Python QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators() Examples

The following are 13 code examples of QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module QtSiteConfig , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From core with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def _build_compatibility_members(binding, decorators=None):
    """Apply `binding` to QtCompat

        binding (str): Top level binding in _compatibility_members.
        decorators (dict, optional): Provides the ability to decorate the
            original Qt methods when needed by a binding. This can be used
            to change the returned value to a standard value. The key should
            be the classname, the value is a dict where the keys are the
            target method names, and the values are the decorator functions.


    decorators = decorators or dict()

    # Allow optional site-level customization of the compatibility members.
    # This method does not need to be implemented in QtSiteConfig.
        import QtSiteConfig
    except ImportError:
        if hasattr(QtSiteConfig, 'update_compatibility_decorators'):
            QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators(binding, decorators)

    _QtCompat = type("QtCompat", (object,), {})

    for classname, bindings in _compatibility_members[binding].items():
        attrs = {}
        for target, binding in bindings.items():
            namespaces = binding.split('.')
                src_object = getattr(Qt, "_" + namespaces[0])
            except AttributeError as e:
                _log("QtCompat: AttributeError: %s" % e)
                # Skip reassignment of non-existing members.
                # This can happen if a request was made to
                # rename a member that didn't exist, for example
                # if QtWidgets isn't available on the target platform.

            # Walk down any remaining namespace getting the object assuming
            # that if the first namespace exists the rest will exist.
            for namespace in namespaces[1:]:
                src_object = getattr(src_object, namespace)

            # decorate the Qt method if a decorator was provided.
            if target in decorators.get(classname, []):
                # staticmethod must be called on the decorated method to
                # prevent a TypeError being raised when the decorated method
                # is called.
                src_object = staticmethod(

            attrs[target] = src_object

        # Create the QtCompat class and install it into the namespace
        compat_class = type(classname, (_QtCompat,), attrs)
        setattr(Qt.QtCompat, classname, compat_class) 
Example #2
Source File:    From dpAutoRigSystem with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def _build_compatibility_members(binding, decorators=None):
    """Apply `binding` to QtCompat

        binding (str): Top level binding in _compatibility_members.
        decorators (dict, optional): Provides the ability to decorate the
            original Qt methods when needed by a binding. This can be used
            to change the returned value to a standard value. The key should
            be the classname, the value is a dict where the keys are the
            target method names, and the values are the decorator functions.


    decorators = decorators or dict()

    # Allow optional site-level customization of the compatibility members.
    # This method does not need to be implemented in QtSiteConfig.
        import QtSiteConfig
    except ImportError:
        if hasattr(QtSiteConfig, 'update_compatibility_decorators'):
            QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators(binding, decorators)

    _QtCompat = type("QtCompat", (object,), {})

    for classname, bindings in _compatibility_members[binding].items():
        attrs = {}
        for target, binding in bindings.items():
            namespaces = binding.split('.')
                src_object = getattr(Qt, "_" + namespaces[0])
            except AttributeError as e:
                _log("QtCompat: AttributeError: %s" % e)
                # Skip reassignment of non-existing members.
                # This can happen if a request was made to
                # rename a member that didn't exist, for example
                # if QtWidgets isn't available on the target platform.

            # Walk down any remaining namespace getting the object assuming
            # that if the first namespace exists the rest will exist.
            for namespace in namespaces[1:]:
                src_object = getattr(src_object, namespace)

            # decorate the Qt method if a decorator was provided.
            if target in decorators.get(classname, []):
                # staticmethod must be called on the decorated method to
                # prevent a TypeError being raised when the decorated method
                # is called.
                src_object = staticmethod(

            attrs[target] = src_object

        # Create the QtCompat class and install it into the namespace
        compat_class = type(classname, (_QtCompat,), attrs)
        setattr(Qt.QtCompat, classname, compat_class) 
Example #3
Source File:    From MayaDev with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def _build_compatibility_members(binding, decorators=None):
    """Apply `binding` to QtCompat

        binding (str): Top level binding in _compatibility_members.
        decorators (dict, optional): Provides the ability to decorate the
            original Qt methods when needed by a binding. This can be used
            to change the returned value to a standard value. The key should
            be the classname, the value is a dict where the keys are the
            target method names, and the values are the decorator functions.


