rxjs#delay TypeScript Examples

The following examples show how to use rxjs#delay. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
Example #1
Source File: example15.ts    From slickgrid-universal with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
initializeGrid() {
    this.columnDefinitions = [
        id: 'name', name: 'Name', field: 'name', sortable: true,
        type: FieldType.string,
        filterable: true,
        filter: {
          model: Filters.compoundInput
        id: 'gender', name: 'Gender', field: 'gender', filterable: true,
        editor: {
          model: Editors.singleSelect,
          // collection: this.genderCollection,
          collectionAsync: of(this.genderCollection)
        filter: {
          model: Filters.singleSelect,
          collectionAsync: of(this.genderCollection),
          collectionOptions: {
            addBlankEntry: true
        id: 'company', name: 'Company', field: 'company', filterable: true, sortable: true,
        customTooltip: {
          // you can use the Custom Tooltip in 2 ways (synchronous or asynchronous)
          // example 1 (sync):
          // formatter: this.tooltipCompanyAddressFormatter.bind(this),

          // example 2 (async w/Observable):
          // when using async, the `formatter` will contain the loading spinner
          // you will need to provide an `asyncPost` function returning a Promise and also `asyncPostFormatter` formatter to display the result once the Promise resolves
          formatter: () => `<div><span class="mdi mdi-load mdi-spin-1s"></span> loading...</div>`,
          asyncProcess: (row, cell, value, column, dataContext) => new Observable((observer) => {
              // return random door number & zip code to simulare company address
              doorNumber: dataContext.id + 100,
              zip: dataContext.id + 600000
          asyncPostFormatter: this.tooltipCompanyAddressFormatter,

          // optional conditional usability callback
          // usabilityOverride: (args) => !!(args.dataContext?.id % 2) // show it only every second row

    this.gridOptions = {
      enableAutoResize: true,
      autoResize: {
        container: '.demo-container',
        rightPadding: 10
      checkboxSelector: {
        // you can toggle these 2 properties to show the "select all" checkbox in different location
        hideInFilterHeaderRow: false,
        hideInColumnTitleRow: true
      editable: true,
      autoEdit: true,
      autoCommitEdit: true,
      rowHeight: 33,
      headerRowHeight: 35,
      enableCellNavigation: true,
      enableFiltering: true,
      enableCheckboxSelector: true,
      enableRowSelection: true,
      enablePagination: true, // you could optionally disable the Pagination
      pagination: {
        pageSizes: [10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 50000],
        pageSize: defaultPageSize,
      presets: {
        // you can also type operator as string, e.g.: operator: 'EQ'
        filters: [
          // { columnId: 'name', searchTerms: ['w'], operator: OperatorType.startsWith },
          { columnId: 'gender', searchTerms: ['male'], operator: OperatorType.equal },
        sorters: [
          // direction can be written as 'asc' (uppercase or lowercase) and/or use the SortDirection type
          { columnId: 'name', direction: 'asc' },
        pagination: { pageNumber: 2, pageSize: 20 }
      backendServiceApi: {
        service: new GridOdataService(),
        options: {
          enableCount: this.isCountEnabled, // add the count in the OData query, which will return a property named "odata.count" (v2) or "@odata.count" (v4)
          version: this.odataVersion        // defaults to 2, the query string is slightly different between OData 2 and 4
        onError: (error: Error) => {
          this.errorStatus = error.message;
          this.errorStatusClass = 'visible notification is-light is-danger is-small is-narrow';
          this.displaySpinner(false, true);
        preProcess: () => {
          this.errorStatus = '';
          this.errorStatusClass = 'hidden';
        process: (query) => this.getCustomerApiCall(query),
        postProcess: (response) => {
          this.metrics = response.metrics;
      } as OdataServiceApi,
      registerExternalResources: [new RxJsResource(), new SlickCustomTooltip()]
Example #2
Source File: slickCustomTooltip.spec.ts    From slickgrid-universal with MIT License 4 votes vote down vote up
describe('SlickCustomTooltip plugin', () => {
  let divContainer = document.createElement('div');
  let container: ContainerServiceStub;
  let plugin: SlickCustomTooltip;
  let rxjsResourceStub: RxJsResourceStub;
  let sharedService: SharedService;

