Python django.db.models.F Examples

The following are 30 code examples of django.db.models.F(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module django.db.models , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From kobo-predict with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 8 votes vote down vote up
def filter_queryset(self, queryset):
        if self.request.user.is_anonymous():
        is_project = self.kwargs.get('is_project', None)
        pk = self.kwargs.get('pk', None)
        if is_project == "1":
            queryset = queryset.filter(project__id=pk)
            return queryset.annotate(response_count=Count("schedule_forms__project_form_instances")).select_related('schedule_forms', 'schedule_forms__xf', 'schedule_forms__em')
            project_id = get_object_or_404(Site, pk=pk)
            queryset = queryset.filter(Q(site__id=pk, schedule_forms__from_project=False)
                                       | Q(project__id=project_id))
            return queryset.annotate(
                site_response_count=Count("schedule_forms__site_form_instances", ),
                    When(project__isnull=False, schedule_forms__project_form_instances__site__id=pk, then=F('schedule_forms__project_form_instances')),
                ), distinct=True)

            ).select_related('schedule_forms','schedule_forms__xf', 'schedule_forms__em') 
Example #2
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def _populate_daily_summary_table(self):
        included_fields = ["usage_start", "usage_end", "usage_account_id", "availability_zone", "tags"]
        annotations = {
            "product_family": Concat("cost_entry_product__product_family", Value("")),
            "product_code": Concat("cost_entry_product__service_code", Value("")),
            "region": Concat("cost_entry_product__region", Value("")),
            "instance_type": Concat("cost_entry_product__instance_type", Value("")),
            "unit": Concat("cost_entry_pricing__unit", Value("")),
            "usage_amount": Sum("usage_amount"),
            "normalization_factor": Max("normalization_factor"),
            "normalized_usage_amount": Sum("normalized_usage_amount"),
            "currency_code": Max("currency_code"),
            "unblended_rate": Max("unblended_rate"),
            "unblended_cost": Sum("unblended_cost"),
            "blended_rate": Max("blended_rate"),
            "blended_cost": Sum("blended_cost"),
            "public_on_demand_cost": Sum("public_on_demand_cost"),
            "public_on_demand_rate": Max("public_on_demand_rate"),
            "resource_count": Count("resource_id", distinct=True),
            "resource_ids": ArrayAgg("resource_id", distinct=True),

        entries = AWSCostEntryLineItemDaily.objects.values(*included_fields).annotate(**annotations)
        for entry in entries:
            alias = AWSAccountAlias.objects.filter(account_id=entry["usage_account_id"])
            alias = list(alias).pop() if alias else None
            summary = AWSCostEntryLineItemDailySummary(**entry, account_alias=alias)
            self.current_month_total += entry["unblended_cost"] + entry["unblended_cost"] * Decimal(0.1)
        AWSCostEntryLineItemDailySummary.objects.update(markup_cost=F("unblended_cost") * 0.1) 
Example #3
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_rank_window_function(self, group_by_value):
        """Generate a limit ranking window function."""
        tag_column = self._mapper.tag_column
        rank_orders = []
        rank_field = group_by_value.pop()
        default_ordering = self._mapper.report_type_map.get("default_ordering")

        if self.order_field == "delta" and "__" in self._delta:
            delta_field_one, delta_field_two = self._delta.split("__")
            rank_orders.append(getattr(F(delta_field_one) / F(delta_field_two), self.order_direction)())
        elif self.parameters.get("order_by", default_ordering):
            rank_orders.append(getattr(F(self.order_field), self.order_direction)())
        if tag_column in rank_field:
            rank_orders.append(getattr(F(rank_field), self.order_direction)())

        return Window(expression=RowNumber(), partition_by=F("date"), order_by=rank_orders) 
Example #4
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def annotations(self):
        """Create dictionary for query annotations.

            (Dict): query annotations dictionary

        annotations = {"date": self.date_trunc("usage_start")}
        # { query_param: database_field_name }
        fields = self._mapper.provider_map.get("annotations")
        for q_param, db_field in fields.items():
            annotations[q_param] = F(db_field)
        if (
            "project" in self.parameters.parameters.get("group_by", {})
            or "and:project" in self.parameters.parameters.get("group_by", {})
            or "or:project" in self.parameters.parameters.get("group_by", {})
            annotations["project"] = F("namespace")

