Python jieba.analyse.ChineseAnalyzer() Examples

The following are 9 code examples of jieba.analyse.ChineseAnalyzer(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module jieba.analyse , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From flask-msearch with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, app=None, db=None, analyzer=None):
        You can custom analyzer by::

            from jieba.analyse import ChineseAnalyzer
            search = Search(analyzer = ChineseAnalyzer)
        self._signal = None
        self._indexs = dict()
        self.db = db
        self.analyzer = analyzer
        if app is not None:
Example #2
Source File:    From flask-msearch with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, app=None, db=None, analyzer=None):
        You can custom analyzer by::

            from jieba.analyse import ChineseAnalyzer
            search = Search(analyzer = ChineseAnalyzer)
        self.db = db
        self.analyzer = analyzer
        if app is not None:
Example #3
Source File:    From flask-msearch with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def setUp(self):
        class TestConfig(object):
            SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'sqlite://'
            DEBUG = True
            TESTING = True
            MSEARCH_INDEX_NAME = mkdtemp()
            MSEARCH_BACKEND = 'whoosh' = Flask(__name__)
        self.db = SQLAlchemy( = Search(, db=self.db, analyzer=ChineseAnalyzer())

        db = self.db

        class Post(db.Model, ModelSaveMixin):
            __tablename__ = 'basic_posts'
            __searchable__ = ['title', 'content']

            id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
            title = db.Column(db.String(49))
            content = db.Column(db.Text)

            def __repr__(self):
                return '<Post:{}>'.format(self.title)

        self.Post = Post

            for (i, title) in enumerate(titles, 1):
                post = self.Post(title=title, content='content%d' % i)
Example #4
Source File:    From BookForum with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        # 为中文分词,修改默认的分词器为结巴分词器
        kwargs['analyzer'] = ChineseAnalyzer()
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) 
Example #5
Source File:    From thirtylol with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def build_schema(self, fields):
        schema_fields = {
            ID: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True, unique=True),
            DJANGO_CT: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True),
            DJANGO_ID: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True),
        # Grab the number of keys that are hard-coded into Haystack.
        # We'll use this to (possibly) fail slightly more gracefully later.
        initial_key_count = len(schema_fields)
        content_field_name = ''

        for field_name, field_class in fields.items():
            if field_class.is_multivalued:
                if field_class.indexed is False:
                    schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = IDLIST(stored=True, field_boost=field_class.boost)
                    schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = KEYWORD(stored=True, commas=True, scorable=True, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type in ['date', 'datetime']:
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = DATETIME(stored=field_class.stored, sortable=True)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'integer':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NUMERIC(stored=field_class.stored, numtype=int, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'float':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NUMERIC(stored=field_class.stored, numtype=float, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'boolean':
                # Field boost isn't supported on BOOLEAN as of 1.8.2.
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = BOOLEAN(stored=field_class.stored)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'ngram':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NGRAM(minsize=3, maxsize=15, stored=field_class.stored, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'edge_ngram':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NGRAMWORDS(minsize=2, maxsize=15, at='start', stored=field_class.stored, field_boost=field_class.boost)
                # schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = TEXT(stored=True, analyzer=StemmingAnalyzer(), field_boost=field_class.boost, sortable=True)
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = TEXT(stored=True, 

            if field_class.document is True:
                content_field_name = field_class.index_fieldname
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname].spelling = True

        # Fail more gracefully than relying on the backend to die if no fields
        # are found.
        if len(schema_fields) <= initial_key_count:
            raise SearchBackendError("No fields were found in any search_indexes. Please correct this before attempting to search.")

        return (content_field_name, Schema(**schema_fields)) 
Example #6
Source File:    From Django-blog with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def build_schema(self, fields):
        schema_fields = {
            ID: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True, unique=True),
            DJANGO_CT: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True),
            DJANGO_ID: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True),
        # Grab the number of keys that are hard-coded into Haystack.
        # We'll use this to (possibly) fail slightly more gracefully later.
        initial_key_count = len(schema_fields)
        content_field_name = ''

        for field_name, field_class in fields.items():
            if field_class.is_multivalued:
                if field_class.indexed is False:
                    schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = IDLIST(stored=True, field_boost=field_class.boost)
                    schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = KEYWORD(stored=True, commas=True, scorable=True,
            elif field_class.field_type in ['date', 'datetime']:
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = DATETIME(stored=field_class.stored, sortable=True)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'integer':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NUMERIC(stored=field_class.stored, numtype=int,
            elif field_class.field_type == 'float':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NUMERIC(stored=field_class.stored, numtype=float,
            elif field_class.field_type == 'boolean':
                # Field boost isn't supported on BOOLEAN as of 1.8.2.
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = BOOLEAN(stored=field_class.stored)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'ngram':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NGRAM(minsize=3, maxsize=15, stored=field_class.stored,
            elif field_class.field_type == 'edge_ngram':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NGRAMWORDS(minsize=2, maxsize=15, at='start',
            else:  # StemmingAnalyzer->ChineseAnalyzer
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = TEXT(stored=True, analyzer=ChineseAnalyzer(),
                                                                  field_boost=field_class.boost, sortable=True)

            if field_class.document is True:
                content_field_name = field_class.index_fieldname
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname].spelling = True

        # Fail more gracefully than relying on the backend to die if no fields
        # are found.
        if len(schema_fields) <= initial_key_count:
            raise SearchBackendError(
                "No fields were found in any search_indexes. Please correct this before attempting to search.")