    decorators = decorators or dict()

    # Allow optional site-level customization of the compatibility members.
    # This method does not need to be implemented in QtSiteConfig.
        import QtSiteConfig
    except ImportError:
        if hasattr(QtSiteConfig, 'update_compatibility_decorators'):
            QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators(binding, decorators)

    _QtCompat = type("QtCompat", (object,), {})

    for classname, bindings in _compatibility_members[binding].items():
        attrs = {}
        for target, binding in bindings.items():
            namespaces = binding.split('.')
                src_object = getattr(Qt, "_" + namespaces[0])
            except AttributeError as e:
                _log("QtCompat: AttributeError: %s" % e)
                # Skip reassignment of non-existing members.
                # This can happen if a request was made to
                # rename a member that didn't exist, for example
                # if QtWidgets isn't available on the target platform.

            # Walk down any remaining namespace getting the object assuming
            # that if the first namespace exists the rest will exist.
            for namespace in namespaces[1:]:
                src_object = getattr(src_object, namespace)

            # decorate the Qt method if a decorator was provided.
            if target in decorators.get(classname, []):
                # staticmethod must be called on the decorated method to
                # prevent a TypeError being raised when the decorated method
                # is called.
                src_object = staticmethod(

            attrs[target] = src_object

        # Create the QtCompat class and install it into the namespace
        compat_class = type(classname, (_QtCompat,), attrs)
        setattr(Qt.QtCompat, classname, compat_class) 
Example #4
Source File:    From pyblish-lite with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def _build_compatibility_members(binding, decorators=None):
    """Apply `binding` to QtCompat

        binding (str): Top level binding in _compatibility_members.
        decorators (dict, optional): Provides the ability to decorate the
            original Qt methods when needed by a binding. This can be used
            to change the returned value to a standard value. The key should
            be the classname, the value is a dict where the keys are the
            target method names, and the values are the decorator functions.


    decorators = decorators or dict()

    # Allow optional site-level customization of the compatibility members.
    # This method does not need to be implemented in QtSiteConfig.
        import QtSiteConfig
    except ImportError:
        if hasattr(QtSiteConfig, 'update_compatibility_decorators'):
            QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators(binding, decorators)

    _QtCompat = type("QtCompat", (object,), {})

    for classname, bindings in _compatibility_members[binding].items():
        attrs = {}
        for target, binding in bindings.items():
            namespaces = binding.split('.')
                src_object = getattr(Qt, "_" + namespaces[0])
            except AttributeError as e:
                _log("QtCompat: AttributeError: %s" % e)
                # Skip reassignment of non-existing members.
                # This can happen if a request was made to
                # rename a member that didn't exist, for example
                # if QtWidgets isn't available on the target platform.

            # Walk down any remaining namespace getting the object assuming
            # that if the first namespace exists the rest will exist.
            for namespace in namespaces[1:]:
                src_object = getattr(src_object, namespace)

            # decorate the Qt method if a decorator was provided.
            if target in decorators.get(classname, []):
                # staticmethod must be called on the decorated method to
                # prevent a TypeError being raised when the decorated method
                # is called.
                src_object = staticmethod(

            attrs[target] = src_object

        # Create the QtCompat class and install it into the namespace
        compat_class = type(classname, (_QtCompat,), attrs)
        setattr(Qt.QtCompat, classname, compat_class) 
Example #5
Source File:    From mgear_dist with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def _build_compatibility_members(binding, decorators=None):
    """Apply `binding` to QtCompat

        binding (str): Top level binding in _compatibility_members.
        decorators (dict, optional): Provides the ability to decorate the
            original Qt methods when needed by a binding. This can be used
            to change the returned value to a standard value. The key should
            be the classname, the value is a dict where the keys are the
            target method names, and the values are the decorator functions.


    decorators = decorators or dict()

