# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright: (c) 2019, Jordan Borean (@jborean93) <jborean93@gmail.com>
# MIT License (see LICENSE or https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)

from __future__ import division

import io
import locale
import ntpath
import os
import pytest
import re
import smbclient  # Tests that we expose this in smbclient/__init__.py
import stat

from smbclient._io import (

from smbclient._os import (

from smbprotocol.exceptions import (

from smbprotocol.file_info import (

from smbprotocol.reparse_point import (

HAS_SSPI = False
    import sspi
    HAS_SSPI = True
except ImportError:

@pytest.mark.parametrize('path', [
def test_open_bad_path(path):
    expected = "The SMB path specified must contain the server and share to connect to"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=expected):

def test_reset_connection(smb_share):

    # Once we've reset the connection it should fail because we didn't set any credentials.
    # Won't work if pywin32 is installed as implicit auth is available.
    if not HAS_SSPI:
        expected = 'Failed to authenticate with server'
        with pytest.raises(SMBAuthenticationError, match=expected):

def test_delete_session(smb_share):
    server = ntpath.normpath(smb_share).split("\\")[2]

    # Once we've closed the connection it should fail because we didn't set any credentials
    if not HAS_SSPI:
        expected = 'Failed to authenticate with server'
        with pytest.raises(SMBAuthenticationError, match=expected):

def test_copy_across_paths_raises(smb_share):
    expected = "Cannot copy a file to a different root than the src."
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.copyfile("%s\\file" % smb_share, "//host/filer2/file2")

def test_copyfile_src_not_unc():
    expected = "src must be an absolute path to where the file should be copied from."
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.copyfile("file", "\\\\server\\share\\file")

def test_copyfile_dst_not_unc():
    expected = "dst must be an absolute path to where the file should be copied to."
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.copyfile("\\\\server\\share\\file", "file")

def test_server_side_copy_multiple_chunks(smb_share):
    smbclient.mkdir("%s\\dir2" % smb_share)
    with smbclient.open_file("%s\\file1" % smb_share, mode='w') as fd:
        fd.write(u"content" * 1024)

    smbclient._os.CHUNK_SIZE = 1024

    smbclient.copyfile("%s\\file1" % smb_share, "%s\\dir2\\file1" % smb_share)

    src_stat = smbclient.stat("%s\\file1" % smb_share)
    dst_stat = smbclient.stat("%s\\dir2\\file1" % smb_share)

    assert src_stat.st_size == dst_stat.st_size

def test_server_side_copy_large_file(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file1" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\file2" % smb_share

    # Actually reading and writing more than 16MB takes too long for the tests so just test the file length
    expected_length = 1024 * 1024 * 17

    with smbclient.open_file(src_filename, mode='wb') as fd:

    smbclient.copyfile(src_filename, dst_filename)
    smbclient.copyfile(src_filename, dst_filename)

    with smbclient.open_file(dst_filename, mode='rb') as fd:
        assert fd.seek(0, smbclient.SEEK_END)
        assert fd.tell() == expected_length

def test_link_relative_path_fail(smb_share):
    expected = "src must be the absolute path to where the file is hard linked to."
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=expected):
        smbclient.link("file", smb_share)

def test_link_different_root_fail(smb_share):
    expected = "Cannot hardlink a file to a different root than the src."
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=expected):
        smbclient.link("\\\\other\\share\\file.txt", smb_share)

def test_link_dir_fail(smb_share):
    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc00000ba] Is a directory"
    with pytest.raises(SMBOSError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.link(smb_share, ntpath.join(smb_share, 'file.txt'))

def test_link_existing_file_failed(smb_share):
    file_data = u"content"
    link_src = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'src.txt')
    with smbclient.open_file(link_src, mode='w') as fd:

    link_dst = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'dst.txt')
    with smbclient.open_file(link_dst, mode='w') as fd:

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000035] File exists:"
    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.link(link_src, link_dst)

def test_link_missing_src_fail(smb_share):
    link_src = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'src.txt')
    link_dst = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'dst.txt')

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000034] No such file or directory"
    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.link(link_src, link_dst)

def test_link_to_file(smb_share):
    file_data = u"content"
    link_src = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'src.txt')
    with smbclient.open_file(link_src, mode='w') as fd:

    link_dst = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'dst.txt')
    smbclient.link(link_src, link_dst)

    with smbclient.open_file(link_dst, mode='r') as fd:
        actual_data = fd.read()

    assert actual_data == file_data

    src_stat = smbclient.stat(link_src)
    dst_stat = smbclient.stat(link_dst)
    assert src_stat.st_ino == dst_stat.st_ino
    assert src_stat.st_dev == dst_stat.st_dev
    assert src_stat.st_nlink == 2
    assert dst_stat.st_nlink == 2

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_link_to_symbolic_link_follows(smb_share):
    normal_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    link_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share
    hard_filename = "%s\\hard.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(normal_filename, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.symlink(normal_filename, link_filename)
    smbclient.link(link_filename, hard_filename)

    actual_normal = smbclient.lstat(normal_filename)
    actual_hard = smbclient.lstat(normal_filename)

    assert actual_hard.st_ino == actual_normal.st_ino

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_link_to_symbolic_link_not_follows(smb_share):
    normal_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    link_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share
    hard_filename = "%s\\hard.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(normal_filename, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.symlink(normal_filename, link_filename)
    smbclient.link(link_filename, hard_filename, follow_symlinks=False)

    actual_link = smbclient.lstat(normal_filename)
    actual_hard = smbclient.lstat(normal_filename)

    assert actual_hard.st_ino == actual_link.st_ino

@pytest.mark.parametrize('dirpath, ntstatus', [
    ('missing', '0xc0000034'),
    ('missing\\missing_sub', '0xc000003a'),
def test_listdir_missing(dirpath, ntstatus, smb_share):
    expected = "[NtStatus %s] No such file or directory" % ntstatus
    with pytest.raises(SMBOSError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.listdir(ntpath.join(smb_share, dirpath))

def test_listdir_file_fail(smb_share):
    filename = ntpath.join(smb_share, "file.txt")
    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000103] Not a directory"
    with pytest.raises(SMBOSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

