Python mxnet.ndarray.NDArray() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of mxnet.ndarray.NDArray(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module mxnet.ndarray , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From Deep-Feature-Flow with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_params(self, arg_params, aux_params):
        """ Copy data from each executor to `arg_params` and `aux_params`.

        arg_params : list of NDArray
            target parameter arrays
        aux_params : list of NDArray
            target aux arrays

        - This function will inplace update the NDArrays in arg_params and aux_params.
        for name, block in zip(self.param_names, self.param_arrays):
            weight = sum(w.copyto(ctx.cpu()) for w in block) / len(block)
        for name, block in zip(self.aux_names, self.aux_arrays):
            weight = sum(w.copyto(ctx.cpu()) for w in block) / len(block)
Example #2
Source File:    From MANet_for_Video_Object_Detection with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def backward(self, out_grads=None):
        """Run backward on all devices. A backward should be called after
        a call to the forward function. Backward cannot be called unless
        `self.for_training` is `True`.

        out_grads : NDArray or list of NDArray, optional
            Gradient on the outputs to be propagated back.
            This parameter is only needed when bind is called
            on outputs that are not a loss function.
        assert self.for_training, 're-bind with for_training=True to run backward'
        if out_grads is None:
            out_grads = []

        for i, exec_ in enumerate(self.execs):
            out_grads_slice = []
Example #3
Source File:    From MANet_for_Video_Object_Detection with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_states(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get states from all devices

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the states
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[out1, out2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[out1_dev1, out1_dev2], [out2_dev1, out2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        assert not merge_multi_context, \
            "merge_multi_context=True is not supported for get_states yet."
        return self.state_arrays 
Example #4
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_outputs(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get outputs of the previous forward computation.

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the outputs
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[out1, out2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[out1_dev1, out1_dev2], [out2_dev1, out2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        outputs = [[exec_.outputs[i] for exec_ in self.execs]
                   for i in range(len(self.execs[0].outputs))]
        if merge_multi_context:
            outputs = _merge_multi_context(outputs, self.output_layouts)
        return outputs 
Example #5
Source File:    From MANet_for_Video_Object_Detection with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_params(self, arg_params, aux_params):
        """ Copy data from each executor to `arg_params` and `aux_params`.

        arg_params : list of NDArray
            target parameter arrays
        aux_params : list of NDArray
            target aux arrays

        - This function will inplace update the NDArrays in arg_params and aux_params.
        for name, block in zip(self.param_names, self.param_arrays):
            weight = sum(w.copyto(ctx.cpu()) for w in block) / len(block)
        for name, block in zip(self.aux_names, self.aux_arrays):
            weight = sum(w.copyto(ctx.cpu()) for w in block) / len(block)
Example #6
Source File:    From nn_tools with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def __init__(self, interval=1, pattern='.*', sort=False):
        def stat(x):
            return x.shape
        self.stat_func = stat
        self.interval = interval
        self.activated = False
        self.queue = []
        self.step = 0
        self.exes = []
        self.re_prog = re.compile(pattern)
        self.sort = sort
        def stat_helper(name, array):
            array = ctypes.cast(array, NDArrayHandle)
            array = NDArray(array, writable=False)
            if not self.activated or not self.re_prog.match(py_str(name)):
            self.queue.append((self.step, py_str(name), stat(array)))
        self.stat_helper = stat_helper 
Example #7
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def backward(self, out_grads=None):
        """Run backward on all devices. A backward should be called after
        a call to the forward function. Backward cannot be called unless
        `self.for_training` is `True`.

        out_grads : NDArray or list of NDArray, optional
            Gradient on the outputs to be propagated back.
            This parameter is only needed when bind is called
            on outputs that are not a loss function.
        assert self.for_training, 're-bind with for_training=True to run backward'
        if out_grads is None:
            out_grads = []

        for i, exec_ in enumerate(self.execs):
            out_grads_slice = []
Example #8
Source File:    From MANet_for_Video_Object_Detection with Apache License 2.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_outputs(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get outputs of the previous forward computation.

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the outputs
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[out1, out2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[out1_dev1, out1_dev2], [out2_dev1, out2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        outputs = [[exec_.outputs[i] for exec_ in self.execs]
                   for i in range(len(self.execs[0].outputs))]
        if merge_multi_context:
            outputs = _merge_multi_context(outputs, self.output_layouts)
        return outputs 
Example #9
Source File:    From Deep-Feature-Flow with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_outputs(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get outputs of the previous forward computation.

