react#LinkHTMLAttributes TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use react#LinkHTMLAttributes. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: index.tsx    From erda-ui with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 5 votes vote down vote up
Link = ({ href, children }: LinkHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>) => {
  return (
    <a href={href} rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank" onClick={(e) => e.stopPropagation()}>
Example #2
Source File: repo-file.tsx    From erda-ui with GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 4 votes vote down vote up
render() {
    const { blob, name, className, ops, autoHeight, maxLines, appDetail } = this.props;
    if (!blob.path) {
      return null;

    let fileExtension = name.split('.').pop();
    let { after } = getSplitPathBy('tree');
    const { branch, tag } = getInfoFromRefName(blob.refName);
    let { pathname } = window.location;
    const curBranch = branch || tag;

    // 路径上没有tree/branch时先补全
    if (!pathname.includes('tree')) {
      after = `/${curBranch}`;
      pathname = `${pathname}/tree/${curBranch}`;
    const fileSrcPrefix = `/api/${getOrgFromPath()}/repo/${appDetail.gitRepoAbbrev}/raw`;
    // 根据当前url拼接的文件路径
    const fileSrc = `${fileSrcPrefix}${after}`;
    const isFile = blob.path && blob.path.endsWith(fileExtension as string);
    // 当前url为文件路径时,内部链接要提升一级,以当前文件的目录为相对路径
    const urlIsFilePath = after.endsWith(`.${fileExtension}`);

    if (curBranch && fileExtension && (urlIsFilePath || isFile)) {
      fileExtension = fileExtension.toLowerCase();

      if (['md', 'markdown'].includes(fileExtension)) {
        // url已变化但blob还未更新,会以当前路径和旧的内容拼接图片链接导致404报错
        // getSplitPathBy中window.location.pathname自动encode过,故此处需要encode
        const afterBranch = decodeURIComponent(getSplitPathBy(curBranch).after.slice(1));
        let pass = false;
        if (!afterBranch) {
          // 仓库首页 /repo 时,blob路径没有/说明是对的
          pass = !blob.path.includes('/');
        } else if (urlIsFilePath) {
          // 在文件路径下时,对比path和blob.path
          pass = afterBranch === blob.path;
        } else {
          // 在文件夹路径下时,移除blob.path最后一段,与path进行对比
          pass = afterBranch === blob.path.split('/').slice(0, -1).join('/');
        if (!pass) {
          // debugger;
          return null;
        const { resolve, dirname } = pathLib;
        const components = {
          a({ href = '', children }: LinkHTMLAttributes<HTMLAnchorElement>) {
            let link = href;
            if (!href.startsWith('http') && !href.startsWith('#')) {
              if (urlIsFilePath) {
                link = resolve(dirname(pathname), link);
              } else {
                link = resolve(pathname, link);

            return <a href={link}>{children}</a>;
          img({ src = '', alt, }: ImgHTMLAttributes<HTMLImageElement>) {
            // markdown中 src 的4种文件格式:
            // 1: http(s)://foo/bar.png -> src 不进行处理
            // 2: ./bar.png
            // 3: bar.png -> src 为相对路径,需要进行拼接处理
            // 4: /bar.png -> src 不进行处理
            let _src = src;
            if (src.startsWith('./')) {
              // src.slice(2) 是为了去掉开头的 ./
              _src = `${fileSrcPrefix}/${curBranch}/${src.slice(2)}`;
            } else if (src.startsWith('.')) {
              if (urlIsFilePath) {
                _src = pathLib.resolve(pathLib.dirname(fileSrc), src);
              } else {
                _src = pathLib.resolve(fileSrc, src);
            } else if (!src.startsWith('/') && !src.startsWith('http')) {
              // 若 src 为相对路径,则对其进行路径拼接
              _src = `${fileSrcPrefix}/${curBranch}/${src}`;

            return <img src={_src} alt={alt || 'preview-image'} {} />;
        return (
          <FileContainer name={name} ops={ops} className={`repo-file ${className}`}>
            <MarkdownRender className="md-key" value={blob.content} components={components} />
      } else if (['png', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'bmp'].includes(fileExtension)) {
        // 路由切换时,比如 xx/a.img -> xx,after已经没有后缀了
        // 这时fileExtension还没变,要等接口返回后才变,这时再显示
        const notShow = after === '/' || !after.endsWith(fileExtension);
        return (
          <FileContainer name={name} ops={ops} className={`repo-file ${className}`}>
            <div className="text-center mt-4">
              {notShow ? null : <img style={{ maxWidth: '80%' }} src={fileSrc} alt="preview-image" />}
      } else if (fileExtension === 'svg') {
        return (
          <FileContainer name={name} ops={ops} className={`repo-file ${className}`}>
              className="text-center mt-4"
              dangerouslySetInnerHTML={{ __html: blob.content && blob.content.replace('script', '') }}

    if (!blob.binary) {
      const { qaResult, qaLine, isCheckQa } = this.state;
      const data = (qaResult as IQaItem[]).filter(
        (item) => item.path === blob.path && Number(item.line) === Number(qaLine),
      const annotations = => ({
        row: Number(item.line) - 1,
        text: item.message,
        type: 'error',
      const markers = => ({
        startRow: Number(item.line) - 1,
        endRow: Number(item.line) - 1,
        startCol: 0,
        className: 'error-marker',

      return (
        <FileContainer name={name} ops={ops} className={`repo-file ${className}`}>
            fileExtension={isCheckQa ? 'text' : fileExtension === 'workflow' ? 'yml' : fileExtension || 'text'}
    return (
      <FileContainer name={name} ops={ops} className={`repo-file ${className}`}>
        <div className="flex flex-wrap justify-center items-center raw-file-container">
          <a className="flex" href={fileSrc} target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">
            <ErdaIcon className="mr-1" type="download" />
            <div className="mt-1"> {i18n.t('Download')} </div>