package codes.biscuit.skyblockaddons.listeners;

import codes.biscuit.skyblockaddons.SkyblockAddons;
import codes.biscuit.skyblockaddons.core.Attribute;
import codes.biscuit.skyblockaddons.core.Feature;
import codes.biscuit.skyblockaddons.core.Location;
import codes.biscuit.skyblockaddons.core.Message;
import codes.biscuit.skyblockaddons.gui.IslandWarpGui;
import codes.biscuit.skyblockaddons.scheduler.SkyblockRunnable;
import codes.biscuit.skyblockaddons.utils.*;
import codes.biscuit.skyblockaddons.utils.item.ItemUtils;
import codes.biscuit.skyblockaddons.utils.nifty.ChatFormatting;
import lombok.Getter;
import lombok.Setter;
import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft;
import net.minecraft.client.entity.EntityPlayerSP;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.GuiScreen;
import net.minecraft.client.gui.inventory.GuiChest;
import net.minecraft.client.settings.KeyBinding;
import net.minecraft.entity.Entity;
import net.minecraft.entity.item.EntityArmorStand;
import net.minecraft.entity.player.EntityPlayer;
import net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityArrow;
import net.minecraft.entity.projectile.EntityFishHook;
import net.minecraft.init.Items;
import net.minecraft.inventory.Container;
import net.minecraft.inventory.ContainerChest;
import net.minecraft.inventory.IInventory;
import net.minecraft.item.ItemStack;
import net.minecraft.nbt.NBTTagCompound;
import net.minecraft.util.AxisAlignedBB;
import net.minecraft.util.ChatComponentText;
import net.minecraft.util.EnumChatFormatting;
import net.minecraft.util.Vec3;
import net.minecraftforge.client.event.ClientChatReceivedEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiOpenEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.client.event.GuiScreenEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.EntityEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.EntityJoinWorldEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.AttackEntityEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.FillBucketEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.ItemTooltipEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.event.entity.player.PlayerInteractEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.EventPriority;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.eventhandler.SubscribeEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.InputEvent;
import net.minecraftforge.fml.common.gameevent.TickEvent;
import org.lwjgl.input.Keyboard;

import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

public class PlayerListener {

    private static final Pattern NO_ARROWS_LEFT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?:§r)?§cYou don't have any more Arrows left in your Quiver!§r");
    private static final Pattern ONLY_HAVE_ARROWS_LEFT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(?:§r)?§cYou only have (?<arrows>[0-9]+) Arrows left in your Quiver!§r");
    private final static Pattern ENCHANTMENT_TOOLTIP_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("§.§.(§9[\\w ]+(, )?)+");
    private final static Pattern ABILITY_CHAT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("§r§aUsed §r§6[A-Za-z ]+§r§a! §r§b\\([0-9]+ Mana\\)§r");
    private final static Pattern PROFILE_CHAT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("§aYou are playing on profile: §e([A-Za-z]+).*");
    private final static Pattern SWITCH_PROFILE_CHAT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("§aYour profile was changed to: §e([A-Za-z]+).*");
    private final static Pattern MINION_CANT_REACH_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("§cI can't reach any (?<mobName>[A-Za-z]*)(?:s)");

    private final static Set<String> SOUP_RANDOM_MESSAGES = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("I feel like I can fly!", "What was in that soup?",
            "Hmm… tasty!", "Hmm... tasty!", "You can now fly for 2 minutes.", "Your flight has been extended for 2 extra minutes.",
            "You can now fly for 200 minutes.", "Your flight has been extended for 200 extra minutes."));

    private static final Set<String> LEGENDARY_SEA_CREATURE_MESSAGES = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("The Water Hydra has come to test your strength.",
            "The Sea Emperor arises from the depths...", "What is this creature!?"));

    private long lastWorldJoin = -1;
    private long lastBoss = -1;
    private int magmaTick = 1;
    private int timerTick = 1;
    private long lastMinionSound = -1;
    private long lastBossSpawnPost = -1;
    private long lastBossDeathPost = -1;
    private long lastMagmaWavePost = -1;
    private long lastBlazeWavePost = -1;
    private Class<?> lastOpenedInventory;
    private long lastClosedInv = -1;
    private long lastFishingAlert = 0;
    private long lastBobberEnteredWater = Long.MAX_VALUE;
    private long lastSkyblockServerJoinAttempt = 0;