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the outputs
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[out1, out2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[out1_dev1, out1_dev2], [out2_dev1, out2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        outputs = [[exec_.outputs[i] for exec_ in self.execs]
                   for i in range(len(self.execs[0].outputs))]
        if merge_multi_context:
            outputs = _merge_multi_context(outputs, self.output_layouts)
        return outputs 
Example #10
Source File:    From Deep-Feature-Flow with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_states(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get states from all devices

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the states
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[out1, out2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[out1_dev1, out1_dev2], [out2_dev1, out2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        assert not merge_multi_context, \
            "merge_multi_context=True is not supported for get_states yet."
        return self.state_arrays 
Example #11
Source File:    From Deep-Feature-Flow with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def backward(self, out_grads=None):
        """Run backward on all devices. A backward should be called after
        a call to the forward function. Backward cannot be called unless
        `self.for_training` is `True`.

        out_grads : NDArray or list of NDArray, optional
            Gradient on the outputs to be propagated back.
            This parameter is only needed when bind is called
            on outputs that are not a loss function.
        assert self.for_training, 're-bind with for_training=True to run backward'
        if out_grads is None:
            out_grads = []

        for i, exec_ in enumerate(self.execs):
            out_grads_slice = []
Example #12
Source File:    From Deep-Feature-Flow with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_params(self, arg_params, aux_params):
        """ Copy data from each executor to `arg_params` and `aux_params`.

        arg_params : list of NDArray
            target parameter arrays
        aux_params : list of NDArray
            target aux arrays

        - This function will inplace update the NDArrays in arg_params and aux_params.
        for name, block in zip(self.param_names, self.param_arrays):
            weight = sum(w.copyto(ctx.cpu()) for w in block) / len(block)
        for name, block in zip(self.aux_names, self.aux_arrays):
            weight = sum(w.copyto(ctx.cpu()) for w in block) / len(block)
Example #13
Source File:    From Deep-Feature-Flow with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_states(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get states from all devices

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the states
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[out1, out2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[out1_dev1, out1_dev2], [out2_dev1, out2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        assert not merge_multi_context, \
            "merge_multi_context=True is not supported for get_states yet."
        return self.state_arrays 
Example #14
Source File:    From Deep-Feature-Flow with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_input_grads(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get the gradients with respect to the inputs of the module.

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the outputs
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[grad1, grad2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[grad1_dev1, grad1_dev2], [grad2_dev1, grad2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        assert self.inputs_need_grad
        if merge_multi_context:
            return _merge_multi_context(self.input_grad_arrays, self.data_layouts)
        return self.input_grad_arrays 
Example #15
Source File:    From Deep-Feature-Flow with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def backward(self, out_grads=None):
        """Run backward on all devices. A backward should be called after
        a call to the forward function. Backward cannot be called unless
        `self.for_training` is `True`.

        out_grads : NDArray or list of NDArray, optional
            Gradient on the outputs to be propagated back.
            This parameter is only needed when bind is called
            on outputs that are not a loss function.
        assert self.for_training, 're-bind with for_training=True to run backward'
        if out_grads is None:
            out_grads = []

        for i, exec_ in enumerate(self.execs):
            out_grads_slice = []
Example #16
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_input_grads(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get the gradients with respect to the inputs of the module.

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the outputs
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[grad1, grad2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[grad1_dev1, grad1_dev2], [grad2_dev1, grad2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        assert self.inputs_need_grad
        if merge_multi_context:
            return _merge_multi_context(self.input_grad_arrays, self.data_layouts)
        return self.input_grad_arrays 
Example #17
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_states(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get states from all devices

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the states
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[out1, out2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[out1_dev1, out1_dev2], [out2_dev1, out2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        assert not merge_multi_context, \
            "merge_multi_context=True is not supported for get_states yet."
        return self.state_arrays 
Example #18
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_params(self, arg_params, aux_params):
        """ Copy data from each executor to `arg_params` and `aux_params`.

        arg_params : list of NDArray
            target parameter arrays
        aux_params : list of NDArray
            target aux arrays

        - This function will inplace update the NDArrays in arg_params and aux_params.
        for name, block in zip(self.param_names, self.param_arrays):
            weight = sum(w.copyto(ctx.cpu()) for w in block) / len(block)
        for name, block in zip(self.aux_names, self.aux_arrays):
            weight = sum(w.copyto(ctx.cpu()) for w in block) / len(block)
Example #19
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def backward(self, out_grads=None):
        """Run backward on all devices. A backward should be called after
        a call to the forward function. Backward cannot be called unless
        `self.for_training` is `True`.

        out_grads : NDArray or list of NDArray, optional
            Gradient on the outputs to be propagated back.
            This parameter is only needed when bind is called
            on outputs that are not a loss function.
        assert self.for_training, 're-bind with for_training=True to run backward'
        if out_grads is None:
            out_grads = []

        for i, exec_ in enumerate(self.execs):
            out_grads_slice = []
Example #20
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_states(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get states from all devices

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the states
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[out1, out2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[out1_dev1, out1_dev2], [out2_dev1, out2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        assert not merge_multi_context, \
            "merge_multi_context=True is not supported for get_states yet."
        return self.state_arrays 
Example #21
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_outputs(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get outputs of the previous forward computation.