@pytest.mark.parametrize('dirname', [
    ('',),  # Requires different special perms on Windows, this makes sure we can still enum the root share.
def test_listdir(dirname, smb_share):
    dirpath = ntpath.join(smb_share, dirname[0])
    smbclient.makedirs(dirpath, exist_ok=True)

    for name in ['file.txt', u'unicode †[💩].txt']:
        with smbclient.open_file(ntpath.join(dirpath, name), mode='w') as fd:

    for name in ['subdir1', 'subdir2', u'unicode dir †[💩]', 'subdir1\\sub']:
        smbclient.mkdir(ntpath.join(dirpath, name))

    actual = smbclient.listdir(dirpath)
    assert len(actual) == 5
    assert u'unicode †[💩].txt' in actual
    assert u'unicode dir †[💩]' in actual
    assert u'subdir2' in actual
    assert u'subdir1' in actual
    assert u'file.txt' in actual

def test_listdir_with_pattern(smb_share):
    for filename in ["file.txt", "file-test1.txt", "file-test1a.txt"]:
        with smbclient.open_file("%s\\%s" % (smb_share, filename), mode="w") as fd:

    actual = smbclient.listdir(smb_share, search_pattern="file-test*.txt")
    assert len(actual) == 2
    assert "file-test1.txt" in actual
    assert "file-test1a.txt" in actual

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share, search_pattern="file-test?.txt") == ["file-test1.txt"]

def test_listdir_with_pattern_no_match(smb_share):
    actual = smbclient.listdir(smb_share, search_pattern="no matching file")
    assert actual == []

def test_lstat_on_file(smb_share):
    filename = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'file.txt')
    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    actual = smbclient.lstat(filename)
    assert isinstance(actual, smbclient.SMBStatResult)
    assert actual.st_atime == actual.st_atime_ns / 1000000000
    assert actual.st_mtime == actual.st_mtime_ns / 1000000000
    assert actual.st_ctime == actual.st_ctime_ns / 1000000000
    assert actual.st_chgtime == actual.st_chgtime_ns / 1000000000
    assert actual.st_dev is not None
    assert actual.st_file_attributes == FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE
    assert actual.st_gid == 0
    assert actual.st_uid == 0
    assert actual.st_ino is not None
    assert actual.st_mode == stat.S_IFREG | 0o666
    assert actual.st_nlink == 1
    assert actual.st_size == 7
    assert actual.st_uid == 0
    assert actual.st_reparse_tag == 0

def test_lstat_on_dir(smb_share):
    dirname = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'dir')

    actual = smbclient.lstat(dirname)
    assert isinstance(actual, smbclient.SMBStatResult)
    assert actual.st_atime == actual.st_atime_ns / 1000000000
    assert actual.st_mtime == actual.st_mtime_ns / 1000000000
    assert actual.st_ctime == actual.st_ctime_ns / 1000000000
    assert actual.st_chgtime == actual.st_chgtime_ns / 1000000000
    assert actual.st_dev is not None
    assert actual.st_file_attributes == FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY
    assert actual.st_gid == 0
    assert actual.st_uid == 0
    assert actual.st_ino is not None
    assert actual.st_mode == stat.S_IFDIR | 0o777
    assert actual.st_nlink == 1
    assert actual.st_size == 0
    assert actual.st_uid == 0
    assert actual.st_reparse_tag == 0

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_lstat_on_symlink_file(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(src_filename, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename)

    actual_src = smbclient.stat(src_filename)
    actual = smbclient.lstat(dst_filename)
    assert actual.st_ino != actual_src.st_ino
    assert stat.S_ISLNK(actual.st_mode)
    assert actual.st_reparse_tag == ReparseTags.IO_REPARSE_TAG_SYMLINK

def test_mkdir(smb_share):
    dirname = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'dir')
    actual = smbclient.stat(dirname)
    assert stat.S_ISDIR(actual.st_mode)

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000035] File exists:"
    with pytest.raises(SMBOSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

def test_mkdir_missing_parent_fail(smb_share):
    dirname = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'dir', 'subdir')
    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc000003a] No such file or directory"
    with pytest.raises(SMBOSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

def test_mkdir_path_is_file_fail(smb_share):
    filename = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'test.txt')
    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000035] File exists:"
    with pytest.raises(SMBOSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

def test_makedirs_existing_parent(smb_share):
    dirpath = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'folder')
    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['folder']

def test_makedirs_exist_ok(smb_share):
    dirpath = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'folder')

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000035] File exists:"
    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

    smbclient.makedirs(dirpath, exist_ok=True)

def test_makedirs_missing_parents(smb_share):
    dirpath = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'missing', 'missing', 'folder')
    assert stat.S_ISDIR(smbclient.stat(dirpath).st_mode)

def test_makedirs_file_as_parent(smb_share):
    filepath = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'file.txt')
    with smbclient.open_file(filepath, 'w') as fd:

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000035] File exists:"
    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

    dirpath = ntpath.join(filepath, 'folder')
    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc000003a] No such file or directory:"
    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

def test_read_text_file(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")
    file_contents = u"File Contents\nNewline"

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000034] No such file or directory"
    with pytest.raises(SMBOSError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='rb')

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='wb') as fd:

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path) as fd:
        assert isinstance(fd, io.TextIOWrapper)
        assert fd.closed is False
        assert fd.encoding == locale.getpreferredencoding()
        assert fd.errors == 'strict'
        assert fd.line_buffering is False
        assert fd.name == file_path
        assert fd.newlines is None

        actual = fd.read()
        assert actual == file_contents

        actual = fd.read()
        assert actual == ""

        actual = fd.readlines()

        expected_lines = file_contents.split("\n")
        expected = [l + "\n" if idx != len(expected_lines) - 1 else l for idx, l in enumerate(expected_lines)]
        assert actual == expected

        assert int(fd.tell()) == len(file_contents)

        with pytest.raises(IOError):

    assert fd.closed

def test_read_byte_file(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")
    file_contents = b"\x00\x01\x02\x03"