    @Getter private long rainmakerTimeEnd = -1;

    private boolean oldBobberIsInWater;
    private double oldBobberPosY = 0;

    @Getter private Set<UUID> countedEndermen = new HashSet<>();

    @Getter private Set<IntPair> recentlyLoadedChunks = new HashSet<>();

    @Getter @Setter private EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy magmaAccuracy = EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.NO_DATA;
    @Getter @Setter private int magmaTime = 0;
    @Getter @Setter private int recentMagmaCubes = 0;
    @Getter @Setter private int recentBlazes = 0;

    private final SkyblockAddons main = SkyblockAddons.getInstance();
    private final ActionBarParser actionBarParser = new ActionBarParser();

     * Reset all the timers and stuff when joining a new world.
    public void onWorldJoin(EntityJoinWorldEvent e) {
        if (e.entity == Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer) {
            lastWorldJoin = System.currentTimeMillis();
            lastBoss = -1;
            magmaTick = 1;
            timerTick = 1;

            IslandWarpGui.Marker doubleWarpMarker = IslandWarpGui.getDoubleWarpMarker();
            if (doubleWarpMarker != null) {
                Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer.sendChatMessage("/warp "+doubleWarpMarker.getWarpName());

     * Keep track of recently loaded chunks for the magma boss timer.
    public void onChunkLoad(ChunkEvent.Load e) {
        if (main.getUtils().isOnSkyblock()) {
            int x = e.getChunk().xPosition;
            int z = e.getChunk().zPosition;
            IntPair coords = new IntPair(x, z);
            main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.DELETE_RECENT_CHUNK, 20, x, z);

     * Interprets the action bar to extract mana, health, and defence. Enables/disables mana/health prediction,
     * and looks for mana usage messages in chat while predicting.
    @SubscribeEvent(priority = EventPriority.HIGH)
    public void onChatReceive(ClientChatReceivedEvent e) {
        String unformattedText = e.message.getUnformattedText();
        if (e.type == 2) {
            // action bar message, parse using ActionBarParser and display the rest message instead
            String restMessage = actionBarParser.parseActionBar(unformattedText);
            if (main.isUsingOofModv1() && restMessage.trim().length() == 0) {
            e.message = new ChatComponentText(restMessage);
        } else {
            String formattedText = e.message.getFormattedText();

            if (main.getRenderListener().isPredictMana() && unformattedText.startsWith("Used ") && unformattedText.endsWith("Mana)")) {
                int manaLost = Integer.parseInt(unformattedText.split(Pattern.quote("! ("))[1].split(Pattern.quote(" Mana)"))[0]);

            /*  Resets all user input on dead as to not walk backwards or stafe into the portal
                Might get trigger upon encountering a non named "You" though this chance is so
                minimal it can be discarded as a bug. */
            if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.PREVENT_MOVEMENT_ON_DEATH) && formattedText.startsWith("§r§c ☠ §r§7You ")) {

            } else if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.SUMMONING_EYE_ALERT) && formattedText.equals("§r§6§lRARE DROP! §r§5Summoning Eye§r")) {
                main.getUtils().playLoudSound("random.orb", 0.5); // credits to tomotomo, thanks lol
                main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.RESET_TITLE_FEATURE, main.getConfigValues().getWarningSeconds());

            } else if (formattedText.equals("§r§aA special §r§5Zealot §r§ahas spawned nearby!§r")) {
                if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.SPECIAL_ZEALOT_ALERT)) {
                    main.getUtils().playLoudSound("random.orb", 0.5);
                    main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.RESET_TITLE_FEATURE, main.getConfigValues().getWarningSeconds());
                if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.ZEALOT_COUNTER)) {
                    // Edit the message to include counter.
                    e.message = new ChatComponentText(formattedText + ChatFormatting.GRAY + " (" + main.getPersistentValues().getKills() + ")");

            } else if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.LEGENDARY_SEA_CREATURE_WARNING) && LEGENDARY_SEA_CREATURE_MESSAGES.contains(unformattedText)) {
                main.getUtils().playLoudSound("random.orb", 0.5);
                main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.RESET_TITLE_FEATURE, main.getConfigValues().getWarningSeconds());

            }  else if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.DISABLE_MAGICAL_SOUP_MESSAGES) && SOUP_RANDOM_MESSAGES.contains(unformattedText)) {

