Python re.escape() Examples
The following are 30
code examples of re.escape().
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Example #1
Source File: From clikit with MIT License | 7 votes |
def test_render_debug_better_error_message_recursion_error_with_multiple_duplicated_frames(): io = BufferedIO() io.set_verbosity(VERBOSE) with pytest.raises(RecursionError) as e: first() trace = ExceptionTrace(e.value) trace.render(io) expected = r"... Previous 2 frames repeated \d+ times".format( filename=re.escape(trace._get_relative_file_path(__file__)), ) assert, io.fetch_output()) is not None
Example #2
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_write_exclusive_text_file(smb_share): file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt") file_contents = u"File Contents\nNewline" with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='x') as fd: assert isinstance(fd, io.TextIOWrapper) assert fd.closed is False with pytest.raises(IOError): assert fd.tell() == 0 fd.write(file_contents) assert int(fd.tell()) == (len(file_contents) - 1 + len(os.linesep)) assert fd.closed is True with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='r') as fd: assert == file_contents with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape("[NtStatus 0xc0000035] File exists: ")): smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='x') assert fd.closed is True
Example #3
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_copymode_local_to_local_symlink_dont_follow(tmpdir): test_dir = tmpdir.mkdir('test') src_filename = "%s\\source.txt" % test_dir dst_filename = "%s\\target.txt" % test_dir with open(src_filename, mode='w') as fd: fd.write(u"content") os.chmod(src_filename, stat.S_IREAD) with open(dst_filename, mode='w') as fd: fd.write(u"content") src_link = "%s\\source-link.txt" % test_dir dst_link = "%s\\target-link.txt" % test_dir os.symlink(src_filename, src_link) os.symlink(dst_filename, dst_link) expected = "chmod: follow_symlinks unavailable on this platform" with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=re.escape(expected)): copymode(src_link, dst_link, follow_symlinks=False)
Example #4
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_rmtree_non_existing(smb_share): dir_name = "%s\\dir2" % smb_share expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000034] No such file or directory: " with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)): rmtree(dir_name) rmtree(dir_name, ignore_errors=True) callback_args = [] def callback(*args): callback_args.append(args) rmtree(dir_name, onerror=callback) assert len(callback_args) == 2 assert callback_args[0][0].__name__ == 'scandir' assert callback_args[0][1] == dir_name assert isinstance(callback_args[0][2][1], SMBOSError) assert callback_args[1][0].__name__ == 'rmdir' assert callback_args[1][1] == dir_name assert isinstance(callback_args[1][2][1], SMBOSError)
Example #5
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_rmtree_as_file(smb_share): filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share with open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd: fd.write(u"content") expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000103] Not a directory: " with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)): rmtree(filename) rmtree(filename, ignore_errors=True) callback_args = [] def callback(*args): callback_args.append(args) rmtree(filename, onerror=callback) assert len(callback_args) == 2 assert callback_args[0][0].__name__ == 'scandir' assert callback_args[0][1] == filename assert isinstance(callback_args[0][2][1], SMBOSError) assert callback_args[1][0].__name__ == 'rmdir' assert callback_args[1][1] == filename assert isinstance(callback_args[1][2][1], SMBOSError)
Example #6
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_rmtree_symlink_as_dir(smb_share): src_dirname = "%s\\dir" % smb_share dst_dirname = "%s\\target" % smb_share mkdir(src_dirname) symlink("dir", dst_dirname) expected = "Cannot call rmtree on a symbolic link" with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)): rmtree(dst_dirname) assert exists(src_dirname) assert exists(dst_dirname) rmtree(dst_dirname, ignore_errors=True) callback_args = [] def callback(*args): callback_args.append(args) rmtree(dst_dirname, onerror=callback) assert len(callback_args) == 1 assert callback_args[0][0].__name__ == 'islink' assert callback_args[0][1] == dst_dirname assert isinstance(callback_args[0][2][1], OSError)
