Python distorm3.Registers() Examples

The following are 11 code examples of distorm3.Registers(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module distorm3 , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From VMAttack with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def is_catch_instr(self):
        @brief Tests if the instruction fetches
        more bytes form the obfuscated code
        @return True/False
        if len(self.Instruction.operands) != 2:
            return False
        if (self.is_mov() and
            self.Instruction.operands[1].type == distorm3.OPERAND_MEMORY and
            self.Instruction.operands[0].type == distorm3.OPERAND_REGISTER):
            reg_index = self.Instruction.operands[1].index 
            if reg_index != None:
                reg_name = distorm3.Registers[reg_index]
                #change to reverserers input
                if('ESI' in reg_name or 'RSI' in reg_name):
                    return True
                    return False
                return False
            return False 
Example #2
Source File:    From VMAttack with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def is_write_stack(self):
        @brief Tests if the instruction writes to
        the stack
        if len(self.Instruction.operands) != 2:
            return False
        op0 = self.Instruction.operands[0]
        if op0.index == None or op0.disp != 0:
            return False
        if (self.is_mov() and
            op0.type == distorm3.OPERAND_MEMORY and
            (distorm3.Registers[op0.index] == 'EBP' or
             distorm3.Registers[op0.index] == 'RBP')):
            return True
            return False 
Example #3
Source File:    From VMAttack with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def is_read_stack(self):
        @brief Tests if the instruction reads from
        the stack
        if len(self.Instruction.operands) != 2:
            return False
        op1 = self.Instruction.operands[1]
        if op1.index == None or op1.disp != 0:
            return False
        if (self.is_mov() and
            op1.type == distorm3.OPERAND_MEMORY and
            (distorm3.Registers[op1.index] == 'EBP' or
             distorm3.Registers[op1.index] == 'RBP')):
            return True
            return False 
Example #4
Source File:    From VMAttack with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def is_isp_mov(self):
        @brief Tests if the instructionpoiter of the vm
        gets a new value
        if len(self.Instruction.operands) != 2:
            return False
        op0 = self.Instruction.operands[0]
        if op0.index == None:
            return False
        if (self.is_mov() and
            op0.type == distorm3.OPERAND_REGISTER and
            (distorm3.Registers[op0.index] == 'ESI' or
             distorm3.Registers[op0.index] == 'RSI')):
            return True
            return False

    #first op is 1 secend 2 and so on 
Example #5
Source File:    From writeups with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def find_rr_writes_distorm3(address, data):
    writes = []
    for insn in distorm3.Decompose(address, data, type=distorm3.Decode64Bits):
        if insn.mnemonic[:3] == 'RET':
        if insn.mnemonic[:3] != 'MOV':

        # potential write
        opnd = insn.operands[0]
        if opnd.type != 'AbsoluteMemory' or opnd.index is None:
        # Absolute mov, with target that is register-based
        if distorm3.Registers[opnd.index] != 'RIP':
        # RIP-relative write, this is what we are looking for
        # distorm3 opnd.size is measured in bits, need to adjust to bytes
        writes.append((insn.address + insn.size + opnd.disp, opnd.size / 8))
    return writes

# Find rip-relative mov using capstone 
Example #6
Source File:    From VMAttack with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def is_vinst(self):
        @brief Tests if one of the operands of the instruction is
        the 'esi' or 'rsi' register
        for op in self.Instruction.operands:
            if op.type == distorm3.OPERAND_REGISTER:
                if == 'ESI' or == 'RSI':
                    return True
            elif op.type == distorm3.OPERAND_MEMORY:
                if op.index != None:
                    if (distorm3.Registers[op.index] == 'ESI' or
                        distorm3.Registers[op.index] == 'RSI'):
                        return True
        return False 
Example #7
Source File:    From aumfor with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def shadowedSyscalls(self, model, distorm_mode, sysents_addr):
        #looks like these syscall functions end with a call to _thread_exception_return
        thread_exc_ret_addr = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol('_thread_exception_return')

