Java Code Examples for org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.model.AFPChain#getOptLength()

The following examples show how to use org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.model.AFPChain#getOptLength() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Refines a CE-Symm alignment so that it is perfectly symmetric.
 * The resulting alignment will have a one-to-one correspondance between
 * aligned residues of each symmetric part.
 * @param afpChain Input alignment from CE-Symm
 * @param k Symmetry order. This can be guessed by {@link CeSymm#getSymmetryOrder(AFPChain)}
 * @return The refined alignment
 * @throws StructureException
 * @throws RefinerFailedException
public static AFPChain refineSymmetry(AFPChain afpChain, Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2, int k)
		throws StructureException, RefinerFailedException {

	// Transform alignment to a Map
	Map<Integer, Integer> alignment = AlignmentTools.alignmentAsMap(afpChain);

	// Refine the alignment Map
	Map<Integer, Integer> refined = refineSymmetry(alignment, k);
	if (refined.size() < 1)
		throw new RefinerFailedException("Refiner returned empty alignment");

	//Substitute and partition the alignment
	try {
		AFPChain refinedAFP = AlignmentTools.replaceOptAln(afpChain, ca1, ca2, refined);
		refinedAFP = partitionAFPchain(refinedAFP, ca1, ca2, k);
		if (refinedAFP.getOptLength() < 1)
			throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("Refined alignment is empty.");
		return refinedAFP;
	} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e){
		// This Exception is thrown when the refined alignment is not consistent
		throw new RefinerFailedException("Refiner failure: non-consistent result", e);
Example 2
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
/** Circular permutation specific code to be run after the standard CE alignment
 * @param afpChain The finished alignment
 * @param ca1 CA atoms of the first protein
 * @param ca2m A duplicated copy of the second protein
 * @param calculator The CECalculator used to create afpChain
 * @param param Parameters
 * @throws StructureException
public static AFPChain postProcessAlignment(AFPChain afpChain, Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2m,CECalculator calculator, CECPParameters param ) throws StructureException{

	// remove bottom half of the matrix
	Matrix doubledMatrix = afpChain.getDistanceMatrix();

	// the matrix can be null if the alignment is too short.
	if ( doubledMatrix != null ) {
		assert(doubledMatrix.getRowDimension() == ca1.length);
		assert(doubledMatrix.getColumnDimension() == ca2m.length);

		Matrix singleMatrix = doubledMatrix.getMatrix(0, ca1.length-1, 0, (ca2m.length/2)-1);
		assert(singleMatrix.getRowDimension() == ca1.length);
		assert(singleMatrix.getColumnDimension() == (ca2m.length/2));

	// Check for circular permutations
	int alignLen = afpChain.getOptLength();
	if ( alignLen > 0) {
		afpChain = filterDuplicateAFPs(afpChain,calculator,ca1,ca2m,param);
	return afpChain;
Example 3
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
 *  Partitions an afpChain alignment into order blocks of aligned residues.
 * @param afpChain
 * @param ca1
 * @param ca2
 * @param order
 * @return
 * @throws StructureException
private static AFPChain partitionAFPchain(AFPChain afpChain,
		Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2, int order) throws StructureException{

	int[][][] newAlgn = new int[order][][];
	int repeatLen = afpChain.getOptLength()/order;

	//Extract all the residues considered in the first chain of the alignment
	List<Integer> alignedRes = new ArrayList<Integer>();
	for (int su=0; su<afpChain.getBlockNum(); su++){
		for (int i=0; i<afpChain.getOptLen()[su]; i++){

	//Build the new alignment
	for (int su=0; su<order; su++){
		newAlgn[su] = new int[2][];
		newAlgn[su][0] = new  int[repeatLen];
		newAlgn[su][1] = new  int[repeatLen];
		for (int i=0; i<repeatLen; i++){
			newAlgn[su][0][i] = alignedRes.get(repeatLen*su+i);
			newAlgn[su][1][i] = alignedRes.get(

	return AlignmentTools.replaceOptAln(newAlgn, afpChain, ca1, ca2);
Example 4
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
public double calSigAll(FatCatParameters params, AFPChain afpChain){

		int twist = params.getMaxTra();
		int sparse = params.getSparse();
		int len1 = afpChain.getCa1Length();
		int len2 = afpChain.getCa2Length();
		double score = afpChain.getAlignScore();
		double rmsd = afpChain.getTotalRmsdOpt();
		int optLen = afpChain.getOptLength();
		int r = afpChain.getBlockNum() -1;

		return calSigAll(twist,sparse,len1, len2,score,rmsd,optLen,r);