Example #7
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_resolve_path_local_fail(self): b_sub_name = to_bytes(u'\\??\\C:\\foldér', encoding='utf-16-le') b_print_name = to_bytes(u'C:\\foldér', encoding='utf-16-le') resp = SMB2SymbolicLinkErrorResponse() resp['unparsed_path_length'] = 0 resp['substitute_name_offset'] = 0 resp['substitute_name_length'] = len(b_sub_name) resp['print_name_offset'] = len(b_sub_name) resp['print_name_length'] = len(b_print_name) resp['flags'] = SymbolicLinkErrorFlags.SYMLINK_FLAG_ABSOLUTE resp['path_buffer'] = b_sub_name + b_print_name link_path = u'\\\\sérver\\sharé\\foldér' expected = u"Encountered symlink at '%s' that points to 'C:\\foldér' which cannot be redirected: Cannot " \ u"resolve link targets that point to a local path" % link_path with pytest.raises(SMBLinkRedirectionError, match=re.escape(to_native(expected))): resp.resolve_path(link_path)
Example #8
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_resolve_path_different_share(self): b_sub_name = to_bytes(u'\\??\\UNC\\other-sérver\\sharé\\foldér', encoding='utf-16-le') b_print_name = to_bytes(u'\\\\other-sérver\\sharé\\foldér', encoding='utf-16-le') resp = SMB2SymbolicLinkErrorResponse() resp['unparsed_path_length'] = 0 resp['substitute_name_offset'] = 0 resp['substitute_name_length'] = len(b_sub_name) resp['print_name_offset'] = len(b_sub_name) resp['print_name_length'] = len(b_print_name) resp['flags'] = SymbolicLinkErrorFlags.SYMLINK_FLAG_ABSOLUTE resp['path_buffer'] = b_sub_name + b_print_name link_path = u'\\\\sérver\\sharé\\foldér' expected = u"Encountered symlink at '%s' that points to '\\\\other-sérver\\sharé\\foldér' which cannot be " \ u"redirected: Cannot resolve link targets that point to a different host/share" % link_path with pytest.raises(SMBLinkRedirectionError, match=re.escape(to_native(expected))): resp.resolve_path(link_path)
Example #9
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_resolve_path_different_host(self): b_sub_name = to_bytes(u'\\??\\UNC\\sérver\\sharé2\\foldér', encoding='utf-16-le') b_print_name = to_bytes(u'\\\\sérver\\sharé2\\foldér', encoding='utf-16-le') resp = SMB2SymbolicLinkErrorResponse() resp['unparsed_path_length'] = 0 resp['substitute_name_offset'] = 0 resp['substitute_name_length'] = len(b_sub_name) resp['print_name_offset'] = len(b_sub_name) resp['print_name_length'] = len(b_print_name) resp['flags'] = SymbolicLinkErrorFlags.SYMLINK_FLAG_ABSOLUTE resp['path_buffer'] = b_sub_name + b_print_name link_path = u'\\\\sérver\\sharé\\foldér' expected = u"Encountered symlink at '%s' that points to '\\\\sérver\\sharé2\\foldér' which cannot be " \ u"redirected: Cannot resolve link targets that point to a different host/share" % link_path with pytest.raises(SMBLinkRedirectionError, match=re.escape(to_native(expected))): resp.resolve_path(link_path)
Example #10
Source File: From video2commons with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 6 votes |
def escape_wikitext(wikitext): """Escape wikitext for use in file description.""" rep = OrderedDict([ ('{|', '{{(}}|'), ('|}', '|{{)}}'), ('||', '||'), ('|', '|'), ('[[', '{{!((}}'), (']]', '{{))!}}'), ('{{', '{{((}}'), ('}}', '{{))}}'), ('{', '{{(}}'), ('}', '{{)}}'), ]) rep = dict((re.escape(k), v) for k, v in rep.iteritems()) pattern = re.compile("|".join(rep.keys())) return pattern.sub(lambda m: rep[re.escape(], wikitext) # Source: mediawiki.Title.js@9df363d
Example #11
Source File: From multibootusb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def update_grub_cfg_file(uninstall_distro_dir_name): """ Main function to remove uninstall distro name from the grub.cfg file. :return: """ grub_cfg_file = os.path.join(config.usb_mount, "multibootusb", "grub", "grub.cfg") if not os.path.exists(grub_cfg_file): gen.log("grub.cfg file not found for updating changes.") else: gen.log("Updating grub.cfg file...") string = open(grub_cfg_file).read() string = re.sub(r'#start ' + re.escape(uninstall_distro_dir_name) + '.*?' + '#end ' + re.escape(uninstall_distro_dir_name) + r'\s*', '', string, flags=re.DOTALL) config_file = open(grub_cfg_file, "w") config_file.write(string) config_file.close()
Example #12
Source File: From multibootusb with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 6 votes |
