Python numpy.any() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of numpy.any().
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Example #1
Source File: From libTLDA with MIT License | 7 votes |
def add_intercept(self, X): """Add 1's to data as last features.""" # Data shape N, D = X.shape # Check if there's not already an intercept column if np.any(np.sum(X, axis=0) == N): # Report print('Intercept is not the last feature. Swapping..') # Find which column contains the intercept intercept_index = np.argwhere(np.sum(X, axis=0) == N) # Swap intercept to last X = X[:, np.setdiff1d(np.arange(D), intercept_index)] # Add intercept as last column X = np.hstack((X, np.ones((N, 1)))) # Append column of 1's to data, and increment dimensionality return X, D+1
Example #2
Source File: From dustmaps with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def fetch(clobber=False): """ Downloads the 3D dust map of Leike & Ensslin (2019). Args: clobber (Optional[bool]): If ``True``, any existing file will be overwritten, even if it appears to match. If ``False`` (the default), ``fetch()`` will attempt to determine if the dataset already exists. This determination is not 100\% robust against data corruption. """ dest_dir = fname_pattern = os.path.join(data_dir(), 'leike_ensslin_2019') fname = os.path.join(dest_dir, 'simple_cube.h5') # Check if the FITS table already exists md5sum = 'f54e01c253453117e3770575bed35078' if (not clobber) and fetch_utils.check_md5sum(fname, md5sum): print('File appears to exist already. Call `fetch(clobber=True)` ' 'to force overwriting of existing file.') return # Download from the server url = '' fetch_utils.download_and_verify(url, md5sum, fname)
Example #3
Source File: From aospy with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def set_grid_data(self): """Populate the attrs that hold grid data.""" if self._grid_data_is_set: return self._set_mult_grid_attr() if not np.any(getattr(self, 'sfc_area', None)): try: sfc_area = _grid_sfc_area(self.lon,, self.lon_bounds, self.lat_bounds) except AttributeError: sfc_area = _grid_sfc_area(self.lon, self.sfc_area = sfc_area try: self.levs_thick = utils.vertcoord.level_thickness(self.level) except AttributeError: self.level = None self.levs_thick = None self._grid_data_is_set = True
Example #4
Source File: From libTLDA with MIT License | 6 votes |
def is_pos_def(self, A): """ Check for positive definiteness. Parameters --------- A : array square symmetric matrix. Returns ------- bool whether matrix is positive-definite. Warning! Returns false for arrays containing inf or NaN. """ # Check for valid numbers if np.any(np.isnan(A)) or np.any(np.isinf(A)): return False else: return np.all(np.real(np.linalg.eigvals(A)) > 0)
Example #5
Source File: From medicaldetectiontoolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_forward(self, batch, return_masks=True): """ test method. wrapper around forward pass of network without usage of any ground truth information. prepares input data for processing and stores outputs in a dictionary. :param batch: dictionary containing 'data' :param return_masks: boolean. If True, full resolution masks are returned for all proposals (speed trade-off). :return: results_dict: dictionary with keys: 'boxes': list over batch elements. each batch element is a list of boxes. each box is a dictionary: [[{box_0}, ... {box_n}], [{box_0}, ... {box_n}], ...] 'seg_preds': pixel-wise class predictions (b, 1, y, x, (z)) with values [0, n_classes] """ img = batch['data'] img = torch.from_numpy(img).float().cuda() _, _, _, detections, detection_masks = self.forward(img) results_dict = get_results(, img.shape, detections, detection_masks, return_masks=return_masks) return results_dict
Example #6