  beforeEach(() => {
    container = new ContainerServiceStub();
    sharedService = new SharedService();
    rxjsResourceStub = new RxJsResourceStub();
    plugin = new SlickCustomTooltip();
    divContainer.className = `slickgrid-container ${GRID_UID}`;

  afterEach(() => {

  it('should create the plugin', () => {
    plugin.init(gridStub, container);

  it('should be able to change plugin options', () => {
    const mockOptions = {
      className: 'some-class',
      offsetLeft: 5,
      offsetRight: 7,
      offsetTopBottom: 8,
      hideArrow: true,
      regularTooltipWhiteSpace: 'pre-wrap',
      whiteSpace: 'normal',
    plugin.init(gridStub, container);


  it('should return without creating a tooltip when column definition has "disableTooltip: true" when "onMouseEnter" event is triggered', () => {
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', disableTooltip: true }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
    gridStub.onMouseEnter.notify({ grid: gridStub });


  it('should return without creating a tooltip when column definition has "disableTooltip: true" when "onHeaderMouseEnter" event is triggered', () => {
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', disableTooltip: true }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
    gridStub.onHeaderMouseEnter.notify({ column: mockColumns[0], grid: gridStub });


  it('should return without creating a tooltip when column definition has "disableTooltip: true" when "onHeaderRowMouseEnter" event is triggered', () => {
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', disableTooltip: true }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
    gridStub.onHeaderRowMouseEnter.notify({ column: mockColumns[0], grid: gridStub });


  it('should return without creating a tooltip when "usabilityOverride" returns False', () => {
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
    plugin.setOptions({ usabilityOverride: () => false });
    gridStub.onMouseEnter.notify({ grid: gridStub });


  it('should NOT create a tooltip when tooltip option has "useRegularTooltip" set BUT [title] attribute is not set or is empty', () => {
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    cellNode.setAttribute('title', '');
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
    plugin.setOptions({ useRegularTooltip: true });
    gridStub.onMouseEnter.notify({ grid: gridStub });


  it('should create a tooltip, with default positioning (down & leftAlign), when tooltip option has "useRegularTooltip" enabled', () => {
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    cellNode.setAttribute('title', 'tooltip text');
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
    plugin.setOptions({ useRegularTooltip: true });
    gridStub.onMouseEnter.notify({ grid: gridStub });

    const tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;
    expect(tooltipElm.textContent).toBe('tooltip text');

  it('should create a tooltip with truncated text when tooltip option has "useRegularTooltip" enabled and the tooltipt text is longer than that of "tooltipTextMaxLength"', () => {
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    cellNode.setAttribute('title', 'some very extra long tooltip text sentence');
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
    plugin.setOptions({ useRegularTooltip: true, tooltipTextMaxLength: 23 });
    gridStub.onMouseEnter.notify({ grid: gridStub });

    const tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;
    expect(tooltipElm.textContent).toBe('some very extra long...');

  it('should create a tooltip as regular tooltip with coming from text content when it is filled & also expect "hideTooltip" to be called after leaving the cell when "onHeaderMouseLeave" event is triggered', () => {
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    cellNode.textContent = 'some text content';
    cellNode.setAttribute('title', 'tooltip text');
    Object.defineProperty(cellNode, 'scrollWidth', { writable: true, configurable: true, value: 400 });
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName' }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });
    const hideColumnSpy = jest.spyOn(plugin, 'hideTooltip');

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
    plugin.setOptions({ useRegularTooltip: true, maxWidth: 85 });
    gridStub.onMouseEnter.notify({ grid: gridStub });

    const tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;
    expect(tooltipElm.textContent).toBe('some text content');

    gridStub.onMouseLeave.notify({ grid: gridStub });

  it('should create a tooltip as regular tooltip with truncated text when tooltip option has "useRegularTooltip" enabled and the tooltipt text is longer than that of "tooltipTextMaxLength"', () => {
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    cellNode.textContent = 'some very extra long tooltip text sentence';
    cellNode.setAttribute('title', 'tooltip text');
    Object.defineProperty(cellNode, 'scrollWidth', { writable: true, configurable: true, value: 400 });
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName' }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });
    const hideColumnSpy = jest.spyOn(plugin, 'hideTooltip');

