Java Code Examples for org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.model.AFPChain#getName2()

The following examples show how to use org.biojava.nbio.structure.align.model.AFPChain#getName2() . You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example 1
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
 * Aligns ca1 with ca2 permuted by <i>cp</i> residues.
 * <p><strong>WARNING:</strong> Modifies ca2 during the permutation. Be sure
 * to make a copy before calling this method.
 * @param ca1
 * @param ca2
 * @param param
 * @param cp
 * @return
 * @throws StructureException
public AFPChain alignPermuted(Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2, Object param, int cp) throws StructureException {
	// initial permutation

	// perform alignment
	AFPChain afpChain = super.align(ca1, ca2, param);

	// un-permute alignment
	permuteAFPChain(afpChain, -cp);

	if(afpChain.getName2() != null) {
		afpChain.setName2(afpChain.getName2()+" CP="+cp);

	// Specify the permuted
	return afpChain;
Example 2
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 6 votes vote down vote up
public static void showAlignmentImage(AFPChain afpChain, String result) {

		JFrame frame = new JFrame();

		String title = afpChain.getAlgorithmName() + " V."+afpChain.getVersion() + " : " + afpChain.getName1()  + " vs. " + afpChain.getName2() ;

		AlignmentTextPanel txtPanel = new AlignmentTextPanel();

		JMenuBar menu = MenuCreator.getAlignmentTextMenu(frame,txtPanel,afpChain,null);

		JScrollPane js = new JScrollPane();


Example 3
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
/** new utility method that checks that the order of the pair in the XML alignment is correct and flips the direction if needed
* @param xml
* @param name1
* @param name1
* @param ca1
* @param ca2
* @return
public static AFPChain fromXML(String xml, String name1, String name2, Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2) throws IOException, StructureException{
	AFPChain[] afps = parseMultiXML( xml);
	if ( afps.length > 0 ) {

		AFPChain afpChain = afps[0];

		String n1 = afpChain.getName1();
		String n2 = afpChain.getName2();

		if ( n1 == null )
			n1 = "";
		if ( n2 == null)
			n2 = "";

		//System.out.println("from AFPCHAIN: " + n1 + " " + n2);
		if ( n1.equals(name2) && n2.equals(name1)){
			// flipped order
			//System.out.println("AfpChain in wrong order, flipping...");
			afpChain  = AFPChainFlipper.flipChain(afpChain);
		rebuildAFPChain(afpChain, ca1, ca2);

		return afpChain;
	return null;

Example 4
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 5 votes vote down vote up
private String getAutoFileName(AFPChain afpChain){
	String fileName =afpChain.getName1()+"_" + afpChain.getName2()+"_"+afpChain.getAlgorithmName();

	if (params.isOutputPDB() )
		fileName += ".pdb";
		fileName += ".xml";
	return fileName;
Example 5
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
 * Swaps the order of structures in an AFPChain
 * @param a
 * @return
public AFPChain invertAlignment(AFPChain a) {
	String name1 = a.getName1();
	String name2 = a.getName2();

	int len1 = a.getCa1Length();
	a.setCa1Length( a.getCa2Length() );
	a.setCa2Length( len1 );

	int beg1 = a.getAlnbeg1();

	char[] alnseq1 = a.getAlnseq1();

	Matrix distab1 = a.getDisTable1();

	int[] focusRes1 = a.getFocusRes1();

	//What are aftIndex and befIndex used for? How are they indexed?

	String[][][] pdbAln = a.getPdbAln();
	if( pdbAln != null) {
		for(int block = 0; block < a.getBlockNum(); block++) {
			String[] paln1 = pdbAln[block][0];
			pdbAln[block][0] = pdbAln[block][1];
			pdbAln[block][1] = paln1;

	int[][][] optAln = a.getOptAln();
	if( optAln != null ) {
		for(int block = 0; block < a.getBlockNum(); block++) {
			int[] aln1 = optAln[block][0];
			optAln[block][0] = optAln[block][1];
			optAln[block][1] = aln1;
	a.setOptAln(optAln); // triggers invalidate()

	Matrix distmat = a.getDistanceMatrix();
	if(distmat != null)

