Python scipy.stats.norm.rvs() Examples

The following are 27 code examples of scipy.stats.norm.rvs(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module scipy.stats.norm , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From btgym with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 7 votes vote down vote up
def weiner_process_fn(num_points, delta, x0=0, dt=1):
    Generates Weiner process realisation trajectory.

        num_points:     int, trajectory length;
        delta:          float, speed parameter;
        x0:             float, starting point;
        dt:             int, time increment;

        generated data as 1D np.array
    x0 = np.asarray(x0)
    r = norm.rvs(size=x0.shape + (num_points,), scale=delta * (dt**.5))

    return np.cumsum(r, axis=-1) + np.expand_dims(x0, axis=-1) 
Example #2
Source File:    From autoimpute with MIT License 7 votes vote down vote up
def impute(self, X):
        """Generate imputations using predictions from the fit linear model.

        The impute method returns the values for imputation. Missing values
        in a given dataset are replaced with the predictions from the least
        squares regression line of best fit plus a random draw from the normal
        error distribution.

            X (pd.DataFrame): predictors to determine imputed values.

            np.array: imputed dataset.
        # check if fitted then predict with least squares
        check_is_fitted(self, "statistics_")
        mse = self.statistics_["param"]
        preds = self.lm.predict(X)

        # add random draw from normal dist w/ mean squared error
        # from observed model. This makes lm stochastic
        mse_dist = norm.rvs(loc=0, scale=sqrt(mse), size=len(preds))
        imp = preds + mse_dist
        return imp 
Example #3
Source File:    From CDSS with GNU General Public License v3.0 6 votes vote down vote up
def impute(self, feature=None, strategy=None, distribution=None):
        if self._matrix is None:
            raise ValueError('Must call set_input_matrix() before impute().')
        # If user does not specify which feature to impute, impute values
        # for all columns in the matrix.
        if feature is None:
            feature = FeatureMatrixTransform.ALL_FEATURES

        # If an imputation strategy is not specified, default to mean.
        if strategy is None:
            strategy = FeatureMatrixTransform.IMPUTE_STRATEGY_MEAN

        # If distribution is not specified, default to norm.
        if distribution is None:
            distribution = norm.rvs

        # TODO sxu: modify other modules to also return stuff
        if feature == FeatureMatrixTransform.ALL_FEATURES:
            self._impute_all_features(strategy, distribution=distribution)
            return self._impute_single_feature(feature, strategy, distribution=distribution) 
Example #4
Source File:    From simdna with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def _generatePos(self, lenBackground, lenSubstring, additionalInfo):
        from scipy.stats import norm
        center = (lenBackground-lenSubstring)/2.0
        validPos = False
        totalTries = 0
        while (validPos == False):
            sampledPos = int(norm.rvs(loc=center+self.offsetFromCenter,
            totalTries += 1
            if (sampledPos > 0 and sampledPos < (lenBackground-lenSubstring)):
                validPos = True
            if (totalTries%10 == 0 and totalTries > 0):
                print("Warning: made "+str(totalTries)+" attempts at sampling"
                      +" a position with lenBackground "+str(lenBackground)
                      +" and center "+str(center)+" and offset "
        return sampledPos 
Example #5
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 6 votes vote down vote up
def test_aic_posterior_dependence():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    p = norm.logpdf(d)
    p2 = norm.logpdf(d, scale=2)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_free_params=1, num_eff_data_points=1000)
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p2, num_free_params=1, num_eff_data_points=1000)
    aics = c.comparison.aic()
    assert len(aics) == 2
    assert aics[0] == 0
    expected = 2 * np.log(2)
    assert np.isclose(aics[1], expected, atol=1e-3) 
Example #6
Source File:    From sima with GNU General Public License v2.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def setup(self):

        # PART 1: Make model calcium data

        # Data parameters
        RATE = 1       # mean firing rate of poisson spike train (Hz)
        STEPS = 100   # number of time steps in data
        STEPS_LONG = 5000   # number of time steps in data
        TAU = 0.6      # time constant of calcium indicator (seconds)
        DELTAT = 1/30  # time step duration (seconds)
        self.sigma = 0.1    # standard deviation of gaussian noise
        SEED = 2222    # random number generator seed

        # Make a poisson spike trains
        self.spikes = sima.spikes.get_poisson_spikes(
            deltat=DELTAT, rate=RATE, steps=STEPS, seed=SEED)

        # longer time-series for parameter estimation
        self.spikes_long = sima.spikes.get_poisson_spikes(
            deltat=DELTAT, rate=RATE, steps=STEPS_LONG, seed=SEED)