def update_sys_cfg_file(uninstall_distro_dir_name): """ Main function to remove uninstall distro specific operations. :return: """ sys_cfg_file = os.path.join(config.usb_mount, "multibootusb", "syslinux.cfg") if not os.path.exists(sys_cfg_file): gen.log("syslinux.cfg file not found for updating changes.") else: gen.log("Updating syslinux.cfg file...") string = open(sys_cfg_file).read() string = re.sub(r'#start ' + re.escape(uninstall_distro_dir_name) + '.*?' + '#end ' + re.escape(uninstall_distro_dir_name) + r'\s*', '', string, flags=re.DOTALL) config_file = open(sys_cfg_file, "w") config_file.write(string) config_file.close()
Example #13
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_open_file_with_write_share_access(smb_share): file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt") with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='w') as fd: expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000043] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by " \ "another process: " with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)): smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='a') with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='w', share_access='w') as fd: fd.write(u"contents") fd.flush() with pytest.raises(OSError): smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='r') with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='a', share_access='w') as fd_child: fd_child.write(u"\nnewline") with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='r') as fd: assert == u"contents\nnewline"
Example #14
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_open_file_with_read_share_access(smb_share): file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt") with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='w') as fd: fd.write(u"contents") with smbclient.open_file(file_path): expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000043] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by " \ "another process" with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)): smbclient.open_file(file_path) with smbclient.open_file(file_path, share_access='r') as fd: assert == u"contents" with smbclient.open_file(file_path, share_access='r') as fd_child: assert == u"contents" with pytest.raises(OSError): smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='a')
Example #15
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 6 votes |
def test_write_exclusive_byte_file(smb_share): file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt") file_contents = b"File Contents\nNewline" with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='xb') as fd: assert isinstance(fd, io.BufferedWriter) assert fd.closed is False with pytest.raises(IOError): assert fd.tell() == 0 fd.write(file_contents) assert fd.tell() == len(file_contents) assert fd.closed is True with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='rb') as fd: assert == file_contents with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape("[NtStatus 0xc0000035] File exists: ")): smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='xb') assert fd.closed is True
Example #16
Source File: From PHATE with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def assert_raises_message(expected_warning, expected_message, *args, **kwargs): expected_regex = re.escape(expected_message) return assert_raises_regex(expected_warning, expected_regex, *args, **kwargs)
Example #17
Source File: From jupyterlab-sidecar with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _translate_glob_part(pat): """Translate a glob PATTERN PART to a regular expression.""" # Code modified from Python 3 standard lib fnmatch: if pat == '**': return '.*' i, n = 0, len(pat) res = [] while i < n: c = pat[i] i = i + 1 if c == '*': # Match anything but path separators: res.append('[^%s]*' % SEPARATORS) elif c == '?': res.append('[^%s]?' % SEPARATORS) elif c == '[': j = i if j < n and pat[j] == '!': j = j + 1 if j < n and pat[j] == ']': j = j + 1 while j < n and pat[j] != ']': j = j + 1 if j >= n: res.append('\\[') else: stuff = pat[i:j].replace('\\', '\\\\') i = j + 1 if stuff[0] == '!': stuff = '^' + stuff[1:] elif stuff[0] == '^': stuff = '\\' + stuff res.append('[%s]' % stuff) else: res.append(re.escape(c)) return ''.join(res)
Example #18
Source File: From PHATE with GNU General Public License v2.0 | 5 votes |
def assert_warns_message(expected_warning, expected_message, *args, **kwargs): expected_regex = re.escape(expected_message) return assert_warns_regex(expected_warning, expected_regex, *args, **kwargs)
Example #19
Source File: From jupyterlab-sidecar with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License | 5 votes |