            } else if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.DISABLE_TELEPORT_PAD_MESSAGES) && (formattedText.startsWith("§r§aWarped from ") || formattedText.equals("§r§cThis Teleport Pad does not have a destination set!§r"))) {

            } else if (formattedText.startsWith("§7Sending to server ")) {
                lastSkyblockServerJoinAttempt = System.currentTimeMillis();
            } else if (unformattedText.equals("You laid an egg!")) { // Put the Chicken Head on cooldown for 20 seconds when the player lays an egg.
                CooldownManager.put(InventoryUtils.CHICKEN_HEAD_DISPLAYNAME, 20000);

            } else if (formattedText.startsWith("§r§eYou added a minute of rain!")) {
                if (this.rainmakerTimeEnd == -1 || this.rainmakerTimeEnd < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
                    this.rainmakerTimeEnd = System.currentTimeMillis() + (1000*60); // Set the timer to a minute from now.
                } else {
                    this.rainmakerTimeEnd += (1000*60); // Extend the timer one minute.

            if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.NO_ARROWS_LEFT_ALERT)) {
                Matcher matcher;
                if (NO_ARROWS_LEFT_PATTERN.matcher(formattedText).matches()) {
                    main.getUtils().playLoudSound("random.orb", 0.5);
                    main.getRenderListener().setArrowsLeft(-1); // TODO: check, does this break anything?
                    main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.RESET_SUBTITLE_FEATURE, main.getConfigValues().getWarningSeconds());

                } else if ((matcher = ONLY_HAVE_ARROWS_LEFT_PATTERN.matcher(formattedText)).matches()) {
                    int arrowsLeft = Integer.parseInt("arrows"));
                    main.getUtils().playLoudSound("random.orb", 0.5);
                    main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.RESET_SUBTITLE_FEATURE, main.getConfigValues().getWarningSeconds());

            Matcher matcher = ABILITY_CHAT_PATTERN.matcher(formattedText);
            if (matcher.matches()) {
            } else {
                matcher = PROFILE_CHAT_PATTERN.matcher(formattedText);
                if (matcher.matches()) {
                } else {
                    matcher = SWITCH_PROFILE_CHAT_PATTERN.matcher(formattedText);
                    if (matcher.matches()) {

    private void changeMana(int change) {
        setAttribute(Attribute.MANA, getAttribute(Attribute.MANA) + change);

    private int getAttribute(Attribute attribute) {
        return main.getUtils().getAttributes().get(attribute).getValue();

    private void setAttribute(Attribute attribute, int value) {

     * This blocks interaction with Ember Rods on your island, to avoid blowing up chests, and placing enchanted items
     * such as enchanted gold blocks.
    public void onInteract(PlayerInteractEvent e) {
        Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
        ItemStack heldItem = e.entityPlayer.getHeldItem();

        if (main.getUtils().isOnSkyblock() && e.entityPlayer == mc.thePlayer && heldItem != null) {
            if (heldItem.getItem() == Items.skull) {
                Backpack backpack = BackpackManager.getFromItem(heldItem);
                if (backpack != null) {

            // Update fishing status
            if (heldItem.getItem().equals(Items.fishing_rod)
                    && (e.action == PlayerInteractEvent.Action.RIGHT_CLICK_BLOCK || e.action == PlayerInteractEvent.Action.RIGHT_CLICK_AIR)) {
                if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.FISHING_SOUND_INDICATOR)) {
                    oldBobberIsInWater = false;
                    lastBobberEnteredWater = Long.MAX_VALUE;
                    oldBobberPosY = 0;
                if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.SHOW_ITEM_COOLDOWNS) && mc.thePlayer.fishEntity != null) {
            } else if (EnchantedItemBlacklist.shouldBlockUsage(heldItem, e.action)) {

     * Block emptying of buckets separately because they aren't handled like blocks.
     * The event name {@code FillBucketEvent} is misleading. The event is fired when buckets are emptied also so
     * it should really be called {@code BucketEvent}.
     * @param bucketEvent the event
    public void onBucketEvent(FillBucketEvent bucketEvent) {
        ItemStack bucket = bucketEvent.current;
        EntityPlayer player = bucketEvent.entityPlayer;

        if (main.getUtils().isOnSkyblock() && player instanceof EntityPlayerSP) {
            if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.AVOID_PLACING_ENCHANTED_ITEMS)) {
                String skyblockItemId = ItemUtils.getSkyBlockItemID(bucket);

                if (skyblockItemId != null && skyblockItemId.equals("ENCHANTED_LAVA_BUCKET")) {

     * The main timer for a bunch of stuff.
    public void onTick(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent e) {
        if (e.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START) {
            Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
            if (mc != null) { // Predict health every tick if needed.