        return annotations 
Example #5
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_execute_query_with_wildcard_tag_filter(self):
        """Test that data is filtered to include entries with tag key."""
        url = "?filter[time_scope_units]=month&filter[time_scope_value]=-1&filter[resolution]=monthly"  # noqa: E501
        query_params = self.mocked_query_params(url, AWSTagView)
        handler = AWSTagQueryHandler(query_params)
        tag_keys = handler.get_tag_keys()
        filter_key = tag_keys[0]
        tag_keys = ["tag:" + tag for tag in tag_keys]

        with tenant_context(self.tenant):
            totals = AWSCostEntryLineItemDailySummary.objects.filter(
            ).aggregate(**{"cost": Sum(F("unblended_cost") + F("markup_cost"))})

        url = f"?filter[time_scope_units]=month&filter[time_scope_value]=-1&filter[resolution]=monthly&filter[tag:{filter_key}]=*"  # noqa: E501
        query_params = self.mocked_query_params(url, AWSCostView)
        handler = AWSReportQueryHandler(query_params)
        data = handler.execute_query()
        data_totals = data.get("total", {})
        result = data_totals.get("cost", {}).get("total", {}).get("value")
        self.assertEqual(result, totals["cost"]) 
Example #6
Source File:    From contratospr-api with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def filter_queryset(self, request, queryset, view):
        ordering = self.get_ordering(request, queryset, view)

        if ordering:
            f_ordering = []
            for o in ordering:
                if not o:
                if o[0] == "-":

            return queryset.order_by(*f_ordering)

        return queryset 
Example #7
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_populate_markup_cost_no_billsids(self):
        """Test that the daily summary table is populated."""
        summary_table_name = AZURE_REPORT_TABLE_MAP["line_item_daily_summary"]
        summary_table = getattr(self.accessor.report_schema, summary_table_name)

        query = self.accessor._get_db_obj_query(summary_table_name)
        with schema_context(self.schema):
            expected_markup = query.aggregate(markup=Sum(F("pretax_cost") * decimal.Decimal(0.1)))
            expected_markup = expected_markup.get("markup")
            summary_entry = summary_table.objects.all().aggregate(Min("usage_start"), Max("usage_start"))
            start_date = summary_entry["usage_start__min"]
            end_date = summary_entry["usage_start__max"]

        self.accessor.populate_markup_cost(0.1, start_date, end_date, None)
        with schema_context(self.schema):
            query = self.accessor._get_db_obj_query(summary_table_name).aggregate(Sum("markup_cost"))
            actual_markup = query.get("markup_cost__sum")
            self.assertAlmostEqual(actual_markup, expected_markup, 6) 
Example #8
Source File:    From trader with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def handle_rollover(inst: Instrument, new_bar: DailyBar):
    换月处理, 基差=新合约收盘价-旧合约收盘价, 从今日起之前的所有连续合约的OHLC加上基差
    product_code = re.findall('[A-Za-z]+', new_bar.code)[0]
    old_bar = DailyBar.objects.filter(, code=inst.last_main, time=new_bar.time).first()
    main_bar = MainBar.objects.get(, product_code=product_code, time=new_bar.time)
    if old_bar is None:
        old_close = new_bar.close
        old_close = old_bar.close
    basis = new_bar.close - old_close
    main_bar.basis = basis
    basis = float(basis)['basis'])
    MainBar.objects.filter(, product_code=product_code, time__lte=new_bar.time).update(
        open=F('open') + basis, high=F('high') + basis,
        low=F('low') + basis, close=F('close') + basis, settlement=F('settlement') + basis) 
Example #9
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_populate_markup_cost_no_billsids(self):
        """Test that the daily summary table is populated."""
        summary_table_name = AWS_CUR_TABLE_MAP["line_item_daily_summary"]
        summary_table = getattr(self.accessor.report_schema, summary_table_name)

        query = self.accessor._get_db_obj_query(summary_table_name)
        with schema_context(self.schema):
            expected_markup = query.aggregate(markup=Sum(F("unblended_cost") * decimal.Decimal(0.1)))
            expected_markup = expected_markup.get("markup")

            summary_entry = summary_table.objects.all().aggregate(Min("usage_start"), Max("usage_start"))
            start_date = summary_entry["usage_start__min"]
            end_date = summary_entry["usage_start__max"]

        self.accessor.populate_markup_cost(0.1, start_date, end_date, None)
        with schema_context(self.schema):
            query = self.accessor._get_db_obj_query(summary_table_name).aggregate(Sum("markup_cost"))
            actual_markup = query.get("markup_cost__sum")
            self.assertAlmostEqual(actual_markup, expected_markup, 6) 
Example #10
Source File:    From Servo with BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License 6 votes vote down vote up
def notify_stock_limits(self):
        Notifies the correct parties of inventory items stocking status
        subject = _(u"Products stocked below limit")