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000034] No such file or directory"
    with pytest.raises(SMBOSError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='rb')

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='wb') as fd:

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='rb') as fd:
        assert isinstance(fd, io.BufferedReader)
        assert fd.closed is False
        assert fd.name == file_path

        actual = fd.read()
        assert actual == file_contents

        actual = fd.read()
        assert actual == b""

        actual = fd.read()
        assert actual == file_contents

        with pytest.raises(IOError):
    assert fd.closed

def test_write_text_file(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")
    file_contents = u"File Contents\nNewline"

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='w') as fd:
        assert isinstance(fd, io.TextIOWrapper)
        assert fd.closed is False

        with pytest.raises(IOError):

        assert fd.tell() == 0
        assert int(fd.tell()) == (len(file_contents) - 1 + len(os.linesep))

    assert fd.closed is True

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='r') as fd:
        assert fd.read() == file_contents

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='w') as fd:
        assert fd.tell() == 0
        assert fd.write(u"abc")
        assert fd.tell() == 3

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='r') as fd:
        assert fd.read() == u"abc"

def test_write_byte_file(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")
    file_contents = b"File Contents\nNewline"

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='wb') as fd:
        assert isinstance(fd, io.BufferedWriter)
        assert fd.closed is False

        with pytest.raises(IOError):

        assert fd.tell() == 0
        assert fd.tell() == len(file_contents)

    assert fd.closed is True

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='rb') as fd:
        assert fd.read() == file_contents

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='wb') as fd:
        assert fd.tell() == 0
        assert fd.write(b"abc")
        assert fd.tell() == 3

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='rb') as fd:
        assert fd.read() == b"abc"

# https://github.com/jborean93/smbprotocol/issues/20
def test_read_large_text_file(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")
    file_contents = u"a" * 131074

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='w') as fd:

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path) as fd:
        actual = fd.read()
        assert len(actual) == 131074

def test_write_exclusive_text_file(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")
    file_contents = u"File Contents\nNewline"

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='x') as fd:
        assert isinstance(fd, io.TextIOWrapper)
        assert fd.closed is False

        with pytest.raises(IOError):

        assert fd.tell() == 0
        assert int(fd.tell()) == (len(file_contents) - 1 + len(os.linesep))

    assert fd.closed is True

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='r') as fd:
        assert fd.read() == file_contents

    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape("[NtStatus 0xc0000035] File exists: ")):
        smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='x')

    assert fd.closed is True

def test_write_exclusive_byte_file(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")
    file_contents = b"File Contents\nNewline"

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='xb') as fd:
        assert isinstance(fd, io.BufferedWriter)
        assert fd.closed is False

        with pytest.raises(IOError):

        assert fd.tell() == 0
        assert fd.tell() == len(file_contents)

    assert fd.closed is True

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='rb') as fd:
        assert fd.read() == file_contents

    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape("[NtStatus 0xc0000035] File exists: ")):
        smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='xb')

    assert fd.closed is True

def test_append_text_file(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='a') as fd:
        assert isinstance(fd, io.TextIOWrapper)

        with pytest.raises(IOError):

        assert fd.tell() == 3

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='a') as fd:
        assert fd.tell() == 3
        assert fd.tell() == 6

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='r') as fd:
        assert fd.read() == u"abcdef"

def test_append_byte_file(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='ab') as fd:
        assert isinstance(fd, io.BufferedWriter)

        with pytest.raises(IOError):

        assert fd.tell() == 3

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='ab') as fd:
        assert fd.tell() == 3
        assert fd.tell() == 6

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='rb') as fd:
        assert fd.read() == b"abcdef"

def test_read_write_text_file(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='w+') as fd:
        assert fd.tell() == 3
        assert fd.read() == u""
        assert fd.read() == u"abc"

def test_read_write_byte_file(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='bw+') as fd:
        assert fd.tell() == 3
        assert fd.read() == b""
        assert fd.read() == b"abc"

def test_open_directory_fail(smb_share):
    dir_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "dir")

    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape("[NtStatus 0xc00000ba] Is a directory: ")):

def test_open_directory_with_correct_file_type(smb_share):
    dir_name = "%s\\dir" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(dir_name, mode='rb', buffering=0, file_type='dir') as fd:
        assert isinstance(fd, SMBDirectoryIO)
        assert fd.readable() is False
        assert fd.writable() is False
        assert fd.seekable() is False

def test_open_file_in_missing_dir(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\dir\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")

    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape("[NtStatus 0xc000003a] No such file or directory: ")):

def test_open_file_with_read_share_access(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='w') as fd:

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path):
        expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000043] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by " \
                   "another process"
        with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, share_access='r') as fd:
        assert fd.read() == u"contents"
        with smbclient.open_file(file_path, share_access='r') as fd_child:
            assert fd_child.read() == u"contents"

        with pytest.raises(OSError):
            smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='a')

def test_open_file_with_write_share_access(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='w') as fd:
        expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000043] The process cannot access the file because it is being used by " \
                   "another process: "
        with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):
            smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='a')

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='w', share_access='w') as fd:

        with pytest.raises(OSError):
            smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='r')

        with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='a', share_access='w') as fd_child:

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='r') as fd:
        assert fd.read() == u"contents\nnewline"

def test_open_file_with_read_write_access(smb_share):
    file_path = "%s\\%s" % (smb_share, "file.txt")

    with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='w', share_access='rw') as fd:

        with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='a', share_access='rw') as fd_child:

        with smbclient.open_file(file_path, mode='r', share_access='rw') as fd_child:
            assert fd_child.read() == u"content\nnewline"

def test_open_file_invalid_share_access(smb_share):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape("Invalid share_access char z, can only be d, r, w")):
        smbclient.open_file(smb_share, share_access='z')

def test_open_file_invalid_mode_char(smb_share):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape("Invalid mode char z, can only be +, a, b, r, t, w, x")):
        smbclient.open_file(smb_share, mode='z')

def test_open_file_invalid_mode(smb_share):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape("Invalid mode value b, must contain at least r, w, x, or a")):
        smbclient.open_file(smb_share, mode='b')

def test_open_file_case_sensitive(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\File.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ["File.txt"]

def test_open_file_unbuffered(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='wb', buffering=0) as fd:
        assert isinstance(fd, SMBFileIO)