        prev_op = None
        sysent_funcs = ['_unix_syscall_return', '_unix_syscall64', '_unix_syscall']
        for func in sysent_funcs:
            func_addr = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol(func)
            content =, 1024)
            for op in distorm3.Decompose(func_addr, content, distorm_mode):
                if not op.valid:

                if op.mnemonic == "CALL" and op.operands[0].value == thread_exc_ret_addr:

                if model == "64bit":
                    #callp = &sysent[63] OR &sysent[code] OR callp == sysent
                    if op.mnemonic in ['ADD','CMP'] and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ["RSP","RBX","R12","R13","R14","R15"] and 'FLAG_RIP_RELATIVE' in op.flags:
                        #compare actual sysent tbl address to the one in the instruction, calculated per distorm3 INSTRUCTION_GET_RIP_TARGET

                        op_sysent_ptr = obj.Object('Pointer', offset = (op.address + op.operands[1].disp + op.size), vm = self.addr_space)
                        if sysents_addr != op_sysent_ptr.v():
                            print "not same: %x | %x" % (sysents_addr, op_sysent_ptr.v())
                            yield (op_sysent_ptr.v(), func, op)
                elif model == "32bit":
                    #LEA EAX, [EAX*8+0x82ef20]
                    if op.mnemonic == 'LEA' and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ['EDI','EAX'] and distorm3.Registers[op.operands[1].index] == "EAX" and op.operands[1].scale == 8:
                        if op.operands[1].disp != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].disp
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op) 
                    #CMP EAX, 0x82ef20
                    elif op.mnemonic == 'CMP' and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ['EDI','EAX'] and prev_op.mnemonic in ['LEA','MOV'] and self.addr_space.is_valid_address(op.operands[1].value) == True:
                        if op.operands[1].value != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].value
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op)

                    #CMP DWORD [EBP-0x20], 0x82ef20
                    elif op.mnemonic == 'CMP' and op.operands[0].index != None and distorm3.Registers[op.operands[0].index] == "EBP" and op.operands[0].disp == -32 and op.operands[0].type == "Immediate":
                        if op.operands[1].value != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].value
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op)
                prev_op = op 
Example #8
Source File:    From volatility with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def shadowedSyscalls(self, model, distorm_mode, sysents_addr):
        #looks like these syscall functions end with a call to _thread_exception_return
        thread_exc_ret_addr = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol('_thread_exception_return')

        prev_op = None
        sysent_funcs = ['_unix_syscall_return', '_unix_syscall64', '_unix_syscall']
        for func in sysent_funcs:
            func_addr = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol(func)
            content =, 1024)
            for op in distorm3.Decompose(func_addr, content, distorm_mode):
                if not op.valid:

                if op.mnemonic == "CALL" and op.operands[0].value == thread_exc_ret_addr:

                if model == "64bit":
                    #callp = &sysent[63] OR &sysent[code] OR callp == sysent
                    if op.mnemonic in ['ADD','CMP'] and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ["RSP","RBX","R12","R13","R14","R15"] and 'FLAG_RIP_RELATIVE' in op.flags:
                        #compare actual sysent tbl address to the one in the instruction, calculated per distorm3 INSTRUCTION_GET_RIP_TARGET

                        op_sysent_ptr = obj.Object('Pointer', offset = (op.address + op.operands[1].disp + op.size), vm = self.addr_space)
                        if sysents_addr != op_sysent_ptr.v():
                            print "not same: %x | %x" % (sysents_addr, op_sysent_ptr.v())
                            yield (op_sysent_ptr.v(), func, op)
                elif model == "32bit":
                    #LEA EAX, [EAX*8+0x82ef20]
                    if op.mnemonic == 'LEA' and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ['EDI','EAX'] and distorm3.Registers[op.operands[1].index] == "EAX" and op.operands[1].scale == 8:
                        if op.operands[1].disp != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].disp
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op) 
                    #CMP EAX, 0x82ef20
                    elif op.mnemonic == 'CMP' and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ['EDI','EAX'] and prev_op.mnemonic in ['LEA','MOV'] and self.addr_space.is_valid_address(op.operands[1].value) == True:
                        if op.operands[1].value != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].value
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op)