Source File: From medicaldetectiontoolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def test_forward(self, batch, return_masks=True): """ test method. wrapper around forward pass of network without usage of any ground truth information. prepares input data for processing and stores outputs in a dictionary. :param batch: dictionary containing 'data' :param return_masks: boolean. If True, full resolution masks are returned for all proposals (speed trade-off). :return: results_dict: dictionary with keys: 'boxes': list over batch elements. each batch element is a list of boxes. each box is a dictionary: [[{box_0}, ... {box_n}], [{box_0}, ... {box_n}], ...] 'seg_preds': pixel-wise class predictions (b, 1, y, x, (z)) with values [0, n_classes] """ img = batch['data'] img = torch.from_numpy(img).float().cuda() _, _, _, detections, seg_logits = self.forward(img) results_dict = get_results(, img.shape, detections, seg_logits) return results_dict
Example #7
Source File: From dustmaps with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def query(self, coords, order=1): """ Returns the map value at the specified location(s) on the sky. Args: coords (`astropy.coordinates.SkyCoord`): The coordinates to query. order (Optional[int]): Interpolation order to use. Defaults to `1`, for linear interpolation. Returns: A float array containing the map value at every input coordinate. The shape of the output will be the same as the shape of the coordinates stored by `coords`. """ out = np.full(len(coords.l.deg), np.nan, dtype='f4') for pole in self.poles: m = (coords.b.deg >= 0) if pole == 'ngp' else (coords.b.deg < 0) if np.any(m): data, w = self._data[pole] x, y = w.wcs_world2pix(coords.l.deg[m], coords.b.deg[m], 0) out[m] = map_coordinates(data, [y, x], order=order, mode='nearest') return out
Example #8
Source File: From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_init_occulter(self): r"""Test of initialization and __init__ -- occulter. Method: If any starlight suppression system has an occulter , the attribute OpticalSystem.haveOcculter is set. We instantiate OpticalSystem objects and verify that this is done. """ our_specs = deepcopy(specs_default) optsys = self.fixture(**deepcopy(our_specs)) self.assertFalse(optsys.haveOcculter,'Expect to NOT haveOcculter') our_specs['starlightSuppressionSystems'][0]['occulter'] = True optsys = self.fixture(**deepcopy(our_specs)) self.assertTrue(optsys.haveOcculter, 'Expect to haveOcculter') optsys = self.fixture(**deepcopy(specs_multi)) self.assertTrue(optsys.haveOcculter, 'Expect to haveOcculter')
Example #9
Source File: From QCElemental with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def validate_and_fill_geometry(geom=None, tooclose=0.1, copy=True): """Check `geom` for overlapping atoms. Return flattened""" npgeom = np.array(geom, copy=copy, dtype=np.float).reshape((-1, 3)) # Upper triangular metric = tooclose ** 2 tooclose_inds = [] for x in range(npgeom.shape[0]): diffs = npgeom[x] - npgeom[x + 1 :] dists = np.einsum("ij,ij->i", diffs, diffs) # Record issues if np.any(dists < metric): indices = np.where(dists < metric)[0] tooclose_inds.extend([(x, y, dist) for y, dist in zip(indices + x + 1, dists[indices] ** 0.5)]) if tooclose_inds: raise ValidationError( """Following atoms are too close: {}""".format([(i, j, dist) for i, j, dist in tooclose_inds]) ) return {"geom": npgeom.reshape((-1))}
Example #10
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def _testDecoder(self, height=64, width=64, channels=4, batch_norm_params=None, decoder=models.small_decoder): codes = tf.to_float(np.random.rand(32, 100)) with self.test_session() as sess: output = decoder( codes, height=height, width=width, channels=channels, batch_norm_params=batch_norm_params) output_np = self.assertEqual(output_np.shape, (32, height, width, channels)) self.assertTrue(np.any(output_np)) self.assertTrue(np.all(np.isfinite(output_np)))
Example #11
Source File: From neural-fingerprinting with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def _compute_gradients(self, loss_fn, x, unused_optim_state): """Compute a new value of `x` to minimize `loss_fn`. Args: loss_fn: a callable that takes `x`, a batch of images, and returns a batch of loss values. `x` will be optimized to minimize `loss_fn(x)`. x: A list of Tensors, the values to be updated. This is analogous to the `var_list` argument in standard TF Optimizer. unused_optim_state: A (possibly nested) dict, containing any state info needed for the optimizer. Returns: new_x: A list of Tensors, the same length as `x`, which are updated new_optim_state: A dict, with the same structure as `optim_state`, which have been updated. """ # Assumes `x` is a list, # and contains a tensor representing a batch of images assert len(x) == 1 and isinstance(x, list), \ 'x should be a list and contain only one image tensor' x = x[0] loss = reduce_mean(loss_fn(x), axis=0) return tf.gradients(loss, x)
