vue#ConcreteComponent TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use vue#ConcreteComponent. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: FormKit.ts    From formkit with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
FormKit = defineComponent({
  emits: {
    /* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
    input: (_value: any, _node: FormKitNode) => true,
    inputRaw: (_value: any, _node: FormKitNode) => true,
    'update:modelValue': (_value: any) => true,
    node: (node: FormKitNode) => !!node,
    submit: (_data: FormKitGroupValue, _node: FormKitNode) => true,
    submitRaw: (_event: Event, _node: FormKitNode) => true,
    /* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
  inheritAttrs: false,
  setup(props, context) {
    const node = useInput(props, context)
    if (!node.props.definition) error(600, node)
    if (node.props.definition.component) {
      return () =>
          node.props.definition?.component as any,
            context: node.context,
          { ...context.slots }
    const schema = ref<FormKitSchemaCondition | FormKitSchemaNode[]>([])
    const generateSchema = () => {
      const schemaDefinition = node.props?.definition?.schema
      if (!schemaDefinition) error(601, node)
      schema.value =
        typeof schemaDefinition === 'function'
          ? schemaDefinition({ ...props.sectionsSchema })
          : schemaDefinition

    // If someone emits the schema event, we re-generate the schema
    node.on('schema', generateSchema)

    context.emit('node', node)
    const library = node.props.definition.library as
      | Record<string, ConcreteComponent>
      | undefined

    // Expose the FormKitNode to template refs.
    context.expose({ node })

    return () =>
        { schema: schema.value, data: node.context, library },
        { ...context.slots }
Example #2
Source File: RouteLayoutSource.ts    From convue with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
export function createRouterLayout(
  resolve: (layoutName: string) => Promise<Component | { default: Component }>,
) {
  return defineComponent({
    name: 'RouterLayout',

    async beforeRouteEnter(to, _from, next) {
      const name = to.meta.layout || 'default'
      const layoutComp = name
        ? ((await resolve(name)) as any).default
        : undefined

      next((vm: any) => {
        vm.layoutName = name
        if (name && layoutComp)
          vm.layouts[name] = layoutComp

    async beforeRouteUpdate(to, _from, next) {
      try {
        const name = to.meta.layout || 'default'
        if (name && !this.layouts[name])
          this.layouts[name] = ((await resolve(name)) as any).default

        this.layoutName = name
      catch (error) {

    data() {
      return {
        layoutName: undefined as string | undefined,
        layouts: shallowReactive(
          Object.create(null) as Record<string, Component>,

    render(): VNode {
      const layout = this.layoutName && this.layouts[this.layoutName]
      if (!layout)
        return h('span')

      return h(layout as ConcreteComponent, {
        key: this.layoutName,