                    #CMP DWORD [EBP-0x20], 0x82ef20
                    elif op.mnemonic == 'CMP' and op.operands[0].index != None and distorm3.Registers[op.operands[0].index] == "EBP" and op.operands[0].disp == -32 and op.operands[0].type == "Immediate":
                        if op.operands[1].value != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].value
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op)
                prev_op = op 
Example #9
Source File:    From vortessence with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def shadowedSyscalls(self, model, distorm_mode, sysents_addr):
        #looks like these syscall functions end with a call to _thread_exception_return
        thread_exc_ret_addr = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol('_thread_exception_return')

        prev_op = None
        sysent_funcs = ['_unix_syscall_return', '_unix_syscall64', '_unix_syscall']
        for func in sysent_funcs:
            func_addr = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol(func)
            content =, 1024)
            for op in distorm3.Decompose(func_addr, content, distorm_mode):
                if not op.valid:

                if op.mnemonic == "CALL" and op.operands[0].value == thread_exc_ret_addr:

                if model == "64bit":
                    #callp = &sysent[63] OR &sysent[code] OR callp == sysent
                    if op.mnemonic in ['ADD','CMP'] and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ["RSP","RBX","R12","R13","R14","R15"] and 'FLAG_RIP_RELATIVE' in op.flags:
                        #compare actual sysent tbl address to the one in the instruction, calculated per distorm3 INSTRUCTION_GET_RIP_TARGET

                        op_sysent_ptr = obj.Object('Pointer', offset = (op.address + op.operands[1].disp + op.size), vm = self.addr_space)
                        if sysents_addr != op_sysent_ptr.v():
                            print "not same: %x | %x" % (sysents_addr, op_sysent_ptr.v())
                            yield (op_sysent_ptr.v(), func, op)
                elif model == "32bit":
                    #LEA EAX, [EAX*8+0x82ef20]
                    if op.mnemonic == 'LEA' and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ['EDI','EAX'] and distorm3.Registers[op.operands[1].index] == "EAX" and op.operands[1].scale == 8:
                        if op.operands[1].disp != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].disp
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op) 
                    #CMP EAX, 0x82ef20
                    elif op.mnemonic == 'CMP' and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ['EDI','EAX'] and prev_op.mnemonic in ['LEA','MOV'] and self.addr_space.is_valid_address(op.operands[1].value) == True:
                        if op.operands[1].value != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].value
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op)

                    #CMP DWORD [EBP-0x20], 0x82ef20
                    elif op.mnemonic == 'CMP' and op.operands[0].index != None and distorm3.Registers[op.operands[0].index] == "EBP" and op.operands[0].disp == -32 and op.operands[0].type == "Immediate":
                        if op.operands[1].value != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].value
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op)
                prev_op = op 
Example #10
Source File:    From DAMM with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def shadowedSyscalls(self, model, distorm_mode, sysents_addr):
        #looks like these syscall functions end with a call to _thread_exception_return
        thread_exc_ret_addr = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol('_thread_exception_return')

        prev_op = None
        sysent_funcs = ['_unix_syscall_return', '_unix_syscall64', '_unix_syscall']
        for func in sysent_funcs:
            func_addr = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol(func)
            content =, 1024)
            for op in distorm3.Decompose(func_addr, content, distorm_mode):
                if not op.valid:

                if op.mnemonic == "CALL" and op.operands[0].value == thread_exc_ret_addr:

                if model == "64bit":
                    #callp = &sysent[63] OR &sysent[code] OR callp == sysent
                    if op.mnemonic in ['ADD','CMP'] and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ["RSP","RBX","R12","R13","R14","R15"] and 'FLAG_RIP_RELATIVE' in op.flags:
                        #compare actual sysent tbl address to the one in the instruction, calculated per distorm3 INSTRUCTION_GET_RIP_TARGET