Example #12
Source File: From models with MIT License | 6 votes |
def _prepro_cpg(self, states, dists): """Preprocess the state and distance of neighboring CpG sites.""" prepro_states = [] prepro_dists = [] for state, dist in zip(states, dists): nan = state == dat.CPG_NAN if np.any(nan): state[nan] = np.random.binomial(1, state[~nan].mean(), nan.sum()) dist[nan] = self.cpg_max_dist dist = np.minimum(dist, self.cpg_max_dist) / self.cpg_max_dist prepro_states.append(np.expand_dims(state, 1)) prepro_dists.append(np.expand_dims(dist, 1)) prepro_states = np.concatenate(prepro_states, axis=1) prepro_dists = np.concatenate(prepro_dists, axis=1) if self.cpg_wlen: center = prepro_states.shape[2] // 2 delta = self.cpg_wlen // 2 tmp = slice(center - delta, center + delta) prepro_states = prepro_states[:, :, tmp] prepro_dists = prepro_dists[:, :, tmp] return (prepro_states, prepro_dists)
Example #13
Source File: From mlearn with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 6 votes |
def test_convert_docs(self): _, df = convert_docs(self.test_pool, include_stress=False) test_energies = df[df['dtype'] == 'energy']['y_orig'] self.assertFalse(np.any(test_energies - self.test_energies)) test_forces = df[df['dtype'] == 'force']['y_orig'] for force1, force2 in zip(test_forces, np.array(self.test_forces).ravel()): self.assertEqual(force1, force2) _, df = convert_docs(self.test_pool, include_stress=True) test_energies = df[df['dtype'] == 'energy']['y_orig'] self.assertFalse(np.any(test_energies - self.test_energies)) test_forces = df[df['dtype'] == 'force']['y_orig'] for force1, force2 in zip(test_forces, np.array(self.test_forces).ravel()): self.assertEqual(force1, force2) test_stresses = df[df['dtype'] == 'stress']['y_orig'] for stress1, stress2 in zip(test_stresses, np.array(self.test_stresses).ravel()): self.assertEqual(stress1, stress2)
Example #14
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 6 votes |
def optimize(self, sess, feed_dict): reg_input, reg_weight, old_values, targets = [self.inputs, self.regression_weight, self.values, self.targets], feed_dict=feed_dict) intended_values = targets * self.mix_frac + old_values * (1 - self.mix_frac) # taken from rllab reg_coeff = 1e-5 for _ in range(5): best_fit_weight = np.linalg.lstsq( + reg_coeff * np.identity(reg_input.shape[1]),[0] if not np.any(np.isnan(best_fit_weight)): break reg_coeff *= 10 if len(best_fit_weight.shape) == 1: best_fit_weight = np.expand_dims(best_fit_weight, -1), feed_dict={self.new_regression_weight: best_fit_weight})
Example #15
Source File: From neuropythy with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def point_on_segment(ac, b, atol=1e-8): ''' point_on_segment((a,b), c) yields True if point x is on segment (a,b) and False otherwise. Note that this differs from point_in_segment in that a point that if c is equal to a or b it is considered 'on' but not 'in' the segment. The option atol can be given and is used only to test for difference from 0; by default it is 1e-8. ''' (a,c) = ac abc = [np.asarray(u) for u in (a,b,c)] if any(len(u.shape) > 1 for u in abc): (a,b,c) = [np.reshape(u,(len(u),-1)) for u in abc] else: (a,b,c) = abc vab = b - a vbc = c - b vac = c - a dab = np.sqrt(np.sum(vab**2, axis=0)) dbc = np.sqrt(np.sum(vbc**2, axis=0)) dac = np.sqrt(np.sum(vac**2, axis=0)) return np.isclose(dab + dbc - dac, 0, atol=atol)
Example #16
Source File: From neuropythy with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def point_in_segment(ac, b, atol=1e-8): ''' point_in_segment((a,b), c) yields True if point x is in segment (a,b) and False otherwise. Note that this differs from point_on_segment in that a point that if c is equal to a or b it is considered 'on' but not 'in' the segment. The option atol can be given and is used only to test for difference from 0; by default it is 1e-8. ''' (a,c) = ac abc = [np.asarray(u) for u in (a,b,c)] if any(len(u.shape) > 1 for u in abc): (a,b,c) = [np.reshape(u,(len(u),-1)) for u in abc] else: (a,b,c) = abc vab = b - a vbc = c - b vac = c - a dab = np.sqrt(np.sum(vab**2, axis=0)) dbc = np.sqrt(np.sum(vbc**2, axis=0)) dac = np.sqrt(np.sum(vac**2, axis=0)) return (np.isclose(dab + dbc - dac, 0, atol=atol) & ~np.isclose(dac - dab, 0, atol=atol) & ~np.isclose(dac - dbc, 0, atol=atol))