        # Convolve with kernel to make calcium signal
        self.gamma = 1 - (DELTAT / TAU)
        CALCIUM = signal.lfilter([1], [1, -self.gamma], self.spikes)
        CALCIUM_LONG = signal.lfilter([1], [1, -self.gamma], self.spikes_long)

        # Make fluorescence traces with random gaussian noise and baseline
        self.fluors = CALCIUM + norm.rvs(
            scale=self.sigma, size=STEPS) + uniform.rvs()
        self.fluors_long = CALCIUM_LONG + norm.rvs(
            scale=self.sigma, size=STEPS_LONG) + uniform.rvs() 
Example #7
Source File:    From pyPESTO with BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_prior():
    """Check that priors are defined for sampling."""
    # define negative log posterior
    posterior_fun = pypesto.Objective(fun=negative_log_posterior)

    # define negative log prior
    prior_fun = pypesto.Objective(fun=negative_log_prior)

    # define pypesto prior object
    prior_object = pypesto.NegLogPriors(objectives=[prior_fun])

    # define pypesto problem using prior object
    test_problem = pypesto.Problem(objective=posterior_fun,
                                   lb=-10, ub=10,

    sampler = sample.AdaptiveMetropolisSampler()

    result = sample.sample(test_problem, n_samples=1e4, sampler=sampler,

    # get log prior values of first chain
    logprior_trace = -result.sample_result.trace_neglogprior[0, :]

    # check that not all entries are zero
    assert (logprior_trace != 0.).any()

    # get samples of first chain
    samples = result.sample_result.trace_x[0, :, 0]

    # generate ground-truth samples
    rvs = norm.rvs(size=5000, loc=-1., scale=np.sqrt(0.7))

    # check sample distribution agreement with the ground-truth
    statistic, pval = ks_2samp(rvs, samples)
    print(statistic, pval)

    assert statistic < 0.1 
Example #8
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_dic_0():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    p = norm.logpdf(d)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p)
    dics = c.comparison.dic()
    assert len(dics) == 1
    assert dics[0] == 0 
Example #9
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_dic_fail_no_posterior():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, num_eff_data_points=1000, num_free_params=1)
    dics = c.comparison.dic()
    assert len(dics) == 1
    assert dics[0] is None 
Example #10
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_bic_data_dependence2():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    p = norm.logpdf(d)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_free_params=2, num_eff_data_points=1000)
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_free_params=3, num_eff_data_points=500)
    bics = c.comparison.bic()
    assert len(bics) == 2
    assert bics[0] == 0
    expected = 3 * np.log(500) - 2 * np.log(1000)
    assert np.isclose(bics[1], expected, atol=1e-3) 
Example #11
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_bic_data_dependence():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    p = norm.logpdf(d)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_free_params=1, num_eff_data_points=1000)
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_free_params=1, num_eff_data_points=500)
    bics = c.comparison.bic()
    assert len(bics) == 2
    assert bics[1] == 0
    expected = np.log(1000) - np.log(500)
    assert np.isclose(bics[0], expected, atol=1e-3) 
Example #12
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_bic_parameter_dependence():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    p = norm.logpdf(d)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_free_params=1, num_eff_data_points=1000)
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_free_params=2, num_eff_data_points=1000)
    bics = c.comparison.bic()
    assert len(bics) == 2
    assert bics[0] == 0
    expected = np.log(1000)
    assert np.isclose(bics[1], expected, atol=1e-3) 
Example #13
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_bic_0():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    p = norm.logpdf(d)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_free_params=1, num_eff_data_points=1000)
    bics = c.comparison.bic()
    assert len(bics) == 1
    assert bics[0] == 0 
Example #14
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_bic_fail_no_num_params():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    p = norm.logpdf(d)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_eff_data_points=1000)
    bics = c.comparison.bic()
    assert len(bics) == 1
    assert bics[0] is None 
Example #15
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_bic_fail_no_data_points():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    p = norm.logpdf(d)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_free_params=1)
    bics = c.comparison.bic()
    assert len(bics) == 1
    assert bics[0] is None 
Example #16
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_bic_fail_no_posterior():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, num_eff_data_points=1000, num_free_params=1)
    bics = c.comparison.bic()
    assert len(bics) == 1
    assert bics[0] is None 
Example #17
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_aic_data_dependence():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    p = norm.logpdf(d)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_free_params=1, num_eff_data_points=1000)
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_free_params=1, num_eff_data_points=500)
    aics = c.comparison.aic()
    assert len(aics) == 2
    assert aics[0] == 0
    expected = (2.0 * 1 * 2 / (500 - 1 - 1)) - (2.0 * 1 * 2 / (1000 - 1 - 1))
    assert np.isclose(aics[1], expected, atol=1e-3) 
Example #18
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_aic_0():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    p = norm.logpdf(d)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_free_params=1, num_eff_data_points=1000)
    aics = c.comparison.aic()
    assert len(aics) == 1
    assert aics[0] == 0 
Example #19
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_aic_fail_no_num_params():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    p = norm.logpdf(d)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_eff_data_points=1000)
    aics = c.comparison.aic()
    assert len(aics) == 1
    assert aics[0] is None 
Example #20
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_aic_fail_no_data_points():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    p = norm.logpdf(d)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, posterior=p, num_free_params=1)
    aics = c.comparison.aic()
    assert len(aics) == 1
    assert aics[0] is None 
Example #21
Source File:    From ChainConsumer with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def test_aic_fail_no_posterior():
    d = norm.rvs(size=1000)
    c = ChainConsumer()
    c.add_chain(d, num_eff_data_points=1000, num_free_params=1)
    aics = c.comparison.aic()
    assert len(aics) == 1
    assert aics[0] is None 
Example #22
Source File:    From a-deep-rl-approach-for-sdn-routing-optimization with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def evolve(self):
        X = self.state
        dw = norm.rvs(scale=self.dt, size=self.processes)
        dx = self.theta * ( - X) * self.dt + self.sigma * dw
        self.state = X + dx
        return self.state 
Example #23
Source File:    From LearningApacheSpark with MIT License 5 votes vote down vote up
def rnorm(n,mean,sd):
    same functions as rnorm in r
    r: rnorm(n, mean=0, sd=1)
    py: rvs(loc=0, scale=1, size=1, random_state=None)
    return norm.rvs(loc=mean,scale=sd,size=n) 
Example #24
Source File:    From btgym with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
def ou_process_t_driver_batch_fn(num_points, mu, l, sigma, df, x0, dt=1):
    Generates batch of realisation trajectories of Ornshtein-Uhlenbeck process
    driven by t-distributed innovations.

