Python flask.views.MethodViewType() Examples

The following are 3 code examples of flask.views.MethodViewType(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module flask.views , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From flask-smorest with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def route(self, rule, *, parameters=None, **options):
        """Decorator to register url rule in application

        Also stores doc info for later registration

        Use this to decorate a :class:`MethodView <flask.views.MethodView>` or
        a resource function.

        :param str rule: URL rule as string.
        :param str endpoint: Endpoint for the registered URL rule (defaults
            to function name).
        :param list parameters: List of parameters relevant to all operations
            in this path, only used to document the resource.
        :param dict options: Options to be forwarded to the underlying
            :class:`werkzeug.routing.Rule <Rule>` object.
        def decorator(func):

            # By default, endpoint name is function name
            endpoint = options.pop('endpoint', func.__name__)

            # Prevent registering several times the same endpoint
            # by silently renaming the endpoint in case of collision
            if endpoint in self._endpoints:
                endpoint = '{}_{}'.format(endpoint, len(self._endpoints))

            if isinstance(func, MethodViewType):
                view_func = func.as_view(endpoint)
                view_func = func

            # Add URL rule in Flask and store endpoint documentation
            self.add_url_rule(rule, endpoint, view_func, **options)
            self._store_endpoint_docs(endpoint, func, parameters, **options)

            return func

        return decorator 
Example #2
Source File:    From flask-smorest with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _store_endpoint_docs(self, endpoint, obj, parameters, **options):
        """Store view or function doc info"""

        endpoint_doc_info = self._docs.setdefault(endpoint, OrderedDict())

        def store_method_docs(method, function):
            """Add auto and manual doc to table for later registration"""
            # Get documentation from decorators
            # Deepcopy doc info as it may be used for several methods and it
            # may be mutated in apispec
            doc = deepcopy(getattr(function, '_apidoc', {}))
            # Get summary/description from docstring
            doc['docstring'] = load_info_from_docstring(
                function.__doc__, delimiter=self.DOCSTRING_INFO_DELIMITER)
            # Store function doc infos for later processing/registration
            endpoint_doc_info[method.lower()] = doc

        # MethodView (class)
        if isinstance(obj, MethodViewType):
            for method in self.HTTP_METHODS:
                if method in obj.methods:
                    func = getattr(obj, method.lower())
                    store_method_docs(method, func)
        # Function
            methods = options.pop('methods', None) or ['GET']
            for method in methods:
                store_method_docs(method, obj)

        # Store parameters doc info from route decorator
        endpoint_doc_info['parameters'] = parameters 
Example #3
Source File:    From flask-react-spa with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def _get_endpoint(self, view_func, endpoint=None, plural=False):
        if endpoint:
            assert '.' not in endpoint, 'Api endpoints should not contain dots'
        elif isinstance(view_func, MethodViewType):
            endpoint = camel_to_snake_case(view_func.__name__)
            if hasattr(view_func, 'model') and plural:
                plural_model = camel_to_snake_case(view_func.model.__plural__)
                endpoint = f'{plural_model}_resource'
            endpoint = view_func.__name__
        return f'{}.{endpoint}'