                if (actionBarParser.getHealthUpdate() != null && System.currentTimeMillis() - actionBarParser.getLastHealthUpdate() > 3000) {
                if (main.getRenderListener().isPredictHealth()) {
                    EntityPlayerSP p = mc.thePlayer;
                    if (p != null) { //Reverse calculate the player's health by using the player's vanilla hearts. Also calculate the health change for the gui item.
                        int newHealth = Math.round(getAttribute(Attribute.MAX_HEALTH) * (p.getHealth() / p.getMaxHealth()));
                        main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.SET_LAST_SECOND_HEALTH, 1, newHealth);
                        if (actionBarParser.getLastSecondHealth() != -1 && actionBarParser.getLastSecondHealth() != newHealth) {
                            actionBarParser.setHealthUpdate(newHealth - actionBarParser.getLastSecondHealth());
                        setAttribute(Attribute.HEALTH, newHealth);
                if (shouldTriggerFishingIndicator()) { // The logic fits better in its own function
                    main.getUtils().playLoudSound("random.successful_hit", 0.8);
                if (timerTick == 20) { // Add natural mana every second (increase is based on your max mana).
                    if (main.getRenderListener().isPredictMana()) {
                        changeMana(getAttribute(Attribute.MAX_MANA) / 50);
                        if (getAttribute(Attribute.MANA) > getAttribute(Attribute.MAX_MANA))
                            setAttribute(Attribute.MANA, getAttribute(Attribute.MAX_MANA));

                    if (main.getUtils().isOnSkyblock() && main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.TAB_EFFECT_TIMERS)) {
                } else if (timerTick % 5 == 0) { // Check inventory, location, updates, and skeleton helmet every 1/4 second.
                    EntityPlayerSP p = mc.thePlayer;
                    if (p != null) {
                        main.getInventoryUtils().checkIfInventoryIsFull(mc, p);

                        if (main.getUtils().isOnSkyblock()) {

                        if (mc.currentScreen == null && main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.ITEM_PICKUP_LOG)
                                && main.getPlayerListener().didntRecentlyJoinWorld()) {
                        if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.BAIT_LIST) && BaitManager.getInstance().isHoldingRod()) {


                } else if (timerTick > 20) { // To keep the timer going from 1 to 21 only.
                    timerTick = 1;

     * Checks for minion holograms.
     * Original contribution by Michael#3549.
    public void onEntityEvent(LivingEvent.LivingUpdateEvent e) {
        Entity entity = e.entity;

        if (main.getUtils().isOnSkyblock() && entity instanceof EntityArmorStand && entity.hasCustomName()) {


            if (main.getUtils().getLocation() == Location.ISLAND) {
                int cooldown = main.getConfigValues().getWarningSeconds() * 1000 + 5000;
                if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.MINION_FULL_WARNING) &&
                        entity.getCustomNameTag().equals("§cMy storage is full! :(")) {
                    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    if (now - lastMinionSound > cooldown) {
                        lastMinionSound = now;
                        main.getUtils().playLoudSound("random.pop", 1);
                        main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.RESET_SUBTITLE_FEATURE, main.getConfigValues().getWarningSeconds());
                } else if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.MINION_STOP_WARNING)) { // TODO Make sure this works...
                    Matcher matcher = MINION_CANT_REACH_PATTERN.matcher(entity.getCustomNameTag());
                    if (matcher.matches()) {
                        long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        if (now - lastMinionSound > cooldown) {
                            lastMinionSound = now;
                            main.getUtils().playLoudSound("random.orb", 1);

                            String mobName ="mobName");
                            main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.RESET_SUBTITLE_FEATURE, main.getConfigValues().getWarningSeconds());

    public void onAttack(AttackEntityEvent e) {
        if ( instanceof EntityEnderman) {
            if (isZealot( {