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the outputs
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[out1, out2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[out1_dev1, out1_dev2], [out2_dev1, out2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        outputs = [[exec_.outputs[i] for exec_ in self.execs]
                   for i in range(len(self.execs[0].outputs))]
        if merge_multi_context:
            outputs = _merge_multi_context(outputs, self.output_layouts)
        return outputs 
Example #22
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_params(self, arg_params, aux_params):
        """ Copy data from each executor to `arg_params` and `aux_params`.

        arg_params : list of NDArray
            target parameter arrays
        aux_params : list of NDArray
            target aux arrays

        - This function will inplace update the NDArrays in arg_params and aux_params.
        for name, block in zip(self.param_names, self.param_arrays):
            weight = sum(w.copyto(ctx.cpu()) for w in block) / len(block)
        for name, block in zip(self.aux_names, self.aux_arrays):
            weight = sum(w.copyto(ctx.cpu()) for w in block) / len(block)
Example #23
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def backward(self, out_grads=None):
        """Run backward on all devices. A backward should be called after
        a call to the forward function. Backward cannot be called unless
        `self.for_training` is `True`.

        out_grads : NDArray or list of NDArray, optional
            Gradient on the outputs to be propagated back.
            This parameter is only needed when bind is called
            on outputs that are not a loss function.
        assert self.for_training, 're-bind with for_training=True to run backward'
        if out_grads is None:
            out_grads = []

        for i, exec_ in enumerate(self.execs):
            out_grads_slice = []
Example #24
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_input_grads(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get the gradients with respect to the inputs of the module.

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the outputs
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[grad1, grad2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[grad1_dev1, grad1_dev2], [grad2_dev1, grad2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        assert self.inputs_need_grad
        if merge_multi_context:
            return _merge_multi_context(self.input_grad_arrays, self.data_layouts)
        return self.input_grad_arrays 
Example #25
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_states(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get states from all devices

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the states
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[out1, out2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[out1_dev1, out1_dev2], [out2_dev1, out2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        assert not merge_multi_context, \
            "merge_multi_context=True is not supported for get_states yet."
        return self.state_arrays 
Example #26
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_params(self, arg_params, aux_params):
        """ Copy data from each executor to `arg_params` and `aux_params`.

        arg_params : list of NDArray
            target parameter arrays
        aux_params : list of NDArray
            target aux arrays

        - This function will inplace update the NDArrays in arg_params and aux_params.
        for name, block in zip(self.param_names, self.param_arrays):
            weight = sum(w.copyto(ctx.cpu()) for w in block) / len(block)
        for name, block in zip(self.aux_names, self.aux_arrays):
            weight = sum(w.copyto(ctx.cpu()) for w in block) / len(block)
Example #27
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def backward(self, out_grads=None):
        """Run backward on all devices. A backward should be called after
        a call to the forward function. Backward cannot be called unless
        `self.for_training` is `True`.

        out_grads : NDArray or list of NDArray, optional
            Gradient on the outputs to be propagated back.
            This parameter is only needed when bind is called
            on outputs that are not a loss function.
        assert self.for_training, 're-bind with for_training=True to run backward'
        if out_grads is None:
            out_grads = []

        # for i, (exec_, islice) in enumerate(zip(self.execs, self.slices)):
        for i, exec_ in enumerate(self.execs):
            out_grads_slice = []
Example #28
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_input_grads(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get the gradients with respect to the inputs of the module.

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the outputs
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[grad1, grad2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[grad1_dev1, grad1_dev2], [grad2_dev1, grad2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        assert self.inputs_need_grad
        if merge_multi_context:
            return _merge_multi_context(self.input_grad_arrays, self.data_layouts)
        return self.input_grad_arrays 
Example #29
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_states(self, merge_multi_context=True):
        """Get states from all devices

        merge_multi_context : bool
            Default is `True`. In the case when data-parallelism is used, the states
            will be collected from multiple devices. A `True` value indicate that we
            should merge the collected results so that they look like from a single

        If `merge_multi_context` is `True`, it is like `[out1, out2]`. Otherwise, it
        is like `[[out1_dev1, out1_dev2], [out2_dev1, out2_dev2]]`. All the output
        elements are `NDArray`.
        assert not merge_multi_context, \
            "merge_multi_context=True is not supported for get_states yet."
        return self.state_arrays 
Example #30
Source File:    From kaggle-rsna18 with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def get_params(self, arg_params, aux_params):
        """ Copy data from each executor to `arg_params` and `aux_params`.

        arg_params : list of NDArray
            target parameter arrays
        aux_params : list of NDArray
            target aux arrays

        - This function will inplace update the NDArrays in arg_params and aux_params.
        for name, block in zip(self.param_names, self.param_arrays):
            weight = sum(w.copyto(ctx.cpu()) for w in block) / len(block)
        for name, block in zip(self.aux_names, self.aux_arrays):
            weight = sum(w.copyto(ctx.cpu()) for w in block) / len(block)