Example 5
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
public double calNS(FatCatParameters params, AFPChain afpChain){
	int len1 = afpChain.getCa1Length();
	int len2 = afpChain.getCa2Length();
	double score =afpChain.getAlignScore();
	double rmsd = afpChain.getTotalRmsdOpt();
	int optLen  = afpChain.getOptLength();
	int r = afpChain.getBlockNum() -1;
	return calNS(len1, len2,score,rmsd,optLen,r);
Example 6
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
 * Fill the aligned Atom arrays with the equivalent residues in the afpChain.
 * @param afpChain
 * @param ca1
 * @param ca2
 * @param ca1aligned
 * @param ca2aligned
public static void fillAlignedAtomArrays(AFPChain afpChain, Atom[] ca1,
		Atom[] ca2, Atom[] ca1aligned, Atom[] ca2aligned) {

	int pos=0;
	int[] blockLens = afpChain.getOptLen();
	int[][][] optAln = afpChain.getOptAln();
	assert(afpChain.getBlockNum() <= optAln.length);

	for (int block=0; block < afpChain.getBlockNum(); block++) {
		for(int i=0;i<blockLens[block];i++) {
			int pos1 = optAln[block][0][i];
			int pos2 = optAln[block][1][i];
			Atom a1 = ca1[pos1];
			Atom a2 = (Atom) ca2[pos2].clone();
			ca1aligned[pos] = a1;
			ca2aligned[pos] = a2;

	// this can happen when we load an old XML serialization which did not support modern ChemComp representation of modified residues.
	if (pos != afpChain.getOptLength()){
		logger.warn("AFPChainScorer getTMScore: Problems reconstructing alignment! nr of loaded atoms is " + pos + " but should be " + afpChain.getOptLength());
		// we need to resize the array, because we allocated too many atoms earlier on.
		ca1aligned = (Atom[]) resizeArray(ca1aligned, pos);
		ca2aligned = (Atom[]) resizeArray(ca2aligned, pos);

Example 7
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
public  static double getTMScore(AFPChain align, Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2, boolean normalizeMin) throws StructureException
	if ( align.getNrEQR() == 0)
		return -1;

	// Create new arrays for the subset of atoms in the alignment.
	Atom[] ca1aligned = new Atom[align.getOptLength()];
	Atom[] ca2aligned = new Atom[align.getOptLength()];
	int pos=0;
	int[] blockLens = align.getOptLen();
	int[][][] optAln = align.getOptAln();
	assert(align.getBlockNum() <= optAln.length);

	for(int block=0;block< align.getBlockNum();block++) {

		if ( ! ( blockLens[block] <= optAln[block][0].length)) {
			logger.warn("AFPChainScorer getTMScore: errors reconstructing alignment block [" + block + "]. Length is " + blockLens[block] + " but should be <=" + optAln[block][0].length);

		for(int i=0;i<blockLens[block];i++) {
			int pos1 = optAln[block][0][i];
			int pos2 = optAln[block][1][i];
			Atom a1 = ca1[pos1];
			Atom a2 = (Atom) ca2[pos2].clone();

			ca1aligned[pos] = a1;
			ca2aligned[pos] = a2;

	// this can happen when we load an old XML serialization which did not support modern ChemComp representation of modified residues.
	if ( pos != align.getOptLength()){
		logger.warn("AFPChainScorer getTMScore: Problems reconstructing alignment! nr of loaded atoms is " + pos + " but should be " + align.getOptLength());
		// we need to resize the array, because we allocated too many atoms earlier on.
		ca1aligned = (Atom[]) resizeArray(ca1aligned, pos);
		ca2aligned = (Atom[]) resizeArray(ca2aligned, pos);
	Matrix4d trans = SuperPositions.superpose(Calc.atomsToPoints(ca1aligned),

	Calc.transform(ca2aligned, trans);

	return Calc.getTMScore(ca1aligned, ca2aligned, ca1.length, ca2.length, normalizeMin);
Example 8
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
public AFPChain align(Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2, Object parameters)
throws StructureException {

	if ( parameters == null) {
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("Got null instead of SmithWaterman3DParameters!");
	if ( ! (parameters instanceof SmithWaterman3DParameters))
		throw new IllegalArgumentException("provided parameter object is not of type SmithWaterman3DParameters, but " + parameters.getClass().getName());

	params = (SmithWaterman3DParameters) parameters;
	AFPChain afpChain = new AFPChain(algorithmName);