                        op_sysent_ptr = obj.Object('Pointer', offset = (op.address + op.operands[1].disp + op.size), vm = self.addr_space)
                        if sysents_addr != op_sysent_ptr.v():
                            print "not same: %x | %x" % (sysents_addr, op_sysent_ptr.v())
                            yield (op_sysent_ptr.v(), func, op)
                elif model == "32bit":
                    #LEA EAX, [EAX*8+0x82ef20]
                    if op.mnemonic == 'LEA' and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ['EDI','EAX'] and distorm3.Registers[op.operands[1].index] == "EAX" and op.operands[1].scale == 8:
                        if op.operands[1].disp != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].disp
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op) 
                    #CMP EAX, 0x82ef20
                    elif op.mnemonic == 'CMP' and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ['EDI','EAX'] and prev_op.mnemonic in ['LEA','MOV'] and self.addr_space.is_valid_address(op.operands[1].value) == True:
                        if op.operands[1].value != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].value
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op)

                    #CMP DWORD [EBP-0x20], 0x82ef20
                    elif op.mnemonic == 'CMP' and op.operands[0].index != None and distorm3.Registers[op.operands[0].index] == "EBP" and op.operands[0].disp == -32 and op.operands[0].type == "Immediate":
                        if op.operands[1].value != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].value
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op)
                prev_op = op 
Example #11
Source File:    From volatility with GNU General Public License v2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def shadowedSyscalls(self, model, distorm_mode, sysents_addr):
        #looks like these syscall functions end with a call to _thread_exception_return
        thread_exc_ret_addr = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol('_thread_exception_return')

        prev_op = None
        sysent_funcs = ['_unix_syscall_return', '_unix_syscall64', '_unix_syscall']
        for func in sysent_funcs:
            func_addr = self.addr_space.profile.get_symbol(func)
            content =, 1024)
            for op in distorm3.Decompose(func_addr, content, distorm_mode):
                if not op.valid:

                if op.mnemonic == "CALL" and op.operands[0].value == thread_exc_ret_addr:

                if model == "64bit":
                    #callp = &sysent[63] OR &sysent[code] OR callp == sysent
                    if op.mnemonic in ['ADD','CMP'] and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ["RSP","RBX","R12","R13","R14","R15"] and 'FLAG_RIP_RELATIVE' in op.flags:
                        #compare actual sysent tbl address to the one in the instruction, calculated per distorm3 INSTRUCTION_GET_RIP_TARGET

                        op_sysent_ptr = obj.Object('Pointer', offset = (op.address + op.operands[1].disp + op.size), vm = self.addr_space)
                        if sysents_addr != op_sysent_ptr.v():
                            print "not same: %x | %x" % (sysents_addr, op_sysent_ptr.v())
                            yield (op_sysent_ptr.v(), func, op)
                elif model == "32bit":
                    #LEA EAX, [EAX*8+0x82ef20]
                    if op.mnemonic == 'LEA' and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ['EDI','EAX'] and distorm3.Registers[op.operands[1].index] == "EAX" and op.operands[1].scale == 8:
                        if op.operands[1].disp != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].disp
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op) 
                    #CMP EAX, 0x82ef20
                    elif op.mnemonic == 'CMP' and op.operands[0].type == 'Register' and op.operands[0].name in ['EDI','EAX'] and prev_op.mnemonic in ['LEA','MOV'] and self.addr_space.is_valid_address(op.operands[1].value) == True:
                        if op.operands[1].value != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].value
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op)

                    #CMP DWORD [EBP-0x20], 0x82ef20
                    elif op.mnemonic == 'CMP' and op.operands[0].index != None and distorm3.Registers[op.operands[0].index] == "EBP" and op.operands[0].disp == -32 and op.operands[0].type == "Immediate":
                        if op.operands[1].value != sysents_addr:
                            shadowtbl_addr = op.operands[1].value
                            yield (shadowtbl_addr, func, op)
                prev_op = op