	// invert the rotation matrices
	Matrix[] blockRotMat = a.getBlockRotationMatrix();
	Atom[] shiftVec = a.getBlockShiftVector();
	if( blockRotMat != null) {
		for(int block = 0; block < a.getBlockNum(); block++) {
			if(blockRotMat[block] != null) {
				// if y=x*A+b, then x=y*inv(A)-b*inv(A)
				blockRotMat[block] = blockRotMat[block].inverse();

				shiftVec[block] = Calc.invert(shiftVec[block]);

	return a;
Example 6
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 4 votes vote down vote up
/** check if the result should be written to the local file system
 * @param params2
 * @param afpChain
 * @param ca1
 * @param ca2
 * @throws IOException If an error occurs when writing the afpChain to XML
 * @throws ClassNotFoundException If an error occurs when invoking jmol
 * @throws NoSuchMethodException If an error occurs when invoking jmol
 * @throws InvocationTargetException If an error occurs when invoking jmol
 * @throws IllegalAccessException If an error occurs when invoking jmol
 * @throws StructureException
private void checkWriteFile( AFPChain afpChain, Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2, boolean dbsearch) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException, NoSuchMethodException, InvocationTargetException, IllegalAccessException, StructureException
	String output = null;
	if ( params.isOutputPDB()){
		if (! GuiWrapper.isGuiModuleInstalled()) {
			System.err.println("The biojava-structure-gui module is not installed. Please install!");
			output = AFPChainXMLConverter.toXML(afpChain,ca1,ca2);
		} else {

			Structure tmp = AFPAlignmentDisplay.createArtificalStructure(afpChain, ca1, ca2);
			output = "TITLE  " + afpChain.getAlgorithmName() + " " + afpChain.getVersion()  + " ";
			output += afpChain.getName1() + " vs. " + afpChain.getName2();
			output += newline;
			output += tmp.toPDB();
	} else  if ( params.getOutFile() != null) {
		// output by default is XML
		// write the XML to a file...
		output = AFPChainXMLConverter.toXML(afpChain,ca1,ca2);

	} else if ( params.getSaveOutputDir() != null){
		output = AFPChainXMLConverter.toXML(afpChain,ca1,ca2);

	// no output requested.
	if ( output == null)

	String fileName = null;

	if ( dbsearch ){
		if ( params.getSaveOutputDir() != null) {

			// we currently don't have a naming convention for how to store results for custom files
			// they will be re-created on the fly
			if ( afpChain.getName1().startsWith("file:") || afpChain.getName2().startsWith("file:"))
			fileName = params.getSaveOutputDir();
			fileName += getAutoFileName(afpChain);

		} else {

		//else {
		//	fileName = getAutoFileName(afpChain);
	} else

		if ( params.getOutFile() != null) {
			fileName = params.getOutFile();

	if (fileName == null) {
		System.err.println("Can't write outputfile. Either provide a filename using -outFile or set -autoOutputFile to true .");
		System.exit(1); return;
	//System.out.println("writing results to " + fileName + " " + params.getSaveOutputDir());

	FileOutputStream out; // declare a file output object
	PrintStream p; // declare a print stream object

		// Create a new file output stream
		out = new FileOutputStream(fileName);

		// Connect print stream to the output stream
		p = new PrintStream( out );

		p.println (output);


Example 7
Source File:    From biojava with GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 2 votes vote down vote up
/** Note: ca2, hetatoms2 and nucleotides2 should not be rotated. This will be done here...
 * */

public static final StructureAlignmentJmol display(AFPChain afpChain,Group[] twistedGroups, Atom[] ca1, Atom[] ca2,List<Group> hetatms1, List<Group> hetatms2 ) throws StructureException {

	List<Atom> twistedAs = new ArrayList<Atom>();

	for ( Group g: twistedGroups){
		if ( g == null )
		if ( g.size() < 1)
		Atom a = g.getAtom(0);
	Atom[] twistedAtoms = twistedAs.toArray(new Atom[twistedAs.size()]);
	twistedAtoms = StructureTools.cloneAtomArray(twistedAtoms);

	Atom[] arr1 = getAtomArray(ca1, hetatms1);
	Atom[] arr2 = getAtomArray(twistedAtoms, hetatms2);


	//if ( hetatms2.size() > 0)
		//	System.out.println("atom after:" + hetatms2.get(0).getAtom(0));

	//if ( hetatms2.size() > 0)
	//	System.out.println("atom after:" + hetatms2.get(0).getAtom(0));

	String title =  afpChain.getAlgorithmName() + " V." +afpChain.getVersion() + " : " + afpChain.getName1() + " vs. " + afpChain.getName2();


	StructureAlignmentJmol jmol = new StructureAlignmentJmol(afpChain,arr1,arr2);

	System.out.format("CA2[0]=(%.2f,%.2f,%.2f)%n", arr2[0].getX(), arr2[0].getY(), arr2[0].getZ());

	//jmol.setTitle("Structure Alignment: " + afpChain.getName1() + " vs. " + afpChain.getName2());
	return jmol;