Example #17
Source File: From fullrmc with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def should_step_get_rejected(self, standardError): """ Given a standardError, return whether to keep or reject new standardError according to the constraint rejectProbability. In addition, if flexible flag is set to True, total number of atoms not satisfying constraints definition must be decreasing or at least remain the same. :Parameters: #. standardError (number): Standard error to compare with Constraint's standard error. :Returns: #. result (boolean): True to reject step, False to accept. """ if self.__flexible: # compute if step should get rejected as a RigidConstraint return super(_DistanceConstraint, self).should_step_get_rejected(standardError) else: cond = self.activeAtomsDataAfterMove["number"]>self.activeAtomsDataBeforeMove["number"] if np.any(cond): return True return False
Example #18
Source File: From contextualbandits with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def _choose_active(self, X, pred, choose=True): if self.prob_active_choice <= 0.: return None pick_active = self.random_state.random(size=X.shape[0]) <= self.prob_active_choice if not np.any(pick_active): return None by_crit = self._crit_active( X[pick_active], self._oracles.decision_function(X[pick_active]), self.active_choice) if choose: pred[pick_active] = np.argmax(by_crit, axis = 1) else: pred[pick_active] = by_crit
Example #19
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def testBuildGRLMnistModel(self): logits = self._testSharedEncoder(model=getattr(models, 'dann_mnist')) self.assertEqual(logits.shape, (5, 10)) self.assertTrue(np.any(logits))
Example #20
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def evaluate(self): """Compute evaluation result. Returns: average_precision_per_class: float numpy array of average precision for each class. mean_ap: mean average precision of all classes, float scalar precisions_per_class: List of precisions, each precision is a float numpy array recalls_per_class: List of recalls, each recall is a float numpy array corloc_per_class: numpy float array mean_corloc: Mean CorLoc score for each class, float scalar """ if (self.num_gt_instances_per_class == 0).any(): logging.warn( 'The following classes have no ground truth examples: %s', np.squeeze(np.argwhere(self.num_gt_instances_per_class == 0))) for class_index in range(self.num_class): if self.num_gt_instances_per_class[class_index] == 0: continue scores = np.concatenate(self.scores_per_class[class_index]) tp_fp_labels = np.concatenate(self.tp_fp_labels_per_class[class_index]) precision, recall = metrics.compute_precision_recall( scores, tp_fp_labels, self.num_gt_instances_per_class[class_index]) self.precisions_per_class.append(precision) self.recalls_per_class.append(recall) average_precision = metrics.compute_average_precision(precision, recall) self.average_precision_per_class[class_index] = average_precision self.corloc_per_class = metrics.compute_cor_loc( self.num_gt_imgs_per_class, self.num_images_correctly_detected_per_class) mean_ap = np.nanmean(self.average_precision_per_class) mean_corloc = np.nanmean(self.corloc_per_class) return (self.average_precision_per_class, mean_ap, self.precisions_per_class, self.recalls_per_class, self.corloc_per_class, mean_corloc)
Example #21