    @Getter private TreeMap<Long, Set<Vec3>> recentlyKilledZealots = new TreeMap<>();

    public void onDeath(LivingDeathEvent e) {
        if (e.entity instanceof EntityEnderman) {
            if (countedEndermen.remove(e.entity.getUniqueID())) {
            } else if (main.getUtils().isOnSkyblock() && main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.ZEALOT_COUNTER_EXPLOSIVE_BOW_SUPPORT)) {
                if (isZealot(e.entity)) {
                    long now = System.currentTimeMillis();
                    if (recentlyKilledZealots.containsKey(now)) {
                    } else {
                        recentlyKilledZealots.put(now, Sets.newHashSet(e.entity.getPositionVector()));

                    explosiveBowExplosions.keySet().removeIf((explosionTime) -> now - explosionTime > 150);
                    Map.Entry<Long, Vec3> latestExplosion = explosiveBowExplosions.lastEntry();
                    if (latestExplosion == null) return;

                    Vec3 explosionLocation = latestExplosion.getValue();

//                    int possibleZealotsKilled = 1;
//                    System.out.println("This means "+possibleZealotsKilled+" may have been killed...");
//                    int originalPossibleZealotsKilled = possibleZealotsKilled;

                    Vec3 deathLocation = e.entity.getPositionVector();

                    double distance = explosionLocation.distanceTo(deathLocation);
//                    System.out.println("Distance was "+distance+"!");
                    if (explosionLocation.distanceTo(deathLocation) < 4.6) {
//                        possibleZealotsKilled--;


//                    System.out.println((originalPossibleZealotsKilled-possibleZealotsKilled)+" zealots were actually killed...");

    public boolean isZealot(Entity enderman) {
        List<EntityArmorStand> stands = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld.getEntitiesWithinAABB(EntityArmorStand.class,
                new AxisAlignedBB(enderman.posX - 1, enderman.posY, enderman.posZ - 1, enderman.posX + 1, enderman.posY + 5, enderman.posZ + 1));
        if (stands.isEmpty()) return false;

        EntityArmorStand armorStand = stands.get(0);
        return armorStand.hasCustomName() && armorStand.getCustomNameTag().contains("Zealot");

     * The main timer for the magma boss checker.
    public void onClientTickMagma(TickEvent.ClientTickEvent e) {
        if (e.phase == TickEvent.Phase.START) {
            Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
            if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.MAGMA_WARNING) && main.getUtils().isOnSkyblock()) {
                if (mc != null && mc.theWorld != null) {
                    if (magmaTick % 5 == 0) {
                        boolean foundBoss = false;
                        long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                        for (Entity entity : mc.theWorld.loadedEntityList) { // Loop through all the entities.
                            if (entity instanceof EntityMagmaCube) {
                                EntitySlime magma = (EntitySlime) entity;
                                if (magma.getSlimeSize() > 10) { // Find a big magma boss
                                    foundBoss = true;
                                    if ((lastBoss == -1 || System.currentTimeMillis() - lastBoss > 1800000)) {
                                        lastBoss = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                        main.getRenderListener().setTitleFeature(Feature.MAGMA_WARNING); // Enable warning and disable again in four seconds.
                                        magmaTick = 16; // so the sound plays instantly
                                        main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.RESET_TITLE_FEATURE, main.getConfigValues().getWarningSeconds());
//                                logServer(mc);
                                    magmaAccuracy = EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.SPAWNED;
                                    if (currentTime - lastBossSpawnPost > 300000) {
                                        lastBossSpawnPost = currentTime;
                        if (!foundBoss && main.getRenderListener().getTitleFeature() == Feature.MAGMA_WARNING) {
                        if (!foundBoss && magmaAccuracy == EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.SPAWNED) {
                            magmaAccuracy = EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.ABOUT;
                            magmaTime = 7200;
                            if (currentTime - lastBossDeathPost > 300000) {
                                lastBossDeathPost = currentTime;
                    if (main.getRenderListener().getTitleFeature() == Feature.MAGMA_WARNING && magmaTick % 4 == 0) { // Play sound every 4 ticks or 1/5 second.
                        main.getUtils().playLoudSound("random.orb", 0.5);
            if (magmaTick > 20) {
                if ((magmaAccuracy == EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.EXACTLY || magmaAccuracy == EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.ABOUT)
                        && magmaTime == 0) {
                    magmaAccuracy = EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.SPAWNED_PREDICTION;
                    main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.RESET_MAGMA_PREDICTION, 20);
                magmaTick = 1;