        num_points:     int, trajectory length
        mu:             float or array of shape [batch_dim], mean;
        l:              float or array of shape [batch_dim], lambda, mean reversion rate;
        sigma:          float or array of shape [batch_dim], volatility;
        df:             float or array of shape [batch_dim] > 2.0, standart Student-t degrees of freedom param.;
        x0:             float or array of shape [batch_dim], starting point;
        dt:             int, time increment;

        generated data as np.array of shape [batch_dim, num_points]

    n = num_points + 1
        batch_dim = x0.shape[0]
        x = np.zeros([n, batch_dim])
        x[0, :] = np.squeeze(x0)
    except (AttributeError, IndexError) as e:
        batch_dim = None
        x = np.zeros([n, 1])
        x[0, :] = x0

    for i in range(1, n):
        driver = np.random.standard_t(df, size=df.size) * ((df - 2) / df) ** .5
        # driver = stats.t.rvs(df, loc, scale, size=batch_dim)
        # x_vol = df / (df - 2)
        # driver = (driver - loc) / scale / x_vol**.5
        x[i, :] = x[i - 1, :] * np.exp(-l * dt) + mu * (1 - np.exp(-l * dt)) + \
            sigma * ((1 - np.exp(-2 * l * dt)) / (2 * l)) ** .5 * driver

    return x[1:, :] 
Example #25
Source File:    From BlochBuster with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def applyPulseSeq(config, Meq, M0, w, T1, T2, pos0, v, D):
    '''Simulate magnetization vector during nTR (+nDummies) applications of pulse sequence.
        config: configuration dictionary.
        Meq:    equilibrium magnetization along z axis.
        M0:     initial state of magnetization vector, numpy array of size 3.
        w:      Larmor frequency :math:`2\\pi\\gamma B_0` [kRad/s].
        T1:     longitudinal relaxation time.
        T2:     transverse relaxation time.
        pos0:   position (x,y,z) of magnetization vector at t=0 [m].
        v:      velocity (x,y,z) of spins [mm/s]
        D:      diffusivity (x,y,z) of spins [:math:`mm^2/s`]
        magnetization vector over time, numpy array of size [6, nFrames]. 1:3 are magnetization, 4:6 are position

    M = np.zeros([len(config['t']), 3])
    M[0] = M0 # Initial state

    pos = np.tile(pos0, [len(config['t']), 1]) # initial position
    if np.linalg.norm(D) > 0: # diffusion contribution
        for frame in range(1,len(config['t'])):
            dt = config['t'][frame] - config['t'][frame-1]
            for dim in range(3):
                pos[frame][dim] = pos[frame-1][dim] + norm.rvs(scale=np.sqrt(D[dim]*dt*1e-9)) # standard deviation in meters
            if config['t'][frame]==0: # reset position for t=0
                pos[:frame+1] += np.tile(pos0 - pos[frame], [frame+1, 1])
    if np.linalg.norm(v) > 0: # velocity contribution
        pos += np.outer(config['t'], v) * 1e-6

    for rep in range(-config['nDummies'], config['nTR']): # dummy TRs get negative frame numbers
        TRstartFrame = rep * config['nFramesPerTR']

        for i, event in enumerate(config['events']):
            firstFrame, lastFrame = getEventFrames(config, i)
            firstFrame += TRstartFrame
            lastFrame += TRstartFrame