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def draw_mask_on_image_array(image, mask, color='red', alpha=0.7): """Draws mask on an image. Args: image: uint8 numpy array with shape (img_height, img_height, 3) mask: a float numpy array of shape (img_height, img_height) with values between 0 and 1 color: color to draw the keypoints with. Default is red. alpha: transparency value between 0 and 1. (default: 0.7) Raises: ValueError: On incorrect data type for image or masks. """ if image.dtype != np.uint8: raise ValueError('`image` not of type np.uint8') if mask.dtype != np.float32: raise ValueError('`mask` not of type np.float32') if np.any(np.logical_or(mask > 1.0, mask < 0.0)): raise ValueError('`mask` elements should be in [0, 1]') rgb = ImageColor.getrgb(color) pil_image = Image.fromarray(image) solid_color = np.expand_dims( np.ones_like(mask), axis=2) * np.reshape(list(rgb), [1, 1, 3]) pil_solid_color = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(solid_color)).convert('RGBA') pil_mask = Image.fromarray(np.uint8(255.0*alpha*mask)).convert('L') pil_image = Image.composite(pil_solid_color, pil_image, pil_mask) np.copyto(image, np.array(pil_image.convert('RGB')))
Example #22
Source File: From medicaldetectiontoolkit with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def get_train_generators(cf, logger): """ wrapper function for creating the training batch generator pipeline. returns the train/val generators. selects patients according to cv folds (generated by first run/fold of experiment): splits the data into n-folds, where 1 split is used for val, 1 split for testing and the rest for training. (inner loop test set) If cf.hold_out_test_set is True, adds the test split to the training data. """ all_data = load_dataset(cf, logger) all_pids_list = np.unique([v['pid'] for (k, v) in all_data.items()]) if not cf.created_fold_id_pickle: fg = dutils.fold_generator(seed=cf.seed, n_splits=cf.n_cv_splits, len_data=len(all_pids_list)).get_fold_names() with open(os.path.join(cf.exp_dir, 'fold_ids.pickle'), 'wb') as handle: pickle.dump(fg, handle) cf.created_fold_id_pickle = True else: with open(os.path.join(cf.exp_dir, 'fold_ids.pickle'), 'rb') as handle: fg = pickle.load(handle) train_ix, val_ix, test_ix, _ = fg[cf.fold] train_pids = [all_pids_list[ix] for ix in train_ix] val_pids = [all_pids_list[ix] for ix in val_ix] if cf.hold_out_test_set: train_pids += [all_pids_list[ix] for ix in test_ix] train_data = {k: v for (k, v) in all_data.items() if any(p == v['pid'] for p in train_pids)} val_data = {k: v for (k, v) in all_data.items() if any(p == v['pid'] for p in val_pids)}"data set loaded with: {} train / {} val / {} test patients".format(len(train_ix), len(val_ix), len(test_ix))) batch_gen = {} batch_gen['train'] = create_data_gen_pipeline(train_data, cf=cf, is_training=True) batch_gen['val_sampling'] = create_data_gen_pipeline(val_data, cf=cf, is_training=False) if cf.val_mode == 'val_patient': batch_gen['val_patient'] = PatientBatchIterator(val_data, cf=cf) batch_gen['n_val'] = len(val_ix) if cf.max_val_patients is None else min(len(val_ix), cf.max_val_patients) else: batch_gen['n_val'] = cf.num_val_batches return batch_gen
Example #23
Source File: From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_life_expectancy_filter(self): #test default removal of BV < 0.3 (hard-coded) self.targetlist.life_expectancy_filter() self.assertEqual( np.any(self.targetlist.BV<0.3) , False)
Example #24
Source File: From EXOSIMS with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def test_main_sequence_filter(self): n0 = self.targetlist.nStars self.targetlist.main_sequence_filter() #print self.targetlist.nStars #Check that no stars fall outside main sequence strip self.assertEqual( np.any((self.targetlist.BV < 0.74) & (self.targetlist.MV > 6*self.targetlist.BV+1.8)) , False) self.assertEqual( np.any((self.targetlist.BV >= 0.74) & (self.targetlist.BV < 1.37) & (self.targetlist.MV > 4.3*self.targetlist.BV+3.05)) , False) self.assertEqual( np.any((self.targetlist.BV >= 1.37) & (self.targetlist.MV > 18*self.targetlist.BV-15.7)) , False) self.assertEqual( np.any((self.targetlist.BV < 0.87) & (self.targetlist.MV < -8*(self.targetlist.BV-1.35)**2+7.01)) , False) self.assertEqual( np.any((self.targetlist.BV >= 0.87) & (self.targetlist.BV < 1.45) & (self.targetlist.MV > 5*self.targetlist.BV+0.81)) , False) self.assertEqual( np.any((self.targetlist.BV >= 1.45) & (self.targetlist.MV < 18*self.targetlist.BV-18.04)) , False) #check that filtered target list does not have repeating elements import collections compare = lambda x, y: collections.Counter(x) == collections.Counter(y) self.assertEqual( compare(list(set(self.targetlist.Name)), list(self.targetlist.Name)) , True)