	// covert input to sequences
	String seq1 = StructureTools.convertAtomsToSeq(ca1);
	String seq2 = StructureTools.convertAtomsToSeq(ca2);

	ProteinSequence s1 = null;
	ProteinSequence s2 = null;

	try {
		s1 = new ProteinSequence(seq1);
		s2 = new ProteinSequence(seq2);
	} catch (CompoundNotFoundException e){

		throw new StructureException(e.getMessage(),e);

	// default blosum62
	SubstitutionMatrix<AminoAcidCompound> matrix = SubstitutionMatrixHelper.getBlosum65();

	GapPenalty penalty = new SimpleGapPenalty();


	PairwiseSequenceAligner<ProteinSequence, AminoAcidCompound> smithWaterman =
		Alignments.getPairwiseAligner(s1, s2, PairwiseSequenceAlignerType.LOCAL, penalty, matrix);

	SequencePair<ProteinSequence, AminoAcidCompound> pair = smithWaterman.getPair();

	if (pair.getTarget().toString().isEmpty() || pair.getQuery().toString().isEmpty()) {
		throw new StructureException("Empty alignment for sequences "+s1+" and "+s2);

	logger.debug("Smith-Waterman alignment is: "+pair.toString(100));

	// convert to a 3D alignment...
	afpChain = convert(ca1,ca2,pair, smithWaterman);

	// Perform an iterative dropping of the columns
	while (afpChain.getOptLength() > params.getMinLen()
			&& afpChain.getTotalRmsdOpt() > params.getMaxRmsd()) {
		afpChain = AlignmentTools.deleteHighestDistanceColumn(afpChain, ca1, ca2);

	return afpChain;
Example 9
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
 * superimposing according to the optimized alignment
 * @param afpChain
 * @param ca1
 * @param ca2
 * @return Group array twisted.
 * @throws StructureException
public static Group[] twistOptimized(AFPChain afpChain, Atom[] ca1,
		Atom[] ca2) throws StructureException {

	Atom[] optTwistPdb = new Atom[ca2.length];

	int gPos = -1;
	for (Atom a : ca2) {
		optTwistPdb[gPos] = a;

	int blockNum = afpChain.getBlockNum();

	int b2 = 0;
	int e2 = 0;
	int focusResn = 0;
	int[] focusRes1 = afpChain.getFocusRes1();
	int[] focusRes2 = afpChain.getFocusRes2();

	if (focusRes1 == null) {
		focusRes1 = new int[afpChain.getCa1Length()];
	if (focusRes2 == null) {
		focusRes2 = new int[afpChain.getCa2Length()];

	int[] optLen = afpChain.getOptLen();
	int[][][] optAln = afpChain.getOptAln();

	for (int bk = 0; bk < blockNum; bk++) {
		// copies the atoms over to iniTwistPdb later on in modifyCod
		transformOrigPDB(optLen[bk], optAln[bk][0], optAln[bk][1], ca1,
				ca2, afpChain, bk);

		// transform pro2 according to comparison of pro1 and pro2 at give
		// residues
		if (bk > 0) {
			b2 = e2;
		if (bk < blockNum - 1) { // bend at the middle of two consecutive
									// blocks
			e2 = optAln[bk][1][optLen[bk] - 1];
			e2 = (optAln[bk + 1][1][0] - e2) / 2 + e2;
		} else {
			e2 = ca2.length;
		cloneAtomRange(optTwistPdb, ca2, b2, e2);
		for (int i = 0; i < optLen[bk]; i++) {
			focusRes1[focusResn] = optAln[bk][0][i];
			focusRes2[focusResn] = optAln[bk][1][i];
	int totalLenOpt = focusResn;
	logger.debug("calrmsdopt for {} residues", focusResn);
	double totalRmsdOpt = calCaRmsd(ca1, optTwistPdb, focusResn, focusRes1,
	logger.debug("got opt RMSD: {}", totalRmsdOpt);
	int optLength = afpChain.getOptLength();

	if (totalLenOpt != optLength) {
		logger.warn("Final alignment length is different {} {}",
				totalLenOpt, optLength);
	logger.debug("final alignment length {}, rmsd {}", focusResn,


	return StructureTools.cloneGroups(optTwistPdb);