    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='rb', buffering=0) as fd:
        assert isinstance(fd, SMBFileIO)
        assert fd.read() == b"abc"

def test_open_file_unbuffered_text_file(smb_share):
    expected = "can't have unbuffered text I/O"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.open_file("%s\\file.txt" % smb_share, mode='w', buffering=0)

def test_open_file_with_ads(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    with smbclient.open_file(filename + ":ads", mode='w') as fd:

    with smbclient.open_file(filename) as fd:
        assert fd.read() == u"default"

    with smbclient.open_file(filename + ":ads") as fd:
        assert fd.read() == u"ads"

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ["file.txt"]

    with smbclient.open_file(filename, buffering=0, mode='rb') as fd, SMBFileTransaction(fd) as trans:
        query_info(trans, FileStreamInformation, output_buffer_length=1024)

    actual = sorted([s['stream_name'].get_value() for s in trans.results[0]])
    assert actual == [u"::$DATA", u":ads:$DATA"]

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_open_symlink_file(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(src_filename, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename)

    with smbclient.open_file(dst_filename) as fd:
        assert fd.read() == u"content"

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_open_file_in_symlink_dir(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\link\\file.txt" % smb_share

    smbclient.mkdir("%s\\dir" % smb_share)
    with smbclient.open_file("%s\\dir\\file.txt" % smb_share, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.symlink("%s\\dir" % smb_share, "%s\\link" % smb_share)

    with smbclient.open_file(filename) as fd:
        assert fd.read() == u"content"

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_readlink_that_is_normal_file(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share

    smbclient.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename)

    actual = smbclient.readlink(dst_filename)
    assert ntpath.normcase(actual) == ntpath.normcase(src_filename)

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_readlink_that_is_normal_dir(smb_share):
    src_dirname = "%s\\dir" % smb_share
    dst_dirname = "%s\\link" % smb_share

    smbclient.symlink(src_dirname, dst_dirname, target_is_directory=True)

    actual = smbclient.readlink(dst_dirname)
    assert ntpath.normcase(actual) == ntpath.normcase(src_dirname)

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_readlink_relative_path(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\dir1\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\dir2\\link.txt" % smb_share
    smbclient.mkdir("%s\\dir2" % smb_share)

    smbclient.symlink("..\\dir1\\file.txt", dst_filename)

    actual = smbclient.readlink(dst_filename)
    assert ntpath.normcase(actual) == ntpath.normcase(src_filename)

def test_readlink_normal_file(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000275] The file or directory is not a reparse point"
    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

def test_readlink_not_symlink(monkeypatch):
    def a(*args, **kwargs):
        buffer = ReparseDataBuffer()
        buffer['reparse_tag'] = 1
        buffer['data_buffer'] = b""
        return buffer

    monkeypatch.setattr(smbclient._os, "_get_reparse_point", a)

    expected = "Cannot read link of reparse point with tag (1) IO_REPARSE_TAG_RESERVED_ONE at 'path'"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(expected)):

def test_remove_file(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\delete-me.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='wb') as fd:
    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['delete-me.txt']

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == []

def test_remove_file_that_is_opened(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\delete-me.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='wb', share_access='d') as fd:
        assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['delete-me.txt']

        # Remove the file but because the file is opened by another process (us) it won't be deleted straight away
        assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['delete-me.txt']

    # After closing our handle we can then verify the file was deleted
    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == []

def test_remove_file_that_is_opened_without_delete_access(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\delete-me.txt" % smb_share
    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='wb') as fd:
        assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['delete-me.txt']

        # Because our other handle does not have the d share_access set, this should fail
        expected = "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process"
        with pytest.raises(SMBOSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_remove_symlink_missing_src(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share

    smbclient.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename)

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == []

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_remove_symlink_with_src(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(src_filename, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename)

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ["file.txt"]

def test_removedirs(smb_share):
    # first create a dir that isn't empty for our basedir that will fail
    parent_dir = "%s\\directory" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file("%s\\file.txt" % parent_dir, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.mkdir("%s\\dir1" % parent_dir)
    smbclient.mkdir("%s\\dir1\\dir2" % parent_dir)

    smbclient.removedirs("%s\\dir1\\dir2" % parent_dir)

    assert smbclient.listdir(parent_dir) == ["file.txt"]

def test_rename_file(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    newname = "%s\\file2.txt" % smb_share
    smbclient.rename(filename, newname)

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['file2.txt']

def test_rename_folder(smb_share):
    dirname = "%s\\folder" % smb_share

    newname = "%s\\folder2" % smb_share
    smbclient.rename(dirname, newname)

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['folder2']

def test_rename_fail_dst_not_absolute(smb_share):
    expected = "dst must be an absolute path to where the file or directory should be renamed."
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.rename(smb_share, "not_absolute")

def test_rename_fail_dst_different_root(smb_share):
    expected = "Cannot rename a file to a different root than the src."
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.rename(smb_share, "\\\\server2\\share\\dst")

def test_renames(smb_share):
    parent_src_dir = "%s\\directory" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file("%s\\file.txt" % parent_src_dir, mode='w') as fd:

    src_dir = "%s\\subdir\\directory" % parent_src_dir
    smbclient.makedirs("%s\\sub-folder" % src_dir)
    with smbclient.open_file("%s\\sub-file.txt" % src_dir, mode='w') as fd:

    target_dir = "%s\\target" % smb_share
    smbclient.renames(src_dir, target_dir)

    assert smbclient.listdir(parent_src_dir) == ['file.txt']
    actual = smbclient.listdir(target_dir)
    assert len(actual)
    assert 'sub-folder' in actual
    assert 'sub-file.txt' in actual

    with smbclient.open_file("%s\\sub-file.txt" % target_dir, mode='r') as fd:
        assert fd.read() == u"content"

def test_replace_file(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    newname = "%s\\file2.txt" % smb_share
    smbclient.replace(filename, newname)