            M0 = M[firstFrame]

            if 'spoil' in event and event['spoil']: # Spoiler event
                M0 = spoil(M0)

            # frequency due to w plus any gradients 
            # (use position at firstFrame, i.e. approximate no motion during frame)
            wg = w  
            wg += 2*np.pi*gyro*event['Gx']*pos[firstFrame, 0]/1000 # [kRad/s]
            wg += 2*np.pi*gyro*event['Gy']*pos[firstFrame, 1]/1000 # [kRad/s]
            wg += 2*np.pi*gyro*event['Gz']*pos[firstFrame, 2]/1000 # [kRad/s]

            w1 = event['w1'] * np.exp(1j * np.radians(event['phase']))

            t = config['t'][firstFrame:lastFrame+1]
            if len(t)==0:
                raise Exception("Corrupt config['events']")
            M[firstFrame:lastFrame+1] = integrate.odeint(derivs, M0, t, args=(Meq, wg, w1, T1, T2)) # Solve Bloch equation

    return np.concatenate((M, pos),1).transpose() 
Example #26
Source File:    From Building-Machine-Learning-Systems-With-Python-Second-Edition with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def plot_correlation_demo():
    np.random.seed(0)  # to reproduce the data later on
    pylab.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 8))

    x = np.arange(0, 10, 0.2)

    y = 0.5 * x + norm.rvs(1, scale=.01, size=len(x))
    _plot_correlation_func(x, y)

    y = 0.5 * x + norm.rvs(1, scale=.1, size=len(x))
    _plot_correlation_func(x, y)

    y = 0.5 * x + norm.rvs(1, scale=1, size=len(x))
    _plot_correlation_func(x, y)

    y = norm.rvs(1, scale=10, size=len(x))
    _plot_correlation_func(x, y)


    filename = "corr_demo_1.png"
    pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CHART_DIR, filename), bbox_inches="tight")

    pylab.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 8))

    x = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.2)

    y = 0.5 * x ** 2 + norm.rvs(1, scale=.01, size=len(x))
    _plot_correlation_func(x, y)

    y = 0.5 * x ** 2 + norm.rvs(1, scale=.1, size=len(x))
    _plot_correlation_func(x, y)

    y = 0.5 * x ** 2 + norm.rvs(1, scale=1, size=len(x))
    _plot_correlation_func(x, y)

    y = 0.5 * x ** 2 + norm.rvs(1, scale=10, size=len(x))
    _plot_correlation_func(x, y)


    filename = "corr_demo_2.png"
    pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CHART_DIR, filename), bbox_inches="tight") 
Example #27
Source File:    From Building-Machine-Learning-Systems-With-Python-Second-Edition with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def plot_mi_demo():
    np.random.seed(0)  # to reproduce the data later on
    pylab.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 8))

    x = np.arange(0, 10, 0.2)

    y = 0.5 * x + norm.rvs(1, scale=.01, size=len(x))
    _plot_mi_func(x, y)

    y = 0.5 * x + norm.rvs(1, scale=.1, size=len(x))
    _plot_mi_func(x, y)

    y = 0.5 * x + norm.rvs(1, scale=1, size=len(x))
    _plot_mi_func(x, y)

    y = norm.rvs(1, scale=10, size=len(x))
    _plot_mi_func(x, y)


    filename = "mi_demo_1.png"
    pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CHART_DIR, filename), bbox_inches="tight")

    pylab.figure(num=None, figsize=(8, 8))

    x = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.2)

    y = 0.5 * x ** 2 + norm.rvs(1, scale=.01, size=len(x))
    _plot_mi_func(x, y)

    y = 0.5 * x ** 2 + norm.rvs(1, scale=.1, size=len(x))
    _plot_mi_func(x, y)

    y = 0.5 * x ** 2 + norm.rvs(1, scale=1, size=len(x))
    _plot_mi_func(x, y)

    y = 0.5 * x ** 2 + norm.rvs(1, scale=10, size=len(x))
    _plot_mi_func(x, y)


    filename = "mi_demo_2.png"
    pylab.savefig(os.path.join(CHART_DIR, filename), bbox_inches="tight")