        for l in Location.objects.filter(enabled=True):
            out_of_stock = Inventory.objects.filter(

            table = CsvTable()
            table.addheader(['PRODUCT', 'MINIMUM', 'STOCKED'])

            for i in out_of_stock:
                table.addrow([i.product.code, i.amount_minimum, i.amount_stocked])

            if Configuration.notify_location():
                recipient = if l.manager else
                send_table(self.mail_sender, recipient, subject, table)
            if self.mail_recipient:
                send_table(self.mail_sender, self.mail_recipient, subject, table) 
Example #11
Source File:    From safe-relay-service with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def reindex_all(apps, schema_editor):
    # Remove all indexed txs
    InternalTx = apps.get_model('relay', 'InternalTx')

    # Start indexing again
    SafeTxStatus = apps.get_model('relay', 'SafeTxStatus')
Example #12
Source File:    From safe-relay-service with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def populate_ethereum_tx_foreign_key(apps, schema_editor):
    # We can't import the Person model directly as it may be a newer
    # version than this migration expects. We use the historical version.
    SafeMultisigTx = apps.get_model('relay', 'SafeMultisigTx')
Example #13
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def get_last_seen_manifest_ids(self, bill_date):
        """Return a tuple containing the assembly_id of the last seen manifest and a boolean

        The boolean will state whether or not that manifest has been processed."""
        assembly_ids = []
        # The following query uses a window function to rank the manifests for all the providers,
        # and then just pulls out the top ranked (most recent) manifests
        manifests = (
        for manifest in [manifest for manifest in manifests if manifest.row_number == 1]:
            # loop through the manifests and decide if they have finished processing
            processed = manifest.num_total_files == manifest.num_processed_files
            # if all of the files for the manifest have been processed we don't want to add it
            # to assembly_ids because it is safe to delete
            if not processed:
        return assembly_ids 
Example #14
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def populate_markup_cost(self, markup, start_date, end_date, bill_ids=None):
        """Set markup costs in the database."""
        with schema_context(self.schema):
            if bill_ids and start_date and end_date:
                for bill_id in bill_ids:
                        cost_entry_bill_id=bill_id, usage_start__gte=start_date, usage_start__lte=end_date
                    ).update(markup_cost=(F("pretax_cost") * markup))
            elif bill_ids:
                for bill_id in bill_ids:
                        markup_cost=(F("pretax_cost") * markup)
                AzureCostEntryLineItemDailySummary.objects.update(markup_cost=(F("pretax_cost") * markup)) 
Example #15
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def populate_markup_cost(self, markup, start_date, end_date, cluster_id):
        """Set markup cost for OCP including infrastructure cost markup."""
        with schema_context(self.schema):
                cluster_id=cluster_id, usage_start__gte=start_date, usage_start__lte=end_date
                    (Coalesce(F("infrastructure_raw_cost"), Value(0, output_field=DecimalField()))) * markup
                    (Coalesce(F("infrastructure_project_raw_cost"), Value(0, output_field=DecimalField()))) * markup
Example #16
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def populate_markup_cost(self, markup, start_date, end_date, bill_ids=None):
        """Set markup costs in the database."""
        with schema_context(self.schema):
            if bill_ids and start_date and end_date:
                for bill_id in bill_ids:
                        cost_entry_bill_id=bill_id, usage_start__gte=start_date, usage_start__lte=end_date
                    ).update(markup_cost=(F("unblended_cost") * markup))
            elif bill_ids:
                for bill_id in bill_ids:
                        markup_cost=(F("unblended_cost") * markup)
                AWSCostEntryLineItemDailySummary.objects.update(markup_cost=(F("unblended_cost") * markup)) 
Example #17
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_execute_query_with_tag_group_by(self):
        """Test that data is grouped by tag key."""
        # Pick tags for the same month we query on later
        url = "filter[resolution]=monthly&filter[time_scope_value]=-1&filter[time_scope_units]=month"
        query_params = self.mocked_query_params(url, AzureTagView)
        handler = AzureTagQueryHandler(query_params)
        tag_keys = handler.get_tag_keys()
        group_by_key = tag_keys[0]
        tag_keys = ["tag:" + tag for tag in tag_keys]

        ag_key = "cost_total"
        with tenant_context(self.tenant):
            totals = AzureCostEntryLineItemDailySummary.objects.filter(
            ).aggregate(**{ag_key: Sum(F("pretax_cost") + F("markup_cost"))})