    # Allow optional site-level customization of the compatibility members.
    # This method does not need to be implemented in QtSiteConfig.
        import QtSiteConfig
    except ImportError:
        if hasattr(QtSiteConfig, 'update_compatibility_decorators'):
            QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators(binding, decorators)

    _QtCompat = type("QtCompat", (object,), {})

    for classname, bindings in _compatibility_members[binding].items():
        attrs = {}
        for target, binding in bindings.items():
            namespaces = binding.split('.')
                src_object = getattr(Qt, "_" + namespaces[0])
            except AttributeError as e:
                _log("QtCompat: AttributeError: %s" % e)
                # Skip reassignment of non-existing members.
                # This can happen if a request was made to
                # rename a member that didn't exist, for example
                # if QtWidgets isn't available on the target platform.

            # Walk down any remaining namespace getting the object assuming
            # that if the first namespace exists the rest will exist.
            for namespace in namespaces[1:]:
                src_object = getattr(src_object, namespace)

            # decorate the Qt method if a decorator was provided.
            if target in decorators.get(classname, []):
                # staticmethod must be called on the decorated method to
                # prevent a TypeError being raised when the decorated method
                # is called.
                src_object = staticmethod(

            attrs[target] = src_object

        # Create the QtCompat class and install it into the namespace
        compat_class = type(classname, (_QtCompat,), attrs)
        setattr(Qt.QtCompat, classname, compat_class) 
Example #6
Source File:    From nodegraph-pyqt with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def _build_compatibility_members(binding, decorators=None):
    """Apply `binding` to QtCompat

        binding (str): Top level binding in _compatibility_members.
        decorators (dict, optional): Provides the ability to decorate the
            original Qt methods when needed by a binding. This can be used
            to change the returned value to a standard value. The key should
            be the classname, the value is a dict where the keys are the
            target method names, and the values are the decorator functions.


    decorators = decorators or dict()

    # Allow optional site-level customization of the compatibility members.
    # This method does not need to be implemented in QtSiteConfig.
        import QtSiteConfig
    except ImportError:
        if hasattr(QtSiteConfig, 'update_compatibility_decorators'):
            QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators(binding, decorators)

    _QtCompat = type("QtCompat", (object,), {})

    for classname, bindings in _compatibility_members[binding].items():
        attrs = {}
        for target, binding in bindings.items():
            namespaces = binding.split('.')
                src_object = getattr(Qt, "_" + namespaces[0])
            except AttributeError as e:
                _log("QtCompat: AttributeError: %s" % e)
                # Skip reassignment of non-existing members.
                # This can happen if a request was made to
                # rename a member that didn't exist, for example
                # if QtWidgets isn't available on the target platform.

            # Walk down any remaining namespace getting the object assuming
            # that if the first namespace exists the rest will exist.
            for namespace in namespaces[1:]:
                src_object = getattr(src_object, namespace)

            # decorate the Qt method if a decorator was provided.
            if target in decorators.get(classname, []):
                # staticmethod must be called on the decorated method to
                # prevent a TypeError being raised when the decorated method
                # is called.
                src_object = staticmethod(

            attrs[target] = src_object

        # Create the QtCompat class and install it into the namespace
        compat_class = type(classname, (_QtCompat,), attrs)
        setattr(Qt.QtCompat, classname, compat_class) 
Example #7
Source File:    From NodeGraphQt with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def _build_compatibility_members(binding, decorators=None):
    """Apply `binding` to QtCompat

        binding (str): Top level binding in _compatibility_members.
        decorators (dict, optional): Provides the ability to decorate the
            original Qt methods when needed by a binding. This can be used
            to change the returned value to a standard value. The key should
            be the classname, the value is a dict where the keys are the
            target method names, and the values are the decorator functions.


    decorators = decorators or dict()

    # Allow optional site-level customization of the compatibility members.
    # This method does not need to be implemented in QtSiteConfig.
        import QtSiteConfig
    except ImportError:
        if hasattr(QtSiteConfig, 'update_compatibility_decorators'):
            QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators(binding, decorators)

    _QtCompat = type("QtCompat", (object,), {})

    for classname, bindings in _compatibility_members[binding].items():
        attrs = {}
        for target, binding in bindings.items():
            namespaces = binding.split('.')
                src_object = getattr(Qt, "_" + namespaces[0])
            except AttributeError as e:
                _log("QtCompat: AttributeError: %s" % e)
                # Skip reassignment of non-existing members.
                # This can happen if a request was made to
                # rename a member that didn't exist, for example
                # if QtWidgets isn't available on the target platform.

