {
          isReady.value = true
        }, ms)

      return isReady.value
Example #2
Source File: bindings.ts    From formkit with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
vueBindings: FormKitPlugin = function vueBindings(node) {
   * Start a validity counter on all blocking messages.
  node.ledger.count('blocking', (m) => m.blocking)
  const isValid = ref<boolean>(!node.ledger.value('blocking'))
   * Start an error message counter.
  node.ledger.count('errors', (m) => m.type === 'error')
  const hasErrors = ref<boolean>(!!node.ledger.value('errors'))

   * Keep track of the first time a Vue tick cycle has passed.
  let hasTicked = false
  nextTick(() => {
    hasTicked = true

   * All messages with the visibility state set to true.
  const availableMessages = reactive<Record<string, FormKitMessage>>(, message) => {
      if (message.visible) {
        store[message.key] = message
      return store
    }, {} as Record<string, FormKitMessage>)
   * A flag that determines when validation messages should be displayed.
  const validationVisibility = ref<string>(
    node.props.validationVisibility || 'blur'
  node.on('prop:validationVisibility', ({ payload }) => {
    validationVisibility.value = payload

   * Keep track of if this input has ever shown validation errors.
  const hasShownErrors = ref(validationVisibility.value === 'live')

   * The current visibility state of validation messages.
  const validationVisible = computed<boolean>(() => {
    if (context.state.submitted) return true
    if (!hasShownErrors.value && !context.state.settled) {
      return false
    switch (validationVisibility.value) {
      case 'live':
        return true
      case 'blur':
        return context.state.blurred
      case 'dirty':
        return context.state.dirty
        return false

   * Determines if the input should be considered "complete".
  const isComplete = computed<boolean>(() => {
    return hasValidation.value
      ? isValid.value && !hasErrors.value
      : context.state.dirty && !empty(context.value)

   * If the input has validation rules or not.
  const hasValidation = ref<boolean>(
    Array.isArray(node.props.parsedRules) && node.props.parsedRules.length > 0
  node.on('prop:parsedRules', ({ payload: rules }) => {
    hasValidation.value = Array.isArray(rules) && rules.length > 0

   * All messages that are currently on display to an end user. This changes
   * based on the current message type visibility, like errorVisibility.
  const messages = computed<Record<string, FormKitMessage>>(() => {
    const visibleMessages: Record<string, FormKitMessage> = {}
    for (const key in availableMessages) {
      const message = availableMessages[key]
      if (message.type !== 'validation' || validationVisible.value) {
        visibleMessages[key] = message
    return visibleMessages

   * UI Messages.
  const ui = reactive(, message) => {
      if (message.type === 'ui' && message.visible)
        messages[message.key] = message
      return messages
    }, {} as Record<string, FormKitMessage>)

   * This is the reactive data object that is provided to all schemas and
   * forms. It is a subset of data in the core node object.
  const cachedClasses = reactive({})
  const classes = new Proxy(cachedClasses as Record<PropertyKey, string>, {
    get(...args) {
      const [target, property] = args
      let className = Reflect.get(...args)
      if (!className && typeof property === 'string') {
        if (!has(target, property) && !property.startsWith('__v')) {
          const observedNode = createObserver(node)
 => {
            const rootClasses =
              typeof node.config.rootClasses === 'function'
                ? node.config.rootClasses(property, node)
                : {}
            const globalConfigClasses = node.config.classes
              ? createClasses(property, node, node.config.classes[property])
              : {}
            const classesPropClasses = createClasses(
            const sectionPropClasses = createClasses(
            className = generateClassList(
            target[property] = className
      return className

  const describedBy = computed<string | undefined>(() => {
    const describers = []
    if ( {
    for (const key in messages.value) {
    return describers.length ? describers.join(' ') : undefined

  const value = ref(node.value)
  const _value = ref(node.value)

  const context: FormKitFrameworkContext = reactive({
    attrs: node.props.attrs,
    disabled: node.props.disabled,
    fns: {
      length: (obj: Record<PropertyKey, any>) => Object.keys(obj).length,
      number: (value: any) => Number(value),
      string: (value: any) => String(value),
      json: (value: any) => JSON.stringify(value),
    handlers: {
      blur: () =>
          createMessage({ key: 'blurred', visible: false, value: true })
      touch: () => {
          createMessage({ key: 'dirty', visible: false, value: true })
      DOMInput: (e: Event) => {
        node.input(( as HTMLInputElement).value)
        node.emit('dom-input-event', e)
    id: as string,
    label: node.props.label,
    node: markRaw(node),
    options: node.props.options,
    state: {
      blurred: false,
      complete: isComplete,
      dirty: false,
      submitted: false,
      settled: node.isSettled,
      valid: isValid,
      errors: hasErrors,
      rules: hasValidation,
    type: node.props.type,

   * Ensure the context object is properly configured after booting up.
  node.on('created', () => {
    if (!eq(context.value, node.value)) {
      _value.value = node.value
      value.value = node.value

   * Sets the settled state.
  node.on('settled', ({ payload: isSettled }) => {
    context.state.settled = isSettled

   * Observes node.props properties explicitly and updates them in the context
   * object.
   * @param observe - Props to observe and register as context data.
  function observeProps(observe: string[]) {
    observe.forEach((prop) => {
      prop = camel(prop)
      if (!has(context, prop) && has(node.props, prop)) {
        context[prop] = node.props[prop]
      node.on(`prop:${prop}`, ({ payload }) => {
        context[prop as keyof FormKitFrameworkContext] = payload

   * We use a node observer to individually observe node props.
  const rootProps = [

   * Once the input is defined, deal with it.
   * @param definition - Type definition.
  function definedAs(definition: FormKitTypeDefinition) {
    if (definition.props) observeProps(definition.props)

  node.props.definition && definedAs(node.props.definition)

   * When new props are added to the core node as "props" (ie not attrs) then
   * we automatically need to start tracking them here.
  node.on('added-props', ({ payload }) => observeProps(payload))

   * Watch for input events from core.
  node.on('input', ({ payload }) => {
    _value.value = payload

   * Watch for input commits from core.
  node.on('commit', ({ payload }) => {
    value.value = _value.value = payload
    // The input is dirty after a value has been input by a user
    if (!context.state.dirty && node.isCreated && hasTicked)
    if (
      isComplete &&
      node.type === 'input' &&
      hasErrors.value &&
    ) {
        (message) =>
          !(message.type === 'error' && message.meta?.autoClear === true)

   * Update the local state in response to messages.
   * @param message - A formkit message
  const updateState = async (message: FormKitMessage) => {
    if (
      message.type === 'ui' &&
      message.visible &&
    ) {
      ui[message.key] = message
    } else if (message.visible) {
      availableMessages[message.key] = message
    } else if (message.type === 'state') {
      // await node.settled
      context.state[message.key] = !!message.value

   * Listen to message events and modify the local message data values.
  node.on('message-added', (e) => updateState(e.payload))
  node.on('message-updated', (e) => updateState(e.payload))
  node.on('message-removed', ({ payload: message }) => {
    delete ui[message.key]
    delete availableMessages[message.key]
    delete context.state[message.key]
  node.on('settled:blocking', () => {
    isValid.value = true
  node.on('unsettled:blocking', () => {
    isValid.value = false
  node.on('settled:errors', () => {
    hasErrors.value = false
  node.on('unsettled:errors', () => {
    hasErrors.value = true

   * Watch the validation visible prop and set the hasShownErrors state.
  watch(validationVisible, (value) => {
    if (value) {
      hasShownErrors.value = true

  node.context = context

  // The context is complete
  node.emit('context', node, false)