Example #25
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def simple_summaries(summarize_ops, summarize_names, mode, to_aggregate=False, scope_name='summary'): if type(to_aggregate) != list: to_aggregate = [to_aggregate for _ in summarize_ops] summary_key = '{:s}_summaries'.format(mode) print_summary_key = '{:s}_print_summaries'.format(mode) prefix=' [{:s}]: '.format(mode) # Default ops for things that dont need to be aggregated. if not np.all(to_aggregate): for op, name, to_agg in zip(summarize_ops, summarize_names, to_aggregate): if not to_agg: add_scalar_summary_op(op, name, summary_key, print_summary_key, prefix) summary_ops = tf.summary.merge_all(summary_key) print_summary_ops = tf.summary.merge_all(print_summary_key) else: summary_ops = tf.no_op() print_summary_ops = tf.no_op() # Default ops for things that dont need to be aggregated. if np.any(to_aggregate): additional_return_ops = [[summarize_ops[i] for i, x in enumerate(to_aggregate )if x]] arop_summary_iters = [-1] s_names = ['{:s}/{:s}'.format(scope_name, summarize_names[i]) for i, x in enumerate(to_aggregate) if x] fn = lambda outputs, global_step, output_dir, metric_summary, N: \ accum_val_ops(outputs, s_names, global_step, output_dir, metric_summary, N) arop_eval_fns = [fn] else: additional_return_ops = [] arop_summary_iters = [] arop_eval_fns = [] return summary_ops, print_summary_ops, additional_return_ops, \ arop_summary_iters, arop_eval_fns
Example #26
Source File: From neuropythy with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 | 5 votes |
def tetrahedral_barycentric_coordinates(tetra, pt): ''' tetrahedral_barycentric_coordinates(tetrahedron, point) yields a list of weights for each vertex in the given tetrahedron in the same order as the vertices given. If all weights are 0, then the point is not inside the tetrahedron. ''' # I found a description of this algorithm here (Nov. 2017): # tetra = np.asarray(tetra) pt = np.asarray(pt) if tetra.shape[0] != 4: if tetra.shape[1] == 4: if tetra.shape[0] == 3: tetra = np.transpose(tetra, (1,0) if len(tetra.shape) == 2 else (1,0,2)) else: tetra = np.transpose(tetra, (1,2,0)) elif tetra.shape[1] == 3: tetra = np.transpose(tetra, (2,1,0)) else: tetra = np.transpose(tetra, (2,0,1)) elif tetra.shape[1] != 3: tetra = np.transpose(tetra, (0,2,1)) if pt.shape[0] != 3: pt = pt.T # Okay, calculate the determinants... d_ = det_4x3(tetra[0], tetra[1], tetra[2], tetra[3]) d0 = det_4x3(pt, tetra[1], tetra[2], tetra[3]) d1 = det_4x3(tetra[0], pt, tetra[2], tetra[3]) d2 = det_4x3(tetra[0], tetra[1], pt, tetra[3]) d3 = det_4x3(tetra[0], tetra[1], tetra[2], pt) s_ = np.sign(d_) z_ = np.logical_or(np.any([s_ * si == -1 for si in np.sign([d0,d1,d2,d3])], axis=0), np.isclose(d_,0)) x_ = np.logical_not(z_) d_inv = x_ / (x_ * d_ + z_) return np.asarray([d_inv * dq for dq in (d0,d1,d2,d3)])
Example #27
Source File: From DOTA_models with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def add_summary_ops(m, summarize_ops, summarize_names, to_aggregate=None, summary_key='summaries', print_summary_key='print_summaries', prefix=''): if type(to_aggregate) != list: to_aggregate = [to_aggregate for _ in summarize_ops] # set up aggregating metrics if np.any(to_aggregate): agg_ops = [] for op, name, to_agg in zip(summarize_ops, summarize_names, to_aggregate): if to_agg: # agg_ops.append(slim.metrics.streaming_mean(op, return_reset_op=True)) agg_ops.append(tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean(op)) # agg_ops.append(tf.contrib.metrics.streaming_mean(op, return_reset_op=True)) else: agg_ops.append([None, None, None]) # agg_values_op, agg_update_op, agg_reset_op = zip(*agg_ops) # agg_update_op = [x for x in agg_update_op if x is not None] # agg_reset_op = [x for x in agg_reset_op if x is not None] agg_values_op, agg_update_op = zip(*agg_ops) agg_update_op = [x for x in agg_update_op if x is not None] agg_reset_op = [tf.no_op()] else: agg_values_op = [None for _ in to_aggregate] agg_update_op = [tf.no_op()] agg_reset_op = [tf.no_op()] for op, name, to_agg, agg_op in zip(summarize_ops, summarize_names, to_aggregate, agg_values_op): if to_agg: add_scalar_summary_op(agg_op, name, summary_key, print_summary_key, prefix) else: add_scalar_summary_op(op, name, summary_key, print_summary_key, prefix) summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all(summary_key) print_summary_op = tf.summary.merge_all(print_summary_key) return summary_op, print_summary_op, agg_update_op, agg_reset_op