            # Walk down any remaining namespace getting the object assuming
            # that if the first namespace exists the rest will exist.
            for namespace in namespaces[1:]:
                src_object = getattr(src_object, namespace)

            # decorate the Qt method if a decorator was provided.
            if target in decorators.get(classname, []):
                # staticmethod must be called on the decorated method to
                # prevent a TypeError being raised when the decorated method
                # is called.
                src_object = staticmethod(

            attrs[target] = src_object

        # Create the QtCompat class and install it into the namespace
        compat_class = type(classname, (_QtCompat,), attrs)
        setattr(Qt.QtCompat, classname, compat_class) 
Example #8
Source File:    From MouseTracks with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def _build_compatibility_members(binding, decorators=None):
    """Apply `binding` to QtCompat

        binding (str): Top level binding in _compatibility_members.
        decorators (dict, optional): Provides the ability to decorate the
            original Qt methods when needed by a binding. This can be used
            to change the returned value to a standard value. The key should
            be the classname, the value is a dict where the keys are the
            target method names, and the values are the decorator functions.


    decorators = decorators or dict()

    # Allow optional site-level customization of the compatibility members.
    # This method does not need to be implemented in QtSiteConfig.
        import QtSiteConfig
    except ImportError:
        if hasattr(QtSiteConfig, 'update_compatibility_decorators'):
            QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators(binding, decorators)

    _QtCompat = type("QtCompat", (object,), {})

    for classname, bindings in _compatibility_members[binding].items():
        attrs = {}
        for target, binding in bindings.items():
            namespaces = binding.split('.')
                src_object = getattr(Qt, "_" + namespaces[0])
            except AttributeError as e:
                _log("QtCompat: AttributeError: %s" % e)
                # Skip reassignment of non-existing members.
                # This can happen if a request was made to
                # rename a member that didn't exist, for example
                # if QtWidgets isn't available on the target platform.

            # Walk down any remaining namespace getting the object assuming
            # that if the first namespace exists the rest will exist.
            for namespace in namespaces[1:]:
                src_object = getattr(src_object, namespace)

            # decorate the Qt method if a decorator was provided.
            if target in decorators.get(classname, []):
                # staticmethod must be called on the decorated method to
                # prevent a TypeError being raised when the decorated method
                # is called.
                src_object = staticmethod(

            attrs[target] = src_object

        # Create the QtCompat class and install it into the namespace
        compat_class = type(classname, (_QtCompat,), attrs)
        setattr(Qt.QtCompat, classname, compat_class) 
Example #9
Source File:    From DynRigBuilder with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def _build_compatibility_members(binding, decorators=None):
    """Apply `binding` to QtCompat

        binding (str): Top level binding in _compatibility_members.
        decorators (dict, optional): Provides the ability to decorate the
            original Qt methods when needed by a binding. This can be used
            to change the returned value to a standard value. The key should
            be the classname, the value is a dict where the keys are the
            target method names, and the values are the decorator functions.


    decorators = decorators or dict()

    # Allow optional site-level customization of the compatibility members.
    # This method does not need to be implemented in QtSiteConfig.
        import QtSiteConfig
    except ImportError:
        if hasattr(QtSiteConfig, 'update_compatibility_decorators'):
            QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators(binding, decorators)

    _QtCompat = type("QtCompat", (object,), {})

    for classname, bindings in _compatibility_members[binding].items():
        attrs = {}
        for target, binding in bindings.items():
            namespaces = binding.split('.')
                src_object = getattr(Qt, "_" + namespaces[0])
            except AttributeError as e:
                _log("QtCompat: AttributeError: %s" % e)
                # Skip reassignment of non-existing members.
                # This can happen if a request was made to
                # rename a member that didn't exist, for example
                # if QtWidgets isn't available on the target platform.