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['file2.txt']
    with smbclient.open_file(newname, mode='r') as fd:
        actual = fd.read()
    assert actual == u"Content"

    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:
        fd.write(u"To be replaced")

    smbclient.replace(newname, filename)
    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['file.txt']
    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='r') as fd:
        actual = fd.read()
    assert actual == u"Content"

def test_rmdir(smb_share):
    dir_name = "%s\\directory" % smb_share

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['directory']
    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == []

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000034] No such file or directory: "
    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

def test_rmdir_non_empty_dir(smb_share):
    dir_name = "%s\\directory" % smb_share


    with smbclient.open_file("%s\\file.txt" % dir_name, mode='w') as fd:

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000101] Directory not empty: "
    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

def test_rmdir_file(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000103] Not a directory: "
    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_rmdir_symlink_missing_src(smb_share):
    src_dirname = "%s\\dir" % smb_share
    dst_dirname = "%s\\link" % smb_share

    smbclient.symlink(src_dirname, dst_dirname, target_is_directory=True)

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == []

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_rmdir_symlink_with_src(smb_share):
    src_dirname = "%s\\dir" % smb_share
    dst_dirname = "%s\\link" % smb_share

    smbclient.symlink(src_dirname, dst_dirname)

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['dir']

def test_scandir_large(smb_share):
    dir_path = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'directory')

    # Create lots of directories with the maximum name possible to ensure they won't be returned in 1 request.
    for i in range(150):
        dirname = str(i).zfill(255)
        smbclient.mkdir(ntpath.join(smb_share, 'directory', dirname))

    actual = []
    for entry in smbclient.scandir(dir_path):

    # Just a test optimisation, remove all the dirs so we don't have to re-enumerate them again in rmtree.
    for path in actual:

    assert len(actual) == 150

def test_scandir(smb_share):
    dir_path = ntpath.join(smb_share, 'directory')
    smbclient.makedirs(dir_path, exist_ok=True)

    for name in ['file.txt', u'unicode †[💩].txt']:
        with smbclient.open_file(ntpath.join(dir_path, name), mode='w') as fd:

    for name in ['subdir1', 'subdir2', u'unicode dir †[💩]', 'subdir1\\sub']:
        smbclient.mkdir(ntpath.join(dir_path, name))

    count = 0
    names = []
    for dir_entry in smbclient.scandir(dir_path):
        assert isinstance(dir_entry, SMBDirEntry)

        # Test out dir_entry for specific file and dir examples
        if dir_entry.name == 'subdir1':
            assert str(dir_entry) == "<SMBDirEntry: 'subdir1'>"
            assert dir_entry.is_dir() is True
            assert dir_entry.is_file() is False
            assert dir_entry.stat(follow_symlinks=False).st_ino == dir_entry.inode()
            assert dir_entry.stat().st_ino == dir_entry.inode()
        elif dir_entry.name == 'file.txt':
            assert str(dir_entry) == "<SMBDirEntry: 'file.txt'>"
            assert dir_entry.is_dir() is False
            assert dir_entry.is_file() is True
            assert dir_entry.stat().st_ino == dir_entry.inode()
            assert dir_entry.stat(follow_symlinks=False).st_ino == dir_entry.inode()

        assert dir_entry.is_symlink() is False
        assert dir_entry.inode() is not None
        assert dir_entry.inode() == dir_entry.stat().st_ino

        count += 1

    assert count == 5
    assert u'unicode †[💩].txt' in names
    assert u'unicode dir †[💩]' in names
    assert u'subdir2' in names
    assert u'subdir1' in names
    assert u'file.txt' in names

def test_scamdir_with_pattern(smb_share):
    for filename in ["file.txt", "file-test1.txt", "file-test1a.txt"]:
        with smbclient.open_file("%s\\%s" % (smb_share, filename), mode="w") as fd:

    count = 0
    names = []
    for dir_entry in smbclient.scandir(smb_share, search_pattern="file-test*.txt"):
        count += 1

    assert count == 2
    assert "file-test1.txt" in names
    assert "file-test1a.txt" in names

    names = []
    for dir_entry in smbclient.scandir(smb_share, search_pattern="file-test?.txt"):

    assert names == ["file-test1.txt"]

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_scandir_with_symlink(smb_share):
    with smbclient.open_file("%s\\file.txt" % smb_share, mode='w') as fd:
    smbclient.symlink("%s\\file.txt" % smb_share, "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share)

    smbclient.mkdir("%s\\dir" % smb_share)
    smbclient.symlink("%s\\dir" % smb_share, "%s\\link-dir" % smb_share, target_is_directory=True)

    for entry in smbclient.scandir(smb_share):
        # This is tested in other tests, we only care about symlinks.
        if entry.name in ['file.txt', 'dir']:

        assert entry.is_symlink()
        assert entry.is_dir(follow_symlinks=False) is False
        assert entry.is_file(follow_symlinks=False) is False

        if entry.name == 'link.txt':
            assert entry.is_dir() is False
            assert entry.is_file() is True
            assert entry.is_dir() is True
            assert entry.is_file() is False