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
    plugin.setOptions({ useRegularTooltip: true, tooltipTextMaxLength: 23 });
    gridStub.onMouseEnter.notify({ grid: gridStub });

    const tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;
    expect(tooltipElm.textContent).toBe('some very extra long...');

  it('should create a tooltip with only the tooltip formatter output when tooltip option has "useRegularTooltip" & "useRegularTooltipFromFormatterOnly" enabled and column definition has a regular formatter with a "title" attribute filled', () => {
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    cellNode.setAttribute('title', 'tooltip text');
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', formatter: () => `<span title="formatter tooltip text">Hello World</span>` }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
    plugin.setOptions({ useRegularTooltip: true, useRegularTooltipFromFormatterOnly: true, maxHeight: 100 });
    gridStub.onMouseEnter.notify({ grid: gridStub });

    const tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;
    expect(tooltipElm.textContent).toBe('formatter tooltip text');

  it('should throw an error when trying to create an async tooltip without "asyncPostFormatter" defined', () => {
    const consoleSpy = jest.spyOn(global.console, 'error').mockReturnValue();
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
      offsetLeft: 5,
      position: 'bottom',
      asyncProcess: () => Promise.resolve({ ratio: 1.2 }),
      formatter: () => 'loading...',
      asyncPostFormatter: undefined
    gridStub.onMouseEnter.notify({ grid: gridStub });

    expect(consoleSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`[Slickgrid-Universal] when using "asyncProcess" with Custom Tooltip, you must also provide an "asyncPostFormatter" formatter.`);

  it('should create an Observable async tooltip', (done) => {
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
      asyncProcess: () => of({ ratio: 1.2 }).pipe(delay(0)),
      formatter: () => 'loading...',
      asyncPostFormatter: (row, cell, val, column, dataContext) => `async post text with ratio: ${dataContext.__params.ratio || ''}`,
    gridStub.onMouseEnter.notify({ grid: gridStub });

    let tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;

    setTimeout(() => {
      tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;
      expect(tooltipElm.textContent).toBe('async post text with ratio: 1.2');
    }, 0);

  it('should create an Observable async tooltip and throw an error when the Observable is throwing', (done) => {
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });
    const consoleSpy = jest.spyOn(global.console, 'error').mockReturnValue();

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
      asyncProcess: () => throwError(() => 'observable error').pipe(delay(0)),
      formatter: () => 'loading...',
      asyncPostFormatter: (row, cell, val, column, dataContext) => `async post text with ratio: ${dataContext.__params.ratio || ''}`,
    gridStub.onMouseEnter.notify({ grid: gridStub });

    let tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;

    setTimeout(() => {
      expect(consoleSpy).toHaveBeenCalledWith(`observable error`);
    }, 0);

  it('should create a Promise async tooltip with position (up & right align) when space is not available on the right of the tooltip', (done) => {
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });
    mockGetHtmlElementOffset.mockReturnValue({ top: 100, left: 1030, height: 75, width: 400 }); // mock cell position

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
      offsetLeft: 5,
      position: 'left-align',
      formatter: () => 'loading...',
      asyncProcess: () => Promise.resolve({ ratio: 1.2 }),
      asyncPostFormatter: (row, cell, val, column, dataContext) => `async post text with ratio: ${dataContext.__params.ratio || ''}`,
    gridStub.onMouseEnter.notify({ grid: gridStub });

    let tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;
    jest.spyOn(tooltipElm, 'getBoundingClientRect').mockReturnValue({ top: 22, left: 11, height: 100, width: 250 } as any);
    tooltipElm.style.top = '22px';
    tooltipElm.style.left = '11px';
    tooltipElm.style.height = '100px';
    tooltipElm.style.width = '250px';


    setTimeout(() => {
      tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;
      expect(tooltipElm.textContent).toBe('async post text with ratio: 1.2');
    }, 0);

  it('should create a Promise async tooltip even on regular tooltip with "asyncProcess" and "useRegularTooltip" flags', (done) => {
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
      useRegularTooltip: true,
      useRegularTooltipFromFormatterOnly: true,
      formatter: () => 'loading...',
      asyncProcess: () => Promise.resolve({ ratio: 1.2 }),
      asyncPostFormatter: (row, cell, val, column, dataContext) => `<span title="tooltip title text with ratio: ${dataContext.__params.ratio || ''}">cell value</span>`,
    gridStub.onMouseEnter.notify({ grid: gridStub });