        url = f"?filter[time_scope_units]=month&filter[time_scope_value]=-1&filter[resolution]=monthly&group_by[tag:{group_by_key}]=*"  # noqa: E501
        query_params = self.mocked_query_params(url, AzureCostView)
        handler = AzureReportQueryHandler(query_params)

        data = handler.execute_query()
        data_totals = data.get("total", {})
        data = data.get("data", [])
        expected_keys = ["date", group_by_key + "s"]
        for entry in data:
            self.assertEqual(list(entry.keys()), expected_keys)
        result = data_totals.get("cost", {}).get("total")
        self.assertAlmostEqual(result.get("value"), totals[ag_key], 6) 
Example #18
Source File:    From django_migration_testcase with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def forwards(apps, schema_editor):
    MyModel = apps.get_model("test_app", "MyModel")
    MyModel.objects.update(double_number=models.F('number') * 2) 
Example #19
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_populate_markup_cost(self):
        """Test that the daily summary table is populated."""
        summary_table_name = AWS_CUR_TABLE_MAP["line_item_daily_summary"]
        summary_table = getattr(self.accessor.report_schema, summary_table_name)

        bills = self.accessor.get_cost_entry_bills_query_by_provider(self.aws_provider.uuid)
        with schema_context(self.schema):
            bill_ids = [str( for bill in bills.all()]

            summary_entry = summary_table.objects.all().aggregate(Min("usage_start"), Max("usage_start"))
            start_date = summary_entry["usage_start__min"]
            end_date = summary_entry["usage_start__max"]

        query = self.accessor._get_db_obj_query(summary_table_name)
        with schema_context(self.schema):
            expected_markup = query.filter(cost_entry_bill__in=bill_ids).aggregate(
                markup=Sum(F("unblended_cost") * decimal.Decimal(0.1))
            expected_markup = expected_markup.get("markup")

        self.accessor.populate_markup_cost(0.1, start_date, end_date, bill_ids)
        with schema_context(self.schema):
            query = (
            actual_markup = query.get("markup_cost__sum")
            self.assertAlmostEqual(actual_markup, expected_markup, 6) 
Example #20
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_execute_query_ocp_aws_storage_with_wildcard_tag_filter(self):
        """Test that data is filtered to include entries with tag key."""
        with tenant_context(self.tenant):
            labels = (
            tags = labels.get("tags")
            filter_key = list(tags.keys())[0]

            totals = (
                .filter(**{"tags__has_key": filter_key})
                .aggregate(**{"usage": Sum("usage_amount"), "cost": Sum(F("unblended_cost") + F("markup_cost"))})

        url = reverse("reports-openshift-aws-storage")
        client = APIClient()
        params = {f"filter[tag:{filter_key}]": "*"}

        url = url + "?" + urlencode(params, quote_via=quote_plus)
        response = client.get(url, **self.headers)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)

        data = response.json()
        data_totals = data.get("meta", {}).get("total", {})
        for key in totals:
            expected = float(totals[key])
            if key == "cost":
                result = data_totals.get(key, {}).get("total").get("value")
                result = data_totals.get(key, {}).get("value")
            self.assertEqual(result, expected) 
Example #21
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_execute_query_ocp_aws_storage_with_tag_filter(self):
        """Test that data is filtered by tag key."""
        with tenant_context(self.tenant):
            labels = (
            tags = labels.get("tags")
            filter_key = list(tags.keys())[0]
            filter_value = tags.get(filter_key)

            totals = (
                .filter(**{f"tags__{filter_key}": filter_value})
                .aggregate(**{"usage": Sum("usage_amount"), "cost": Sum(F("unblended_cost") + F("markup_cost"))})

        url = reverse("reports-openshift-aws-storage")
        client = APIClient()
        params = {f"filter[tag:{filter_key}]": filter_value}

        url = url + "?" + urlencode(params, quote_via=quote_plus)
        response = client.get(url, **self.headers)
        self.assertEqual(response.status_code, status.HTTP_200_OK)

        data = response.json()
        data_totals = data.get("meta", {}).get("total", {})
        for key in totals:
            expected = float(totals[key])
            if key == "cost":
                result = data_totals.get(key, {}).get("total").get("value")
                result = data_totals.get(key, {}).get("value")
            self.assertEqual(result, expected) 
Example #22
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def calculate_total(self, **units):
        """Calculate aggregated totals for the query.