            # Walk down any remaining namespace getting the object assuming
            # that if the first namespace exists the rest will exist.
            for namespace in namespaces[1:]:
                src_object = getattr(src_object, namespace)

            # decorate the Qt method if a decorator was provided.
            if target in decorators.get(classname, []):
                # staticmethod must be called on the decorated method to
                # prevent a TypeError being raised when the decorated method
                # is called.
                src_object = staticmethod(

            attrs[target] = src_object

        # Create the QtCompat class and install it into the namespace
        compat_class = type(classname, (_QtCompat,), attrs)
        setattr(Qt.QtCompat, classname, compat_class) 
Example #10
Source File:    From SiShelf with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def _build_compatibility_members(binding, decorators=None):
    """Apply `binding` to QtCompat

        binding (str): Top level binding in _compatibility_members.
        decorators (dict, optional): Provides the ability to decorate the
            original Qt methods when needed by a binding. This can be used
            to change the returned value to a standard value. The key should
            be the classname, the value is a dict where the keys are the
            target method names, and the values are the decorator functions.


    decorators = decorators or dict()

    # Allow optional site-level customization of the compatibility members.
    # This method does not need to be implemented in QtSiteConfig.
        import QtSiteConfig
    except ImportError:
        if hasattr(QtSiteConfig, 'update_compatibility_decorators'):
            QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators(binding, decorators)

    _QtCompat = type("QtCompat", (object,), {})

    for classname, bindings in _compatibility_members[binding].items():
        attrs = {}
        for target, binding in bindings.items():
            namespaces = binding.split('.')
                src_object = getattr(Qt, "_" + namespaces[0])
            except AttributeError as e:
                _log("QtCompat: AttributeError: %s" % e)
                # Skip reassignment of non-existing members.
                # This can happen if a request was made to
                # rename a member that didn't exist, for example
                # if QtWidgets isn't available on the target platform.

            # Walk down any remaining namespace getting the object assuming
            # that if the first namespace exists the rest will exist.
            for namespace in namespaces[1:]:
                src_object = getattr(src_object, namespace)

            # decorate the Qt method if a decorator was provided.
            if target in decorators.get(classname, []):
                # staticmethod must be called on the decorated method to
                # prevent a TypeError being raised when the decorated method
                # is called.
                src_object = staticmethod(

            attrs[target] = src_object

        # Create the QtCompat class and install it into the namespace
        compat_class = type(classname, (_QtCompat,), attrs)
        setattr(Qt.QtCompat, classname, compat_class) 
Example #11
Source File:    From with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def _build_compatibility_members(binding, decorators=None):
    """Apply `binding` to QtCompat

        binding (str): Top level binding in _compatibility_members.
        decorators (dict, optional): Provides the ability to decorate the
            original Qt methods when needed by a binding. This can be used
            to change the returned value to a standard value. The key should
            be the classname, the value is a dict where the keys are the
            target method names, and the values are the decorator functions.


    decorators = decorators or dict()

    # Allow optional site-level customization of the compatibility members.
    # This method does not need to be implemented in QtSiteConfig.
        import QtSiteConfig
    except ImportError:
        if hasattr(QtSiteConfig, 'update_compatibility_decorators'):
            QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators(binding, decorators)

    _QtCompat = type("QtCompat", (object,), {})

    for classname, bindings in _compatibility_members[binding].items():
        attrs = {}
        for target, binding in bindings.items():
            namespaces = binding.split('.')
                src_object = getattr(Qt, "_" + namespaces[0])
            except AttributeError as e:
                _log("QtCompat: AttributeError: %s" % e)
                # Skip reassignment of non-existing members.
                # This can happen if a request was made to
                # rename a member that didn't exist, for example
                # if QtWidgets isn't available on the target platform.