    let tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;


    setTimeout(() => {
      tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;
      expect(tooltipElm.textContent).toBe('tooltip title text with ratio: 1.2');
    }, 0);

  it('should create a Promise async tooltip and throw an error when the Promise is not completing (rejected)', (done) => {
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
      asyncProcess: () => Promise.reject('promise error'),
      formatter: () => 'loading...',
      asyncPostFormatter: (row, cell, val, column, dataContext) => `async post text with ratio: ${dataContext.__params.ratio || ''}`,
    gridStub.onMouseEnter.notify({ grid: gridStub });
    const cancellablePromise = plugin.cancellablePromise;
    let tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;

    cancellablePromise.promise.catch(e => {
      tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;
      expect(e.toString()).toBe('promise error');

  it('should create a tooltip on the header column when "useRegularTooltip" enabled and "onHeaderMouseEnter" is triggered', () => {
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    cellNode.setAttribute('title', 'tooltip text');
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', name: `<span title="name title tooltip">First Name</span>` }] as Column[];
    const mockFormatter = jest.fn();
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
    plugin.setOptions({ useRegularTooltip: true, headerFormatter: mockFormatter });
    const eventData = new Slick.EventData();
    const div = document.createElement('div');
    div.className = 'toggle';
    Object.defineProperty(eventData, 'target', { writable: true, value: div });
    gridStub.onHeaderMouseEnter.notify({ column: mockColumns[0], grid: gridStub }, eventData);

    const tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;
    expect(tooltipElm.textContent).toBe('name title tooltip');

  it('should create a tooltip on the header column when "useRegularTooltip" enabled and "onHeaderMouseEnter" is triggered', () => {
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    cellNode.setAttribute('title', 'tooltip text');
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', name: 'First Name' }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
    plugin.setOptions({ headerFormatter: () => 'header tooltip text' });
    const eventData = new Slick.EventData();
    const divHeaders = document.createElement('div');
    divHeaders.className = 'slick-header-columns';
    const divHeaderColumn = document.createElement('div');
    divHeaderColumn.className = 'slick-header-column';
    divHeaders.className = 'toggle';
    Object.defineProperty(eventData, 'target', { writable: true, value: divHeaderColumn });
    gridStub.onHeaderMouseEnter.notify({ column: mockColumns[0], grid: gridStub }, eventData);

    const tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;
    expect(tooltipElm.textContent).toBe('header tooltip text');

  it('should create a tooltip on the header column when "useRegularTooltip" enabled and "onHeaderRowMouseEnter" is triggered', () => {
    const cellNode = document.createElement('div');
    cellNode.className = 'slick-cell';
    cellNode.setAttribute('title', 'tooltip text');
    const mockColumns = [{ id: 'firstName', field: 'firstName', name: 'First Name' }] as Column[];
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellFromEvent').mockReturnValue({ cell: 0, row: 1 });
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getCellNode').mockReturnValue(cellNode);
    jest.spyOn(gridStub, 'getColumns').mockReturnValue(mockColumns);
    jest.spyOn(dataviewStub, 'getItem').mockReturnValue({ firstName: 'John', lastName: 'Doe' });

    plugin.init(gridStub, container);
    plugin.setOptions({ headerRowFormatter: () => 'header row tooltip text' });
    const eventData = new Slick.EventData();
    const divHeaders = document.createElement('div');
    divHeaders.className = 'slick-header-columns';
    const divHeaderColumn = document.createElement('div');
    divHeaderColumn.className = 'slick-headerrow-column';
    divHeaders.className = 'toggle';
    Object.defineProperty(eventData, 'target', { writable: true, value: divHeaderColumn });
    gridStub.onHeaderRowMouseEnter.notify({ column: mockColumns[0], grid: gridStub }, eventData);

    const tooltipElm = document.body.querySelector('.slick-custom-tooltip') as HTMLDivElement;
    expect(tooltipElm.textContent).toBe('header row tooltip text');