Java Code Examples for net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB#isVecInside()
The following examples show how to use
net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB#isVecInside() .
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Example 1
Source File: From OpenPeripheral-Addons with MIT License | 5 votes |
public AxisAlignedBB getSelection(Vec3 hitVec, int side) { final Orientation orientation = getOrientation(); final Vec3 mappedVec = BlockSpaceTransform.instance.mapWorldToBlock(orientation, hitVec.xCoord - xCoord, hitVec.yCoord - yCoord, hitVec.zCoord - zCoord); final int gridSize = getGridSize(); for (ItemSlot center : getSlots(gridSize)) { final AxisAlignedBB aabb =; if (aabb.isVecInside(mappedVec)) return BlockSpaceTransform.instance.mapBlockToWorld(orientation, aabb).offset(xCoord, yCoord, zCoord); } return null; }
Example 2
Source File: From SkyblockAddons with MIT License | 4 votes |
@SubscribeEvent() public void onTickMagmaBossChecker(EntityEvent.EnteringChunk e) { Entity entity = e.entity; if (main.getUtils().isOnSkyblock() && main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.ZEALOT_COUNTER_EXPLOSIVE_BOW_SUPPORT) && entity instanceof EntityArrow) { EntityArrow arrow = (EntityArrow)entity; EntityPlayerSP p = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer; ItemStack heldItem = p.getHeldItem(); if (heldItem != null && "EXPLOSIVE_BOW".equals(ItemUtils.getSkyBlockItemID(heldItem))) { AxisAlignedBB playerRadius = new AxisAlignedBB(p.posX - 3, p.posY - 3, p.posZ - 3, p.posX + 3, p.posY + 3, p.posZ + 3); if (playerRadius.isVecInside(arrow.getPositionVector())) { // System.out.println("Spawned explosive arrow!"); main.getNewScheduler().scheduleRepeatingTask(new SkyblockRunnable() { @Override public void run() { if (arrow.isDead || arrow.isCollided || arrow.inGround) { cancel(); // System.out.println("Arrow is done, added an explosion!"); Vec3 explosionLocation = new Vec3(arrow.posX, arrow.posY, arrow.posZ); explosiveBowExplosions.put(System.currentTimeMillis(), explosionLocation); recentlyKilledZealots.keySet().removeIf((killedTime) -> System.currentTimeMillis() - killedTime > 150); Set<Vec3> filteredRecentlyKilledZealots = new HashSet<>(); for (Map.Entry<Long, Set<Vec3>> recentlyKilledZealotEntry : recentlyKilledZealots.entrySet()) { filteredRecentlyKilledZealots.addAll(recentlyKilledZealotEntry.getValue()); } if (filteredRecentlyKilledZealots.isEmpty()) return; // int possibleZealotsKilled = filteredRecentlyKilledZealots.size(); // System.out.println("This means "+possibleZealotsKilled+" may have been killed..."); // int originalPossibleZealotsKilled = possibleZealotsKilled; for (Vec3 zealotDeathLocation : filteredRecentlyKilledZealots) { double distance = explosionLocation.distanceTo(zealotDeathLocation); System.out.println("Distance was "+distance+"!"); if (distance < 4.6) { // possibleZealotsKilled--; main.getPersistentValues().addKill(); EndstoneProtectorManager.onKill(); } } // System.out.println((originalPossibleZealotsKilled-possibleZealotsKilled)+" zealots were actually killed..."); } } }, 0, 1); } } } if (main.getUtils().getLocation() == Location.BLAZING_FORTRESS) { if (magmaBossSpawnArea.isVecInside(new Vec3(entity.posX, entity.posY, entity.posZ))) { // timers will trigger if 15 magmas/8 blazes spawn in the box within a 4 second time period long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (e.entity instanceof EntityMagmaCube) { if (!recentlyLoadedChunks.contains(new IntPair(e.newChunkX, e.newChunkZ)) && entity.ticksExisted == 0) { recentMagmaCubes++; main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.SUBTRACT_MAGMA_COUNT, 4); if (recentMagmaCubes >= 17) { magmaTime = 600; magmaAccuracy = EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.EXACTLY; if (currentTime - lastMagmaWavePost > 300000) { lastMagmaWavePost = currentTime; main.getUtils().sendInventiveTalentPingRequest(EnumUtils.MagmaEvent.MAGMA_WAVE); } } } } else if (e.entity instanceof EntityBlaze) { if (!recentlyLoadedChunks.contains(new IntPair(e.newChunkX, e.newChunkZ)) && entity.ticksExisted == 0) { recentBlazes++; main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.SUBTRACT_BLAZE_COUNT, 4); if (recentBlazes >= 10) { magmaTime = 1200; magmaAccuracy = EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.EXACTLY; if (currentTime - lastBlazeWavePost > 300000) { lastBlazeWavePost = currentTime; main.getUtils().sendInventiveTalentPingRequest(EnumUtils.MagmaEvent.BLAZE_WAVE); } } } } } } }
Example 3
Source File: From PneumaticCraft with GNU General Public License v3.0 | 4 votes |
public static MovingObjectPosition getMouseOverServer(EntityLivingBase lookingEntity, double range){ MovingObjectPosition mop = raytraceEntityBlocks(lookingEntity, range); double d1 = range; Pair<Vec3, Vec3> startAndEnd = getStartAndEndLookVec(lookingEntity, (float)range); Vec3 vec3 = startAndEnd.getLeft(); if(mop != null) { d1 = mop.hitVec.distanceTo(vec3); } Vec3 vec31 = lookingEntity.getLookVec(); Vec3 vec32 = startAndEnd.getRight(); Entity pointedEntity = null; Vec3 vec33 = null; float f1 = 1.0F; List list = lookingEntity.worldObj.getEntitiesWithinAABBExcludingEntity(lookingEntity, lookingEntity.boundingBox.addCoord(vec31.xCoord * range, vec31.yCoord * range, vec31.zCoord * range).expand(f1, f1, f1)); double d2 = d1; for(int i = 0; i < list.size(); ++i) { Entity entity = (Entity)list.get(i); if(entity.canBeCollidedWith()) { float f2 = entity.getCollisionBorderSize(); AxisAlignedBB axisalignedbb = entity.boundingBox.expand(f2, f2, f2); MovingObjectPosition movingobjectposition = axisalignedbb.calculateIntercept(vec3, vec32); if(axisalignedbb.isVecInside(vec3)) { if(0.0D < d2 || d2 == 0.0D) { pointedEntity = entity; vec33 = movingobjectposition == null ? vec3 : movingobjectposition.hitVec; d2 = 0.0D; } } else if(movingobjectposition != null) { double d3 = vec3.distanceTo(movingobjectposition.hitVec); if(d3 < d2 || d2 == 0.0D) { if(entity == entity.ridingEntity && !entity.canRiderInteract()) { if(d2 == 0.0D) { pointedEntity = entity; vec33 = movingobjectposition.hitVec; } } else { pointedEntity = entity; vec33 = movingobjectposition.hitVec; d2 = d3; } } } } } if(pointedEntity != null && (d2 < d1 || mop == null)) { mop = new MovingObjectPosition(pointedEntity, vec33); } return mop; }