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_scandir_with_broken_symlink(smb_share):
    smbclient.symlink("%s\\file.txt" % smb_share, "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share)
    smbclient.symlink("%s\\dir" % smb_share, "%s\\link-dir" % smb_share, target_is_directory=True)

    for entry in smbclient.scandir(smb_share):
        assert entry.is_symlink()
        assert entry.is_dir() is False
        assert entry.is_dir(follow_symlinks=False) is False  # broken link target
        assert entry.is_file() is False
        assert entry.is_file(follow_symlinks=False) is False  # broken link target

def test_stat_directory(smb_share):
    actual = smbclient.stat(smb_share)
    assert isinstance(actual, smbclient.SMBStatResult)
    assert actual[0] == actual.st_mode
    assert actual[1] == actual.st_ino
    assert actual[2] == actual.st_dev
    assert actual[3] == actual.st_nlink
    assert actual[4] == actual.st_uid
    assert actual[5] == actual.st_gid
    assert actual[6] == actual.st_size
    assert actual[7] == actual.st_atime
    assert actual[8] == actual.st_mtime
    assert actual[9] == actual.st_ctime
    assert actual[10] == actual.st_chgtime
    assert actual[11] == actual.st_atime_ns
    assert actual[12] == actual.st_mtime_ns
    assert actual[13] == actual.st_ctime_ns
    assert actual[14] == actual.st_chgtime_ns
    assert actual[15] == actual.st_file_attributes
    assert actual[16] == actual.st_reparse_tag

    assert stat.S_ISDIR(actual.st_mode)
    assert not stat.S_ISREG(actual.st_mode)
    assert not stat.S_ISLNK(actual.st_mode)
    assert actual.st_nlink == 1
    assert actual.st_gid == 0
    assert actual.st_uid == 0
    assert actual.st_size == 0
    assert actual.st_ctime is not None
    assert actual.st_chgtime is not None
    assert actual.st_atime is not None
    assert actual.st_mtime is not None
    assert actual.st_ctime_ns is not None
    assert actual.st_chgtime_ns is not None
    assert actual.st_atime_ns is not None
    assert actual.st_mtime_ns is not None
    assert actual.st_file_attributes == FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY
    assert actual.st_reparse_tag == 0

def test_stat_file(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    actual = smbclient.stat(filename)
    assert isinstance(actual, smbclient.SMBStatResult)
    assert actual[0] == actual.st_mode
    assert actual[1] == actual.st_ino
    assert actual[2] == actual.st_dev
    assert actual[3] == actual.st_nlink
    assert actual[4] == actual.st_uid
    assert actual[5] == actual.st_gid
    assert actual[6] == actual.st_size
    assert actual[7] == actual.st_atime
    assert actual[8] == actual.st_mtime
    assert actual[9] == actual.st_ctime
    assert actual[10] == actual.st_chgtime
    assert actual[11] == actual.st_atime_ns
    assert actual[12] == actual.st_mtime_ns
    assert actual[13] == actual.st_ctime_ns
    assert actual[14] == actual.st_chgtime_ns
    assert actual[15] == actual.st_file_attributes
    assert actual[16] == actual.st_reparse_tag

    assert not stat.S_ISDIR(actual.st_mode)
    assert stat.S_ISREG(actual.st_mode)
    assert not stat.S_ISLNK(actual.st_mode)
    assert actual.st_nlink == 1
    assert actual.st_gid == 0
    assert actual.st_uid == 0
    assert actual.st_size == 7
    assert actual.st_ctime is not None
    assert actual.st_chgtime is not None
    assert actual.st_atime is not None
    assert actual.st_mtime is not None
    assert actual.st_ctime_ns is not None
    assert actual.st_chgtime_ns is not None
    assert actual.st_atime_ns is not None
    assert actual.st_mtime_ns is not None
    assert actual.st_file_attributes == FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE
    assert actual.st_reparse_tag == 0

def test_stat_readonly(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w', file_attributes=FileAttributes.FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) as fd:

    actual = smbclient.stat(filename)
    assert actual.st_file_attributes == 33

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_stat_symlink_follow(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(src_filename, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename)

    actual_src = smbclient.stat(src_filename)
    actual = smbclient.stat(dst_filename)
    assert actual.st_ino == actual_src.st_ino

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_stat_symlink_follow_no_target(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share

    smbclient.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename)

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000034] No such file or directory: "
    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_stat_symlink_dont_follow(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(src_filename, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename)

    actual_src = smbclient.stat(src_filename)
    actual = smbclient.stat(dst_filename, follow_symlinks=False)
    assert actual.st_ino != actual_src.st_ino
    assert stat.S_ISLNK(actual.st_mode)

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_symlink_file_missing_src(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share

    smbclient.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename)

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['link.txt']
    actual = smbclient.lstat(dst_filename)
    assert stat.S_ISLNK(actual.st_mode)
    assert actual.st_file_attributes == (

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_symlink_file_existing_src(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(src_filename, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename)

    actual_files = smbclient.listdir(smb_share)
    assert 'link.txt' in actual_files
    assert 'file.txt' in actual_files

    actual = smbclient.lstat(dst_filename)
    assert stat.S_ISLNK(actual.st_mode)
    assert actual.st_file_attributes == (

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_symlink_dir_missing_src(smb_share):
    src_dirname = "%s\\dir" % smb_share
    dst_dirname = "%s\\link" % smb_share

    smbclient.symlink(src_dirname, dst_dirname, target_is_directory=True)

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['link']
    actual = smbclient.lstat(dst_dirname)
    assert stat.S_ISLNK(actual.st_mode)
    assert actual.st_file_attributes == (

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_symlink_dir_existing_src(smb_share):
    src_dirname = "%s\\dir" % smb_share
    dst_dirname = "%s\\link" % smb_share


    smbclient.symlink(src_dirname, dst_dirname)

    actual_dirs = smbclient.listdir(smb_share)
    assert 'link' in actual_dirs
    assert 'dir' in actual_dirs
    actual = smbclient.lstat(dst_dirname)
    assert stat.S_ISLNK(actual.st_mode)
    assert actual.st_file_attributes == (