        return (content_field_name, Schema(**schema_fields)) 
Example #7
Source File:    From blog with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def build_schema(self, fields):
        schema_fields = {
            ID: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True, unique=True),
            DJANGO_CT: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True),
            DJANGO_ID: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True),
        # Grab the number of keys that are hard-coded into Haystack.
        # We'll use this to (possibly) fail slightly more gracefully later.
        initial_key_count = len(schema_fields)
        content_field_name = ''

        for field_name, field_class in fields.items():
            if field_class.is_multivalued:
                if field_class.indexed is False:
                    schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = IDLIST(stored=True, field_boost=field_class.boost)
                    schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = KEYWORD(stored=True, commas=True, scorable=True, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type in ['date', 'datetime']:
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = DATETIME(stored=field_class.stored, sortable=True)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'integer':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NUMERIC(stored=field_class.stored, numtype=int, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'float':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NUMERIC(stored=field_class.stored, numtype=float, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'boolean':
                # Field boost isn't supported on BOOLEAN as of 1.8.2.
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = BOOLEAN(stored=field_class.stored)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'ngram':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NGRAM(minsize=3, maxsize=15, stored=field_class.stored, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'edge_ngram':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NGRAMWORDS(minsize=2, maxsize=15, at='start', stored=field_class.stored, field_boost=field_class.boost)
                # 调用结巴分词
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = TEXT(stored=True, analyzer=ChineseAnalyzer(), field_boost=field_class.boost, sortable=True)

            if field_class.document is True:
                content_field_name = field_class.index_fieldname
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname].spelling = True

        # Fail more gracefully than relying on the backend to die if no fields
        # are found.
        if len(schema_fields) <= initial_key_count:
            raise SearchBackendError("No fields were found in any search_indexes. Please correct this before attempting to search.")

        return (content_field_name, Schema(**schema_fields)) 
Example #8
Source File:    From izone with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def build_schema(self, fields):
        schema_fields = {
            ID: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True, unique=True),
            DJANGO_CT: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True),
            DJANGO_ID: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True),
        # Grab the number of keys that are hard-coded into Haystack.
        # We'll use this to (possibly) fail slightly more gracefully later.
        initial_key_count = len(schema_fields)
        content_field_name = ''

        for field_name, field_class in fields.items():
            if field_class.is_multivalued:
                if field_class.indexed is False:
                    schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = IDLIST(stored=True, field_boost=field_class.boost)
                    schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = KEYWORD(stored=True, commas=True, scorable=True, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type in ['date', 'datetime']:
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = DATETIME(stored=field_class.stored, sortable=True)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'integer':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NUMERIC(stored=field_class.stored, numtype=int, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'float':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NUMERIC(stored=field_class.stored, numtype=float, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'boolean':
                # Field boost isn't supported on BOOLEAN as of 1.8.2.
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = BOOLEAN(stored=field_class.stored)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'ngram':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NGRAM(minsize=3, maxsize=15, stored=field_class.stored, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'edge_ngram':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NGRAMWORDS(minsize=2, maxsize=15, at='start', stored=field_class.stored, field_boost=field_class.boost)
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = TEXT(stored=True, analyzer=ChineseAnalyzer(), field_boost=field_class.boost, sortable=True)

            if field_class.document is True:
                content_field_name = field_class.index_fieldname
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname].spelling = True

        # Fail more gracefully than relying on the backend to die if no fields
        # are found.
        if len(schema_fields) <= initial_key_count:
            raise SearchBackendError("No fields were found in any search_indexes. Please correct this before attempting to search.")

        return (content_field_name, Schema(**schema_fields)) 
Example #9
Source File:    From website with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def build_schema(self, fields):
        schema_fields = {
            ID: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True, unique=True),
            DJANGO_CT: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True),
            DJANGO_ID: WHOOSH_ID(stored=True),
        # Grab the number of keys that are hard-coded into Haystack.
        # We'll use this to (possibly) fail slightly more gracefully later.
        initial_key_count = len(schema_fields)
        content_field_name = ''

        for field_name, field_class in fields.items():
            if field_class.is_multivalued:
                if field_class.indexed is False:
                    schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = IDLIST(stored=True, field_boost=field_class.boost)
                    schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = KEYWORD(stored=True, commas=True, scorable=True, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type in ['date', 'datetime']:
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = DATETIME(stored=field_class.stored, sortable=True)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'integer':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NUMERIC(stored=field_class.stored, numtype=int, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'float':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NUMERIC(stored=field_class.stored, numtype=float, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'boolean':
                # Field boost isn't supported on BOOLEAN as of 1.8.2.
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = BOOLEAN(stored=field_class.stored)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'ngram':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NGRAM(minsize=3, maxsize=15, stored=field_class.stored, field_boost=field_class.boost)
            elif field_class.field_type == 'edge_ngram':
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = NGRAMWORDS(minsize=2, maxsize=15, at='start', stored=field_class.stored, field_boost=field_class.boost)
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname] = TEXT(stored=True, analyzer=ChineseAnalyzer(), field_boost=field_class.boost, sortable=True)

            if field_class.document is True:
                content_field_name = field_class.index_fieldname
                schema_fields[field_class.index_fieldname].spelling = True

        # Fail more gracefully than relying on the backend to die if no fields
        # are found.
        if len(schema_fields) <= initial_key_count:
            raise SearchBackendError("No fields were found in any search_indexes. Please correct this before attempting to search.")

        return (content_field_name, Schema(**schema_fields))