Python cryptography.x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType() Examples

The following are 30 code examples of cryptography.x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType(). You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may also want to check out all available functions/classes of the module cryptography.x509 , or try the search function .
Example #1
Source File:    From Requester with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, x509.UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    names = [
        ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #2
Source File:    From sumologic-content with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
    # relevant versions until PyOpenSSL gets something proper for this.
    cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, x509.UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    names = [
        ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #3
Source File:    From MIA-Dictionary-Addon with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #4
Source File:    From CogAlg with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName).value
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (
    ) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ("DNS", name)
        for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ("IP Address", str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #5
Source File:    From quickstart-redhat-openshift with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName).value
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (
    ) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ("DNS", name)
        for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ("IP Address", str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #6
Source File:    From coffeegrindsize with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #7
Source File:    From watchmen with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, x509.UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    names = [
        ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #8
Source File:    From guildai with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    names = [
        ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #9
Source File:    From CTFCrackTools-V2 with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, x509.UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    names = [
        ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #10
Source File:    From plugin.program.indigo with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
    # relevant versions until PyOpenSSL gets something proper for this.
    cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, x509.UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    names = [
        ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #11
Source File:    From bazarr with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #12
Source File:    From CudaText with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName).value
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (
    ) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ("DNS", name)
        for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ("IP Address", str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #13
Source File:    From googletranslate.popclipext with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, x509.UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    names = [
        ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #14
Source File:    From luci-py with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName).value
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (
    ) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ("DNS", name)
        for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ("IP Address", str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #15
Source File:    From rules_pip with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName).value
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (
    ) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ("DNS", name)
        for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ("IP Address", str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #16
Source File:    From CudaText with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName).value
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (
    ) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ("DNS", name)
        for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ("IP Address", str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #17
Source File:    From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #18
Source File:    From AWS-Transit-Gateway-Demo-MultiAccount with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #19
Source File:    From Weapon-Detection-And-Classification with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #20
Source File:    From addon with GNU General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #21
Source File:    From python with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, x509.UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    names = [
        ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #22
Source File:    From cadquery-freecad-module with GNU Lesser General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #23
Source File:    From scalyr-agent-2 with Apache License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
    # relevant versions until PyOpenSSL gets something proper for this.
    cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, x509.UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    names = [
        ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #24
Source File:    From Hands-On-Application-Development-with-PyCharm with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #25
Source File:    From script.elementum.burst with Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    names = [
        ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #26
Source File:    From stopstalk-deployment with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    names = [
        ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #27
Source File:    From bash-lambda-layer with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #28
Source File:    From learn_python3_spider with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ('DNS', name) for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #29
Source File:    From cronyo with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    if hasattr(peer_cert, "to_cryptography"):
        cert = peer_cert.to_cryptography()
        # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
        # relevant versions before PyOpenSSL got a proper API for this.
        cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(x509.SubjectAlternativeName).value
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (
    ) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    # We also want to skip over names which cannot be idna encoded.
    names = [
        ("DNS", name)
        for name in map(_dnsname_to_stdlib, ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName))
        if name is not None
        ("IP Address", str(name)) for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names 
Example #30
Source File:    From telegram-robot-rss with Mozilla Public License 2.0 4 votes vote down vote up
def get_subj_alt_name(peer_cert):
    Given an PyOpenSSL certificate, provides all the subject alternative names.
    # Pass the cert to cryptography, which has much better APIs for this.
    # This is technically using private APIs, but should work across all
    # relevant versions until PyOpenSSL gets something proper for this.
    cert = _Certificate(openssl_backend, peer_cert._x509)

    # We want to find the SAN extension. Ask Cryptography to locate it (it's
    # faster than looping in Python)
        ext = cert.extensions.get_extension_for_class(
    except x509.ExtensionNotFound:
        # No such extension, return the empty list.
        return []
    except (x509.DuplicateExtension, x509.UnsupportedExtension,
            x509.UnsupportedGeneralNameType, UnicodeError) as e:
        # A problem has been found with the quality of the certificate. Assume
        # no SAN field is present.
            "A problem was encountered with the certificate that prevented "
            "urllib3 from finding the SubjectAlternativeName field. This can "
            "affect certificate validation. The error was %s",
        return []

    # We want to return dNSName and iPAddress fields. We need to cast the IPs
    # back to strings because the match_hostname function wants them as
    # strings.
    # Sadly the DNS names need to be idna encoded and then, on Python 3, UTF-8
    # decoded. This is pretty frustrating, but that's what the standard library
    # does with certificates, and so we need to attempt to do the same.
    names = [
        ('DNS', _dnsname_to_stdlib(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.DNSName)
        ('IP Address', str(name))
        for name in ext.get_values_for_type(x509.IPAddress)

    return names