    // Between these two coordinates is the whole "arena" area where all the magmas and stuff are.
    private static AxisAlignedBB magmaBossSpawnArea = new AxisAlignedBB(-244, 0, -566, -379, 255, -635);
    @Getter private TreeMap<Long, Vec3> explosiveBowExplosions = new TreeMap<>();

    public void onTickMagmaBossChecker(EntityEvent.EnteringChunk e) {
        Entity entity = e.entity;

        if (main.getUtils().isOnSkyblock() && main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.ZEALOT_COUNTER_EXPLOSIVE_BOW_SUPPORT) && entity instanceof EntityArrow) {
            EntityArrow arrow = (EntityArrow)entity;

            EntityPlayerSP p = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer;
            ItemStack heldItem = p.getHeldItem();
            if (heldItem != null && "EXPLOSIVE_BOW".equals(ItemUtils.getSkyBlockItemID(heldItem))) {

                AxisAlignedBB playerRadius = new AxisAlignedBB(p.posX - 3, p.posY - 3, p.posZ - 3, p.posX + 3, p.posY + 3, p.posZ + 3);
                if (playerRadius.isVecInside(arrow.getPositionVector())) {

//                    System.out.println("Spawned explosive arrow!");
                    main.getNewScheduler().scheduleRepeatingTask(new SkyblockRunnable() {
                        public void run() {
                            if (arrow.isDead || arrow.isCollided || arrow.inGround) {

//                                System.out.println("Arrow is done, added an explosion!");
                                Vec3 explosionLocation = new Vec3(arrow.posX, arrow.posY, arrow.posZ);
                                explosiveBowExplosions.put(System.currentTimeMillis(), explosionLocation);

                                recentlyKilledZealots.keySet().removeIf((killedTime) -> System.currentTimeMillis() - killedTime > 150);
                                Set<Vec3> filteredRecentlyKilledZealots = new HashSet<>();
                                for (Map.Entry<Long, Set<Vec3>> recentlyKilledZealotEntry : recentlyKilledZealots.entrySet()) {
                                if (filteredRecentlyKilledZealots.isEmpty()) return;

//                                int possibleZealotsKilled = filteredRecentlyKilledZealots.size();
//                                System.out.println("This means "+possibleZealotsKilled+" may have been killed...");
//                                int originalPossibleZealotsKilled = possibleZealotsKilled;

                                for (Vec3 zealotDeathLocation : filteredRecentlyKilledZealots) {
                                    double distance = explosionLocation.distanceTo(zealotDeathLocation);
                                    System.out.println("Distance was "+distance+"!");
                                    if (distance < 4.6) {
//                                        possibleZealotsKilled--;


//                                System.out.println((originalPossibleZealotsKilled-possibleZealotsKilled)+" zealots were actually killed...");
                    }, 0, 1);

        if (main.getUtils().getLocation() == Location.BLAZING_FORTRESS) {
            if (magmaBossSpawnArea.isVecInside(new Vec3(entity.posX, entity.posY, entity.posZ))) { // timers will trigger if 15 magmas/8 blazes spawn in the box within a 4 second time period
                long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                if (e.entity instanceof EntityMagmaCube) {
                    if (!recentlyLoadedChunks.contains(new IntPair(e.newChunkX, e.newChunkZ)) && entity.ticksExisted == 0) {
                        main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.SUBTRACT_MAGMA_COUNT, 4);
                        if (recentMagmaCubes >= 17) {
                            magmaTime = 600;
                            magmaAccuracy = EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.EXACTLY;
                            if (currentTime - lastMagmaWavePost > 300000) {
                                lastMagmaWavePost = currentTime;
                } else if (e.entity instanceof EntityBlaze) {
                    if (!recentlyLoadedChunks.contains(new IntPair(e.newChunkX, e.newChunkZ)) && entity.ticksExisted == 0) {
                        main.getScheduler().schedule(Scheduler.CommandType.SUBTRACT_BLAZE_COUNT, 4);
                        if (recentBlazes >= 10) {
                            magmaTime = 1200;
                            magmaAccuracy = EnumUtils.MagmaTimerAccuracy.EXACTLY;
                            if (currentTime - lastBlazeWavePost > 300000) {
                                lastBlazeWavePost = currentTime;

    public void onEnderTeleport(EnderTeleportEvent e) {
        if (main.getUtils().isOnSkyblock() && main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.DISABLE_ENDERMAN_TELEPORTATION_EFFECT)) {