Example #28
Source File: From dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sample(self, batch_size): assert self.size >= batch_size and self.replay_start_size >= self.history_length assert(0 <= self.size <= self.memory_size) assert(0 <= <= self.memory_size) if self.size <= self.replay_start_size: raise ValueError("Size of the effective samples of the ReplayMemory must be bigger than " "start_size! Currently, size=%d, start_size=%d" %(self.size, self.replay_start_size)) #TODO Possibly states + inds for less memory access states = numpy.zeros((batch_size, self.history_length) + self.state_dim, dtype=self.states.dtype) actions = numpy.zeros((batch_size,) + self.action_dim, dtype=self.actions.dtype) rewards = numpy.zeros(batch_size, dtype='float32') terminate_flags = numpy.zeros(batch_size, dtype='bool') next_states = numpy.zeros((batch_size, self.history_length) + self.state_dim, dtype=self.states.dtype) counter = 0 while counter < batch_size: index = self.rng.randint( - self.size + 1, - self.history_length) transition_indices = numpy.arange(index, index + self.history_length) initial_indices = transition_indices - 1 end_index = index + self.history_length - 1 while numpy.any(self.terminate_flags.take(initial_indices, mode='wrap')): # Check if terminates in the middle of the sample! index -= 1 transition_indices = numpy.arange(index, index + self.history_length) initial_indices = transition_indices - 1 end_index = index + self.history_length - 1 states[counter] = self.states.take(initial_indices, axis=0, mode='wrap') actions[counter] = self.actions.take(end_index, axis=0, mode='wrap') rewards[counter] = self.rewards.take(end_index, mode='wrap') terminate_flags[counter] = self.terminate_flags.take(end_index, mode='wrap') next_states[counter] = self.states.take(transition_indices, axis=0, mode='wrap') counter += 1 return states, actions, rewards, next_states, terminate_flags
Example #29
Source File: From contextualbandits with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License | 5 votes |
def _calc_preds(self, X, choose = True): pred_proba = self._oracles.decision_function(X) pred_max = pred_proba.max(axis = 1) if choose: pred = np.argmax(pred_proba, axis = 1) else: pred = pred_proba set_greedy = pred_max <= self.thr if np.any(set_greedy): self._choose_greedy(set_greedy, X, pred, pred_proba, choose) return pred, pred_max
Example #30
Source File: From dynamic-training-with-apache-mxnet-on-aws with Apache License 2.0 | 5 votes |
def sample_inplace(self, batch_size, states, offset): assert self.size >= batch_size and self.replay_start_size >= self.history_length assert(0 <= self.size <= self.memory_size) assert(0 <= <= self.memory_size) if self.size <= self.replay_start_size: raise ValueError("Size of the effective samples of the ReplayMemory must be " "bigger than start_size! Currently, size=%d, start_size=%d" %(self.size, self.replay_start_size)) actions = numpy.zeros((batch_size,) + self.action_dim, dtype=self.actions.dtype) rewards = numpy.zeros(batch_size, dtype='float32') terminate_flags = numpy.zeros(batch_size, dtype='bool') counter = 0 while counter < batch_size: index = self.rng.randint( - self.size + 1, - self.history_length ) transition_indices = numpy.arange(index, index + self.history_length+1) initial_indices = transition_indices - 1 end_index = index + self.history_length - 1 if numpy.any(self.terminate_flags.take(initial_indices[0:self.history_length], mode='wrap')): # Check if terminates in the middle of the sample! continue states[counter + offset] = self.states.take(initial_indices, axis=0, mode='wrap') actions[counter] = self.actions.take(end_index, axis=0, mode='wrap') rewards[counter] = self.rewards.take(end_index, mode='wrap') terminate_flags[counter] = self.terminate_flags.take(end_index, mode='wrap') # next_states[counter] = self.states.take(transition_indices, axis=0, mode='wrap') counter += 1 return actions, rewards, terminate_flags