def _translate_glob(pat): """Translate a glob PATTERN to a regular expression.""" translated_parts = [] for part in _iexplode_path(pat): translated_parts.append(_translate_glob_part(part)) os_sep_class = '[%s]' % re.escape(SEPARATORS) res = _join_translated(translated_parts, os_sep_class) return '{res}\\Z(?ms)'.format(res=res)
Example #20
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_set_utime_bad_tuple(): expected = "The time tuple should be a 2-tuple of the form (atime, mtime)" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(expected)): smbclient.utime("", times=(0, 0, 0))
Example #21
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_rmdir_non_empty_dir(smb_share): dir_name = "%s\\directory" % smb_share smbclient.mkdir(dir_name) with smbclient.open_file("%s\\file.txt" % dir_name, mode='w') as fd: fd.write(u"content") expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000101] Directory not empty: " with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)): smbclient.rmdir(dir_name)
Example #22
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_rmdir(smb_share): dir_name = "%s\\directory" % smb_share smbclient.mkdir(dir_name) assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['directory'] smbclient.rmdir(dir_name) assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == [] expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000034] No such file or directory: " with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)): smbclient.rmdir(dir_name)
Example #23
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_open_file_in_missing_dir(smb_share): file_path = "%s\\dir\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt") with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape("[NtStatus 0xc000003a] No such file or directory: ")): smbclient.open_file(file_path)
Example #24
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_rename_fail_dst_not_absolute(smb_share): expected = "dst must be an absolute path to where the file or directory should be renamed." with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(expected)): smbclient.rename(smb_share, "not_absolute")
Example #25
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_remove_file_that_is_opened_without_delete_access(smb_share): filename = "%s\\delete-me.txt" % smb_share with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='wb') as fd: fd.write(b"Content") assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['delete-me.txt'] # Because our other handle does not have the d share_access set, this should fail expected = "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process" with pytest.raises(SMBOSError, match=re.escape(expected)): smbclient.remove(filename)
Example #26
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_readlink_not_symlink(monkeypatch): def a(*args, **kwargs): buffer = ReparseDataBuffer() buffer['reparse_tag'] = 1 buffer['data_buffer'] = b"" return buffer monkeypatch.setattr(smbclient._os, "_get_reparse_point", a) expected = "Cannot read link of reparse point with tag (1) IO_REPARSE_TAG_RESERVED_ONE at 'path'" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(expected)): smbclient.readlink("path")
Example #27
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_open_file_invalid_share_access(smb_share): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape("Invalid share_access char z, can only be d, r, w")): smbclient.open_file(smb_share, share_access='z')
Example #28
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_open_file_invalid_mode_char(smb_share): with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape("Invalid mode char z, can only be +, a, b, r, t, w, x")): smbclient.open_file(smb_share, mode='z')
Example #29
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_open_file_unbuffered_text_file(smb_share): expected = "can't have unbuffered text I/O" with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(expected)): smbclient.open_file("%s\\file.txt" % smb_share, mode='w', buffering=0)
Example #30
Source File: From smbprotocol with MIT License | 5 votes |
def test_readlink_normal_file(smb_share): filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd: fd.write(u"content") expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000275] The file or directory is not a reparse point" with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)): smbclient.readlink(filename)