     * Modifies item tooltips and activates the copy item nbt feature
    public void onItemTooltip(ItemTooltipEvent e) {
        ItemStack hoveredItem = e.itemStack;
        if (e.toolTip != null && main.getUtils().isOnSkyblock()) {
            if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.HIDE_GREY_ENCHANTS)) {
                for (int i = 1; i <= 3; i++) { // only a max of 2 gray enchants are possible
                    if (i >= e.toolTip.size()) continue; // out of bounds

                    GuiScreen gui = Minecraft.getMinecraft().currentScreen;
                    if (gui instanceof GuiChest) {
                        Container chest = ((GuiChest) gui).inventorySlots;
                        if (chest instanceof ContainerChest) {
                            IInventory inventory = ((ContainerChest) chest).getLowerChestInventory();
                            if (inventory.hasCustomName() && "Enchant Item".equals(inventory.getDisplayName().getUnformattedText())) {
                                continue; // dont replace enchants when you are enchanting items in an enchantment table
                    String line = e.toolTip.get(i);
                    if (!line.startsWith("§5§o§9") && (line.contains("Respiration") || line.contains("Aqua Affinity")
                            || line.contains("Depth Strider") || line.contains("Efficiency"))) {

            if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.SHOW_ITEM_ANVIL_USES)) {
                // Anvil Uses ~ original done by Dahn#6036
                int anvilUses = main.getUtils().getNBTInteger(hoveredItem, "ExtraAttributes", "anvil_uses");
                if (anvilUses != -1) {
                    int insertAt = e.toolTip.size();
                    insertAt--; // 1 line for the rarity
                    if (Minecraft.getMinecraft().gameSettings.advancedItemTooltips) {
                        insertAt -= 2; // 1 line for the item name, and 1 line for the nbt
                        if (e.itemStack.isItemDamaged()) {
                            insertAt--; // 1 line for damage
                    int hotPotatoCount = main.getUtils().getNBTInteger(hoveredItem, "ExtraAttributes", "hot_potato_count");
                    if (hotPotatoCount != -1) {
                        anvilUses -= hotPotatoCount;
                    if (anvilUses > 0) {
                        e.toolTip.add(insertAt, Message.MESSAGE_ANVIL_USES.getMessage(String.valueOf(anvilUses)));

            if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.REPLACE_ROMAN_NUMERALS_WITH_NUMBERS)) {
                for (int i = 0; i < e.toolTip.size(); i++) {
                    e.toolTip.set(i, RomanNumeralParser.replaceNumeralsWithIntegers(e.toolTip.get(i)));

            if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.ORGANIZE_ENCHANTMENTS)) {

                List<String> enchantments = new ArrayList<>();
                int enchantStartIndex = -1;
                int enchantEndIndex = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < e.toolTip.size(); i++) {
                    if (ENCHANTMENT_TOOLTIP_PATTERN.matcher(e.toolTip.get(i)).matches()) {
                        String line = TextUtils.stripColor(e.toolTip.get(i));
                        int comma = line.indexOf(',');
                        if (comma < 0 || line.length() <= comma + 2) {
                        } else {
                            enchantments.add(line.substring(0, comma));
                            enchantments.add(line.substring(comma + 2));
                        if (enchantStartIndex < 0) enchantStartIndex = i;
                    } else if (enchantStartIndex >= 0) {
                        enchantEndIndex = i;

                if (enchantments.size() > 4) {
                    e.toolTip.subList(enchantStartIndex, enchantEndIndex).clear(); // Remove old enchantments
                    int columns = enchantments.size() < 15 ? 2 : 3;
                    for (int i = 0; !enchantments.isEmpty(); i++) {
                        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                        for (int j = 0; j < columns && !enchantments.isEmpty(); j++) {
                            sb.append(", ");
                        sb.setLength(sb.length() - 2);
                        e.toolTip.add(enchantStartIndex + i, sb.toString());

            // Append Skyblock Item ID to end of tooltip if in developer mode
            if (main.isDevMode() && e.showAdvancedItemTooltips) {
                String itemId = ItemUtils.getSkyBlockItemID(e.itemStack);

                if (itemId != null) {
                    e.toolTip.add(EnumChatFormatting.DARK_GRAY + "Skyblock ID: " + itemId);

            if (main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.SHOW_BROKEN_FRAGMENTS)) {
                if (hoveredItem.getDisplayName().contains("Dragon Fragment")) {
                    if (hoveredItem.hasTagCompound()) {
                        NBTTagCompound extraAttributesTag = hoveredItem.getSubCompound("ExtraAttributes", false);