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_symlink_relative_src(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\dir1\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\dir2\\link.txt" % smb_share

    smbclient.mkdir("%s\\dir1" % smb_share)
    smbclient.mkdir("%s\\dir2" % smb_share)

    with smbclient.open_file(src_filename, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.symlink("..\\dir1\\file.txt", dst_filename)

    with smbclient.open_file(dst_filename) as fd:
        assert fd.read() == u"content"

    actual = smbclient.lstat(dst_filename)
    assert stat.S_ISLNK(actual.st_mode)
    assert actual.st_file_attributes == (

def test_symlink_fail_not_absolute_dst(smb_share):
    expected = "The link dst must be an absolute UNC path for where the link is to be created"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.symlink("source", "link")

def test_symlink_fail_relative_different_root(smb_share):
    expected = "Resolved link src root '\\\\server2\\share_name' must be the same as the dst root"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.symlink("\\\\server2\\share_name", smb_share)

def test_truncate_file(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='wb') as fd:

    smbclient.truncate(filename, 2)
    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='rb') as fd:
        actual = fd.read()
    assert actual == b"\x01\x02"

    smbclient.truncate(filename, 4)
    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='rb') as fd:
        actual = fd.read()
    assert actual == b"\x01\x02\x00\x00"

def test_unlink_file(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\delete-me.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='wb') as fd:
    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == ['delete-me.txt']

    assert smbclient.listdir(smb_share) == []

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="Samba does not update timestamps")
def test_set_utime_file(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    before_stat = smbclient.stat(filename)
    smbclient.utime(filename, times=(1, 1))
    actual = smbclient.stat(filename)

    assert actual.st_atime == 1.0
    assert actual.st_atime_ns == 1000000000
    assert actual.st_ctime == before_stat.st_ctime
    assert actual.st_ctime_ns == before_stat.st_ctime_ns
    assert actual.st_mtime == 1.0
    assert actual.st_mtime_ns == 1000000000

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="Samba does not update timestamps")
def test_set_utime_file_negative(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    before_stat = smbclient.stat(filename)
    smbclient.utime(filename, times=(-1, -1))
    actual = smbclient.stat(filename)

    assert actual.st_atime == -1.0
    assert actual.st_atime_ns == -1000000000
    assert actual.st_ctime == before_stat.st_ctime
    assert actual.st_ctime_ns == before_stat.st_ctime_ns
    assert actual.st_mtime == -1.0
    assert actual.st_mtime_ns == -1000000000

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="Samba does not update timestamps")
def test_set_utime_directory(smb_share):
    dirname = "%s\\directory" % smb_share


    before_stat = smbclient.stat(dirname)
    smbclient.utime(dirname, times=(1, 1))
    actual = smbclient.stat(dirname)

    assert actual.st_atime == 1.0
    assert actual.st_atime_ns == 1000000000
    assert actual.st_ctime == before_stat.st_ctime
    assert actual.st_ctime_ns == before_stat.st_ctime_ns
    assert actual.st_mtime == 1.0
    assert actual.st_mtime_ns == 1000000000

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="Samba does not update timestamps")
def test_set_utime_ns(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    before_stat = smbclient.stat(filename)
    smbclient.utime(filename, ns=(1000000000, 1000000000))
    actual = smbclient.stat(filename)

    assert actual.st_atime == 1.0
    assert actual.st_atime_ns == 1000000000
    assert actual.st_ctime == before_stat.st_ctime
    assert actual.st_ctime_ns == before_stat.st_ctime_ns
    assert actual.st_mtime == 1.0
    assert actual.st_mtime_ns == 1000000000

def test_set_utime_both_fail():
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match="Both times and ns have been set for utime"):
        smbclient.utime("", times=(0, 0), ns=(0, 0))

def test_set_utime_bad_tuple():
    expected = "The time tuple should be a 2-tuple of the form (atime, mtime)"
    with pytest.raises(ValueError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.utime("", times=(0, 0, 0))

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="Samba does not update timestamps")
def test_set_utime_touch(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    # Set to EPOCH for baseline
    smbclient.utime(filename, times=(0, 0))
    before_stat = smbclient.stat(filename)
    actual = smbclient.stat(filename)

    assert actual.st_atime > before_stat.st_atime
    assert actual.st_atime_ns > before_stat.st_atime_ns
    assert actual.st_ctime == before_stat.st_ctime
    assert actual.st_ctime_ns == before_stat.st_ctime_ns
    assert actual.st_mtime > before_stat.st_mtime
    assert actual.st_mtime_ns > before_stat.st_mtime_ns

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_set_utime_follow(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(src_filename, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename)

    smbclient.utime(dst_filename, times=(1, 1))

    actual_link = smbclient.lstat(dst_filename)
    actual_file = smbclient.lstat(src_filename)

    assert actual_link.st_atime != 1.0
    assert actual_link.st_mtime != 1.0
    assert actual_file.st_atime == 1.0
    assert actual_file.st_mtime == 1.0

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_set_utime_dont_follow(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(src_filename, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename)

    smbclient.utime(dst_filename, times=(1, 1), follow_symlinks=False)

    actual_link = smbclient.lstat(dst_filename)
    actual_file = smbclient.lstat(src_filename)

    assert actual_link.st_atime == 1.0
    assert actual_link.st_mtime == 1.0
    assert actual_file.st_atime != 1.0
    assert actual_file.st_mtime != 1.0

def test_walk_topdown(smb_share):
    smbclient.makedirs("%s\\dir1\\dir2\\dir3" % smb_share)

    for name in ["file1.txt", "dir1\\file2.txt", "dir1\\dir2\\file3.txt", "dir1\\dir2\\dir3\\file4.txt"]:
        with smbclient.open_file("%s\\%s" % (smb_share, name), mode='w') as fd:

    scanned_files = []
    scanned_dirs = []
    for root, dirs, files in smbclient.walk(smb_share):