            # Walk down any remaining namespace getting the object assuming
            # that if the first namespace exists the rest will exist.
            for namespace in namespaces[1:]:
                src_object = getattr(src_object, namespace)

            # decorate the Qt method if a decorator was provided.
            if target in decorators.get(classname, []):
                # staticmethod must be called on the decorated method to
                # prevent a TypeError being raised when the decorated method
                # is called.
                src_object = staticmethod(

            attrs[target] = src_object

        # Create the QtCompat class and install it into the namespace
        compat_class = type(classname, (_QtCompat,), attrs)
        setattr(Qt.QtCompat, classname, compat_class) 
Example #12
Source File:    From fossil with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 4 votes vote down vote up
def _build_compatibility_members(binding, decorators=None):
    """Apply `binding` to QtCompat

        binding (str): Top level binding in _compatibility_members.
        decorators (dict, optional): Provides the ability to decorate the
            original Qt methods when needed by a binding. This can be used
            to change the returned value to a standard value. The key should
            be the classname, the value is a dict where the keys are the
            target method names, and the values are the decorator functions.


    decorators = decorators or dict()

    # Allow optional site-level customization of the compatibility members.
    # This method does not need to be implemented in QtSiteConfig.
        import QtSiteConfig
    except ImportError:
        if hasattr(QtSiteConfig, 'update_compatibility_decorators'):
            QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators(binding, decorators)

    _QtCompat = type("QtCompat", (object,), {})

    for classname, bindings in _compatibility_members[binding].items():
        attrs = {}
        for target, binding in bindings.items():
            namespaces = binding.split('.')
                src_object = getattr(Qt, "_" + namespaces[0])
            except AttributeError as e:
                _log("QtCompat: AttributeError: %s" % e)
                # Skip reassignment of non-existing members.
                # This can happen if a request was made to
                # rename a member that didn't exist, for example
                # if QtWidgets isn't available on the target platform.

            # Walk down any remaining namespace getting the object assuming
            # that if the first namespace exists the rest will exist.
            for namespace in namespaces[1:]:
                src_object = getattr(src_object, namespace)

            # decorate the Qt method if a decorator was provided.
            if target in decorators.get(classname, []):
                # staticmethod must be called on the decorated method to
                # prevent a TypeError being raised when the decorated method
                # is called.
                src_object = staticmethod(

            attrs[target] = src_object

        # Create the QtCompat class and install it into the namespace
        compat_class = type(classname, (_QtCompat,), attrs)
        setattr(Qt.QtCompat, classname, compat_class) 
Example #13
Source File:    From pyblish-qml with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def _build_compatibility_members(binding, decorators=None):
    """Apply `binding` to QtCompat

        binding (str): Top level binding in _compatibility_members.
        decorators (dict, optional): Provides the ability to decorate the
            original Qt methods when needed by a binding. This can be used
            to change the returned value to a standard value. The key should
            be the classname, the value is a dict where the keys are the
            target method names, and the values are the decorator functions.


    decorators = decorators or dict()

    # Allow optional site-level customization of the compatibility members.
    # This method does not need to be implemented in QtSiteConfig.
        import QtSiteConfig
    except ImportError:
        if hasattr(QtSiteConfig, 'update_compatibility_decorators'):
            QtSiteConfig.update_compatibility_decorators(binding, decorators)

    _QtCompat = type("QtCompat", (object,), {})

    for classname, bindings in _compatibility_members[binding].items():
        attrs = {}
        for target, binding in bindings.items():
            namespaces = binding.split('.')
                src_object = getattr(Qt, "_" + namespaces[0])
            except AttributeError as e:
                _log("QtCompat: AttributeError: %s" % e)
                # Skip reassignment of non-existing members.
                # This can happen if a request was made to
                # rename a member that didn't exist, for example
                # if QtWidgets isn't available on the target platform.

            # Walk down any remaining namespace getting the object assuming
            # that if the first namespace exists the rest will exist.
            for namespace in namespaces[1:]:
                src_object = getattr(src_object, namespace)

            # decorate the Qt method if a decorator was provided.
            if target in decorators.get(classname, []):
                # staticmethod must be called on the decorated method to
                # prevent a TypeError being raised when the decorated method
                # is called.
                src_object = staticmethod(

            attrs[target] = src_object

        # Create the QtCompat class and install it into the namespace
        compat_class = type(classname, (_QtCompat,), attrs)
        setattr(Qt.QtCompat, classname, compat_class)