                        if (extraAttributesTag != null) {
                            if (extraAttributesTag.hasKey("bossId") && extraAttributesTag.hasKey("spawnedFor")) {
                                e.toolTip.add("§c§lBROKEN FRAGMENT§r");

    public void onGuiOpen(GuiOpenEvent e) {
        if (e.gui == null && GuiChest.class.equals(lastOpenedInventory)) {
            lastClosedInv = System.currentTimeMillis();
            lastOpenedInventory = null;
        if (e.gui != null) {
            lastOpenedInventory = e.gui.getClass();

            if (e.gui instanceof GuiChest) {
                Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
                IInventory chestInventory = ((GuiChest)e.gui).lowerChestInventory;
                if (chestInventory.hasCustomName()) {
                    if (chestInventory.getDisplayName().getUnformattedText().contains("Backpack")) {
                        if (ThreadLocalRandom.current().nextInt(0, 2) == 0) {
                            mc.thePlayer.playSound("", 0.5F, 1);
                        } else {
                            mc.thePlayer.playSound("", 0.5F, 1);

     * This method handles key presses while the player is in-game.
     * For handling of key presses while a GUI (e.g. chat, pause menu, F3) is open,
     * see {@link GuiScreenListener#onKeyInput(GuiScreenEvent.KeyboardInputEvent)}
     * @param e the {@code KeyInputEvent}
    @SubscribeEvent(receiveCanceled = true)
    public void onKeyInput(InputEvent.KeyInputEvent e) {
        if (main.getOpenSettingsKey().isPressed()) {
            main.getRenderListener().setGuiToOpen(EnumUtils.GUIType.MAIN, 1, EnumUtils.GuiTab.MAIN);
        } else if (main.getOpenEditLocationsKey().isPressed()) {
            main.getRenderListener().setGuiToOpen(EnumUtils.GUIType.EDIT_LOCATIONS, 0, null);
        } else if (Keyboard.getEventKey() == DevUtils.DEV_KEY && Keyboard.getEventKeyState()) {
            // Copy Mob Data
            if (main.isDevMode()) {
                EntityPlayerSP player = Minecraft.getMinecraft().thePlayer;
                List<Entity> entityList = Minecraft.getMinecraft().theWorld.loadedEntityList;

                DevUtils.copyMobData(player, entityList);

    private boolean shouldTriggerFishingIndicator() {
        Minecraft mc = Minecraft.getMinecraft();
        if (mc.thePlayer != null && mc.thePlayer.fishEntity != null && mc.thePlayer.getHeldItem() != null
                && mc.thePlayer.getHeldItem().getItem().equals(Items.fishing_rod)
                && main.getConfigValues().isEnabled(Feature.FISHING_SOUND_INDICATOR)) {
            // Highly consistent detection by checking when the hook has been in the water for a while and
            // suddenly moves downward. The client may rarely bug out with the idle bobbing and trigger a false positive.
            EntityFishHook bobber = mc.thePlayer.fishEntity;
            long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            if (bobber.isInWater() && !oldBobberIsInWater) lastBobberEnteredWater = currentTime;
            oldBobberIsInWater = bobber.isInWater();
            if (bobber.isInWater() && Math.abs(bobber.motionX) < 0.01 && Math.abs(bobber.motionZ) < 0.01
                    && currentTime - lastFishingAlert > 1000 && currentTime - lastBobberEnteredWater > 1500) {
                double movement = bobber.posY - oldBobberPosY; // The Entity#motionY field is inaccurate for this purpose
                oldBobberPosY = bobber.posY;
                if (movement < -0.04d) {
                    lastFishingAlert = currentTime;
                    return true;
        return false;

    public boolean shouldResetMouse() {
        return System.currentTimeMillis() - lastClosedInv > 100;

    public boolean didntRecentlyJoinWorld() {
        return System.currentTimeMillis() - lastWorldJoin > 3000;

    public boolean aboutToJoinSkyblockServer() {
        return System.currentTimeMillis() - lastSkyblockServerJoinAttempt < 6000;

    public void setLastSecondHealth(int lastSecondHealth) {

    public int getTickers() {
        return actionBarParser.getTickers();

    public int getMaxTickers() {
        return actionBarParser.getMaxTickers();

    Integer getHealthUpdate() {
        return actionBarParser.getHealthUpdate();