            units (dict): The units dictionary

            (dict) The aggregated totals for the query

        query_group_by = ["date"] + self._get_group_by()
        query = self.query_table.objects.filter(self.query_filter)
        query_data = query.annotate(**self.annotations)
        query_data = query_data.values(*query_group_by)

        aggregates = copy.deepcopy(self._mapper.report_type_map.get("aggregates", {}))
        if not self.parameters.parameters.get("compute_count"):
            # Query parameter indicates count should be removed from DB queries
            aggregates.pop("count", None)

        counts = None

        if "count" in aggregates:
            resource_ids = (
                query_data.annotate(resource_id=Func(F("resource_ids"), function="unnest"))
                .values_list("resource_id", flat=True)
            counts = len(resource_ids)

        total_query = query.aggregate(**aggregates)
        for unit_key, unit_value in units.items():
            total_query[unit_key] = unit_value

        if counts:
            total_query["count"] = counts
        self._pack_data_object(total_query, **self._mapper.PACK_DEFINITIONS)

        return total_query 
Example #23
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def annotations(self):
        """Create dictionary for query annotations.

            (Dict): query annotations dictionary

        units_fallback = self._mapper.report_type_map.get("cost_units_fallback")
        annotations = {
            "date": self.date_trunc("usage_start"),
            "cost_units": Coalesce(self._mapper.cost_units_key, Value(units_fallback)),
        if self._mapper.usage_units_key:
            units_fallback = self._mapper.report_type_map.get("usage_units_fallback")
            annotations["usage_units"] = Coalesce(self._mapper.usage_units_key, Value(units_fallback))
        # { query_param: database_field_name }
        fields = self._mapper.provider_map.get("annotations")
        prefix_removed_parameters_list = list(
                lambda x: x if ":" not in x else x.split(":", maxsplit=1)[1],
                self.parameters.get("group_by", {}).keys(),
        for q_param, db_field in fields.items():
            if q_param in prefix_removed_parameters_list:
                annotations[q_param] = F(db_field)
        return annotations 
Example #24
Source File:    From koku with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def _create_accounts_mapping(self):
        """Returns a mapping of org ids to accounts."""
        account_mapping = {}
        with tenant_context(self.tenant):
            for source in self.data_sources:
                # Grab columns for this query
                account_info = source.get("account_alias_column")
                # Create filters & Query
                filters = QueryFilterCollection()
                no_org_units = QueryFilter(field=f"{account_info}", operation="isnull", parameter=False)
                composed_filters = filters.compose()
                account_query = source.get("db_table").objects
                account_query = account_query.filter(composed_filters)
                account_query = account_query.exclude(deleted_timestamp__lte=self.start_datetime)
                account_query = account_query.exclude(created_timestamp__gt=self.end_datetime)
                if self.access:
                    accounts_to_filter = self.access.get("aws.account", {}).get("read", [])
                    if accounts_to_filter and "*" not in accounts_to_filter:
                        account_query = account_query.filter(account_alias__account_id__in=accounts_to_filter)
                account_query = account_query.order_by(f"{account_info}", "-created_timestamp")
                account_query = account_query.distinct(f"{account_info}")
                account_query = account_query.annotate(
                    alias=Coalesce(F(f"{account_info}__account_alias"), F(f"{account_info}__account_id"))
                for account in account_query:
                    org_id = account.org_unit_id
                    alias = account.alias
                    if account_mapping.get(org_id):
                        account_list = account_mapping[org_id]
                        account_mapping[org_id] = account_list
                        account_mapping[org_id] = [alias]
        return account_mapping 
Example #25
Source File:    From desec-stack with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def migrate_data(apps, schema_editor):
    RRset = apps.get_model('desecapi', 'RRset')
Example #26
Source File:    From django_migration_testcase with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def forwards(self, orm):
        MyModel = orm.MyModel
        MyModel.objects.update(double_number=models.F('number') * 2) 
Example #27
Source File:    From django_migration_testcase with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def forwards(apps, schema_editor):
    MyModel = apps.get_model("test_app", "MyModel")
    MyModel.objects.update(double_number=models.F('number') * 2) 
Example #28
Source File:    From pinax-documents with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def increase_usage(self, bytes):
        # increase usage for this user based on document size
        storage_qs = UserStorage.objects.filter(
        storage_qs.update(bytes_used=F("bytes_used") + bytes) 
Example #29
Source File:    From django_migration_testcase with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def forwards(apps, schema_editor):
    MyModel = apps.get_model("test_app", "MyModel")
    MyModel.objects.update(double_number=models.F('number') * 2) 
Example #30
Source File:    From django_migration_testcase with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def forwards(self, orm):
        MyModel = orm.MyModel
        MyModel.objects.update(double_number=models.F('number') * 2)