        # Test out removing a dir entry will affect the further walks.
        if files == ['file3.txt']:
            del dirs[0]

    assert scanned_files == ['file1.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file3.txt']
    assert scanned_dirs == ['dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3']

def test_walk_bottomup(smb_share):
    smbclient.makedirs("%s\\dir1\\dir2\\dir3" % smb_share)

    for name in ["file1.txt", "dir1\\file2.txt", "dir1\\dir2\\file3.txt", "dir1\\dir2\\dir3\\file4.txt"]:
        with smbclient.open_file("%s\\%s" % (smb_share, name), mode='w') as fd:

    scanned_files = []
    scanned_dirs = []
    for root, dirs, files in smbclient.walk(smb_share, topdown=False):
        if dirs:

    assert scanned_files == ['file4.txt', 'file3.txt', 'file2.txt', 'file1.txt']
    assert scanned_dirs == ['dir3', 'dir2', 'dir1']

def test_walk_no_dir(smb_share):
    fake_dir = "%s\\fake-dir" % smb_share
    had_result = False
    for _ in smbclient.walk(fake_dir):
        had_result = True
    assert not had_result

def test_walk_no_dir_on_error(smb_share):
    fake_dir = "%s\\fake-dir" % smb_share

    def on_error(err):
        raise err

    expected = "[Error 2] [NtStatus 0xc0000034] No such file or directory: "
    with pytest.raises(SMBOSError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        for _ in smbclient.walk(fake_dir, onerror=on_error):

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_walk_with_symlink_follow(smb_share):
    src_dirname = "%s\\dir" % smb_share
    dst_dirname = "%s\\link" % smb_share
    smbclient.symlink(src_dirname, dst_dirname)

    with smbclient.open_file("%s\\file.txt" % src_dirname, mode='w') as fd:

    scanned_roots = {}
    for root, dirs, files in smbclient.walk(smb_share, follow_symlinks=True):
        scanned_roots[root] = {
            'dirs': dirs,
            'files': files

    assert len(scanned_roots) == 3
    assert 'dir' in scanned_roots[smb_share]['dirs']
    assert 'link' in scanned_roots[smb_share]['dirs']
    assert scanned_roots[smb_share]['files'] == []

    assert scanned_roots[src_dirname]['dirs'] == []
    assert scanned_roots[src_dirname]['files'] == ['file.txt']

    assert scanned_roots[dst_dirname]['dirs'] == []
    assert scanned_roots[dst_dirname]['files'] == ['file.txt']

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_walk_with_symlink_dont_follow(smb_share):
    src_dirname = "%s\\dir" % smb_share
    dst_dirname = "%s\\link" % smb_share
    smbclient.symlink(src_dirname, dst_dirname)

    with smbclient.open_file("%s\\file.txt" % src_dirname, mode='w') as fd:

    scanned_roots = {}
    for root, dirs, files in smbclient.walk(smb_share):
        scanned_roots[root] = {
            'dirs': dirs,
            'files': files

    assert len(scanned_roots) == 2
    assert 'dir' in scanned_roots[smb_share]['dirs']
    assert 'link' in scanned_roots[smb_share]['dirs']
    assert scanned_roots[smb_share]['files'] == []

    assert scanned_roots[src_dirname]['dirs'] == []
    assert scanned_roots[src_dirname]['files'] == ['file.txt']

def test_xattr_file(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(filename, mode='w') as fd:

    assert smbclient.listxattr(filename) == []

    smbclient.setxattr(filename, b"KEY", b"VALUE")
    assert smbclient.listxattr(filename) == [b"KEY"]
    assert smbclient.getxattr(filename, b"KEY") == b"VALUE"

    smbclient.removexattr(filename, b"KEY")
    assert smbclient.listxattr(filename) == []

    smbclient.setxattr(filename, b"KEY", b"VALUE")

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000011]"
    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.getxattr(filename, b"MISSING")

    expected = "[NtStatus 0xc0000035] File exists: "
    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.setxattr(filename, b"KEY", b"VALUE", smbclient.XATTR_CREATE)

    expected = "NtStatus 0xc0000034] No such file or directory: "
    with pytest.raises(OSError, match=re.escape(expected)):
        smbclient.setxattr(filename, b"MISSING", b"VALUE", smbclient.XATTR_REPLACE)

    smbclient.setxattr(filename, b"NEW", b"VALUE", smbclient.XATTR_CREATE)
    assert smbclient.getxattr(filename, b"NEW") == b"VALUE"
    smbclient.setxattr(filename, b"NEW", b"REPLACE", smbclient.XATTR_REPLACE)
    assert smbclient.getxattr(filename, b"NEW") == b"REPLACE"

    assert smbclient.listxattr(filename) == [b"KEY", b"NEW"]

def test_xattr_missing_file(smb_share):
    filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share

    expected = "[Error 2] [NtStatus 0xc0000034] No such file or directory: "
    with pytest.raises(SMBOSError, match=re.escape(expected)):

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_xattr_follow(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(src_filename, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename)

    smbclient.setxattr(dst_filename, b"KEY", b"VALUE")
    assert smbclient.listxattr(dst_filename) == [b"KEY"]
    assert smbclient.listxattr(dst_filename, follow_symlinks=False) == []
    assert smbclient.listxattr(src_filename) == [b"KEY"]
    assert smbclient.getxattr(dst_filename, b"KEY") == b"VALUE"

    smbclient.removexattr(dst_filename, b"KEY")
    assert smbclient.listxattr(dst_filename) == []

@pytest.mark.skipif(os.name != "nt" and not os.environ.get('SMB_FORCE', False),
                    reason="cannot create symlinks on Samba")
def test_xattr_dont_follow(smb_share):
    src_filename = "%s\\file.txt" % smb_share
    dst_filename = "%s\\link.txt" % smb_share

    with smbclient.open_file(src_filename, mode='w') as fd:

    smbclient.symlink(src_filename, dst_filename)

    smbclient.setxattr(dst_filename, b"KEY", b"VALUE", follow_symlinks=False)
    assert smbclient.listxattr(dst_filename) == []
    assert smbclient.listxattr(dst_filename, follow_symlinks=False) == [b"KEY"]
    assert smbclient.listxattr(src_filename) == []
    assert smbclient.getxattr(dst_filename, b"KEY", follow_symlinks=False) == b"VALUE"

    smbclient.removexattr(dst_filename, b"KEY", follow_symlinks=False)
    assert smbclient.listxattr(dst_filename, follow_symlinks=False) == []